============= Configuration ============= Use standalone "mock" package ----------------------------- Python 3 users might want to use a newest version of the ``mock`` package as published on PyPI than the one that comes with the Python distribution. .. code-block:: ini [pytest] mock_use_standalone_module = true This will force the plugin to import ``mock`` instead of the ``unittest.mock`` module bundled with Python 3.4+. Improved reporting of mock call assertion errors ------------------------------------------------ This plugin monkeypatches the mock library to improve pytest output for failures of mock call assertions like ``Mock.assert_called_with()`` by hiding internal traceback entries from the ``mock`` module. It also adds introspection information on differing call arguments when calling the helper methods. This features catches `AssertionError` raised in the method, and uses pytest's own `advanced assertions`_ to return a better diff:: mocker = def test(mocker): m = mocker.Mock() m('fo') > m.assert_called_once_with('', bar=4) E AssertionError: Expected call: mock('', bar=4) E Actual call: mock('fo') E E pytest introspection follows: E E Args: E assert ('fo',) == ('',) E At index 0 diff: 'fo' != '' E Use -v to get the full diff E Kwargs: E assert {} == {'bar': 4} E Right contains more items: E {'bar': 4} E Use -v to get the full diff test_foo.py:6: AssertionError ========================== 1 failed in 0.03 seconds =========================== This is useful when asserting mock calls with many/nested arguments and trying to quickly see the difference. This feature is probably safe, but if you encounter any problems it can be disabled in your ``pytest.ini`` file: .. code-block:: ini [pytest] mock_traceback_monkeypatch = false Note that this feature is automatically disabled with the ``--tb=native`` option. The underlying mechanism used to suppress traceback entries from ``mock`` module does not work with that option anyway plus it generates confusing messages on Python 3.5 due to exception chaining .. _advanced assertions: http://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/assert.html