David Puglielli 1a2b49393c
Fixed for issues found by Semmle (#1011)
* Removed unneeded constants

* Fixed sqlsrv_free_stmt argument info

* Fixed brace escape to avoid buffer overflow

* Fixed brace escape and added test

* Debugging test failure on Bamboo

* Removed debugging output

* Debugging test failure on Bamboo

* Removed debugging output

* Added more test cases

* Changed range check to use strchr

* Added pdo test

* Fixed test and formatting
2019-07-23 15:12:55 -07:00

71 lines
2.8 KiB

Test that right braces are escaped correctly and that error messages are correct when they're not
<?php require(''); ?>
$server = 'fakeserver';
$uid = 'sa';
$password = 'fakepassword';
// If the braces are fine, then we expect the connection to fail with a login timeout error
$braceError = "An unescaped right brace (}) was found";
$connError = (strtoupper(substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? "Could not open a connection to SQL Server" : "Login timeout expired";
// Every combination of one, two, three, or more right braces I can think of
$testStrings = array(array("}", $braceError),
array("{", $connError),
array("{t}", $connError),
array("{}}", $braceError),
array("}}", $connError),
array("}}}", $braceError),
array("}}}}", $connError),
array("{}}}", $connError),
array("}{", $braceError),
array("}{{", $braceError),
array("test", $connError),
array("{test}", $connError),
array("{test", $connError),
array("test}", $braceError),
array("{{test}}", $braceError),
array("{{test}", $connError),
array("{{test", $connError),
array("test}}", $connError),
array("{test}}", $braceError),
array("test}}}", $braceError),
array("{test}}}", $connError),
array("{test}}}}", $braceError),
array("{test}}}}}", $connError),
array("{test}}}}}}", $braceError),
array("te}st", $braceError),
array("{te}st}", $braceError),
array("{te}}st}", $connError),
array("{te}}}st}", $braceError),
array("te}}s}t", $braceError),
array("te}}s}}t", $connError),
array("te}}}st", $braceError),
array("te}}}}st", $connError),
array("tes}}t", $connError),
array("te}s}}t", $braceError),
array("tes}}t}}", $connError),
array("tes}}t}}}", $braceError),
array("tes}t}}", $braceError),
foreach ($testStrings as $test) {
$conn = sqlsrv_connect($server, array('uid'=>$test[0], 'pwd'=>$password, 'LoginTimeout'=>1));
if (strpos(sqlsrv_errors()[0][2], $test[1]) === false) {
print_r("Wrong error message returned for test string ".$test[0].". Expected ".$test[1].", actual output:\n");
echo "Done.\n";