{ "version":"2.0", "metadata":{ "apiVersion":"2018-04-01", "endpointPrefix":"quicksight", "jsonVersion":"1.0", "protocol":"rest-json", "serviceFullName":"Amazon QuickSight", "serviceId":"QuickSight", "signatureVersion":"v4", "uid":"quicksight-2018-04-01" }, "operations":{ "CancelIngestion":{ "name":"CancelIngestion", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}/ingestions/{IngestionId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CancelIngestionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CancelIngestionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Cancels an ongoing ingestion of data into SPICE.

" }, "CreateAccountCustomization":{ "name":"CreateAccountCustomization", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/customizations" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateAccountCustomizationRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateAccountCustomizationResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region. Currently, you can add a custom default theme by using the CreateAccountCustomization or UpdateAccountCustomization API operation. To further customize Amazon QuickSight by removing Amazon QuickSight sample assets and videos for all new users, see Customizing Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

You can create customizations for your Amazon Web Services account or, if you specify a namespace, for a QuickSight namespace instead. Customizations that apply to a namespace always override customizations that apply to an Amazon Web Services account. To find out which customizations apply, use the DescribeAccountCustomization API operation.

Before you use the CreateAccountCustomization API operation to add a theme as the namespace default, make sure that you first share the theme with the namespace. If you don't share it with the namespace, the theme isn't visible to your users even if you make it the default theme. To check if the theme is shared, view the current permissions by using the DescribeThemePermissions API operation. To share the theme, grant permissions by using the UpdateThemePermissions API operation.

" }, "CreateAccountSubscription":{ "name":"CreateAccountSubscription", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/account/{AwsAccountId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateAccountSubscriptionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateAccountSubscriptionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an Amazon QuickSight account, or subscribes to Amazon QuickSight Q.

The Amazon Web Services Region for the account is derived from what is configured in the CLI or SDK. This operation isn't supported in the US East (Ohio) Region, South America (Sao Paulo) Region, or Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region.

Before you use this operation, make sure that you can connect to an existing Amazon Web Services account. If you don't have an Amazon Web Services account, see Sign up for Amazon Web Services in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. The person who signs up for Amazon QuickSight needs to have the correct Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. For more information, see IAM Policy Examples for Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

If your IAM policy includes both the Subscribe and CreateAccountSubscription actions, make sure that both actions are set to Allow. If either action is set to Deny, the Deny action prevails and your API call fails.

You can't pass an existing IAM role to access other Amazon Web Services services using this API operation. To pass your existing IAM role to Amazon QuickSight, see Passing IAM roles to Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

You can't set default resource access on the new account from the Amazon QuickSight API. Instead, add default resource access from the Amazon QuickSight console. For more information about setting default resource access to Amazon Web Services services, see Setting default resource access to Amazon Web Services services in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "CreateAnalysis":{ "name":"CreateAnalysis", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateAnalysisRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateAnalysisResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight.

" }, "CreateDashboard":{ "name":"CreateDashboard", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateDashboardRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateDashboardResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a dashboard from a template. To first create a template, see the CreateTemplate API operation.

A dashboard is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that identifies Amazon QuickSight reports, created from analyses. You can share Amazon QuickSight dashboards. With the right permissions, you can create scheduled email reports from them. If you have the correct permissions, you can create a dashboard from a template that exists in a different Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "CreateDataSet":{ "name":"CreateDataSet", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateDataSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateDataSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source.

" }, "CreateDataSource":{ "name":"CreateDataSource", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateDataSourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateDataSourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a data source.

" }, "CreateFolder":{ "name":"CreateFolder", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateFolderRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateFolderResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an empty shared folder.

" }, "CreateFolderMembership":{ "name":"CreateFolderMembership", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}/members/{MemberType}/{MemberId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateFolderMembershipRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateFolderMembershipResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Adds an asset, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset into a folder.

" }, "CreateGroup":{ "name":"CreateGroup", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateGroupRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateGroupResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the CreateGroup operation to create a group in Amazon QuickSight. You can create up to 10,000 groups in a namespace. If you want to create more than 10,000 groups in a namespace, contact AWS Support.

The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:<your-region>:<relevant-aws-account-id>:group/default/<group-name> .

The response is a group object.

" }, "CreateGroupMembership":{ "name":"CreateGroupMembership", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}/members/{MemberName}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateGroupMembershipRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateGroupMembershipResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Adds an Amazon QuickSight user to an Amazon QuickSight group.

" }, "CreateIAMPolicyAssignment":{ "name":"CreateIAMPolicyAssignment", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/iam-policy-assignments/" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConcurrentUpdatingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an assignment with one specified IAM policy, identified by its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This policy assignment is attached to the specified groups or users of Amazon QuickSight. Assignment names are unique per Amazon Web Services account. To avoid overwriting rules in other namespaces, use assignment names that are unique.

" }, "CreateIngestion":{ "name":"CreateIngestion", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}/ingestions/{IngestionId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateIngestionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateIngestionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates and starts a new SPICE ingestion for a dataset. You can manually refresh datasets in an Enterprise edition account 32 times in a 24-hour period. You can manually refresh datasets in a Standard edition account 8 times in a 24-hour period. Each 24-hour period is measured starting 24 hours before the current date and time.

Any ingestions operating on tagged datasets inherit the same tags automatically for use in access control. For an example, see How do I create an IAM policy to control access to Amazon EC2 resources using tags? in the Amazon Web Services Knowledge Center. Tags are visible on the tagged dataset, but not on the ingestion resource.

" }, "CreateNamespace":{ "name":"CreateNamespace", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateNamespaceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateNamespaceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

(Enterprise edition only) Creates a new namespace for you to use with Amazon QuickSight.

A namespace allows you to isolate the Amazon QuickSight users and groups that are registered for that namespace. Users that access the namespace can share assets only with other users or groups in the same namespace. They can't see users and groups in other namespaces. You can create a namespace after your Amazon Web Services account is subscribed to Amazon QuickSight. The namespace must be unique within the Amazon Web Services account. By default, there is a limit of 100 namespaces per Amazon Web Services account. To increase your limit, create a ticket with Amazon Web Services Support.

" }, "CreateTemplate":{ "name":"CreateTemplate", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateTemplateRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateTemplateResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a template from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or template. You can use the resulting template to create a dashboard.

A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create s dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the dataset associated with the analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used to create the source analysis and template.

" }, "CreateTemplateAlias":{ "name":"CreateTemplateAlias", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateTemplateAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateTemplateAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a template alias for a template.

" }, "CreateTheme":{ "name":"CreateTheme", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateThemeRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateThemeResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a theme.

A theme is set of configuration options for color and layout. Themes apply to analyses and dashboards. For more information, see Using Themes in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "CreateThemeAlias":{ "name":"CreateThemeAlias", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateThemeAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateThemeAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a theme alias for a theme.

