[ { "category": "``ce``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update ce client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "Credentials", "description": "[``botocore``] Add the ability to disable fetching credentials from EC2 metadata by setting the environment variable AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED to 'true'.", "type": "enhancement" }, { "category": "``config``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update config client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``elasticbeanstalk``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update elasticbeanstalk client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``glue``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update glue client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``medialive``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update medialive client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "Credentials", "description": "[``botocore``] Fix a race condition related to assuming a role for the first time (`#1405 `__)", "type": "bugfix" }, { "category": "``events``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update events client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``ecs``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update ecs client to latest version", "type": "api-change" } ]