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# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Mitch Garnaat
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
# Copyright 2012-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import sys
import xml.etree.cElementTree
import logging
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
from botocore import ScalarTypes
from botocore.hooks import first_non_none_response
from botocore.compat import json, set_socket_timeout, XMLParseError
from botocore.exceptions import IncompleteReadError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Response(object):
def __init__(self, session, operation):
self.session = session
self.operation = operation
self.value = {}
def parse(self, s, encoding):
def get_value(self):
value = ''
if self.value:
value = self.value
return value
def merge_header_values(self, headers):
class XmlResponse(Response):
def __init__(self, session, operation):
Response.__init__(self, session, operation)
self.tree = None
self.element_map = {}
self.value = {}
self._parent = None
def clark_notation(self, tag):
return '{%s}%s' % (self.operation.service.xmlnamespace, tag)
def get_element_base_tag(self, elem):
if '}' in elem.tag:
elem_tag = elem.tag.split('}')[1]
elem_tag = elem.tag
return elem_tag
def parse(self, s, encoding):
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
if self.operation.output:
self.build_element_map(self.operation.output, 'root')
parser = xml.etree.cElementTree.XMLParser(
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
self.value = {}
except XMLParseError as e:
# Check the case where we have a single output member
# that has a single element that's a payload.
if self.operation.output and len(self.operation.output['members']) == 1:
members = self.operation.output['members']
member_name = list(members.keys())[0]
if members[member_name].get('payload'):
# Then the final result is just a single key
# whose value is the response body.
self.value = {member_name: s, 'ResponseMetadata': {}}
self.tree = parser.close()
def get_response_metadata(self):
rmd = {}
self.value['ResponseMetadata'] = rmd
rmd_elem = self.tree.find(self.clark_notation('ResponseMetadata'))
if rmd_elem is not None:
rmd_elem.tail = True
request_id = rmd_elem.find(self.clark_notation('RequestId'))
request_id = self.tree.find(self.clark_notation('requestId'))
if request_id is None:
request_id = self.tree.find(self.clark_notation('RequestId'))
if request_id is None:
request_id = self.tree.find('RequestID')
if request_id is not None:
request_id.tail = True
rmd['RequestId'] = request_id.text.strip()
def _get_error_data(self, error_elem):
data = {}
for elem in error_elem:
elem.tail = True
data[self.get_element_base_tag(elem)] = elem.text
return data
def get_response_errors(self):
errors = None
error_elems = self.tree.find('Errors')
if error_elems is not None:
error_elems.tail = True
errors = [self._get_error_data(e) for e in error_elems]
error_elems = self.tree.find(self.clark_notation('Error'))
if error_elems is not None:
error_elems.tail = True
errors = [self._get_error_data(error_elems)]
elif self.tree.tag == 'Error':
errors = [self._get_error_data(self.tree)]
if errors:
self.value['Errors'] = errors
def build_element_map(self, defn, keyname):
xmlname = defn.get('xmlname', keyname)
if not xmlname:
xmlname = defn.get('shape_name')
self.element_map[xmlname] = defn
if defn['type'] == 'structure':
for member_name in defn['members']:
elif defn['type'] == 'list':
self.build_element_map(defn['members'], None)
elif defn['type'] == 'map':
self.build_element_map(defn['keys'], 'key')
self.build_element_map(defn['members'], 'value')
def find(self, parent, tag):
tag = tag.split(':')[-1]
cn = self.clark_notation(tag)
child = parent.find(cn)
if child is None:
child = parent.find('*/%s' % cn)
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
if child is None \
and parent.tag == cn:
child = parent
return child
def findall(self, parent, tag):
cn = self.clark_notation(tag)
children = parent.findall(cn)
if not children:
children = parent.findall('*/%s' % cn)
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
except Exception:
return children
def parent_slow(self, elem, target):
for child in elem:
if child == target:
self._parent = elem
self.parent_slow(child, target)
def parent(self, elem):
# We need the '..' operator in XPath but only that is only
# available in Python versions >= 2.7
if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 6:
self.parent_slow(self.tree, elem)
parent = self._parent
self._parent = None
parent = self.tree.find('.//%s/..' % elem.tag)
return parent
def get_elem_text(self, elem):
data = elem.text
if data is not None:
data = elem.text.strip()
return data
def _handle_string(self, elem, shape):
data = self.get_elem_text(elem)
if not data:
children = list(elem)
if len(children) == 1:
data = self.get_elem_text(children[0])