" }, "DeleteAccountCustomization":{ "name":"DeleteAccountCustomization", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/customizations" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteAccountCustomizationRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteAccountCustomizationResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes all Amazon QuickSight customizations in this Amazon Web Services Region for the specified Amazon Web Services account and Amazon QuickSight namespace.

" }, "DeleteAccountSubscription":{ "name":"DeleteAccountSubscription", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/account/{AwsAccountId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteAccountSubscriptionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteAccountSubscriptionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the DeleteAccountSubscription operation to delete an Amazon QuickSight account. This operation will result in an error message if you have configured your account termination protection settings to True. To change this setting and delete your account, call the UpdateAccountSettings API and set the value of the TerminationProtectionEnabled parameter to False, then make another call to the DeleteAccountSubscription API.

" }, "DeleteAnalysis":{ "name":"DeleteAnalysis", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteAnalysisRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteAnalysisResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes an analysis from Amazon QuickSight. You can optionally include a recovery window during which you can restore the analysis. If you don't specify a recovery window value, the operation defaults to 30 days. Amazon QuickSight attaches a DeletionTime stamp to the response that specifies the end of the recovery window. At the end of the recovery window, Amazon QuickSight deletes the analysis permanently.

At any time before recovery window ends, you can use the RestoreAnalysis API operation to remove the DeletionTime stamp and cancel the deletion of the analysis. The analysis remains visible in the API until it's deleted, so you can describe it but you can't make a template from it.

An analysis that's scheduled for deletion isn't accessible in the Amazon QuickSight console. To access it in the console, restore it. Deleting an analysis doesn't delete the dashboards that you publish from it.

" }, "DeleteDashboard":{ "name":"DeleteDashboard", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteDashboardRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteDashboardResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a dashboard.

" }, "DeleteDataSet":{ "name":"DeleteDataSet", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteDataSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteDataSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a dataset.

" }, "DeleteDataSource":{ "name":"DeleteDataSource", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources/{DataSourceId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteDataSourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteDataSourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes the data source permanently. This operation breaks all the datasets that reference the deleted data source.

" }, "DeleteFolder":{ "name":"DeleteFolder", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteFolderRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteFolderResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes an empty folder.

" }, "DeleteFolderMembership":{ "name":"DeleteFolderMembership", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}/members/{MemberType}/{MemberId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteFolderMembershipRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteFolderMembershipResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Removes an asset, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset, from a folder.

" }, "DeleteGroup":{ "name":"DeleteGroup", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteGroupRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteGroupResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Removes a user group from Amazon QuickSight.

" }, "DeleteGroupMembership":{ "name":"DeleteGroupMembership", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}/members/{MemberName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteGroupMembershipRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteGroupMembershipResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Removes a user from a group so that the user is no longer a member of the group.

" }, "DeleteIAMPolicyAssignment":{ "name":"DeleteIAMPolicyAssignment", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespace/{Namespace}/iam-policy-assignments/{AssignmentName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConcurrentUpdatingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes an existing IAM policy assignment.

" }, "DeleteNamespace":{ "name":"DeleteNamespace", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteNamespaceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteNamespaceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a namespace and the users and groups that are associated with the namespace. This is an asynchronous process. Assets including dashboards, analyses, datasets and data sources are not deleted. To delete these assets, you use the API operations for the relevant asset.

" }, "DeleteTemplate":{ "name":"DeleteTemplate", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteTemplateRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteTemplateResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a template.

" }, "DeleteTemplateAlias":{ "name":"DeleteTemplateAlias", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteTemplateAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteTemplateAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes the item that the specified template alias points to. If you provide a specific alias, you delete the version of the template that the alias points to.

" }, "DeleteTheme":{ "name":"DeleteTheme", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteThemeRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteThemeResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a theme.

" }, "DeleteThemeAlias":{ "name":"DeleteThemeAlias", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteThemeAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteThemeAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes the version of the theme that the specified theme alias points to. If you provide a specific alias, you delete the version of the theme that the alias points to.

" }, "DeleteUser":{ "name":"DeleteUser", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users/{UserName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes the Amazon QuickSight user that is associated with the identity of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that's making the call. The IAM user isn't deleted as a result of this call.

" }, "DeleteUserByPrincipalId":{ "name":"DeleteUserByPrincipalId", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/user-principals/{PrincipalId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a user identified by its principal ID.

" }, "DescribeAccountCustomization":{ "name":"DescribeAccountCustomization", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/customizations" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAccountCustomizationRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAccountCustomizationResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the customizations associated with the provided Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Amazon QuickSight namespace in an Amazon Web Services Region. The Amazon QuickSight console evaluates which customizations to apply by running this API operation with the Resolved flag included.

To determine what customizations display when you run this command, it can help to visualize the relationship of the entities involved.

" }, "DescribeAccountSettings":{ "name":"DescribeAccountSettings", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/settings" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAccountSettingsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAccountSettingsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the settings that were used when your Amazon QuickSight subscription was first created in this Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "DescribeAccountSubscription":{ "name":"DescribeAccountSubscription", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/account/{AwsAccountId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAccountSubscriptionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAccountSubscriptionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the DescribeAccountSubscription operation to receive a description of an Amazon QuickSight account's subscription. A successful API call returns an AccountInfo object that includes an account's name, subscription status, authentication type, edition, and notification email address.

" }, "DescribeAnalysis":{ "name":"DescribeAnalysis", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAnalysisRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAnalysisResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides a summary of the metadata for an analysis.

" }, "DescribeAnalysisDefinition":{ "name":"DescribeAnalysisDefinition", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}/definition" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAnalysisDefinitionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAnalysisDefinitionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides a detailed description of the definition of an analysis.

If you do not need to know details about the content of an Analysis, for instance if you are trying to check the status of a recently created or updated Analysis, use the DescribeAnalysis instead.

" }, "DescribeAnalysisPermissions":{ "name":"DescribeAnalysisPermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAnalysisPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAnalysisPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides the read and write permissions for an analysis.

" }, "DescribeDashboard":{ "name":"DescribeDashboard", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDashboardRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDashboardResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides a summary for a dashboard.

" }, "DescribeDashboardDefinition":{ "name":"DescribeDashboardDefinition", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}/definition" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDashboardDefinitionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDashboardDefinitionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides a detailed description of the definition of a dashboard.

If you do not need to know details about the content of a dashboard, for instance if you are trying to check the status of a recently created or updated dashboard, use the DescribeDashboard instead.

" }, "DescribeDashboardPermissions":{ "name":"DescribeDashboardPermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDashboardPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDashboardPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes read and write permissions for a dashboard.

" }, "DescribeDataSet":{ "name":"DescribeDataSet", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDataSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDataSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source.

" }, "DescribeDataSetPermissions":{ "name":"DescribeDataSetPermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDataSetPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDataSetPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the permissions on a dataset.

The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:region:aws-account-id:dataset/data-set-id.

" }, "DescribeDataSource":{ "name":"DescribeDataSource", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources/{DataSourceId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDataSourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDataSourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a data source.

" }, "DescribeDataSourcePermissions":{ "name":"DescribeDataSourcePermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources/{DataSourceId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeDataSourcePermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeDataSourcePermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the resource permissions for a data source.

