//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: util.cpp // // Contents: Utility functions used by both connection or statement functions // // Comments: Mostly error handling and some type handling // // Microsoft Drivers 5.0 for PHP for SQL Server // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // MIT License // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the ""Software""), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "php_sqlsrv.h" namespace { // current subsytem. defined for the CHECK_SQL_{ERROR|WARNING} macros unsigned int current_log_subsystem = LOG_UTIL; // buffer used to hold a formatted log message prior to actually logging it. const int LOG_MSG_SIZE = 2048; char log_msg[ LOG_MSG_SIZE ]; // internal error that says that FormatMessage failed SQLCHAR INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR[] = "An internal error occurred. FormatMessage failed writing an error message."; // *** internal functions *** sqlsrv_error_const* get_error_message( _In_ unsigned int sqlsrv_error_code ); void copy_error_to_zval( _Inout_ zval* error_z, _In_ sqlsrv_error_const* error, _Inout_ zval* reported_chain, _Inout_ zval* ignored_chain, _In_ bool warning TSRMLS_DC ); bool ignore_warning( _In_ char* sql_state, _In_ int native_code TSRMLS_DC ); bool handle_errors_and_warnings( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _Inout_ zval* reported_chain, _Inout_ zval* ignored_chain, _In_ logging_severity log_severity, _In_ unsigned int sqlsrv_error_code, _In_ bool warning, _In_opt_ va_list* print_args TSRMLS_DC ); int sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash_dtor( _Inout_ zval* dest TSRMLS_DC ); bool sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash( _Inout_ zval* dest_z, zval const* src_z TSRMLS_DC ); } // List of all error messages ss_error SS_ERRORS[] = { { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Invalid option %1!s! was passed to sqlsrv_connect.", -1, true } }, // no equivalent to error 2 in 2.0 // error 3 is superceded by -16 // these two share the same code since they are basically the same error. { SQLSRV_ERROR_UID_PWD_BRACES_NOT_ESCAPED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "An unescaped right brace (}) was found in either the user name or password. All right braces must be" " escaped with another right brace (}}).", -4, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_BRACES_NOT_ESCAPED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An unescaped right brace (}) was found in option %1!s!.", -4, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_NO_DATA, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Field %1!d! returned no data.", -5, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_STREAMABLE_TYPES_ONLY, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Only char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, binary, varbinary, and large object types can be read by using " "streams.", -6, false} }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT_PARAM_TYPE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid PHP type was specified as an output parameter. DateTime objects, NULL values, and streams cannot be " "specified as output parameters.", -7, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION_KEY, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid connection option key type was received. Option key types must be strings.", -8, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_VAR_REQUIRED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Parameter array %1!d! must have at least one value or variable.", -9, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FETCH_TYPE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid fetch type was specified. SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC, SQLSRV_FETCH_ARRAY and SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH are acceptable values.", -10, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_NOT_EXECUTED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The statement must be executed before results can be retrieved.", -11, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_TXN, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Cannot begin a transaction until the current transaction has been completed by calling either " "sqlsrv_commit or sqlsrv_rollback.", -12, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_NOT_IN_TXN, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"A transaction must be started by calling sqlsrv_begin_transaction before calling sqlsrv_commit or " "sqlsrv_rollback.", -13, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid parameter was passed to %1!s!.", -14, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_DIRECTION, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid direction for parameter %1!d! was specified. SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT, and " "SQLSRV_PARAM_INOUT are valid values.", -15, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_PHPTYPE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid PHP type for parameter %1!d! was specified.", -16, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_SQLTYPE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid SQL Server type for parameter %1!d! was specified.", -17, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_FETCH_NOT_CALLED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"A row must be