{ "version": 2, "waiters": { "ClusterCreated": { "description": "Wait until a cluster is created", "operation": "DescribeCluster", "delay": 5, "maxAttempts": 26, "acceptors": [ { "state": "success", "matcher": "path", "argument": "Cluster.Status", "expected": "DEPLOYED" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "path", "argument": "Cluster.Status", "expected": "PENDING" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "status", "expected": 500 } ] }, "ClusterDeleted": { "description": "Wait for a cluster to be deleted", "operation": "DescribeCluster", "delay": 5, "maxAttempts": 26, "acceptors": [ { "state": "success", "matcher": "status", "expected": 404 }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "path", "argument": "Cluster.Status", "expected": "PENDING_DELETION" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "status", "expected": 500 } ] }, "ControlPanelCreated": { "description": "Wait until a control panel is created", "operation": "DescribeControlPanel", "delay": 5, "maxAttempts": 26, "acceptors": [ { "state": "success", "matcher": "path", "argument": "ControlPanel.Status", "expected": "DEPLOYED" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "path", "argument": "ControlPanel.Status", "expected": "PENDING" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "status", "expected": 500 } ] }, "ControlPanelDeleted": { "description": "Wait until a control panel is deleted", "operation": "DescribeControlPanel", "delay": 5, "maxAttempts": 26, "acceptors": [ { "state": "success", "matcher": "status", "expected": 404 }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "path", "argument": "ControlPanel.Status", "expected": "PENDING_DELETION" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "status", "expected": 500 } ] }, "RoutingControlCreated": { "description": "Wait until a routing control is created", "operation": "DescribeRoutingControl", "delay": 5, "maxAttempts": 26, "acceptors": [ { "state": "success", "matcher": "path", "argument": "RoutingControl.Status", "expected": "DEPLOYED" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "path", "argument": "RoutingControl.Status", "expected": "PENDING" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "status", "expected": 500 } ] }, "RoutingControlDeleted": { "description": "Wait for a routing control to be deleted", "operation": "DescribeRoutingControl", "delay": 5, "maxAttempts": 26, "acceptors": [ { "state": "success", "matcher": "status", "expected": 404 }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "path", "argument": "RoutingControl.Status", "expected": "PENDING_DELETION" }, { "state": "retry", "matcher": "status", "expected": 500 } ] } } }