2017-04-11 08:51:48 -07:00

36 lines
1.1 KiB

PDO Connection Pooling Test on Unix
This test assumes odbcinst.ini has not been modified.
This test also requires root privileges to modify odbcinst.ini file on Linux.
<?php if(PHP_OS === "WINNT") die("Skipped: Test for Linux and Mac");
//get odbcinst.ini location
$lines = explode("\n", shell_exec("odbcinst -j"));
$odbcinst_ini = explode(" ", $lines[1])[1];
//enable pooling by modifying the odbcinst.ini file
$current = file_get_contents($odbcinst_ini);
file_put_contents($odbcinst_ini, $current);
//Creating a new php process, because for changes in odbcinst.ini file to affect pooling, drivers must be reloaded.
print_r(shell_exec("php ./test/pdo_sqlsrv/isPooled.php"));
//disable pooling by modifying the odbcinst.ini file
$current = file_get_contents($odbcinst_ini);
$current = str_replace($lines_to_add,'',$current);
file_put_contents($odbcinst_ini, $current);
print_r(shell_exec("php ./test/pdo_sqlsrv/isPooled.php"));
Not Pooled