retrieved with sqlsrv_fetch before retrieving data with sqlsrv_get_field.", -18, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_FIELD_INDEX_ERROR, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Fields within a row must be accessed in ascending order. " "The sqlsrv_get_field function cannot retrieve field %1!d! because its index is less " "than the index of a field that has already been retrieved (%2!d!).", -19, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_DATETIME_CONVERSION_FAILED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The retrieval of the DateTime object failed.", -20, false } }, // no equivalent to SQLSRV_ERROR_SERVER_INFO in 2.0 so -21 is skipped { SQLSRV_ERROR_FETCH_PAST_END, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"There are no more rows in the active result set. Since this result set is not scrollable, no more " "data may be retrieved.", -22, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_NOT_PREPARED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"A statement must be prepared with sqlsrv_prepare before calling sqlsrv_execute.", -23, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_HASH, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred while creating or accessing a Zend hash table.", -24, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_STREAM, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred while reading from a PHP stream.", -25, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_NEXT_RESULT_PAST_END, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"There are no more results returned by the query.", -26, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_STREAM_CREATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred while retrieving a SQL Server field as a stream.", -27, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_NO_FIELDS, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The active result for the query contains no fields.", -28, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_BAD_CLASS, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Failed to find class %1!s!.", -29, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_OBJECT_FAILED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Failed to create an instance of class %1!s!.", -30, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_PRECISION, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An invalid size or precision for parameter %1!d! was specified.", -31, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_KEY, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Option %1!s! is invalid.", -32, true } }, // these three errors are returned for invalid options, so they are given the same number for compatibility with 1.1 { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_QUERY_TIMEOUT_VALUE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Invalid value %1!s! specified for option SQLSRV_QUERY_TIMEOUT.", -33, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_TYPE_INT, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Invalid value type for option %1!s! was specified. Integer type was expected.", -33, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_TYPE_STRING, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Invalid value type for option %1!s! was specified. String type was expected.", -33, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INPUT_OUTPUT_PARAM_TYPE_MATCH, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The type of output parameter %1!d! does not match the type specified by the SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_* constant." " For output parameters, the type of the variable's current value must match the SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_* constant, or be NULL. " "If the type is NULL, the PHP type of the output parameter is inferred from the SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_* constant.", -34, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Invalid type", -35, false } }, // 36-38 have no equivalent 2.0 errors { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_REGISTER_RESOURCE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Registering the %1!s! resource failed.", -39, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INPUT_PARAM_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred translating string for input param %1!d! to UCS-2: %2!s!", -40, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_OUTPUT_PARAM_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred translating string for an output param to UTF-8: %1!s!", -41, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_FIELD_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred translating string for a field to UTF-8: %1!s!", -42, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INPUT_STREAM_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"An error occurred translating a PHP stream from UTF-8 to UTF-16: %1!s!", -43, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_MARS_OFF, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The connection cannot process this operation because there is a statement with pending results. " "To make the connection available for other queries, either fetch all results or cancel or free the statement. " "For more information, see the product documentation about the MultipleActiveResultSets connection