2016-11-08 18:23:44 -06:00

286 lines
11 KiB

* feature:Session: Expose available_profiles property for Session (``#704 <>`__)
* bugfix:s3: Fix issue when transfers would not exit quickly from signals
* bugfix:``sqs.Queue``: Fix issue in DeadLetterSourceQueues collection
* feature:DynamoDB: Add request auto de-duplication based on specified primary keys for batch_writer. (`#605 <>`__)
* feature:s3: Add managed file-like object uploads to S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
* bugfix:Session: Fixed Session.__repr__ region argument name.
* feature:s3: Add managed copies to S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
* feature:s3: Add managed downloads to file-like objects in the S3 client, Bucket, and Object.
* bugfix:s3: Port ``s3.transfer`` module to use ``s3transfer`` package. Please refer to `Upgrading Notes <>`_ when upgrading. In porting the logic over, various performance issues and bugs were fixed.
* feature:s3: Add ``io_chunksize`` parameter to ``TransferConfig``
* feature:S3: Add custom load to ObjectSummary
* feature:Session: Add method to get session credentials
* bugfix:DynamoDB: Ensure batch writer never sends more than flush_amount (`#483 <>`__)
* feature:Resources: Add get_available_subresources to Resources (`#113 <>`__)
* feature:``EC2``: Update resource model to include ``Route`` resources. (`issue 532 <>`__)
* bugfix:``S3``: Forward ``extra_args`` when using multipart downloads. (`issue 503 <>`__)
* feature:``Session``: Add ``region_name`` property on session. (`issue 414 <>`__)
* bugfix:``S3``: Fix issue with hanging downloads. (`issue 471 <>`__)
* feature:``CloudWatch``: Add resource model. (`issue 412 <>`__)
* feature:``S3``: Add a start_restore() on Object and ObjectSummary resources. (`issue 408 <>`__)
* feature:Documentation: Add examples for S3. (`issue 402 <>`__)
* bugfix:Collections: Fix regression where filters could not be chained. (`issue 401 <>`__)
* bugfix:``S3``: Progress callback will be triggered when rewinding stream. (`issue 395 <>`__)
* feature:Dependencies: Relax version constraint of ``futures`` to support version 3.x.
* feature:Resources: Allow ``config`` object to be provided when creating resources (`issue 325 <>`__)
* feature:Documentation: Add docstrings for resource collections and waiters (`issue 267 <>`__, `issue 261 <>`__)
* bugfix:setup.cfg: Fix issue in formatting that broke PyPI distributable
* feature:Docstrings: Add docstrings for resource identifiers, attributes, references, and subresources. (`issue 239 <>`__)
* feature:``S3``: Add ability to configure host addressing style when making requests to Amazon S3. (`botocore issue 673 <>`__)
* bugfix:``IAM``: Fix model issue with attached groups, roles, and policies. (`issue 304 <>`__)
* bugfix:``EC2.ServiceResource.create_key_pair``: Fix model issue where creating key pair does not have a ``key_material`` on ``KeyPair`` resource. (`issue 290 <>`__)
* bugfix:Identifier: Make resource identifiers immutable. (`issue 246 <>`__)
* feature:S3: Both S3 Bucket and Object obtain upload_file() and download_file() (`issue 243 <>`__)
* feature:``aws storagegateway``: Add support for resource tagging.
* feature:timeouts: Add support for customizable timeouts.
* feature:``session.Session``: Add ``events`` property to access session's event emitter. (`issue 204 <>`__)
* bugfix:``Glacier.Account``: Fix issue with resource model. (`issue 196 <>`__)
* bugfix:``DynamoDB``: Fix misspelling of error class to ``DynamoDBOperationNotSupportedError``. (`issue 218 <>`__)
* bugfix:``EC2.ServiceResource.create_tags``: Fix issue when creating multiple tags. (`issue 160 <>`__)
* bugfix:``EC2.Vpc.filter``: Fix issue with clobbering of ``Filtering`` paramter. (`issue 154 <>`__)
* bugfix:``s3.client.upload_file``: Fix double invocation of callbacks when using signature version 4. (`issue 133 <>`__)
* bugfix:: ``s3.Bucket.load`` (`issue 128 <>`__)
* bugfix:Installation: Fix regression when installing via older versions of pip on python 2.6. (`issue 132 <>`__)
* feature:ec2: Update resource model. (`issue 129 <>`__)
* breakingchange:Collections: Remove the ``page_count`` and ``limit`` arguments from ``all()``. Undocument support for the two arguments in the ``filter()`` method. (`issue 119 <>`__)
* feature:DynamoDB: Add batch writer. (`issue 118 <>`__)
* feature:DynamoDB: Add document level interface for Table resource (`issue 103 <>`__)
* feature:DynamoDB: Add ConditionExpression interface for querying and filtering Table resource. (`issue 103 <>`__)
* feature:Clients: Add support for passing of ``botocore.client.Config`` object to instantiation of clients.
