[ { "category": "``cloudfront``", "description": "[``botocore``] Update API documentation for CloudFront origin access control (OAC)", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``identitystore``", "description": "[``botocore``] Expand IdentityStore API to support Create, Read, Update, Delete and Get operations for User, Group and GroupMembership resources.", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``iotthingsgraph``", "description": "[``botocore``] This release deprecates all APIs of the ThingsGraph service", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``ivs``", "description": "[``botocore``] IVS Merge Fragmented Streams. This release adds support for recordingReconnectWindow field in IVS recordingConfigurations. For more information see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``rds-data``", "description": "[``botocore``] Documentation updates for RDS Data API", "type": "api-change" }, { "category": "``sagemaker``", "description": "[``botocore``] SageMaker Inference Recommender now accepts Inference Recommender fields: Domain, Task, Framework, SamplePayloadUrl, SupportedContentTypes, SupportedInstanceTypes, directly in our CreateInferenceRecommendationsJob API through ContainerConfig", "type": "api-change" } ]