[ { "category": "``greengrassv2``", "description": "[``botocore``] Doc only update that clarifies Create Deployment section.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``fsx``", "description": "[``botocore``] This release adds support for data repository associations to use root (\"/\") as the file system path", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``kendra``", "description": "[``botocore``] Amazon Kendra now suggests spell corrections for a query. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/query-spell-check.html", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``appflow``", "description": "[``botocore``] Launching Amazon AppFlow Marketo as a destination connector SDK.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``timestream-query``", "description": "[``botocore``] Documentation only update for SDK and CLI", "type": "api-change" } ]