# Copyright 2015 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # https://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. import copy import pytest from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import ( And, Attr, AttributeExists, AttributeNotExists, AttributeType, BeginsWith, Between, ConditionExpressionBuilder, Contains, Equals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEquals, In, Key, LessThan, LessThanEquals, Not, NotEquals, Or, Size, ) from boto3.exceptions import ( DynamoDBNeedsConditionError, DynamoDBNeedsKeyConditionError, DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError, ) from tests import unittest class TestK(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.attr = Key('mykey') self.attr2 = Key('myotherkey') self.value = 'foo' self.value2 = 'foo2' def test_and(self): with pytest.raises(DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError, match=r'AND'): self.attr & self.attr2 def test_or(self): with pytest.raises(DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError, match=r'OR'): self.attr | self.attr2 def test_not(self): with pytest.raises(DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError, match=r'NOT'): ~self.attr def test_eq(self): assert self.attr.eq(self.value) == Equals(self.attr, self.value) def test_lt(self): assert self.attr.lt(self.value) == LessThan(self.attr, self.value) def test_lte(self): assert self.attr.lte(self.value) == LessThanEquals( self.attr, self.value ) def test_gt(self): assert self.attr.gt(self.value) == GreaterThan(self.attr, self.value) def test_gte(self): assert self.attr.gte(self.value) == GreaterThanEquals( self.attr, self.value ) def test_begins_with(self): assert self.attr.begins_with(self.value) == BeginsWith( self.attr, self.value ) def test_between(self): assert self.attr.between(self.value, self.value2) == Between( self.attr, self.value, self.value2 ) def test_attribute_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) assert self.attr is not attr_copy assert self.attr == attr_copy def test_eq_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.eq(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.eq(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_eq_inequality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) assert self.attr.eq(self.value) != attr_copy.eq(self.value2) def test_lt_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.lt(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.lt(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_lte_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.lte(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.lte(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_gt_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.gt(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.gt(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_gte_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.gte(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.gte(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_begins_with_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.begins_with(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.begins_with(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_between_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.between(self.value, self.value2) comp2 = attr_copy.between(self.value, self.value2) assert comp == comp2 class TestA(TestK): def setUp(self): self.attr = Attr('mykey') self.attr2 = Attr('myotherkey') self.value = 'foo' self.value2 = 'foo2' def test_ne(self): assert self.attr.ne(self.value) == NotEquals(self.attr, self.value) def test_is_in(self): assert self.attr.is_in([self.value]) == In(self.attr, [self.value]) def test_exists(self): assert self.attr.exists() == AttributeExists(self.attr) def test_not_exists(self): assert self.attr.not_exists() == AttributeNotExists(self.attr) def test_contains(self): assert self.attr.contains(self.value) == Contains( self.attr, self.value ) def test_size(self): assert self.attr.size() == Size(self.attr) def test_attribute_type(self): assert self.attr.attribute_type(self.value) == AttributeType( self.attr, self.value ) def test_ne_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.ne(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.ne(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_is_in_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.is_in([self.value]) comp2 = attr_copy.is_in([self.value]) assert comp == comp2 def test_exists_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.exists() comp2 = attr_copy.exists() assert comp == comp2 def test_not_exists_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.not_exists() comp2 = attr_copy.not_exists() assert comp == comp2 def test_contains_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.contains(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.contains(self.value) assert comp == comp2 def test_size_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.size() comp2 = attr_copy.size() assert comp == comp2 def test_attribute_type_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.attribute_type(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.attribute_type(self.value) assert comp == comp2 class TestConditions(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.value = Attr('mykey') self.value2 = 'foo' def build_and_assert_expression( self, condition, reference_expression_dict ): expression_dict = condition.get_expression() assert expression_dict == reference_expression_dict def test_equal_operator(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) assert cond1 == cond2 def test_equal_operator_type(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = NotEquals(self.value, self.value2) assert cond1 != cond2 def test_equal_operator_value(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = Equals(self.value, self.value) assert cond1 != cond2 def test_not_equal_operator(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = NotEquals(self.value, self.value) assert cond1 != cond2 def test_and_operator(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) assert cond1 & cond2 == And(cond1, cond2) def test_and_operator_throws_excepetion(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) with pytest.raises(DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError, match=r'AND'): cond1 & self.value2 def test_or_operator(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) assert cond1 | cond2 == Or(cond1, cond2) def test_or_operator_throws_excepetion(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) with pytest.raises(DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError, match=r'OR'): cond1 | self.value2 def test_not_operator(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) assert ~cond1 == Not(cond1) def test_eq(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( Equals(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '=', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_ne(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( NotEquals(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '<>', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_lt(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( LessThan(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '<', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_lte(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( LessThanEquals(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '<=', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_gt(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( GreaterThan(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '>', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_gte(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( GreaterThanEquals(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '>=', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_in(self): cond = In(self.value, (self.value2)) self.build_and_assert_expression( cond, { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': 'IN', 'values': (self.value, (self.value2)), }, ) assert cond.has_grouped_values def test_bet(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( Between(self.value, self.value2, 