" }, "DescribeFolder":{ "name":"DescribeFolder", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeFolderRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeFolderResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a folder.

" }, "DescribeFolderPermissions":{ "name":"DescribeFolderPermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeFolderPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeFolderPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes permissions for a folder.

" }, "DescribeFolderResolvedPermissions":{ "name":"DescribeFolderResolvedPermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}/resolved-permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the folder resolved permissions. Permissions consists of both folder direct permissions and the inherited permissions from the ancestor folders.

" }, "DescribeGroup":{ "name":"DescribeGroup", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeGroupRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeGroupResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns an Amazon QuickSight group's description and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

" }, "DescribeGroupMembership":{ "name":"DescribeGroupMembership", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}/members/{MemberName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeGroupMembershipRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeGroupMembershipResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the DescribeGroupMembership operation to determine if a user is a member of the specified group. If the user exists and is a member of the specified group, an associated GroupMember object is returned.

" }, "DescribeIAMPolicyAssignment":{ "name":"DescribeIAMPolicyAssignment", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/iam-policy-assignments/{AssignmentName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes an existing IAM policy assignment, as specified by the assignment name.

" }, "DescribeIngestion":{ "name":"DescribeIngestion", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}/ingestions/{IngestionId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeIngestionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeIngestionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a SPICE ingestion.

" }, "DescribeIpRestriction":{ "name":"DescribeIpRestriction", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/ip-restriction" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeIpRestrictionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeIpRestrictionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides a summary and status of IP rules.

" }, "DescribeNamespace":{ "name":"DescribeNamespace", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeNamespaceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeNamespaceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the current namespace.

" }, "DescribeTemplate":{ "name":"DescribeTemplate", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTemplateRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTemplateResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a template's metadata.

" }, "DescribeTemplateAlias":{ "name":"DescribeTemplateAlias", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTemplateAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTemplateAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the template alias for a template.

" }, "DescribeTemplateDefinition":{ "name":"DescribeTemplateDefinition", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/definition" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTemplateDefinitionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTemplateDefinitionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Provides a detailed description of the definition of a template.

If you do not need to know details about the content of a template, for instance if you are trying to check the status of a recently created or updated template, use the DescribeTemplate instead.

" }, "DescribeTemplatePermissions":{ "name":"DescribeTemplatePermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTemplatePermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes read and write permissions on a template.

" }, "DescribeTheme":{ "name":"DescribeTheme", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeThemeRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeThemeResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a theme.

" }, "DescribeThemeAlias":{ "name":"DescribeThemeAlias", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeThemeAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeThemeAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the alias for a theme.

" }, "DescribeThemePermissions":{ "name":"DescribeThemePermissions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeThemePermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeThemePermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the read and write permissions for a theme.

" }, "DescribeUser":{ "name":"DescribeUser", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users/{UserName}" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns information about a user, given the user name.

" }, "GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser":{ "name":"GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/embed-url/anonymous-user" }, "input":{"shape":"GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedPricingPlanException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Generates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight dashboard or visual in your website, without having to register any reader users. Before you use this action, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions.

The following rules apply to the generated URL:

For more information, see Embedded Analytics in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.

" }, "GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser":{ "name":"GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/embed-url/registered-user" }, "input":{"shape":"GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"QuickSightUserNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedPricingPlanException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Generates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight experience in your website. This action can be used for any type of user registered in an Amazon QuickSight account. Before you use this action, make sure that you have configured the relevant Amazon QuickSight resource and permissions.

The following rules apply to the generated URL:

For more information, see Embedded Analytics in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.

" }, "GetDashboardEmbedUrl":{ "name":"GetDashboardEmbedUrl", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}/embed-url" }, "input":{"shape":"GetDashboardEmbedUrlRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"DomainNotWhitelistedException"}, {"shape":"QuickSightUserNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"IdentityTypeNotSupportedException"}, {"shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedPricingPlanException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Generates a temporary session URL and authorization code(bearer token) that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight read-only dashboard in your website or application. Before you use this command, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions.

Currently, you can use GetDashboardEmbedURL only from the server, not from the user's browser. The following rules apply to the generated URL:

For more information, see Embedding Analytics Using GetDashboardEmbedUrl in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.

" }, "GetSessionEmbedUrl":{ "name":"GetSessionEmbedUrl", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/session-embed-url" }, "input":{"shape":"GetSessionEmbedUrlRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GetSessionEmbedUrlResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"QuickSightUserNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Generates a session URL and authorization code that you can use to embed the Amazon Amazon QuickSight console in your web server code. Use GetSessionEmbedUrl where you want to provide an authoring portal that allows users to create data sources, datasets, analyses, and dashboards. The users who access an embedded Amazon QuickSight console need belong to the author or admin security cohort. If you want to restrict permissions to some of these features, add a custom permissions profile to the user with the UpdateUser API operation. Use RegisterUser API operation to add a new user with a custom permission profile attached. For more information, see the following sections in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide:

" }, "ListAnalyses":{ "name":"ListAnalyses", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses" }, "input":{"shape":"ListAnalysesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListAnalysesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists Amazon QuickSight analyses that exist in the specified Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "ListDashboardVersions":{ "name":"ListDashboardVersions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}/versions" }, "input":{"shape":"ListDashboardVersionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListDashboardVersionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the versions of the dashboards in the Amazon QuickSight subscription.

" }, "ListDashboards":{ "name":"ListDashboards", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards" }, "input":{"shape":"ListDashboardsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListDashboardsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists dashboards in an Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "ListDataSets":{ "name":"ListDataSets", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets" }, "input":{"shape":"ListDataSetsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListDataSetsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all of the datasets belonging to the current Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region.

The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:region:aws-account-id:dataset/*.

" }, "ListDataSources":{ "name":"ListDataSources", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources" }, "input":{"shape":"ListDataSourcesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListDataSourcesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists data sources in current Amazon Web Services Region that belong to this Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "ListFolderMembers":{ "name":"ListFolderMembers", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}/members" }, "input":{"shape":"ListFolderMembersRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListFolderMembersResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

List all assets (DASHBOARD, ANALYSIS, and DATASET) in a folder.

" }, "ListFolders":{ "name":"ListFolders", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders" }, "input":{"shape":"ListFoldersRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListFoldersResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all folders in an account.

" }, "ListGroupMemberships":{ "name":"ListGroupMemberships", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}/members" }, "input":{"shape":"ListGroupMembershipsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListGroupMembershipsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists member users in a group.

" }, "ListGroups":{ "name":"ListGroups", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups" }, "input":{"shape":"ListGroupsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListGroupsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all user groups in Amazon QuickSight.

" }, "ListIAMPolicyAssignments":{ "name":"ListIAMPolicyAssignments", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/iam-policy-assignments" }, "input":{"shape":"ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists IAM policy assignments in the current Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUser":{ "name":"ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUser", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users/{UserName}/iam-policy-assignments" }, "input":{"shape":"ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConcurrentUpdatingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the IAM policy assignments, including the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the IAM policies assigned to the specified user and group or groups that the user belongs to.

