# Copyright 2015 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. from nose.tools import assert_true import botocore.session from botocore import xform_name from botocore.exceptions import DataNotFoundError import boto3 from boto3.docs.service import ServiceDocumenter def test_docs_generated(): """Verify we can generate the appropriate docs for all services""" botocore_session = botocore.session.get_session() session = boto3.Session(region_name='us-east-1') for service_name in session.get_available_services(): generated_docs = ServiceDocumenter( service_name, session=session).document_service() generated_docs = generated_docs.decode('utf-8') client = boto3.client(service_name, 'us-east-1') # Check that all of the services have the appropriate title yield (_assert_has_title, generated_docs, client) # Check that all services have the client documented. yield (_assert_has_client_documentation, generated_docs, service_name, client) # If the client can paginate, make sure the paginators are documented. try: paginator_model = botocore_session.get_paginator_model( service_name) yield (_assert_has_paginator_documentation, generated_docs, service_name, client, sorted(paginator_model._paginator_config)) except DataNotFoundError: pass # If the client has waiters, make sure the waiters are documented if client.waiter_names: waiter_model = botocore_session.get_waiter_model(service_name) yield (_assert_has_waiter_documentation, generated_docs, service_name, client, waiter_model) # If the service has resources, make sure the service resource # is at least documented. if service_name in session.get_available_resources(): resource = boto3.resource(service_name, 'us-east-1') yield (_assert_has_resource_documentation, generated_docs, service_name, resource) def _assert_contains_lines_in_order(lines, contents): for line in lines: assert_true(line in contents) beginning = contents.find(line) contents = contents[(beginning + len(line)):] def _assert_has_title(generated_docs, client): title = client.__class__.__name__ ref_lines = [ '*' * len(title), title, '*' * len(title) ] _assert_contains_lines_in_order(ref_lines, generated_docs) def _assert_has_client_documentation(generated_docs, service_name, client): class_name = client.__class__.__name__ ref_lines = [ '======', 'Client', '======', '.. py:class:: %s.Client' % class_name, ' A low-level client representing', ' import boto3', ' client = boto3.client(\'%s\')' % service_name, ' These are the available methods:', ' * :py:meth:`~%s.Client.get_paginator`' % class_name, ' * :py:meth:`~%s.Client.get_waiter`' % class_name, ' .. py:method:: get_paginator(operation_name)', ' .. py:method:: get_waiter(waiter_name)', ] _assert_contains_lines_in_order(ref_lines, generated_docs) def _assert_has_paginator_documentation(generated_docs, service_name, client, paginator_names): ref_lines = [ '==========', 'Paginators', '==========', 'The available paginators are:' ] for paginator_name in paginator_names: ref_lines.append( '* :py:class:`%s.Paginator.%s`' % ( client.__class__.__name__, paginator_name)) for paginator_name in paginator_names: ref_lines.append( '.. py:class:: %s.Paginator.%s' % ( client.__class__.__name__, paginator_name)) ref_lines.append( ' .. py:method:: paginate(') _assert_contains_lines_in_order(ref_lines, generated_docs) def _assert_has_waiter_documentation(generated_docs, service_name, client, waiter_model): ref_lines = [ '=======', 'Waiters', '=======', 'The available waiters are:' ] for waiter_name in waiter_model.waiter_names: ref_lines.append( '* :py:class:`%s.Waiter.%s`' % ( client.__class__.__name__, waiter_name)) for waiter_name in waiter_model.waiter_names: ref_lines.append( '.. py:class:: %s.Waiter.%s' % ( client.__class__.__name__, waiter_name)) ref_lines.append( ' waiter = client.get_waiter(\'%s\')' % xform_name(waiter_name)) ref_lines.append( ' .. py:method:: wait(') _assert_contains_lines_in_order(ref_lines, generated_docs) def _assert_has_resource_documentation(generated_docs, service_name, resource): ref_lines = [ '================', 'Service Resource', '================', '.. py:class:: %s.ServiceResource' % ( resource.meta.client.__class__.__name__), ' A resource representing', ' import boto3', ' %s = boto3.resource(\'%s\')' % (service_name, service_name), ] _assert_contains_lines_in_order(ref_lines, generated_docs)