[ { "category": "``mediaconvert``", "description": "[``botocore``] AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``cognito-idp``", "description": "[``botocore``] Amazon Cognito now supports requiring attribute verification (ex. email and phone number) before update.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``networkmanager``", "description": "[``botocore``] This release adds Multi Account API support for a TGW Global Network, to enable and disable AWSServiceAccess with AwsOrganizations for Network Manager service and dependency CloudFormation StackSets service.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``ivschat``", "description": "[``botocore``] Doc-only update. For MessageReviewHandler structure, added timeout period in the description of the fallbackResult field", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``ec2``", "description": "[``botocore``] Stop Protection feature enables customers to protect their instances from accidental stop actions.", "type": "api-change" } ]