#ifndef PHP_SQLSRV_H #define PHP_SQLSRV_H //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: php_sqlsrv.h // // Contents: Declarations for the extension // // Comments: Also contains "internal" declarations shared across source files. // // Copyright Microsoft Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // // You may obtain a copy of the License at: // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "core_sqlsrv.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define PHP_SQLSRV_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define PHP_SQLSRV_API #endif // OACR is an internal Microsoft static code analysis tool #if defined(OACR) #include OACR_WARNING_PUSH OACR_WARNING_DISABLE( ALLOC_SIZE_OVERFLOW, "Third party code." ) OACR_WARNING_DISABLE( INDEX_NEGATIVE, "Third party code." ) OACR_WARNING_DISABLE( UNANNOTATED_BUFFER, "Third party code." ) OACR_WARNING_DISABLE( INDEX_UNDERFLOW, "Third party code." ) OACR_WARNING_DISABLE( REALLOCLEAK, "Third party code." ) #endif extern "C" { #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning( disable: 4005 4100 4127 4142 4244 4505 4530 ) #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // typedef and macro to prevent a conflict between php.h and ws2tcpip.h. // php.h defines this constant as unsigned int which causes a compile error // in ws2tcpip.h. Fortunately php.h allows an override by defining // HAVE_SOCKLEN_T. Since ws2tcpip.h isn't included until later, we define // socklen_t here and override the php.h version. typedef int socklen_t; #define HAVE_SOCKLEN_T #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_globals.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/php_standard.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #pragma warning(pop) #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 5 || PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 5 || ( PHP_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION < 3 ) || ( PHP_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION > 4 ) #error Trying to compile "Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (SQLSRV Driver)" with an unsupported version of PHP #endif #if ZEND_DEBUG // debug build causes warning C4505 to pop up from the Zend header files #pragma warning( disable: 4505 ) #endif } // extern "C" //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Initialization Functions //********************************************************************************************************************************* // module global variables (initialized in minit and freed in mshutdown) extern HashTable* g_ss_errors_ht; extern HashTable* g_ss_encodings_ht; extern HashTable* g_ss_warnings_to_ignore_ht; // variables set during initialization extern zend_module_entry g_sqlsrv_module_entry; // describes the extension to PHP extern HMODULE g_sqlsrv_hmodule; // used for getting the version information // henv context for creating connections extern sqlsrv_context* g_henv_cp; extern sqlsrv_context* g_henv_ncp; extern OSVERSIONINFO g_osversion; // used to determine which OS we're running in // module initialization PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(sqlsrv); // module shutdown function PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(sqlsrv); // request initialization function PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(sqlsrv); // request shutdown function PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(sqlsrv); // module info function (info returned by phpinfo()) PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(sqlsrv); //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Connection //********************************************************************************************************************************* PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_connect); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_begin_transaction); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_client_info); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_close); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_commit); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_query); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_prepare); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_rollback); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_server_info); struct ss_sqlsrv_conn : sqlsrv_conn { HashTable* stmts; bool date_as_string; bool in_transaction; // flag set when inside a transaction and used for checking validity of tran API calls // static variables used in process_params static char* resource_name; // char because const char forces casting all over the place. Just easier to leave it char here. static int descriptor; // initialize with default values ss_sqlsrv_conn( SQLHANDLE h, error_callback e, void* drv TSRMLS_DC ) : sqlsrv_conn( h, e, drv, SQLSRV_ENCODING_SYSTEM TSRMLS_CC ), stmts( NULL ), date_as_string( false ), in_transaction( false ) { } }; // resource destructor void __cdecl sqlsrv_conn_dtor( zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC ); //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Statement //********************************************************************************************************************************* // holds the field names for reuse by sqlsrv_fetch_array/object as keys struct sqlsrv_fetch_field_name { char* name; unsigned int len; }; struct stmt_option_scrollable : public stmt_option_functor { virtual void operator()( sqlsrv_stmt* stmt, stmt_option const* /*opt*/, zval* value_z TSRMLS_DC ); }; // This object inherits and overrides the callbacks necessary struct ss_sqlsrv_stmt : public sqlsrv_stmt { ss_sqlsrv_stmt( sqlsrv_conn* c, SQLHANDLE handle, error_callback e, void* drv TSRMLS_DC ); virtual ~ss_sqlsrv_stmt( void ); void