#!/usr/bin/python3 ######################################################################################### # # Description: This script helps to build drivers in a Windows environment for PHP 7+ (32-bit/64-bit) # # Requirement: # python 3.x # PHP SDK and PHP Source # Driver source code folder / GitHub repository # Visual Studio 2015 (PHP 7.0* and 7.1*) and Visual Studio 2017 (PHP 7.2*) # # Execution: Run with command line with required options. # Examples: # py builddrivers.py (for interactive mode) # py builddrivers.py --PHPVER=7.0.22 --ARCH=x64 --THREAD=nts --DRIVER=all --DEBUG # # Output: Build the drivers using PHP SDK. When running for local development, if build is unsuccessful, # the log file will be launched for examination. Otherwise, the drivers will be renamed # and copied to the designated location (if defined). # ############################################################################################# import sys import shutil import os.path import argparse from buildtools import BuildUtil class BuildDriver(object): """Build sqlsrv and/or pdo_sqlsrv drivers with PHP source with the following properties: Attributes: util # BuildUtil object whose constructor takes phpver, driver, arch, thread, debug repo # GitHub repository branch # GitHub repository branch dest_path # alternative destination for the drivers (None for development builds) rebuild # a boolean flag - whether the user is rebuilding make_clean # a boolean flag - whether make clean is necessary source_path # path to a local source folder testing # whether the user has turned on testing mode """ def __init__(self, phpver, driver, arch, thread, debug, repo, branch, source, path, testing, no_rename): self.util = BuildUtil(phpver, driver, arch, thread, no_rename, debug) self.repo = repo self.branch = branch self.source_path = source self.dest_path = path self.testing = testing self.rebuild = False self.make_clean = False def show_config(self): print() print('PHP Version: ', self.util.phpver) print('Arch: ', self.util.arch) print('Thread: ', self.util.thread) print('Driver: ', self.util.driver) print('Source: ', self.source_path) print('Debug enabled: ', self.util.debug_enabled) print() def clean_or_remove(self, root_dir, work_dir): """Only check this for local development and not rebuilding. If the php source directory already exists, this will prompt user whether to rebuild, clean, or superclean, the last option will remove the entire php source directory. :param root_dir: the C:\ drive :param work_dir: the directory of this script :outcome: the old binaries, if exist, will be removed """ phpsrc = self.util.phpsrc_root(root_dir) if os.path.exists( phpsrc ): print(phpsrc + " exists.") build_choice = validate_input("(r)ebuild for the same configuration, (c)lean otherwise, (s)uperclean if unsure ", "r/c/s") self.make_clean = False if build_choice == 'r': print('Will rebuild the binaries') # only the old binaries based on the current configuration will be removed self.util.remove_prev_build(root_dir) elif build_choice == 'c': print('Will make clean') self.make_clean = True # all old builds are removed, and this step is necessary because # the user might have changed the configuration self.util.remove_old_builds(root_dir) else: print('Will remove ' + phpsrc) os.system('RMDIR /s /q ' + phpsrc) os.chdir(work_dir) # change back to the working directory def get_local_source(self, source_path): """This assumes interactive mode (not testing) and takes care of getting the user's input to the path of the local source files for the drivers """ while True: if source_path is None: source = input('Enter the full path to the source folder: ') else: source = input("Hit ENTER to use '" + source_path + "' or provide another path to the source folder: ") if len(source) == 0: source = source_path valid = True if os.path.exists(source) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(source, 'shared')): # Checking the existence of 'shared' folder only, assuming # sqlsrv and/or pdo_sqlsrv are also present if it exists self.source_path = source break print("The path provided is invalid. Please re-enter.") return source def build_extensions(self, root_dir, logfile): """This takes care of getting the drivers' source files, building the drivers. If dest_path is defined, the binaries will be copied to the designated destinations. :param root_dir: the root directory :param logfile: the name of the logfile :outcome: the drivers and symbols will renamed and placed in the appropriate location(s) """ work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) get_source = False if self.source_path is None else True if self.repo is None or self.branch is None: # If GitHub repo or branch is None, get the source locally get_source = True if not get_source: # This will download from the specified branch on GitHub repo and copy the source self.util.download_msphpsql_source(repo, branch) else: source = self.source_path # Do not prompt user for input if it's in a testing mode if not self.testing: source = self.get_local_source(self.source_path) print('Copying source files from', source) os.system('ROBOCOPY ' + source + '\shared ' + work_dir + '\Source\shared /xx /xo ') os.system('ROBOCOPY ' + source + '\sqlsrv ' + work_dir + '\Source\sqlsrv /xx /xo ') os.system('ROBOCOPY ' + source + '\pdo_sqlsrv ' + work_dir + '\Source\pdo_sqlsrv /xx /xo ') print('Start building PHP with the extension...') # If not testing, dest should be the root drive. Otherwise, dest should be None. dest = None if self.testing else root_dir # ext_dir is the directory where we can find the built extension(s) ext_dir = self.util.build_drivers(self.make_clean, dest, logfile) # Copy the binaries if a destination path is defined if self.dest_path is not None: dest_drivers = os.path.join(self.dest_path, self.util.major_version(), self.util.arch) dest_symbols = os.path.join(dest_drivers, 'Symbols', self.util.thread) # All intermediate directories will be created in order to create the leaf directory if os.path.exists(dest_symbols) == False: os.makedirs(dest_symbols) # Now copy all the binaries if self.util.driver == 'all': self.util.copy_binary(ext_dir, dest_drivers, 'sqlsrv', '.dll') self.util.copy_binary(ext_dir, dest_symbols, 'sqlsrv', '.pdb') self.util.copy_binary(ext_dir, dest_drivers, 'pdo_sqlsrv', '.dll') self.util.copy_binary(ext_dir, dest_symbols, 'pdo_sqlsrv', '.pdb') else: self.util.copy_binary(ext_dir, dest_drivers, self.util.driver, '.dll') self.util.copy_binary(ext_dir, dest_symbols, self.util.driver, '.pdb') return ext_dir def build(self): """This is the main entry point of building drivers for PHP. For development, this will loop till the user decides to quit. """ self.show_config() work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) root_dir = 'C:' + os.sep quit = False while not quit: if self.testing: self.make_clean = True self.util.remove_old_builds(work_dir) elif not self.rebuild: self.clean_or_remove(root_dir, work_dir) logfile = self.util.get_logfile_name() try: ext_dir = self.build_extensions(root_dir, logfile) print('Build Completed') except: print('Something went wrong, launching log file', logfile) # display log file only when not testing if not self.testing: os.startfile(os.path.join(root_dir, 'php-sdk', logfile)) os.chdir(work_dir) exit(1) if not self.testing: choice = input("Rebuild using the same configuration(yes) or quit (no) [yes/no]: ") choice = choice.lower() if choice == 'yes' or choice == 'y' or choice == '': print('Rebuilding drivers...') self.make_clean = False self.rebuild = True self.util.remove_prev_build(root_dir) else: quit = True else: quit = True os.chdir(work_dir) def validate_input(question, values): """Return the user selected value, and it must be valid based on *values*.""" while True: options = values.split('/') prompt = '[' + values + ']' value = input(question + prompt + ': ') value = value.lower() if not value in options: print("An invalid choice is entered. Choose from", prompt) else: break return value ################################### Main Function ################################### if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--PHPVER', help="PHP version, e.g. 7.1.*, 7.2.* etc.") parser.add_argument('--ARCH', choices=['x64', 'x86']) parser.add_argument('--THREAD', choices=['nts', 'ts']) parser.add_argument('--DRIVER', default='all', choices=['all', 'sqlsrv', 'pdo_sqlsrv'], help="driver to build (default: all)") parser.add_argument('--DEBUG', action='store_true', help="enable debug mode (default: False)") parser.add_argument('--REPO', default='Microsoft', help="GitHub repository (default: Microsoft)") parser.add_argument('--BRANCH', default='dev', help="GitHub repository branch or tag (default: dev)") parser.add_argument('--SOURCE', default=None, help="a local path to source file (default: None)") parser.add_argument('--TESTING', action='store_true', help="turns on testing mode (default: False)") parser.add_argument('--DESTPATH', default=None, help="an alternative destination for the drivers (default: None)") parser.add_argument('--NO_RENAME', action='store_true', help="drivers will not be renamed(default: False)") args = parser.parse_args() phpver = args.PHPVER arch = args.ARCH thread = args.THREAD driver = args.DRIVER debug = args.DEBUG repo = args.REPO branch = args.BRANCH source = args.SOURCE path = args.DESTPATH testing = args.TESTING no_rename = args.NO_RENAME if phpver is None: # starts interactive mode, testing mode is False # will not prompt for drivers' destination path, which is None by default while True: # perform some minimal checks phpver = input("PHP Version (e.g. 7.1.* or 7.2.*): ") if phpver == '': print('Empty PHP version entered! Please try again.') elif phpver[0] < '7': print('Only PHP 7.0 or above is supported. Please try again.') else: break arch_version = input("64-bit? [y/n]: ") thread = validate_input("Thread safe? ", "nts/ts") driver = validate_input("Driver to build? ", "all/sqlsrv/pdo_sqlsrv") debug_mode = input("Debug enabled? [y/n]: ") answer = input("Download source from a GitHub repo? [y/n]: ") if answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y' or answer == '': repo = input("Name of the repo (hit enter for 'Microsoft'): ") branch = input("Name of the branch or tag (hit enter for 'dev'): ") if repo == '': repo = 'Microsoft' if branch == '': branch = 'dev' else: repo = branch = None arch_version = arch_version.lower() arch = 'x64' if arch_version == 'yes' or arch_version == 'y' or arch_version == '' else 'x86' debug_mode = debug_mode.lower() debug = debug_mode == 'yes' or debug_mode == 'y' or debug_mode == '' builder = BuildDriver(phpver, driver, arch, thread, debug, repo, branch, source, path, testing, no_rename) builder.build()