# Copyright 2015 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. from botocore import xform_name from botocore.compat import OrderedDict from botocore.docs.method import document_model_driven_method from botocore.docs.utils import DocumentedShape from botocore.utils import get_service_module_name class PaginatorDocumenter: def __init__(self, client, service_paginator_model): self._client = client self._service_name = self._client.meta.service_model.service_name self._service_paginator_model = service_paginator_model def document_paginators(self, section): """Documents the various paginators for a service param section: The section to write to. """ section.style.h2('Paginators') section.style.new_line() section.writeln('The available paginators are:') paginator_names = sorted( self._service_paginator_model._paginator_config ) # List the available paginators and then document each paginator. for paginator_name in paginator_names: section.style.li( f':py:class:`{self._client.__class__.__name__}.Paginator.{paginator_name}`' ) self._add_paginator(section, paginator_name) def _add_paginator(self, section, paginator_name): section = section.add_new_section(paginator_name) # Docment the paginator class section.style.start_sphinx_py_class( class_name=( f'{self._client.__class__.__name__}.Paginator.{paginator_name}' ) ) section.style.start_codeblock() section.style.new_line() # Document how to instantiate the paginator. section.write( f"paginator = client.get_paginator('{xform_name(paginator_name)}')" ) section.style.end_codeblock() section.style.new_line() # Get the pagination model for the particular paginator. paginator_config = self._service_paginator_model.get_paginator( paginator_name ) document_paginate_method( section=section, paginator_name=paginator_name, event_emitter=self._client.meta.events, service_model=self._client.meta.service_model, paginator_config=paginator_config, ) def document_paginate_method( section, paginator_name, event_emitter, service_model, paginator_config, include_signature=True, ): """Documents the paginate method of a paginator :param section: The section to write to :param paginator_name: The name of the paginator. It is snake cased. :param event_emitter: The event emitter to use to emit events :param service_model: The service model :param paginator_config: The paginator config associated to a particular paginator. :param include_signature: Whether or not to include the signature. It is useful for generating docstrings. """ # Retrieve the operation model of the underlying operation. operation_model = service_model.operation_model(paginator_name) # Add representations of the request and response parameters # we want to include in the description of the paginate method. # These are parameters we expose via the botocore interface. pagination_config_members = OrderedDict() pagination_config_members['MaxItems'] = DocumentedShape( name='MaxItems', type_name='integer', documentation=( '

The total number of items to return. If the total ' 'number of items available is more than the value ' 'specified in max-items then a NextToken ' 'will be provided in the output that you can use to ' 'resume pagination.

' ), ) if paginator_config.get('limit_key', None): pagination_config_members['PageSize'] = DocumentedShape( name='PageSize', type_name='integer', documentation='

The size of each page.

', ) pagination_config_members['StartingToken'] = DocumentedShape( name='StartingToken', type_name='string', documentation=( '

A token to specify where to start paginating. ' 'This is the NextToken from a previous ' 'response.

' ), ) botocore_pagination_params = [ DocumentedShape( name='PaginationConfig', type_name='structure', documentation=( '

A dictionary that provides parameters to control ' 'pagination.

' ), members=pagination_config_members, ) ] botocore_pagination_response_params = [ DocumentedShape( name='NextToken', type_name='string', documentation=('

A token to resume pagination.

'), ) ] service_pagination_params = [] # Add the normal input token of the method to a list # of input paramters that we wish to hide since we expose our own. if isinstance(paginator_config['input_token'], list): service_pagination_params += paginator_config['input_token'] else: service_pagination_params.append(paginator_config['input_token']) # Hide the limit key in the documentation. if paginator_config.get('limit_key', None): service_pagination_params.append(paginator_config['limit_key']) # Hide the output tokens in the documentation. service_pagination_response_params = [] if isinstance(paginator_config['output_token'], list): service_pagination_response_params += paginator_config['output_token'] else: service_pagination_response_params.append( paginator_config['output_token'] ) paginate_description = ( 'Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses ' 'from :py:meth:`{}.Client.{}`.'.format( get_service_module_name(service_model), xform_name(paginator_name) ) ) document_model_driven_method( section, 'paginate', operation_model, event_emitter=event_emitter, method_description=paginate_description, example_prefix='response_iterator = paginator.paginate', include_input=botocore_pagination_params, include_output=botocore_pagination_response_params, exclude_input=service_pagination_params, exclude_output=service_pagination_response_params, include_signature=include_signature, )