[ { "category": "``s3control``", "description": "[``botocore``] S3 Access Point aliases can be used anywhere you use S3 bucket names to access data in S3", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``textract``", "description": "[``botocore``] Adds support for AnalyzeExpense, a new API to extract relevant data such as contact information, items purchased, and vendor name, from almost any invoice or receipt without the need for any templates or configuration.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``proton``", "description": "[``botocore``] Documentation-only update links", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``identitystore``", "description": "[``botocore``] Documentation updates for SSO API Ref.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``cloudwatch``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest version", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``synthetics``", "description": "[``botocore``] CloudWatch Synthetics now supports visual testing in its canaries.", "type": "api-change" } ]