option.", -44, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_CONN_OPTS_WRONG_TYPE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Expected an array of options for the connection. Connection options must be passed as an array of " "key/value pairs.", -45, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_QUERY_STRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "An error occurred translating the query string to UTF-16: %1!s!.", -46, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_STRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "An error occurred translating the connection string to UTF-16: %1!s!", -47, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_ILLEGAL_ENCODING, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The encoding '%1!s!' is not a supported encoding for the CharacterSet connection option.", -48, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "This extension requires the Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 or 13 for SQL Server. " "Access the following URL to download the ODBC Driver 11 or 13 for SQL Server for %1!s!: " "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=163712", -49, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_NOT_SCROLLABLE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"This function only works with statements that have static or keyset scrollable cursors.", -50, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_STATEMENT_SCROLLABLE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"This function only works with statements that are not scrollable.", -51, false } }, // new error for 2.0, used here since 1.1 didn't have a -52 { SQLSRV_ERROR_MAX_PARAMS_EXCEEDED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Tried to bind parameter number %1!d!. SQL Server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters.", -52, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FETCH_STYLE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The scroll type passed to sqlsrv_fetch, sqlsrv_fetch_array, or sqlsrv_fetch_object was not valid. " "Please use one of the SQLSRV_SCROLL constants.", -53, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_SCROLLABLE, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"The value passed for the 'Scrollable' statement option is invalid. Please use 'static', 'dynamic', " "'keyset', 'forward', or 'buffered'.", -54, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Failed to retrieve the server version. Unable to continue.", -55, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_ENCODING, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "An invalid encoding was specified for parameter %1!d!.", -56, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_PARAM_INVALID_INDEX, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"String keys are not allowed in parameters arrays.", -57, false } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_OUTPUT_PARAM_TRUNCATED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "String data, right truncated for output parameter %1!d!.", -58, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_BUFFER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Memory limit of %1!d! KB exceeded for buffered query", -59, true } }, { SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_LIMIT, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*) "Setting for " INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT " was non-int or non-positive.", -60, false } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_PARAM_VAR_NOT_REF, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Variable parameter %1!d! not passed by reference (prefaced with an &). " "Output or bidirectional variable parameters (SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT and SQLSRV_PARAM_INOUT) passed to sqlsrv_prepare or sqlsrv_query should be passed by reference, not by value." , -61, true } }, { SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_OPTION, { IMSSP, (SQLCHAR*)"Invalid option for the Authentication keyword. Only SqlPassword or ActiveDirectoryPassword is supported.", -62, false } }, // internal warning definitions { SS_SQLSRV_WARNING_FIELD_NAME_EMPTY, { SSPWARN, (SQLCHAR*)"An empty field name was skipped by sqlsrv_fetch_object.", -100, false } }, // terminate the list of errors/warnings { UINT_MAX, {} } }; // Formats an error message and finally writes it to the php log. void ss_sqlsrv_log( _In_ unsigned int severity TSRMLS_DC, _In_opt_ const char* msg, _In_opt_ va_list* print_args ) { if(( severity & SQLSRV_G( log_severity )) && ( SQLSRV_G( current_subsystem ) & SQLSRV_G( log_subsystems ))) { DWORD rc = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, msg, 0, 0, log_msg, LOG_MSG_SIZE, print_args ); // if an error occurs for FormatMessage, we just output an internal error occurred. if( rc == 0 ) { SQLSRV_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR ) < sizeof( log_msg )); std::copy( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR, INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR + sizeof( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR ), log_msg ); } php_log_err( log_msg TSRMLS_CC ); } } bool ss_error_handler( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ unsigned int sqlsrv_error_code, _In_ bool warning TSRMLS_DC, _In_opt_ va_list* print_args ) { logging_severity severity = SEV_ERROR; if( warning && !SQLSRV_G( warnings_return_as_errors )) { severity = SEV_WARNING; } return