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.107.0.
* bugfix:Packaging: Fix release sdist and whl files from 0.0.15.
* feature:Amazon Dynamodb: Add resource model for Amazon DynamoDB.
* bugfix:Packaging: Fix an issue with the Amazon S3 ``upload_file`` and ``download_file`` customization. (`issue 85 <>`__)
* bugfix:Resource: Fix an issue with the Amazon S3 ``BucketNofitication`` resource.
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.103.0.
* feature:Resources: Update to the latest resource models for
* feature:Amazon S3: Add an ``upload_file`` and ``download_file`` to S3 clients that transparently handle parallel multipart transfers.
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.102.0.
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.100.0.
* feature:Resources: Add the ability to load resource data from a ``has`` relationship. This saves a call to ``load`` when available, and otherwise fixes a problem where there was no way to get at certain resource data. (`issue 74 <>`__,
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.99.0
* feature:Resources: Add Amazon EC2 support for ClassicLink actions and add a delete action to EC2 ``Volume`` resources.
* feature:Resources: Add a ``load`` operation and ``user`` reference to AWS IAM's ``CurrentUser`` resource. (`issue 72 <>`__,
* feature:Resources: Add resources for AWS IAM managed policies. (`issue 71 <>`__)
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.97.0
* bugfix:Documentation: Name collisions are now handled at the resource model layer instead of the factory, meaning that the documentation now uses the correct names. (`issue 67 <>`__)
* feature:Session: Add a ``region_name`` option when creating a session. (`issue 69 <>`__, `issue 21 <>`__)
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.94.0
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.92.0
* bugfix:Resources: Fix Amazon S3 resource identifier order. (`issue 62 <>`__)
* bugfix:Resources: Fix collection resource hydration path. (`issue 61 <>`__)
* bugfix:Resources: Re-enable service-level access to all resources, allowing e.g. ``obj = s3.Object('bucket', 'key')``. (`issue 60 <>`__)
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.87.0
* feature:Resources: Enable support for Amazon Glacier.
* feature:Resources: Support plural references and nested JMESPath queries for data members when building parameters and identifiers. (`issue 52 <>`__)
* feature:Resources: Update to the latest resource JSON format. This is a **backward-incompatible** change as not all resources are exposed at the service level anymore. For example, ``s3.Object('bucket', 'key')`` is now ``s3.Bucket('bucket').Object('key')``. (`issue 51 <>`__)
* feature:Resources: Make ``resource.meta`` a proper object. This allows you to do things like ``resource.meta.client``. This is a **backward- incompatible** change. (`issue 45 <>`__)
* feature:Dependency: Update to JMESPath 0.6.1
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.86.0
* feature:Amazon SQS: Add ``purge`` action to queue resources
* feature:Waiters: Add documentation for client and resource waiters (`issue 44 <>`__)
* feature:Waiters: Add support for resource waiters (`issue 43 <>`__)
* bugfix:Installation: Remove dependency on the unused ``six`` module (`issue 42 <>`__)
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.80.0
* feature:Resources: Add support for batch actions on collections. (`issue 32 <>`__)
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.78.0
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.77.0
* feature:EC2: Update `Amazon EC2 <http
* feature:Resources: Support `belongsTo` resource reference as well as `path` specified in an action's resource definition.
* bugfix:SQS: Fix an issue accessing SQS message bodies (`issue 33 <>`__)
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.76.0.
* feature:Resources: Adds resources for `AWS CloudFormation <>`_ and `AWS OpsWorks <>`_.
* feature:Botocore: Update to Botocore 0.73.0 and JMESPath 0.5.0
* feature:Clients: Adds support for `AWS CodeDeploy <>`_, `AWS Config <>`_, `AWS KMS <>`_, `AWS Lambda <>`_.
* feature:UserAgent: Make requests with a customized HTTP user-agent
* feature:Resources: Supports S3, EC2, SQS, SNS, and IAM resources
* feature:Clients: Supports low-level clients for most services