return data
_handle_timestamp = _handle_string
_handle_blob = _handle_string
def _handle_integer(self, elem, shape):
data = self.get_elem_text(elem)
if data:
data = int(data)
return data
_handle_long = _handle_integer
def _handle_float(self, elem, shape):
data = self.get_elem_text(elem)
if data:
data = float(data)
return data
_handle_double = _handle_float
def _handle_boolean(self, elem, shape):
return True if elem.text.lower() == 'true' else False
def _handle_structure(self, elem, shape):
new_data = {}
xmlname = shape.get('xmlname')
if xmlname:
tagname = self.get_element_base_tag(elem)
if xmlname != tagname:
return new_data
for member_name in shape['members']:
member_shape = shape['members'][member_name]
xmlname = member_shape.get('xmlname', member_name)
child = self.find(elem, xmlname)
if child is not None:
new_data[member_name] = self.handle_elem(
member_name, child, member_shape)
return new_data
def _handle_list(self, elem, shape):
xmlname = shape['members'].get('xmlname', 'member')
children = self.findall(elem, xmlname)
if not children and shape.get('flattened'):
parent = self.parent(elem)
if parent is not None:
tagname = self.get_element_base_tag(elem)
children = self.findall(parent, tagname)
if not children:
children = []
return [self.handle_elem(None, child, shape['members'])
for child in children]
def _handle_map(self, elem, shape):
data = {}
# First collect all map entries
xmlname = shape.get('xmlname', 'entry')
keyshape = shape['keys']
valueshape = shape['members']
key_xmlname = keyshape.get('xmlname', 'key')
value_xmlname = valueshape.get('xmlname', 'value')
members = self.findall(elem, xmlname)
if not members:
parent = self.parent(elem)
if parent is not None:
members = self.findall(parent, xmlname)
for member in members:
key = self.find(member, key_xmlname)
value = self.find(member, value_xmlname)
cn = self.clark_notation(value_xmlname)
value = member.find(cn)
key_name = self.handle_elem(None, key, keyshape)
data[key_name] = self.handle_elem(key_name, value, valueshape)
return data
def emit_event(self, tag, shape, value):
if 'shape_name' in shape:
event = self.session.create_event(
'after-parsed', self.operation.service.endpoint_prefix,, shape['shape_name'], tag)
rv = first_non_none_response(self.session.emit(event,
if rv:
value = rv
return value
def handle_elem(self, key, elem, shape):
handler_name = '_handle_%s' % shape['type']
elem.tail = True
if hasattr(self, handler_name):
value = getattr(self, handler_name)(elem, shape)
value = self.emit_event(key, shape, value)
return value
logger.debug('Unhandled type: %s', shape['type'])
def fake_shape(self, elem):
shape = {}
tags = set()
nchildren = 0
for child in elem:
nchildren += 1
if nchildren == 0:
shape['type'] = 'string'
elif nchildren > 1 and len(tags) == 1:
shape['type'] = 'list'
shape['members'] = {'type': 'string'}
shape['type'] = 'structure'
shape['members'] = {}
for tag in tags:
base_tag = self.get_element_base_tag(tag)
shape['members'][base_tag] = {'type': 'string'}
return shape
def start(self, elem):
if self.operation.output:
for member_name in self.operation.output['members']:
member = self.operation.output['members'][member_name]
xmlname = member.get('xmlname', member_name)
child = self.find(elem, xmlname)
if child is None and member['type'] not in ScalarTypes:
child = elem
if child is not None:
self.value[member_name] = self.handle_elem(member_name,
child, member)
for child in self.tree:
if child.tail is not True:
child_tag = self.get_element_base_tag(child)
if child_tag not in self.element_map:
if not child_tag.startswith(
shape = self.fake_shape(child)
self.value[child_tag] = self.handle_elem(child_tag,
child, shape)
def merge_header_values(self, headers):
if self.operation.output:
for member_name in self.operation.output['members']:
member = self.operation.output['members'][member_name]
location = member.get('location')
if location == 'header':
location_name = member.get('location_name')
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
if member['type'] == 'map':
self._merge_map_header_values(headers, location_name,
member_name, member)
elif location_name in headers:
self.value[member_name] = headers[location_name]
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def _merge_map_header_values(self, headers, location_name,
member_name, member):
final_map_value = {}
for header_name in headers:
if header_name.startswith(location_name):
header_value = headers[header_name]
actual_name = header_name[len(location_name):]
final_map_value[actual_name] = header_value
if final_map_value:
self.value[member_name] = final_map_value
class JSONResponse(Response):
def parse(self, s, encoding):
decoded = s.decode(encoding)
self.value = json.loads(decoded)
except Exception as err:
logger.debug('Error loading JSON response body, %r', err)
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
def merge_header_values(self, headers):