" }, "ListIngestions":{ "name":"ListIngestions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}/ingestions" }, "input":{"shape":"ListIngestionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListIngestionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the history of SPICE ingestions for a dataset.

" }, "ListNamespaces":{ "name":"ListNamespaces", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces" }, "input":{"shape":"ListNamespacesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListNamespacesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the namespaces for the specified Amazon Web Services account. This operation doesn't list deleted namespaces.

" }, "ListTagsForResource":{ "name":"ListTagsForResource", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/resources/{ResourceArn}/tags" }, "input":{"shape":"ListTagsForResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTagsForResourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the tags assigned to a resource.

" }, "ListTemplateAliases":{ "name":"ListTemplateAliases", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/aliases" }, "input":{"shape":"ListTemplateAliasesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTemplateAliasesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the aliases of a template.

" }, "ListTemplateVersions":{ "name":"ListTemplateVersions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/versions" }, "input":{"shape":"ListTemplateVersionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTemplateVersionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the versions of the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "ListTemplates":{ "name":"ListTemplates", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates" }, "input":{"shape":"ListTemplatesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTemplatesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "ListThemeAliases":{ "name":"ListThemeAliases", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/aliases" }, "input":{"shape":"ListThemeAliasesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListThemeAliasesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the aliases of a theme.

" }, "ListThemeVersions":{ "name":"ListThemeVersions", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/versions" }, "input":{"shape":"ListThemeVersionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListThemeVersionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the versions of the themes in the current Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "ListThemes":{ "name":"ListThemes", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes" }, "input":{"shape":"ListThemesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListThemesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists all the themes in the current Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "ListUserGroups":{ "name":"ListUserGroups", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users/{UserName}/groups" }, "input":{"shape":"ListUserGroupsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListUserGroupsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the Amazon QuickSight groups that an Amazon QuickSight user is a member of.

" }, "ListUsers":{ "name":"ListUsers", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users" }, "input":{"shape":"ListUsersRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListUsersResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns a list of all of the Amazon QuickSight users belonging to this account.

" }, "RegisterUser":{ "name":"RegisterUser", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users" }, "input":{"shape":"RegisterUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"RegisterUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an Amazon QuickSight user, whose identity is associated with the Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity or role specified in the request.

" }, "RestoreAnalysis":{ "name":"RestoreAnalysis", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/restore/analyses/{AnalysisId}" }, "input":{"shape":"RestoreAnalysisRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"RestoreAnalysisResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Restores an analysis.

" }, "SearchAnalyses":{ "name":"SearchAnalyses", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/search/analyses" }, "input":{"shape":"SearchAnalysesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"SearchAnalysesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Searches for analyses that belong to the user specified in the filter.

This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not reflect very recent updates and changes.

" }, "SearchDashboards":{ "name":"SearchDashboards", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/search/dashboards" }, "input":{"shape":"SearchDashboardsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"SearchDashboardsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Searches for dashboards that belong to a user.

This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best effort and may not reflect very recent updates and changes.

" }, "SearchDataSets":{ "name":"SearchDataSets", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/search/data-sets" }, "input":{"shape":"SearchDataSetsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"SearchDataSetsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the SearchDataSets operation to search for datasets that belong to an account.

" }, "SearchDataSources":{ "name":"SearchDataSources", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/search/data-sources" }, "input":{"shape":"SearchDataSourcesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"SearchDataSourcesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the SearchDataSources operation to search for data sources that belong to an account.

" }, "SearchFolders":{ "name":"SearchFolders", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/search/folders" }, "input":{"shape":"SearchFoldersRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"SearchFoldersResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InvalidRequestException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Searches the subfolders in a folder.

" }, "SearchGroups":{ "name":"SearchGroups", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups-search" }, "input":{"shape":"SearchGroupsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"SearchGroupsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidNextTokenException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the SearchGroups operation to search groups in a specified Amazon QuickSight namespace using the supplied filters.

" }, "TagResource":{ "name":"TagResource", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/resources/{ResourceArn}/tags" }, "input":{"shape":"TagResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"TagResourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified Amazon QuickSight resource.

Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values. You can use the TagResource operation with a resource that already has tags. If you specify a new tag key for the resource, this tag is appended to the list of tags associated with the resource. If you specify a tag key that is already associated with the resource, the new tag value that you specify replaces the previous value for that tag.

You can associate as many as 50 tags with a resource. Amazon QuickSight supports tagging on data set, data source, dashboard, and template.

Tagging for Amazon QuickSight works in a similar way to tagging for other Amazon Web Services services, except for the following:

" }, "UntagResource":{ "name":"UntagResource", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/resources/{ResourceArn}/tags" }, "input":{"shape":"UntagResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UntagResourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Removes a tag or tags from a resource.

" }, "UpdateAccountCustomization":{ "name":"UpdateAccountCustomization", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/customizations" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateAccountCustomizationRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateAccountCustomizationResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region. Currently, the only customization that you can use is a theme.

You can use customizations for your Amazon Web Services account or, if you specify a namespace, for a Amazon QuickSight namespace instead. Customizations that apply to a namespace override customizations that apply to an Amazon Web Services account. To find out which customizations apply, use the DescribeAccountCustomization API operation.

" }, "UpdateAccountSettings":{ "name":"UpdateAccountSettings", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/settings" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateAccountSettingsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateAccountSettingsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the Amazon QuickSight settings in your Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "UpdateAnalysis":{ "name":"UpdateAnalysis", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateAnalysisRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateAnalysisResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight

" }, "UpdateAnalysisPermissions":{ "name":"UpdateAnalysisPermissions", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/analyses/{AnalysisId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateAnalysisPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateAnalysisPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the read and write permissions for an analysis.

" }, "UpdateDashboard":{ "name":"UpdateDashboard", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDashboardRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDashboardResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a dashboard in an Amazon Web Services account.

Updating a Dashboard creates a new dashboard version but does not immediately publish the new version. You can update the published version of a dashboard by using the UpdateDashboardPublishedVersion API operation.

" }, "UpdateDashboardPermissions":{ "name":"UpdateDashboardPermissions", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDashboardPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDashboardPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates read and write permissions on a dashboard.

" }, "UpdateDashboardPublishedVersion":{ "name":"UpdateDashboardPublishedVersion", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/dashboards/{DashboardId}/versions/{VersionNumber}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDashboardPublishedVersionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDashboardPublishedVersionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the published version of a dashboard.

" }, "UpdateDataSet":{ "name":"UpdateDataSet", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDataSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDataSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source. Partial updates are not supported by this operation.

" }, "UpdateDataSetPermissions":{ "name":"UpdateDataSetPermissions", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sets/{DataSetId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDataSetPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDataSetPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the permissions on a dataset.

The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:region:aws-account-id:dataset/data-set-id.

" }, "UpdateDataSource":{ "name":"UpdateDataSource", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources/{DataSourceId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDataSourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDataSourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a data source.

