2021-09-22 09:34:33 -07:00

32 lines
1.2 KiB

"category": "``synthetics``",
"description": "[``botocore``] Documentation updates for Visual Monitoring feature and other doc ticket fixes.",
"type": "api-change"
"category": "``chime-sdk-identity``",
"description": "[``botocore``] The Amazon Chime SDK Identity APIs allow software developers to create and manage unique instances of their messaging applications.",
"type": "api-change"
"category": "``chime-sdk-messaging``",
"description": "[``botocore``] The Amazon Chime SDK Messaging APIs allow software developers to send and receive messages in custom messaging applications.",
"type": "api-change"
"category": "``connect``",
"description": "[``botocore``] This release adds support for agent status and hours of operation. For details, see the Release Notes in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.",
"type": "api-change"
"category": "``lightsail``",
"description": "[``botocore``] This release adds support to track when a bucket access key was last used.",
"type": "api-change"
"category": "``athena``",
"description": "[``botocore``] Documentation updates for Athena.",
"type": "api-change"