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2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
from contextlib import contextmanager
2021-09-22 22:53:42 +02:00
from tests import mock, BaseSessionTest, ClientHTTPStubber
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
from botocore.history import BaseHistoryHandler
from botocore.history import get_global_history_recorder
class RecordingHandler(BaseHistoryHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.recorded_calls = []
def emit(self, event_type, payload, source):
self.recorded_calls.append((event_type, payload, source))
class TestRecordStatementsInjections(BaseSessionTest):
def setUp(self):
super(TestRecordStatementsInjections, self).setUp()
self.client = self.session.create_client('s3', 'us-west-2')
2018-10-04 08:50:52 +02:00
self.http_stubber = ClientHTTPStubber(self.client)
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
self.s3_response_body = (
'<ListAllMyBucketsResult '
' xmlns="">'
' <Owner>'
' <ID>d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</ID>'
' <DisplayName>foo</DisplayName>'
' </Owner>'
' <Buckets>'
' <Bucket>'
' <Name>bar</Name>'
' <CreationDate>1912-06-23T22:57:02.000Z</CreationDate>'
' </Bucket>'
' </Buckets>'
self.recording_handler = RecordingHandler()
history_recorder = get_global_history_recorder()
def _get_all_events_of_type(self, event_type):
recorded_calls = self.recording_handler.recorded_calls
matching = [call for call in recorded_calls
if call[0] == event_type]
return matching
def test_does_record_api_call(self):
2018-10-04 08:50:52 +02:00
with self.http_stubber:
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
api_call_events = self._get_all_events_of_type('API_CALL')
self.assertEqual(len(api_call_events), 1)
event = api_call_events[0]
event_type, payload, source = event
self.assertEqual(payload, {
'operation': u'ListBuckets',
'params': {},
'service': 's3'
self.assertEqual(source, 'BOTOCORE')
def test_does_record_http_request(self):
2018-10-04 08:50:52 +02:00
with self.http_stubber:
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
http_request_events = self._get_all_events_of_type('HTTP_REQUEST')
self.assertEqual(len(http_request_events), 1)
event = http_request_events[0]
event_type, payload, source = event
method = payload['method']
self.assertEqual(method, u'GET')
# The header values vary too much per request to verify them here.
# Instead just check the presense of each expected header.
headers = payload['headers']
for expected_header in ['Authorization', 'User-Agent', 'X-Amz-Date',
self.assertIn(expected_header, headers)
body = payload['body']
streaming = payload['streaming']
2021-09-22 22:53:42 +02:00
self.assertEqual(streaming, False)
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
url = payload['url']
2021-09-22 22:53:42 +02:00
self.assertEqual(url, '')
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
self.assertEqual(source, 'BOTOCORE')
def test_does_record_http_response(self):
2018-10-04 08:50:52 +02:00
with self.http_stubber:
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
http_response_events = self._get_all_events_of_type('HTTP_RESPONSE')
self.assertEqual(len(http_response_events), 1)
event = http_response_events[0]
event_type, payload, source = event
self.assertEqual(payload, {
'status_code': 200,
'headers': {},
'streaming': False,
2018-05-08 03:57:43 +02:00
'body': self.s3_response_body,
'context': {'operation_name': 'ListBuckets'}
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
self.assertEqual(source, 'BOTOCORE')
def test_does_record_parsed_response(self):
2018-10-04 08:50:52 +02:00
with self.http_stubber:
2018-01-15 17:34:17 +01:00
parsed_response_events = self._get_all_events_of_type(
self.assertEqual(len(parsed_response_events), 1)
event = parsed_response_events[0]
event_type, payload, source = event
# Given that the request contains headers with a user agent string
# a date and a signature we need to disassemble the call and manually
# assert the interesting bits since mock can only assert if the args
# all match exactly.
owner = payload['Owner']
self.assertEqual(owner, {
'DisplayName': 'foo',
'ID': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
buckets = payload['Buckets']
self.assertEqual(len(buckets), 1)
bucket = buckets[0]
self.assertEqual(bucket['Name'], 'bar')
metadata = payload['ResponseMetadata']
self.assertEqual(metadata, {
'HTTPHeaders': {},
'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
'RetryAttempts': 0