new_result_set( TSRMLS_D ); // driver specific conversion rules from a SQL Server/ODBC type to one of the SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_* constants sqlsrv_phptype sql_type_to_php_type( SQLINTEGER sql_type, SQLUINTEGER size, bool prefer_string_to_stream ); bool prepared; // whether the statement has been prepared yet (used for error messages) int conn_index; // index into the connection hash that contains this statement structure zval* params_z; // hold parameters passed to sqlsrv_prepare but not used until sqlsrv_execute sqlsrv_fetch_field_name* fetch_field_names; // field names for current results used by sqlsrv_fetch_array/object as keys int fetch_fields_count; // static variables used in process_params static char* resource_name; // char because const char forces casting all over the place in ODBC functions static int descriptor; }; // holds the field names for reuse by sqlsrv_fetch_array/object as keys struct sqlsrv_fetch_field { char* name; unsigned int len; }; // holds the stream param and the encoding that it was assigned struct sqlsrv_stream_encoding { zval* stream_z; unsigned int encoding; sqlsrv_stream_encoding( zval* str_z, unsigned int enc ) : stream_z( str_z ), encoding( enc ) { } }; // *** statement functions *** PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_cancel); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_execute); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_fetch); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_fetch_array); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_fetch_object); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_field_metadata); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_free_stmt); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_get_field); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_has_rows); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_next_result); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_num_fields); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_num_rows); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_rows_affected); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_send_stream_data); // resource destructor void __cdecl sqlsrv_stmt_dtor( zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC ); // "internal" statement functions shared by functions in conn.cpp and stmt.cpp void bind_params( ss_sqlsrv_stmt* stmt TSRMLS_DC ); void mark_params_by_reference( ss_sqlsrv_stmt* stmt, zval* params_z TSRMLS_DC ); bool sqlsrv_stmt_common_execute( sqlsrv_stmt* s, const SQLCHAR* sql_string, int sql_len, bool direct, const char* function TSRMLS_DC ); void free_odbc_resources( ss_sqlsrv_stmt* stmt TSRMLS_DC ); void free_stmt_resource( zval* stmt_z TSRMLS_DC ); //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Type Functions //********************************************************************************************************************************* // type functions for SQL types. // to expose SQL Server paramterized types, we use functions that return encoded integers that contain the size/precision etc. // for example, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_VARCHAR(4000) matches the usage of SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_INT with the size added. PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_BINARY); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_CHAR); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DECIMAL); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_NCHAR); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_NUMERIC); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_NVARCHAR); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_VARBINARY); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_VARCHAR); // PHP type functions // strings and streams may have an encoding parameterized, so we use the functions // the valid encodings are SQLSRV_ENC_BINARY and SQLSRV_ENC_CHAR. PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STREAM); PHP_FUNCTION(SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING); //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Global variables //********************************************************************************************************************************* extern "C" { // request level variables ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(sqlsrv) // global objects for errors and warnings. These are returned by sqlsrv_errors. zval* errors; zval* warnings; // flags for error handling and logging (set via sqlsrv_configure or php.ini) long log_severity; long log_subsystems; long current_subsystem; zend_bool warnings_return_as_errors; long buffered_query_limit; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(sqlsrv) ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(sqlsrv); } // macros used to access the global variables. Use these to make global variable access agnostic to threads #ifdef ZTS #define SQLSRV_G(v) TSRMG(sqlsrv_globals_id, zend_sqlsrv_globals *, v) #else #define SQLSRV_G(v) sqlsrv_globals.v #endif // INI settings and constants // (these are defined as macros to allow concatenation as we do below) #define INI_WARNINGS_RETURN_AS_ERRORS "WarningsReturnAsErrors" #define INI_LOG_SEVERITY "LogSeverity" #define INI_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS "LogSubsystems" #define INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT "ClientBufferMaxKBSize" #define INI_PREFIX "sqlsrv." PHP_INI_BEGIN() STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN( INI_PREFIX INI_WARNINGS_RETURN_AS_ERRORS , "1", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateBool, warnings_return_as_errors, zend_sqlsrv_globals, sqlsrv_globals ) STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY( INI_PREFIX