# Most JSON services return a __type in error response bodies.
# Unfortunately, ElasticTranscoder does not. It simply returns
# a JSON body with a single key, "message".
error = None
if '__type' in self.value:
error_type = self.value['__type']
error = {'Type': error_type}
del self.value['__type']
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
for key in ['message', 'Message']:
if key in self.value:
error['Message'] = self.value[key]
del self.value[key]
code = self._parse_code_from_type(error_type)
error['Code'] = code
elif 'message' in self.value and len(self.value.keys()) == 1:
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
error_type = 'Unspecified'
if headers and 'x-amzn-errortype' in headers:
# ElasticTranscoder suffixes errors with `:`, so we strip
# them off when possible.
error_type = headers.get('x-amzn-errortype').strip(':')
error = {'Type': error_type, 'Code': error_type,
'Message': self.value['message']}
del self.value['message']
if error:
self.value['Errors'] = [error]
def _parse_code_from_type(self, error_type):
return error_type.rsplit('#', 1)[-1]
class StreamingResponse(Response):
def __init__(self, session, operation):
Response.__init__(self, session, operation)
self.value = {}
def parse(self, headers, stream):
for member_name in self.operation.output['members']:
member_dict = self.operation.output['members'][member_name]
if member_dict.get('location') == 'header':
header_name = member_dict.get('location_name')
if header_name and header_name in headers:
self.value[member_name] = headers[header_name]
elif member_dict.get('type') == 'blob':
if member_dict.get('payload'):
if member_dict.get('streaming'):
self.value[member_name] = stream
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
class StreamingBody(object):
"""Wrapper class for an http response body.
This provides a few additional conveniences that do not exist
in the urllib3 model:
* Set the timeout on the socket (i.e read() timeouts)
* Auto validation of content length, if the amount of bytes
we read does not match the content length, an exception
is raised.
def __init__(self, raw_stream, content_length):
self._raw_stream = raw_stream
self._content_length = content_length
self._amount_read = 0
def set_socket_timeout(self, timeout):
"""Set the timeout seconds on the socket."""
# The problem we're trying to solve is to prevent .read() calls from
# hanging. This can happen in rare cases. What we'd like to ideally
# do is set a timeout on the .read() call so that callers can retry
# the request.
# Unfortunately, this isn't currently possible in requests.
# See:
# So what we're going to do is reach into the guts of the stream and
# grab the socket object, which we can set the timeout on. We're
# putting in a check here so in case this interface goes away, we'll
# know.
# To further complicate things, the way to grab the
# underlying socket object from an HTTPResponse is different
# in py2 and py3. So this code has been pushed to botocore.compat.
set_socket_timeout(self._raw_stream, timeout)
except AttributeError:
logger.error("Cannot access the socket object of "
"a streaming response. It's possible "
"the interface has changed.", exc_info=True)
def read(self, amt=None):
chunk =
self._amount_read += len(chunk)
if not chunk or amt is None:
# If the server sends empty contents or
# we ask to read all of the contents, then we know
# we need to verify the content length.
return chunk
def _verify_content_length(self):
if self._content_length is not None and \
self._amount_read != int(self._content_length):
raise IncompleteReadError(
def _validate_content_length(expected_content_length, body_length):
# See:
# Basically, our http library doesn't do this for us, so we have
# to do this ourself.
if expected_content_length is not None:
if int(expected_content_length) != body_length:
raise IncompleteReadError(
def get_response(session, operation, http_response):
encoding = 'utf-8'
if http_response.encoding:
encoding = http_response.encoding
content_type = http_response.headers.get('content-type')
if content_type and ';' in content_type:
content_type = content_type.split(';')[0]
logger.debug('Content type from response: %s', content_type)
if operation.is_streaming():
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
"Response Headers:\n%s",
'\n'.join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in http_response.headers.items()))
streaming_response = StreamingResponse(session, operation)
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
if http_response.ok:
return (http_response, streaming_response.get_value())
xml_response = XmlResponse(session, operation)
body = streaming_response.get_value()['Body'].read()
# For streaming response, response body might be binary data,
# so we log response body only when error happens.
logger.debug("Response Body:\n%s", body)
if body:
xml_response.parse(body, encoding)
except xml.etree.cElementTree.ParseError as err:
raise xml.etree.cElementTree.ParseError(
"Error parsing XML response: %s\nXML received:\n%s" % (err, body))
return (http_response, xml_response.get_value())
body = http_response.content
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
if not http_response.request.method == 'HEAD':
http_response.headers.get('content-length'), len(body))
"Response Headers:\n%s",
'\n'.join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in http_response.headers.items()))
logger.debug("Response Body:\n%s", body)
2015-10-08 20:15:31 +02:00
if operation.service.type in ('json', 'rest-json'):
json_response = JSONResponse(session, operation)
if body:
json_response.parse(body, encoding)
return (http_response, json_response.get_value())
# We are defaulting to an XML response handler because many query
# services send XML error responses but do not include a Content-Type
# header.
xml_response = XmlResponse(session, operation)
if body:
xml_response.parse(body, encoding)
return (http_response, xml_response.get_value())