'foo2'), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1} AND {2}', 'operator': 'BETWEEN', 'values': (self.value, self.value2, 'foo2'), }, ) def test_beg(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( BeginsWith(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{operator}({0}, {1})', 'operator': 'begins_with', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_cont(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( Contains(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{operator}({0}, {1})', 'operator': 'contains', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_ae(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( AttributeExists(self.value), { 'format': '{operator}({0})', 'operator': 'attribute_exists', 'values': (self.value,), }, ) def test_ane(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( AttributeNotExists(self.value), { 'format': '{operator}({0})', 'operator': 'attribute_not_exists', 'values': (self.value,), }, ) def test_size(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( Size(self.value), { 'format': '{operator}({0})', 'operator': 'size', 'values': (self.value,), }, ) def test_size_can_use_attr_methods(self): size = Size(self.value) self.build_and_assert_expression( size.eq(self.value), { 'format': '{0} {operator} {1}', 'operator': '=', 'values': (size, self.value), }, ) def test_size_can_use_and(self): size = Size(self.value) ae = AttributeExists(self.value) self.build_and_assert_expression( size & ae, { 'format': '({0} {operator} {1})', 'operator': 'AND', 'values': (size, ae), }, ) def test_attribute_type(self): self.build_and_assert_expression( AttributeType(self.value, self.value2), { 'format': '{operator}({0}, {1})', 'operator': 'attribute_type', 'values': (self.value, self.value2), }, ) def test_and(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) and_cond = And(cond1, cond2) self.build_and_assert_expression( and_cond, { 'format': '({0} {operator} {1})', 'operator': 'AND', 'values': (cond1, cond2), }, ) def test_or(self): cond1 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) cond2 = Equals(self.value, self.value2) or_cond = Or(cond1, cond2) self.build_and_assert_expression( or_cond, { 'format': '({0} {operator} {1})', 'operator': 'OR', 'values': (cond1, cond2), }, ) def test_not(self): cond = Equals(self.value, self.value2) not_cond = Not(cond) self.build_and_assert_expression( not_cond, { 'format': '({operator} {0})', 'operator': 'NOT', 'values': (cond,), }, ) class TestConditionExpressionBuilder(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.builder = ConditionExpressionBuilder() def assert_condition_expression_build( self, condition, ref_string, ref_names, ref_values, is_key_condition=False, ): exp_string, names, values = self.builder.build_expression( condition, is_key_condition=is_key_condition ) assert exp_string == ref_string assert names == ref_names assert values == ref_values def test_bad_input(self): a = Attr('myattr') with pytest.raises(DynamoDBNeedsConditionError): self.builder.build_expression(a) def test_build_expression_eq(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0 = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_reset(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0 = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n1 = :v1', {'#n1': 'myattr'}, {':v1': 'foo'} ) self.builder.reset() self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0 = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_expression_lt(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.lt('foo'), '#n0 < :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_expression_lte(self): a1 = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a1.lte('foo'), '#n0 <= :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_expression_gt(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.gt('foo'), '#n0 > :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_expression_gte(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.gte('foo'), '#n0 >= :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_expression_begins_with(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.begins_with('foo'), 'begins_with(#n0, :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'}, ) def test_build_expression_between(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.between('foo', 'foo2'), '#n0 BETWEEN :v0 AND :v1', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'foo2'}, ) def test_build_expression_ne(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.ne('foo'), '#n0 <> :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_expression_in(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.is_in([1, 2, 3]), '#n0 IN (:v0, :v1, :v2)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 1, ':v1': 2, ':v2': 3}, ) def test_build_expression_exists(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.exists(), 'attribute_exists(#n0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {} ) def test_build_expression_not_exists(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.not_exists(), 'attribute_not_exists(#n0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {} ) def test_build_contains(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.contains('foo'), 'contains(#n0, :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'}, ) def test_build_size(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.size(), 'size(#n0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {} ) def test_build_size_with_other_conditons(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.size().eq(5), 'size(#n0) = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 5} ) def test_build_attribute_type(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.attribute_type('foo'), 'attribute_type(#n0, :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'}, ) def test_build_and(self): a = Attr('myattr') a2 = Attr('myattr2') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo') & a2.eq('bar'), '(#n0 = :v0 AND #n1 = :v1)', {'#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myattr2'}, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'bar'}, ) def test_build_or(self): a = Attr('myattr') a2 = Attr('myattr2') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo') | a2.eq('bar'), '(#n0 = :v0 OR #n1 = :v1)', {'#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myattr2'}, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'bar'}, ) def test_build_not(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( ~a.eq('foo'), '(NOT #n0 = :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_attribute_with_attr_value(self): a = Attr('myattr') value = Attr('myreference') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq(value), '#n0 = #n1', {'#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myreference'}, {}, ) def test_build_with_is_key_condition(self): k = Key('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( k.eq('foo'), '#n0 = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'}, is_key_condition=True, ) def test_build_with_is_key_condition_throws_error(self): a = Attr('myattr') with pytest.raises(DynamoDBNeedsKeyConditionError): self.builder.build_expression(a.eq('foo'), is_key_condition=True) def test_build_attr_map(self): a = Attr('MyMap.MyKey') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0.#n1 = :v0', {'#n0': 'MyMap', '#n1': 'MyKey'}, {':v0': 'foo'}, ) def test_build_attr_list(self): a = Attr('MyList[0]') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0[0] = :v0', {'#n0': 'MyList'}, {':v0': 'foo'} ) def test_build_nested_attr_map_list(self): a = Attr('MyMap.MyList[2].MyElement') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0.#n1[2].#n2 = :v0', {'#n0': 'MyMap', '#n1': 'MyList', '#n2': 'MyElement'}, {':v0': 'foo'}, ) def test_build_double_nested_and_or(self): a = Attr('myattr') a2 = Attr('myattr2') self.assert_condition_expression_build( (a.eq('foo') & a2.eq('foo2')) | (a.eq('bar') & a2.eq('bar2')), '((#n0 = :v0 AND #n1 = :v1) OR (#n2 = :v2 AND #n3 = :v3))', { '#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myattr2', '#n2': 'myattr', '#n3': 'myattr2', }, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'foo2', ':v2': 'bar', ':v3': 'bar2'}, )