{ "metadata":{ "apiVersion":"2015-04-01", "endpointPrefix":"todo", "jsonVersion":"1.1", "serviceFullName":"AWS ToDo Sample API for Tasks", "serviceAbbreviation":"AWS ToDo Tasks", "signatureVersion":"v4", "protocol":"json" }, "documentation":"

AWS sample API that tracks to-do items.

", "operations":{ "CreateToDo":{ "name":"CreateToDo", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/todos" }, "input":{ "shape":"CreateToDoInput", "documentation":"

Container of the newly created to-do's values.

" }, "output":{ "shape":"ToDoItem", "documentation":"

A single ToDo item.

" }, "errors":[ { "shape":"ToDoServerException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" }, { "shape":"ToDoClientException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" } ], "documentation":"

Create a new to-do item.

" }, "DescribeToDos": { "name":"DescribeToDos", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/todos" }, "output":{ "shape":"ToDoList", "documentation":"

List of to-do items.

" }, "errors":[ { "shape":"ToDoServerException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" } ], "documentation":"

Create a new to-do item.

" }, "GetToDo":{ "name":"GetToDo", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/todos/{Id+}" }, "input":{ "shape":"ToDoInput" }, "output":{ "shape":"ToDoItem" }, "errors":[ { "shape":"ToDoServerException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" }, { "shape":"ToDoClientException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" } ], "documentation":"

Get an existing to-do item.

" }, "DeleteToDo":{ "name":"DeleteToDo", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/todos/{Id+}" }, "input":{ "shape":"ToDoInput" }, "errors":[ { "shape":"ToDoServerException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" }, { "shape":"ToDoClientException", "exception":true, "documentation":"

The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" } ], "documentation":"

Delete an existing to-do item.

" } }, "shapes":{ "CreateToDoInput":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Title" ], "members":{ "Title":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"The title of the to-do item." } }, "documentation":"

Container for to-do values.

" }, "String":{ "type":"string" }, "ToDoClientException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{"shape":"ErrorMessage"} }, "exception":true, "documentation":"

The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" }, "ToDoInput":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Id" ], "members":{ "Id":{ "shape":"String", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Id" } } }, "ToDoItem":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Id":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"Unique identifier" }, "Title":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"The title of the to-do item." }, "Status":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"The status of the to-do item. Either CREATING, READY, or DONE." } }, "documentation":"A single to-do item." }, "ToDoList":{ "type":"list", "member":{ "shape":"ToDoItem", "documentation":"List of to-do items." } }, "ToDoServerException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{"shape":"ErrorMessage"} }, "exception":true, "documentation":"

A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional details about the cause.

" }, "ErrorMessage":{ "type":"string" } } }