INI_LOG_SEVERITY, "0", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateLong, log_severity, zend_sqlsrv_globals, sqlsrv_globals ) STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY( INI_PREFIX INI_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS, "0", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateLong, log_subsystems, zend_sqlsrv_globals, sqlsrv_globals ) STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY( INI_PREFIX INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT, INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT_DEFAULT, PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateLong, buffered_query_limit, zend_sqlsrv_globals, sqlsrv_globals ) PHP_INI_END() //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Configuration //********************************************************************************************************************************* // These functions set and retrieve configuration settings. Configuration settings defined are: // WarningsReturnAsErrors - treat all ODBC warnings as errors and return false from sqlsrv APIs. // LogSeverity - combination of severity of messages to log (see Logging) // LogSubsystems - subsystems within sqlsrv to log messages (see Logging) PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_configure); PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_get_config); //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Errors //********************************************************************************************************************************* // represents the mapping between an error_code and the corresponding error message. struct ss_error { unsigned int error_code; sqlsrv_error_const sqlsrv_error; }; // List of all driver specific error codes. enum SS_ERROR_CODES { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_TXN = SQLSRV_ERROR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_NOT_IN_TXN, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_REGISTER_RESOURCE, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION_KEY, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_NOT_PREPARED, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FETCH_STYLE, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FETCH_TYPE, SS_SQLSRV_WARNING_FIELD_NAME_EMPTY, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_OBJECT_FAILED, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_BAD_CLASS, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_SCROLLABLE, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_NOT_SCROLLABLE, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_PARAM_INVALID_INDEX, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_PRECISION, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_DIRECTION, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_VAR_REQUIRED, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_ILLEGAL_ENCODING, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_BRACES_NOT_ESCAPED, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT_PARAM_TYPE, }; extern ss_error SS_ERRORS[]; bool ss_error_handler( sqlsrv_context& ctx, unsigned int sqlsrv_error_code, bool warning TSRMLS_DC, va_list* print_args ); // *** extension error functions *** PHP_FUNCTION(sqlsrv_errors); // convert from the default encoding specified by the "CharacterSet" // connection option to UTF-16. mbcs_len and utf16_len are sizes in // bytes. The return is the number of UTF-16 characters in the string // returned in utf16_out_string. unsigned int convert_string_from_default_encoding( unsigned int php_encoding, char const* mbcs_in_string, unsigned int mbcs_len, __out wchar_t* utf16_out_string, unsigned int utf16_len ); // create a wide char string from the passed in mbcs string. NULL is returned if the string // could not be created. No error is posted by this function. utf16_len is the number of // wchar_t characters, not the number of bytes. wchar_t* utf16_string_from_mbcs_string( unsigned int php_encoding, const char* mbcs_string, unsigned int mbcs_len, __out unsigned int* utf16_len ); // *** internal error macros and functions *** bool handle_error( sqlsrv_context const* ctx, int log_subsystem, const char* function, sqlsrv_error const* ssphp TSRMLS_DC, ... ); void handle_warning( sqlsrv_context const* ctx, int log_subsystem, const char* function, sqlsrv_error const* ssphp TSRMLS_DC, ... ); void __cdecl sqlsrv_error_dtor( zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC ); // release current error lists and set to NULL inline void reset_errors( TSRMLS_D ) { if( Z_TYPE_P( SQLSRV_G( errors )) != IS_ARRAY && Z_TYPE_P( SQLSRV_G( errors )) != IS_NULL ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_errors contains an invalid type" ); } if( Z_TYPE_P( SQLSRV_G( warnings )) != IS_ARRAY && Z_TYPE_P( SQLSRV_G( warnings )) != IS_NULL ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_warnings contains an invalid type" ); } if( Z_TYPE_P( SQLSRV_G( errors )) == IS_ARRAY ) { zend_hash_destroy( Z_ARRVAL_P( SQLSRV_G( errors ))); FREE_HASHTABLE( Z_ARRVAL_P( SQLSRV_G( errors ))); } if( Z_TYPE_P( SQLSRV_G( warnings )) == IS_ARRAY ) { zend_hash_destroy( Z_ARRVAL_P( SQLSRV_G( warnings ))); FREE_HASHTABLE( Z_ARRVAL_P( SQLSRV_G( warnings ))); } ZVAL_NULL( SQLSRV_G( errors )); ZVAL_NULL( SQLSRV_G( warnings )); } #define THROW_SS_ERROR( ctx, error_code, ... ) \ (void)call_error_handler( ctx, error_code TSRMLS_CC, false /*warning*/, __VA_ARGS__ ); \ throw ss::SSException(); class sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr : public sqlsrv_auto_ptr< sqlsrv_context, sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr > { public: sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr( void ) : sqlsrv_auto_ptr( NULL ) { } sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr( const sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr& src ) : sqlsrv_auto_ptr< sqlsrv_context, sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr >( src ) { } // free the original pointer and assign a new pointer. Use NULL to simply free the pointer. void reset( sqlsrv_context* ptr = NULL ) { if( _ptr ) { _ptr->~sqlsrv_context(); sqlsrv_free( (void*) _ptr ); } _ptr = ptr; } sqlsrv_context* operator=( sqlsrv_context* ptr ) { return sqlsrv_auto_ptr< sqlsrv_context, sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr >::operator=( ptr ); } void operator=( sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr& src ) { sqlsrv_context* p = src.get(); src.transferred(); this->_ptr = p; } }; //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Logging //********************************************************************************************************************************* #define LOG_FUNCTION( function_name ) \ const char* _FN_ = function_name; \ SQLSRV_G( current_subsystem ) = current_log_subsystem; \ LOG( SEV_NOTICE, "%1!s!: entering", _FN_ ); \ CheckMemory _check_memory_; #define SET_FUNCTION_NAME( context ) \ { \ (context).set_func( _FN_ ); \ } // logger for ss_sqlsrv called by the core layer when it wants to log something with the LOG macro void ss_sqlsrv_log( unsigned int severity TSRMLS_DC, const char* msg, va_list* print_args ); // subsystems that may report log messages. These may be used to filter which systems write to the log to prevent noise. enum logging_subsystems { LOG_INIT = 0x01, LOG_CONN = 0x02, LOG_STMT = 0x04, LOG_UTIL = 0x08, LOG_ALL = -1, }; struct CheckMemory { CheckMemory( void ) { // test the integrity of the Zend heap. full_mem_check(MEMCHECK_SILENT); } ~CheckMemory( void ) { // test the integrity of the Zend heap. full_mem_check(MEMCHECK_SILENT); } }; //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Utility Functions //********************************************************************************************************************************* // generic function used to validate parameters to a PHP function. // Register an invalid parameter error and returns NULL when parameters don't match the spec given. template inline H* process_params( INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, char const* param_spec, const char* calling_func, int param_count, ... ) { SQLSRV_UNUSED( return_value_used ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( this_ptr ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( return_value_ptr ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( return_value ); zval* rsrc; H* h; // reset the errors from the previous API call reset_errors( TSRMLS_C ); if( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > param_count + 1 ) { DIE( "Param count and argument count don't match." ); return NULL; // for static analysis tools } try { if( param_count > 6 ) { DIE( "Param count cannot exceed 6" ); return NULL; // for static analysis tools } void* arr[6]; va_list vaList; va_start(vaList, param_count); //set the pointer to first argument for(int i=0; i< param_count; ++i) { arr[i] = va_arg(vaList, void*); } va_end(vaList); int result = SUCCESS; // dummy context to pass to the error handler sqlsrv_context error_ctx( 0, ss_error_handler, NULL );; error_ctx.set_func( calling_func ); switch( param_count ) { case 0: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc ); break; case 1: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc, arr[0] ); break; case 2: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc, arr[0], arr[1] ); break; case 3: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc, arr[0], arr[1], arr[2] ); break; case 4: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc, arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3] ); break; case 5: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc, arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4] ); break; case 6: result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, const_cast( param_spec ), &rsrc, arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5] ); break; default: { THROW_CORE_ERROR( error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, calling_func ); break; } } CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( result == FAILURE ), &error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, calling_func ) { throw ss::SSException(); } // get the resource registered h = static_cast( zend_fetch_resource( &rsrc TSRMLS_CC, -1, H::resource_name, NULL, 1, H::descriptor )); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( h == NULL ), &error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, calling_func ) { throw ss::SSException(); } h->set_func( calling_func ); return h; } catch( core::CoreException& ) { return NULL; } catch ( ... ) { DIE( "%1!s!: Unknown exception caught in process_params.", calling_func ); } } //********************************************************************************************************************************* // Common function wrappers //********************************************************************************************************************************* namespace ss { // an error which occurred in our SQLSRV driver struct SSException : public core::CoreException { SSException() { } }; inline void zend_register_resource( __out zval* rsrc_result, void* rsrc_pointer, int rsrc_type, char* rsrc_name TSRMLS_DC ) { int zr = ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE( rsrc_result, rsrc_pointer, rsrc_type ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( zr == FAILURE ), reinterpret_cast( rsrc_pointer ), SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_REGISTER_RESOURCE, rsrc_name ) { throw ss::SSException(); } } } // namespace ss #endif /* PHP_SQLSRV_H */