" }, "UpdateDataSourcePermissions":{ "name":"UpdateDataSourcePermissions", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/data-sources/{DataSourceId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateDataSourcePermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateDataSourcePermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the permissions to a data source.

" }, "UpdateFolder":{ "name":"UpdateFolder", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateFolderRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateFolderResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the name of a folder.

" }, "UpdateFolderPermissions":{ "name":"UpdateFolderPermissions", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/folders/{FolderId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateFolderPermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateFolderPermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates permissions of a folder.

" }, "UpdateGroup":{ "name":"UpdateGroup", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/groups/{GroupName}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateGroupRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateGroupResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Changes a group description.

" }, "UpdateIAMPolicyAssignment":{ "name":"UpdateIAMPolicyAssignment", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/iam-policy-assignments/{AssignmentName}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConcurrentUpdatingException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates an existing IAM policy assignment. This operation updates only the optional parameter or parameters that are specified in the request. This overwrites all of the users included in Identities.

" }, "UpdateIpRestriction":{ "name":"UpdateIpRestriction", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/ip-restriction" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateIpRestrictionRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateIpRestrictionResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the content and status of IP rules. To use this operation, you need to provide the entire map of rules. You can use the DescribeIpRestriction operation to get the current rule map.

" }, "UpdatePublicSharingSettings":{ "name":"UpdatePublicSharingSettings", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/public-sharing-settings" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdatePublicSharingSettingsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdatePublicSharingSettingsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedPricingPlanException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Use the UpdatePublicSharingSettings operation to turn on or turn off the public sharing settings of an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.

To use this operation, turn on session capacity pricing for your Amazon QuickSight account.

Before you can turn on public sharing on your account, make sure to give public sharing permissions to an administrative user in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console. For more information on using IAM with Amazon QuickSight, see Using Amazon QuickSight with IAM in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "UpdateTemplate":{ "name":"UpdateTemplate", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateTemplateRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateTemplateResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a template from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or another template.

" }, "UpdateTemplateAlias":{ "name":"UpdateTemplateAlias", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateTemplateAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateTemplateAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the template alias of a template.

" }, "UpdateTemplatePermissions":{ "name":"UpdateTemplatePermissions", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/templates/{TemplateId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateTemplatePermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateTemplatePermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the resource permissions for a template.

" }, "UpdateTheme":{ "name":"UpdateTheme", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateThemeRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateThemeResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a theme.

" }, "UpdateThemeAlias":{ "name":"UpdateThemeAlias", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/aliases/{AliasName}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateThemeAliasRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateThemeAliasResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceExistsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates an alias of a theme.

" }, "UpdateThemePermissions":{ "name":"UpdateThemePermissions", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/themes/{ThemeId}/permissions" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateThemePermissionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateThemePermissionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"UnsupportedUserEditionException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates the resource permissions for a theme. Permissions apply to the action to grant or revoke permissions on, for example \"quicksight:DescribeTheme\".

Theme permissions apply in groupings. Valid groupings include the following for the three levels of permissions, which are user, owner, or no permissions:

" }, "UpdateUser":{ "name":"UpdateUser", "http":{ "method":"PUT", "requestUri":"/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/users/{UserName}" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateUserRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateUserResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValueException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ThrottlingException"}, {"shape":"PreconditionNotMetException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ResourceUnavailableException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates an Amazon QuickSight user.

" } }, "shapes":{ "AccessDeniedException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the correct permissions, and that you are using the correct access keys.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":401}, "exception":true }, "AccountCustomization":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DefaultTheme":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The default theme for this Amazon QuickSight subscription.

" }, "DefaultEmailCustomizationTemplate":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The default email customization template.

" } }, "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight customizations associated with your Amazon Web Services account or a QuickSight namespace in a specific Amazon Web Services Region.

" }, "AccountInfo":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AccountName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The account name that you provided for the Amazon QuickSight subscription in your Amazon Web Services account. You create this name when you sign up for Amazon QuickSight. It's unique over all of Amazon Web Services, and it appears only when users sign in.

" }, "Edition":{ "shape":"Edition", "documentation":"

The edition of your Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "NotificationEmail":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The email address that will be used for Amazon QuickSight to send notifications regarding your Amazon Web Services account or Amazon QuickSight subscription.

" }, "AuthenticationType":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The way that your Amazon QuickSight account is authenticated.

" }, "AccountSubscriptionStatus":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The status of your account subscription.

" } }, "documentation":"

A structure that contains the following account information elements:

" }, "AccountSettings":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AccountName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The \"account name\" you provided for the Amazon QuickSight subscription in your Amazon Web Services account. You create this name when you sign up for Amazon QuickSight. It is unique in all of Amazon Web Services and it appears only when users sign in.

" }, "Edition":{ "shape":"Edition", "documentation":"

The edition of Amazon QuickSight that you're currently subscribed to: Enterprise edition or Standard edition.

" }, "DefaultNamespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The default Amazon QuickSight namespace for your Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "NotificationEmail":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The main notification email for your Amazon QuickSight subscription.

" }, "PublicSharingEnabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A Boolean value that indicates whether public sharing is turned on for an Amazon QuickSight account. For more information about turning on public sharing, see UpdatePublicSharingSettings.

" }, "TerminationProtectionEnabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A boolean value that determines whether or not an Amazon QuickSight account can be deleted. A True value doesn't allow the account to be deleted and results in an error message if a user tries to make a DeleteAccountSubsctiption request. A False value will allow the ccount to be deleted.

" } }, "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight settings associated with your Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "ActionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "max":16, "min":1 }, "ActiveIAMPolicyAssignment":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

A name for the IAM policy assignment.

" }, "PolicyArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" } }, "documentation":"

The active Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy assignment.

" }, "ActiveIAMPolicyAssignmentList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ActiveIAMPolicyAssignment"} }, "AdHocFilteringOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AvailabilityStatus":{ "shape":"DashboardBehavior", "documentation":"

Availability status.

" } }, "documentation":"

An ad hoc (one-time) filtering option.

" }, "AdditionalDashboardIdList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId"}, "max":20, "min":1 }, "AggregationFunction":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumericalAggregationFunction":{ "shape":"NumericalAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

Aggregation for numerical values.

" }, "CategoricalAggregationFunction":{ "shape":"CategoricalAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

Aggregation for categorical values.

" }, "DateAggregationFunction":{ "shape":"DateAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

Aggregation for date values.

" } }, "documentation":"

An aggregation function aggregates values from a dimension or measure.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "AggregationSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Column", "SortDirection", "AggregationFunction" ], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that determines the sort order of aggregated values.

" }, "SortDirection":{ "shape":"SortDirection", "documentation":"

The sort direction of values.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The function that aggregates the values in Column.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration options to sort aggregated values.

" }, "AggregationSortConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AggregationSortConfiguration"}, "max":100 }, "AliasName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1, "pattern":"[\\w\\-]+|(\\$LATEST)|(\\$PUBLISHED)" }, "AmazonElasticsearchParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Domain"], "members":{ "Domain":{ "shape":"Domain", "documentation":"

The OpenSearch domain.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for OpenSearch.

