2018-03-13 16:15:42 -07:00

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Test for retrieving encrypted data from datetime types columns using PDO::bindColumn
Test conversion from datetime types column to output of PDO::PARAM types
With or without Always Encrypted, conversion works if:
1. From any datetime type column to PDO::PARAM_STR
2. From any datetime type column to PDO::PARAM_LOB
<?php require(''); ?>
$dataTypes = array("date", "datetime", "smalldatetime");
try {
$conn = connect("", array(), PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT);
foreach ($dataTypes as $dataType) {
echo "\nTesting $dataType:\n";
// create and populate table containing date, datetime or smalldatetime columns
$tbname = "test_" . $dataType;
$colMetaArr = array(new ColumnMeta($dataType, "c_det"), new ColumnMeta($dataType, "c_rand", null, "randomized"));
createTable($conn, $tbname, $colMetaArr);
$inputValues = array_slice(${explode("(", $dataType)[0] . "_params"}, 1, 2);
insertRow($conn, $tbname, array("c_det" => $inputValues[0], "c_rand" => $inputValues[1]));
// fetch by specifying PDO::PARAM_ types with PDO::bindColumn
$query = "SELECT c_det, c_rand FROM $tbname";
foreach ($pdoParamTypes as $pdoParamType) {
$det = "";
$rand = "";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindColumn('c_det', $det, constant($pdoParamType));
$stmt->bindColumn('c_rand', $rand, constant($pdoParamType));
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND);
// check the case when fetching as PDO::PARAM_BOOL, PDO::PARAM_NULL or PDO::PARAM_INT
// with or without AE: should not work
if ($pdoParamType == "PDO::PARAM_BOOL" || $pdoParamType == "PDO::PARAM_NULL" || $pdoParamType == "PDO::PARAM_INT") {
if (!is_null($det) || !is_null($rand)) {
echo "Retrieving $dataType data as $pdoParamType should not be supported\n";
// check the case when fetching as PDO::PARAM_STR or PDO::PARAM_LOB
// only check if input values are part of fetched values because some input values do not contain any deicmal places, the value retrieved however has 3 decimal places if the type is a datetime
// with or without AE: should work
} else {
if (strpos($det, $inputValues[0]) !== false && strpos($rand, $inputValues[1]) !== false) {
echo "****Retrieving $dataType as $pdoParamType is supported****\n";
} else {
echo "Retrieving $dataType as $pdoParamType fails\n";
// cleanup
dropTable($conn, $tbname);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Testing date:
****Retrieving date as PDO::PARAM_STR is supported****
****Retrieving date as PDO::PARAM_LOB is supported****
Testing datetime:
****Retrieving datetime as PDO::PARAM_STR is supported****
****Retrieving datetime as PDO::PARAM_LOB is supported****
Testing smalldatetime:
****Retrieving smalldatetime as PDO::PARAM_STR is supported****
****Retrieving smalldatetime as PDO::PARAM_LOB is supported****