handle_errors_and_warnings( ctx, &SQLSRV_G( errors ), &SQLSRV_G( warnings ), severity, sqlsrv_error_code, warning, print_args TSRMLS_CC ); } // sqlsrv_errors( [int $errorsAndOrWarnings] ) // // Returns extended error and/or warning information about the last sqlsrv // operation performed. // // The sqlsrv_errors function can return error and/or warning information by // calling it with one of the following parameter values below. // // Parameters // // $errorsAndOrWarnings[OPTIONAL]: A predefined constant. This parameter can // take one of the values listed: // // SQLSRV_ERR_ALL // Errors and warnings generated on the last sqlsrv function call are returned. // SQLSRV_ERR_ERRORS // Errors generated on the last sqlsrv function call are returned. // SQLSRV_ERR_WARNINGS // Warnings generated on the last sqlsrv function call are returned. // // If no parameter value is supplied, SQLSRV_ERR_ALL is the default // // Return Value // An array of arrays, or null. An example of an error returned: // Array // ( // [0] => Array // ( // [0] => HYT00 // [SQLSTATE] => HYT00 // [1] => 0 // [code] => 0 // [2] => [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Query timeout expired // [message] => [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Query timeout expired // ) // ) PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_errors ) { SQLSRV_UNUSED( execute_data ); zend_long flags = SQLSRV_ERR_ALL; LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_errors" ); if(( zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|l", &flags ) == FAILURE ) || ( flags != SQLSRV_ERR_ALL && flags != SQLSRV_ERR_ERRORS && flags != SQLSRV_ERR_WARNINGS )) { LOG( SEV_ERROR, "An invalid parameter was passed to %1!s!.", _FN_ ); RETURN_FALSE; } int result; zval err_z; ZVAL_UNDEF( &err_z ); result = array_init( &err_z ); if( result == FAILURE ) { RETURN_FALSE; } if( flags == SQLSRV_ERR_ALL || flags == SQLSRV_ERR_ERRORS ) { if( Z_TYPE( SQLSRV_G( errors )) == IS_ARRAY && !sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash( &err_z, &SQLSRV_G( errors ) TSRMLS_CC )) { zval_ptr_dtor(&err_z); RETURN_FALSE; } } if( flags == SQLSRV_ERR_ALL || flags == SQLSRV_ERR_WARNINGS ) { if( Z_TYPE( SQLSRV_G( warnings )) == IS_ARRAY && !sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash( &err_z, &SQLSRV_G( warnings ) TSRMLS_CC )) { zval_ptr_dtor(&err_z); RETURN_FALSE; } } if( zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( &err_z )) == 0 ) { zval_ptr_dtor(&err_z); RETURN_NULL(); } RETURN_ZVAL( &err_z, 1, 1 ); } // sqlsrv_configure( string $setting, mixed $value ) // // Changes the settings for error handling and logging options. // // Parameters // $setting: The name of the setting to be configured. The possible implemented values are // "WarningsReturnAsErrors", "LogSubsystems", and "LogSeverity". // // $value: The value to be applied to the setting specified in the $setting // parameter. See MSDN or the MINIT function for possible values. // // Return Value // If sqlsrv_configure is called with an unsupported setting or value, the // function returns false. Otherwise, the function returns true. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_configure ) { SQLSRV_UNUSED( execute_data ); LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_configure" ); char* option; size_t option_len; zval* value_z; sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr error_ctx; RETVAL_FALSE; reset_errors( TSRMLS_C ); try { // dummy context to pass onto the error handler error_ctx = new ( sqlsrv_malloc( sizeof( sqlsrv_context ))) sqlsrv_context( 0, ss_error_handler, NULL ); SET_FUNCTION_NAME( *error_ctx ); int zr = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sz", &option, &option_len, &value_z ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( zr == FAILURE ), error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } // WarningsReturnAsErrors SQLSRV_ASSERT( option[option_len] == '\0', "sqlsrv_configure: option was not null terminated." ); if( !stricmp( option, INI_WARNINGS_RETURN_AS_ERRORS )) { SQLSRV_G( warnings_return_as_errors ) = zend_is_true( value_z ) ? true : false; LOG( SEV_NOTICE, INI_PREFIX INI_WARNINGS_RETURN_AS_ERRORS " = %1!s!", SQLSRV_G( warnings_return_as_errors ) ? "On" : "Off"); RETURN_TRUE; } // LogSeverity else if( !stricmp( option, INI_LOG_SEVERITY )) { CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( Z_TYPE_P( value_z ) != IS_LONG ), error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } zend_long severity_mask = Z_LVAL_P( value_z ); // make sure they can't use 0 to shut off the masking in the severity if( severity_mask < SEV_ALL || severity_mask == 0 || severity_mask > (SEV_NOTICE + SEV_ERROR + SEV_WARNING) ) { RETURN_FALSE; } SQLSRV_G( log_severity ) = static_cast( severity_mask ); LOG( SEV_NOTICE, INI_PREFIX INI_LOG_SEVERITY " = %1!d!", SQLSRV_G( log_severity )); RETURN_TRUE; } // LogSubsystems else if( !stricmp( option, INI_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS )) { CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( Z_TYPE_P( value_z ) != IS_LONG ), error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } zend_long subsystem_mask = Z_LVAL_P( value_z ); if( subsystem_mask < LOG_ALL || subsystem_mask > (LOG_INIT + LOG_CONN + LOG_STMT + LOG_UTIL) ) { RETURN_FALSE; } SQLSRV_G( log_subsystems ) = static_cast( subsystem_mask ); LOG( SEV_NOTICE, INI_PREFIX INI_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS " = %1!d!", SQLSRV_G( log_subsystems )); RETURN_TRUE; } else if( !stricmp( option, INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT )) { CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( Z_TYPE_P( value_z ) != IS_LONG ), error_ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_LIMIT, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } zend_long buffered_query_limit = Z_LVAL_P( value_z ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR( buffered_query_limit <= 0, error_ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_LIMIT, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } SQLSRV_G( buffered_query_limit ) = buffered_query_limit; LOG( SEV_NOTICE, INI_PREFIX INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT " = %1!d!", SQLSRV_G( buffered_query_limit )); RETURN_TRUE; } else { THROW_CORE_ERROR( error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } } catch( core::CoreException& ) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_configure: Unknown exception caught." ); } } // sqlsrv_get_config( string $setting ) // // Returns the current value of the specified configuration setting. // // Parameters // $setting: The configuration setting for which the value is returned. For a // list of configurable settings, see sqlsrv_configure. // // Return Value // The value of the setting specified by the $setting parameter. If an invalid // setting is specified, false is returned and an error is added to the error // collection. Because false is a valid value for WarningsReturnAsErrors, to // really determine if an error occurred, call sqlsrv_errors. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_get_config ) { SQLSRV_UNUSED( execute_data ); char* option = NULL; size_t option_len; sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr error_ctx; LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_get_config" ); reset_errors( TSRMLS_C ); try { // dummy context to pass onto the error handler error_ctx = new ( sqlsrv_malloc( sizeof( sqlsrv_context ))) sqlsrv_context( 0, ss_error_handler, NULL ); SET_FUNCTION_NAME( *error_ctx ); int zr = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &option, &option_len ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( zr == FAILURE ), error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } SQLSRV_ASSERT( option != NULL, "sqlsrv_get_config: option was null." ); if( !stricmp( option, INI_WARNINGS_RETURN_AS_ERRORS )) { ZVAL_BOOL( return_value, SQLSRV_G( warnings_return_as_errors )); return; } else if( !stricmp( option, INI_LOG_SEVERITY )) { ZVAL_LONG( return_value, SQLSRV_G( log_severity )); return; } else if( !stricmp( option, INI_LOG_SUBSYSTEMS )) { ZVAL_LONG( return_value, SQLSRV_G( log_subsystems )); return; } else if( !stricmp( option, INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT )) { ZVAL_LONG( return_value, SQLSRV_G( buffered_query_limit )); return; } else { THROW_CORE_ERROR( error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } } catch( core::CoreException& ) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_get_config: Unknown exception caught." ); } } namespace { sqlsrv_error_const* get_error_message( _In_ unsigned int sqlsrv_error_code ) { sqlsrv_error_const *error_message = NULL; int zr = ( error_message = reinterpret_cast< sqlsrv_error_const* >( zend_hash_index_find_ptr( g_ss_errors_ht, sqlsrv_error_code ))) != NULL ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; if ( zr == FAILURE ) { DIE( "get_error_message: zend_hash_index_find returned failure for sqlsrv_error_code = %1!d!", sqlsrv_error_code ); } SQLSRV_ASSERT( error_message != NULL, "get_error_message: error_message was null" ); return error_message; } void copy_error_to_zval( _Inout_ zval* error_z, _In_ sqlsrv_error_const* error, _Inout_ zval* reported_chain, _Inout_ zval* ignored_chain, _In_ bool warning TSRMLS_DC ) { if( array_init( error_z ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } // sqlstate zval temp; ZVAL_UNDEF(&temp); core::sqlsrv_zval_stringl( &temp, reinterpret_cast( error->sqlstate ), SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE ); //TODO: reference? Z_TRY_ADDREF_P( &temp ); if( add_next_index_zval( error_z, &temp ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } if( add_assoc_zval( error_z, "SQLSTATE", &temp ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } // native_code if( add_next_index_long( error_z, error->native_code ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } if( add_assoc_long( error_z, "code", error->native_code ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } // native_message ZVAL_UNDEF(&temp); ZVAL_STRING( &temp, reinterpret_cast( error->native_message ) ); //TODO: reference? Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(&temp); if( add_next_index_zval( error_z, &temp ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } if( add_assoc_zval( error_z, "message", &temp ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } // If it is an error or if warning_return_as_errors is true than // add the error or warning to the reported_chain. if( !warning || SQLSRV_G( warnings_return_as_errors ) ) { // if the warning is part of the ignored warning list than // add to the ignored chain if the ignored chain is not null. if( warning && ignore_warning( reinterpret_cast(error->sqlstate), error->native_code TSRMLS_CC ) && ignored_chain != NULL ) { if( add_next_index_zval( ignored_chain, error_z ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } } else { // It is either an error or a warning which should not be ignored. if( add_next_index_zval( reported_chain, error_z ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } } } else { // It is a warning with warning_return_as_errors as false, so simply add it to the ignored_chain list if( ignored_chain != NULL ) { if( add_next_index_zval( ignored_chain, error_z ) == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error during error processing" ); } } } } bool handle_errors_and_warnings( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _Inout_ zval* reported_chain, _Inout_ zval* ignored_chain, _In_ logging_severity log_severity, _In_ unsigned int sqlsrv_error_code, _In_ bool warning, _In_opt_ va_list* print_args TSRMLS_DC ) { bool result = true; bool errors_ignored = false; size_t prev_reported_cnt = 0; bool reported_chain_was_null = false; bool ignored_chain_was_null = false; int zr = SUCCESS; zval error_z; ZVAL_UNDEF(&error_z); sqlsrv_error_auto_ptr error; // array of reported errors if( Z_TYPE_P( reported_chain ) == IS_NULL ) { reported_chain_was_null = true; zr = array_init( reported_chain ); if( zr == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error in handle_errors_and_warnings" ); } } else { prev_reported_cnt = zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( reported_chain )); } // array of ignored errors if( ignored_chain != NULL ) { if( Z_TYPE_P( ignored_chain ) == IS_NULL ) { ignored_chain_was_null = true; zr = array_init( ignored_chain ); if( zr == FAILURE ) { DIE( "Fatal error in handle_errors_and_warnings" ); } } } if( sqlsrv_error_code != SQLSRV_ERROR_ODBC ) { core_sqlsrv_format_driver_error( ctx, get_error_message( sqlsrv_error_code ), error, log_severity TSRMLS_CC, print_args ); copy_error_to_zval( &error_z, error, reported_chain, ignored_chain, warning TSRMLS_CC ); } SQLSMALLINT record_number = 0; do { result = core_sqlsrv_get_odbc_error( ctx, ++record_number, error, log_severity TSRMLS_CC ); if( result ) { copy_error_to_zval( &error_z, error, reported_chain, ignored_chain, warning TSRMLS_CC ); } } while( result ); // If it were a warning, we report that warnings where ignored except if warnings_return_as_errors // was true and we added some warnings to the reported_chain. if( warning ) { errors_ignored = true; if( SQLSRV_G( warnings_return_as_errors ) ) { if( zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( reported_chain )) > prev_reported_cnt ) { // We actually added some errors errors_ignored = false; } } } // if the error array came in as NULL and didn't have anything added to it, return it as NULL if( reported_chain_was_null && zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( reported_chain )) == 0 ) { zend_hash_destroy( Z_ARRVAL_P( reported_chain )); FREE_HASHTABLE( Z_ARRVAL_P( reported_chain )); ZVAL_NULL( reported_chain ); } if( ignored_chain != NULL && ignored_chain_was_null && zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( ignored_chain )) == 0 ) { zend_hash_destroy( Z_ARRVAL_P( ignored_chain )); FREE_HASHTABLE( Z_ARRVAL_P( ignored_chain )); ZVAL_NULL( ignored_chain ); } // If it was an error instead of a warning than we always return errors_ignored = false. return errors_ignored; } // return whether or not a warning should be ignored or returned as an error if WarningsReturnAsErrors is true // see RINIT in init.cpp for information about which errors are ignored. bool ignore_warning( _In_ char* sql_state, _In_ int native_code TSRMLS_DC ) { zend_ulong index = -1; zend_string* key = NULL; void* error_temp = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_PTR( g_ss_warnings_to_ignore_ht, index, key, error_temp ) { sqlsrv_error* error = static_cast( error_temp ); if (NULL == error) { return false; } if( !strncmp( reinterpret_cast( error->sqlstate ), sql_state, SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE ) && ( error->native_code == native_code || error->native_code == -1 )) { return true; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return false; } int sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash_dtor( _Inout_ zval* dest TSRMLS_DC ) { zval_ptr_dtor( dest ); return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE; } // sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash // merge a source hash into a dest hash table and return any errors. bool sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash( _Inout_ zval* dest_z, zval const* src_z TSRMLS_DC ) { if( Z_TYPE_P( dest_z ) != IS_ARRAY && Z_TYPE_P( dest_z ) != IS_NULL ) DIE( "dest_z must be an array or null" ); if( Z_TYPE_P( src_z ) != IS_ARRAY && Z_TYPE_P( src_z ) != IS_NULL ) DIE( "src_z must be an array or null" ); if( Z_TYPE_P( src_z ) == IS_NULL ) { return true; } HashTable* src_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P( src_z ); zend_ulong index = -1; zend_string* key = NULL; zval* value_z = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL( src_ht, index, key, value_z ) { if ( !value_z ) { zend_hash_apply( Z_ARRVAL_P(dest_z), sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash_dtor TSRMLS_CC ); return false; } int result = add_next_index_zval( dest_z, value_z ); if( result == FAILURE ) { zend_hash_apply( Z_ARRVAL_P( dest_z ), sqlsrv_merge_zend_hash_dtor TSRMLS_CC ); return false; } Z_TRY_ADDREF_P( value_z ); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return true; } } // namespace