" }, "AmazonOpenSearchParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Domain"], "members":{ "Domain":{ "shape":"Domain", "documentation":"

The OpenSearch domain.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for OpenSearch.

" }, "Analysis":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"AnalysisName", "documentation":"

The descriptive name of the analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

Status associated with the analysis.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"AnalysisErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with the analysis.

" }, "DataSetArns":{ "shape":"DataSetArnsList", "documentation":"

The ARNs of the datasets of the analysis.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the theme of the analysis.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the analysis was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the analysis was last updated.

" }, "Sheets":{ "shape":"SheetList", "documentation":"

A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.

" } }, "documentation":"

Metadata structure for an analysis in Amazon QuickSight

" }, "AnalysisDefaults":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DefaultNewSheetConfiguration"], "members":{ "DefaultNewSheetConfiguration":{ "shape":"DefaultNewSheetConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration for default new sheet settings.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for default analysis settings.

" }, "AnalysisDefinition":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DataSetIdentifierDeclarations"], "members":{ "DataSetIdentifierDeclarations":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifierDeclarationList", "documentation":"

An array of dataset identifier declarations. This mapping allows the usage of dataset identifiers instead of dataset ARNs throughout analysis sub-structures.

" }, "Sheets":{ "shape":"SheetDefinitionList", "documentation":"

An array of sheet definitions for an analysis. Each SheetDefinition provides detailed information about a sheet within this analysis.

" }, "CalculatedFields":{ "shape":"CalculatedFields", "documentation":"

An array of calculated field definitions for the analysis.

" }, "ParameterDeclarations":{ "shape":"ParameterDeclarationList", "documentation":"

An array of parameter declarations for an analysis.

Parameters are named variables that can transfer a value for use by an action or an object.

For more information, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FilterGroups":{ "shape":"FilterGroupList", "documentation":"

Filter definitions for an analysis.

For more information, see Filtering Data in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ColumnConfigurations":{ "shape":"ColumnConfigurationList", "documentation":"

An array of analysis-level column configurations. Column configurations can be used to set default formatting for a column to be used throughout an analysis.

" }, "AnalysisDefaults":{"shape":"AnalysisDefaults"} }, "documentation":"

The definition of an analysis.

" }, "AnalysisError":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"AnalysisErrorType", "documentation":"

The type of the analysis error.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

The message associated with the analysis error.

" }, "ViolatedEntities":{ "shape":"EntityList", "documentation":"

" } }, "documentation":"

Analysis error.

" }, "AnalysisErrorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AnalysisError"}, "min":1 }, "AnalysisErrorType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ACCESS_DENIED", "SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "DATA_SET_NOT_FOUND", "INTERNAL_FAILURE", "PARAMETER_VALUE_INCOMPATIBLE", "PARAMETER_TYPE_INVALID", "PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND", "COLUMN_TYPE_MISMATCH", "COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE_MISMATCH", "COLUMN_REPLACEMENT_MISSING" ] }, "AnalysisFilterAttribute":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "QUICKSIGHT_USER", "QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER", "ANALYSIS_NAME" ] }, "AnalysisName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "AnalysisSearchFilter":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Operator":{ "shape":"FilterOperator", "documentation":"

The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\". Valid values are \"StringEquals\" and \"StringLike\".

If you set the operator value to \"StringEquals\", you need to provide an ownership related filter in the \"NAME\" field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the \"Value\" field. For example, \"Name\":\"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

If you set the value to \"StringLike\", you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, \"Name\":\"ANALYSIS_NAME\", \"Operator\": \"StringLike\", \"Value\": \"Test\". The \"StringLike\" operator only supports the NAME value ANALYSIS_NAME.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"AnalysisFilterAttribute", "documentation":"

The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Name\": \"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\".

Valid values are defined as follows:

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The value of the named item, in this case QUICKSIGHT_USER, that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Value\". An example is \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

" } }, "documentation":"

A filter that you apply when searching for one or more analyses.

" }, "AnalysisSearchFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AnalysisSearchFilter"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "AnalysisSourceEntity":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SourceTemplate":{ "shape":"AnalysisSourceTemplate", "documentation":"

The source template for the source entity of the analysis.

" } }, "documentation":"

The source entity of an analysis.

" }, "AnalysisSourceTemplate":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetReferences", "Arn" ], "members":{ "DataSetReferences":{ "shape":"DataSetReferenceList", "documentation":"

The dataset references of the source template of an analysis.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source template of an analysis.

" } }, "documentation":"

The source template of an analysis.

" }, "AnalysisSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the analysis.

" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis. This ID displays in the URL.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"AnalysisName", "documentation":"

The name of the analysis. This name is displayed in the Amazon QuickSight console.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The last known status for the analysis.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the analysis was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the analysis was last updated.

" } }, "documentation":"

The summary metadata that describes an analysis.

" }, "AnalysisSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AnalysisSummary"}, "max":100 }, "AnchorDateConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnchorOption":{ "shape":"AnchorOption", "documentation":"

The options for the date configuration. Choose one of the options below:

" }, "ParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The name of the parameter that is used for the anchor date configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The date configuration of the filter.

" }, "AnchorOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":["NOW"] }, "AnonymousUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["InitialDashboardId"], "members":{ "InitialDashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The dashboard ID for the dashboard that you want the user to see first. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this dashboard.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this dashboard must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the dashboard that you want to embed.

" }, "AnonymousUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["InitialDashboardVisualId"], "members":{ "InitialDashboardVisualId":{ "shape":"DashboardVisualId", "documentation":"

The visual ID for the visual that you want the user to see. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this visual.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard that the visual belongs to must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException.

" } }, "documentation":"

The experience that you are embedding. You can use this object to generate a url that embeds a visual into your application.

" }, "AnonymousUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Dashboard":{ "shape":"AnonymousUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The type of embedding experience. In this case, Amazon QuickSight dashboards.

" }, "DashboardVisual":{ "shape":"AnonymousUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The type of embedding experience. In this case, Amazon QuickSight visuals.

" }, "QSearchBar":{ "shape":"AnonymousUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The Q search bar that you want to use for anonymous user embedding.

" } }, "documentation":"

The type of experience you want to embed. For anonymous users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards.

" }, "AnonymousUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["InitialTopicId"], "members":{ "InitialTopicId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The QuickSight Q topic ID of the topic that you want the anonymous user to see first. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders the Q search bar with this topic pre-selected.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this Q topic must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException.

" } }, "documentation":"

The settings that you want to use with the Q search bar.

" }, "ArcAxisConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Range":{ "shape":"ArcAxisDisplayRange", "documentation":"

The arc axis range of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ReserveRange":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The reserved range of the arc axis.

" } }, "documentation":"

The arc axis configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ArcAxisDisplayRange":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Min":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The minimum value of the arc axis range.

