2017-05-04 08:14:05 -07:00

61 lines
1.9 KiB

inserting and retrieving UTF-8 text.
<?php require(''); ?>
sqlsrv_configure( 'WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0 );
sqlsrv_configure( 'LogSeverity', SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL );
require( '' );
$c = Connect();
if( $c === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
$s = sqlsrv_query( $c, "IF OBJECT_ID('utf8test', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE utf8test" );
// test a varchar, nvarchar non max, and nvarchar max
$s = sqlsrv_query( $c, "CREATE TABLE utf8test (c1 varchar(100), c2 nvarchar(100), c3 nvarchar(max))");
if( $s === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
$utf8 = pack( 'H*', 'efbbbfc5a6c4a5c4afc59d20c790c59f20e1baa120c5a5c499c5a1c5a720e1bb97c69220c399c5a4e282a32d3820c2a2d19be1baa7c599e1bab1c2a2c5a3e1bb81c59520c48fc78ec5a5e1baad' );
$s = sqlsrv_query( $c, "INSERT INTO utf8test (c1, c2, c3) VALUES (?,?,?)",
array( &$utf8, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING('utf-8')),
array( &$utf8, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING('utf-8')),
array( &$utf8, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING('utf-8')) ));
if( $s === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
$s = sqlsrv_query( $c, 'SELECT * FROM utf8test' );
if( $s === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
if( sqlsrv_fetch( $s ) === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
$u = sqlsrv_get_field( $s, 1, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STREAM( 'utf-8' ));
if( $u === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
$utf8_2 = fread( $u, 10000 );
if( $utf8 != $utf8_2 ) {
FatalError( "round trip failed" );
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $c, "DROP TABLE utf8test" );
echo "Test succeeded\n";
Test succeeded