", "box":true }, "Max":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The maximum value of the arc axis range.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The arc axis range of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ArcConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ArcAngle":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The option that determines the arc angle of a GaugeChartVisual.

", "box":true }, "ArcThickness":{ "shape":"ArcThicknessOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The arc configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ArcOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ArcThickness":{ "shape":"ArcThickness", "documentation":"

The arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the arc thickness of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ArcThickness":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE", "WHOLE" ] }, "ArcThicknessOptions":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE" ] }, "Arn":{"type":"string"}, "ArnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Arn"} }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ENABLED", "DRAFT", "DISABLED" ] }, "AthenaParameters":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "WorkGroup":{ "shape":"WorkGroup", "documentation":"

The workgroup that Amazon Athena uses.

" }, "RoleArn":{ "shape":"RoleArn", "documentation":"

Use the RoleArn structure to override an account-wide role for a specific Athena data source. For example, say an account administrator has turned off all Athena access with an account-wide role. The administrator can then use RoleArn to bypass the account-wide role and allow Athena access for the single Athena data source that is specified in the structure, even if the account-wide role forbidding Athena access is still active.

" } }, "documentation":"

Parameters for Amazon Athena.

" }, "AuroraParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

Parameters for Amazon Aurora.

" }, "AuroraPostgreSqlParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"

The Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible host to connect to.

" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"

The port that Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL is listening on.

" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"

The Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL database to connect to.

" } }, "documentation":"

Parameters for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.

" }, "AuthenticationMethodOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "IAM_AND_QUICKSIGHT", "IAM_ONLY", "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY" ] }, "AwsAccountId":{ "type":"string", "max":12, "min":12, "pattern":"^[0-9]{12}$" }, "AwsAndAccountId":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"^(aws|[0-9]{12})$" }, "AwsIotAnalyticsParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DataSetName"], "members":{ "DataSetName":{ "shape":"DataSetName", "documentation":"

Dataset name.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for IoT Analytics.

" }, "AxisBinding":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PRIMARY_YAXIS", "SECONDARY_YAXIS" ] }, "AxisDataOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumericAxisOptions":{ "shape":"NumericAxisOptions", "documentation":"

The options for an axis with a numeric field.

" }, "DateAxisOptions":{ "shape":"DateAxisOptions", "documentation":"

The options for an axis with a date field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The data options for an axis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "AxisDisplayDataDrivenRange":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ }, "documentation":"

The options that are saved for future extension.

" }, "AxisDisplayMinMaxRange":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Minimum":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The minimum setup for an axis display range.

", "box":true }, "Maximum":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The maximum setup for an axis display range.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The minimum and maximum setup for an axis display range.

" }, "AxisDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TickLabelOptions":{ "shape":"AxisTickLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The tick label options of an axis.

" }, "AxisLineVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the axis line is visible.

" }, "GridLineVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the grid line is visible.

" }, "DataOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDataOptions", "documentation":"

The data options for an axis.

" }, "ScrollbarOptions":{ "shape":"ScrollBarOptions", "documentation":"

The scroll bar options for an axis.

" }, "AxisOffset":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The offset value that determines the starting placement of the axis within a visual's bounds.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options for the axis label.

" }, "AxisDisplayRange":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MinMax":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayMinMaxRange", "documentation":"

The minimum and maximum setup of an axis display range.

" }, "DataDriven":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayDataDrivenRange", "documentation":"

The data-driven setup of an axis display range.

" } }, "documentation":"

The range setup of a numeric axis display range.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "AxisLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The font configuration of the axis label.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The text for the axis label.

" }, "ApplyTo":{ "shape":"AxisLabelReferenceOptions", "documentation":"

The options that indicate which field the label belongs to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The label options for a chart axis. You must specify the field that the label is targeted to.

" }, "AxisLabelOptionsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AxisLabelOptions"}, "max":100 }, "AxisLabelReferenceOptions":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field that the axis label is targeted to.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the axis label is targeted to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The reference that specifies where the axis label is applied to.

" }, "AxisLinearScale":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StepCount":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The step count setup of a linear axis.

", "box":true }, "StepSize":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The step size setup of a linear axis.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The liner axis scale setup.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "AxisLogarithmicScale":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Base":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The base setup of a logarithmic axis scale.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The logarithmic axis scale setup.

" }, "AxisScale":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Linear":{ "shape":"AxisLinearScale", "documentation":"

The linear axis scale setup.

" }, "Logarithmic":{ "shape":"AxisLogarithmicScale", "documentation":"

The logarithmic axis scale setup.

" } }, "documentation":"

The scale setup options for a numeric axis display.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "AxisTickLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LabelOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the axis ticks are visible.

" }, "RotationAngle":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The rotation angle of the axis tick labels.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The tick label options of an axis.

" }, "BarChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The category (y-axis) field well of a bar chart.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a bar chart. Values are aggregated by category.

" }, "Colors":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The color (group/color) field well of a bar chart.

" }, "SmallMultiples":{ "shape":"SmallMultiplesDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The small multiples field well of a bar chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a bar chart.

" }, "BarChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"BarChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"BarChartSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a BarChartVisual.

" }, "Orientation":{ "shape":"BarChartOrientation", "documentation":"

The orientation of the bars in a bar chart visual. There are two valid values in this structure:

" }, "BarsArrangement":{ "shape":"BarsArrangement", "documentation":"

Determines the arrangement of the bars. The orientation and arrangement of bars determine the type of bar that is used in the visual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

" }, "SmallMultiplesOptions":{ "shape":"SmallMultiplesOptions", "documentation":"

The small multiples setup for the visual.

" }, "CategoryAxis":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) for bar chart category.

" }, "CategoryLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) for a bar chart.

" }, "ValueAxis":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) for a bar chart value.

" }, "ValueLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) for a bar chart value.

" }, "ColorLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) for a color that is used in a bar chart.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" }, "ReferenceLines":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineList", "documentation":"

The reference line setup of the visual.

" }, "ContributionAnalysisDefaults":{ "shape":"ContributionAnalysisDefaultList", "documentation":"

The contribution analysis (anomaly configuration) setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a BarChartVisual.

" }, "BarChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "BarChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"BarChartAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a bar chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of a BarChartVisual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "BarChartOrientation":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "HORIZONTAL", "VERTICAL" ] }, "BarChartSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of category fields.

" }, "CategoryItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of categories displayed in a bar chart.

" }, "ColorSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of color fields in a bar chart.

" }, "ColorItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of values displayed in a bar chart.

" }, "SmallMultiplesSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the small multiples field.

" }, "SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of small multiples panels that are displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"


" }, "BarChartVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"BarChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A bar chart.

The BarChartVisual structure describes a visual that is a member of the bar chart family. The following charts can be described using this structure:

For more information, see Using bar charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "BarsArrangement":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CLUSTERED", "STACKED", "STACKED_PERCENT" ] }, "BaseMapStyleType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "LIGHT_GRAY", "DARK_GRAY", "STREET", "IMAGERY" ] }, "BinCountLimit":{ "type":"long", "max":1000, "min":0 }, "BinCountOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Value":{ "shape":"BinCountValue", "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin count value.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin count of a histogram.

" }, "BinCountValue":{ "type":"integer", "min":0 }, "BinWidthOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Value":{ "shape":"BinWidthValue", "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin width value.

" }, "BinCountLimit":{ "shape":"BinCountLimit", "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin count limit.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin width of a histogram.

" }, "BinWidthValue":{ "type":"double", "min":0 }, "BodySectionConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "SectionId", "Content" ], "members":{ "SectionId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a body section.

" }, "Content":{ "shape":"BodySectionContent", "documentation":"

The configuration of content in a body section.

" }, "Style":{ "shape":"SectionStyle", "documentation":"

The style options of a body section.

" }, "PageBreakConfiguration":{ "shape":"SectionPageBreakConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a page break for a section.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a body section.

" }, "BodySectionConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"BodySectionConfiguration"}, "max":28 }, "BodySectionContent":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Layout":{ "shape":"SectionLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The layout configuration of a body section.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of content in a body section.

" }, "Boolean":{"type":"boolean"}, "BooleanObject":{"type":"boolean"}, "BorderStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Show":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

The option to enable display of borders for visuals.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The display options for tile borders for visuals.

" }, "BoxPlotAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupBy":{ "shape":"BoxPlotDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The group by field well of a box plot chart. Values are grouped based on group by fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"BoxPlotMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field well of a box plot chart. Values are aggregated based on group by fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field well for a box plot.

" }, "BoxPlotChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"BoxPlotFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"BoxPlotSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a BoxPlotVisual.

" }, "BoxPlotOptions":{ "shape":"BoxPlotOptions", "documentation":"

The box plot chart options for a box plot visual

" }, "CategoryAxis":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) of a box plot category.

" }, "CategoryLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort Icon visibility) of a box plot category.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) of a box plot category.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility and sort icon visibility) of a box plot value.

" }, "Legend":{"shape":"LegendOptions"}, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" }, "ReferenceLines":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineList", "documentation":"

The reference line setup of the visual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a BoxPlotVisual.

" }, "BoxPlotDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":1 }, "BoxPlotFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "BoxPlotAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"BoxPlotAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a box plot.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of a BoxPlotVisual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "BoxPlotFillStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SOLID", "TRANSPARENT" ] }, "BoxPlotMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":5 }, "BoxPlotOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StyleOptions":{ "shape":"BoxPlotStyleOptions", "documentation":"

The style options of the box plot.

" }, "OutlierVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the outlier in a box plot.

" }, "AllDataPointsVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of all data points of the box plot.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options of a box plot visual.

" }, "BoxPlotSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a group by fields.

" }, "PaginationConfiguration":{ "shape":"PaginationConfiguration", "documentation":"

The pagination configuration of a table visual or box plot.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a BoxPlotVisual.

" }, "BoxPlotStyleOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FillStyle":{ "shape":"BoxPlotFillStyle", "documentation":"

The fill styles (solid, transparent) of the box plot.

" } }, "documentation":"

The style options of the box plot.

" }, "BoxPlotVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"BoxPlotChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A box plot.

For more information, see Using box plots in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "CIDR":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[1-9]))$" }, "CalculatedColumn":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ColumnName", "ColumnId", "Expression" ], "members":{ "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

Column name.

" }, "ColumnId":{ "shape":"ColumnId", "documentation":"

A unique ID to identify a calculated column. During a dataset update, if the column ID of a calculated column matches that of an existing calculated column, Amazon QuickSight preserves the existing calculated column.

" }, "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

An expression that defines the calculated column.

" } }, "documentation":"

A calculated column for a dataset.

" }, "CalculatedColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CalculatedColumn"}, "max":128, "min":1 }, "CalculatedField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetIdentifier", "Name", "Expression" ], "members":{ "DataSetIdentifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The data set that is used in this calculated field.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the calculated field.

" }, "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression of the calculated field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The calculated field of an analysis.

" }, "CalculatedFields":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CalculatedField"}, "max":100 }, "CalculatedMeasureField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Expression" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression in the table calculation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The table calculation measure field for pivot tables.

" }, "CancelIngestionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId", "IngestionId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"IngestionId", "documentation":"

An ID for the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"IngestionId" } } }, "CancelIngestionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data ingestion.

" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"IngestionId", "documentation":"

An ID for the ingestion.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CascadingControlConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SourceControls":{ "shape":"CascadingControlSourceList", "documentation":"

A list of source controls that determine the values that are used in the current control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

" }, "CascadingControlSource":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SourceSheetControlId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The source sheet control ID of a CascadingControlSource.

" }, "ColumnToMatch":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column identifier that determines which column to look up for the source sheet control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The source controls that are used in a CascadingControlConfiguration.

" }, "CascadingControlSourceList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CascadingControlSource"}, "max":200 }, "CastColumnTypeOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ColumnName", "NewColumnType" ], "members":{ "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

Column name.

" }, "NewColumnType":{ "shape":"ColumnDataType", "documentation":"

New column data type.

" }, "Format":{ "shape":"TypeCastFormat", "documentation":"

When casting a column from string to datetime type, you can supply a string in a format supported by Amazon QuickSight to denote the source data format.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that casts a column to a different type.

" }, "Catalog":{ "type":"string", "max":128 }, "CategoricalAggregationFunction":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "COUNT", "DISTINCT_COUNT" ] }, "CategoricalDimensionField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the CategoricalDimensionField.

" }, "HierarchyId":{ "shape":"HierarchyId", "documentation":"

The custom hierarchy ID.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"StringFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The dimension type field with categorical type columns..

" }, "CategoricalMeasureField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the CategoricalMeasureField.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"CategoricalAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function of the measure field.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"StringFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

" }, "CategoryDrillDownFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Column", "CategoryValues" ], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "CategoryValues":{ "shape":"CategoryValueList", "documentation":"

A list of the string inputs that are the values of the category drill down filter.

" } }, "documentation":"

The numeric equality type drill down filter.

" }, "CategoryFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "Configuration":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration for a CategoryFilter.

" } }, "documentation":"

A CategoryFilter filters text values.

For more information, see Adding text filters in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "CategoryFilterConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FilterListConfiguration":{ "shape":"FilterListConfiguration", "documentation":"

A list of filter configurations. In the Amazon QuickSight console, this filter type is called a filter list.

" }, "CustomFilterListConfiguration":{ "shape":"CustomFilterListConfiguration", "documentation":"

A list of custom filter values. In the Amazon QuickSight console, this filter type is called a custom filter list.

" }, "CustomFilterConfiguration":{ "shape":"CustomFilterConfiguration", "documentation":"

A custom filter that filters based on a single value. This filter can be partially matched.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a CategoryFilter.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "CategoryFilterMatchOperator":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "EQUALS", "DOES_NOT_EQUAL", "CONTAINS", "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN", "STARTS_WITH", "ENDS_WITH" ] }, "CategoryFilterSelectAllOptions":{ "type":"string", "enum":["FILTER_ALL_VALUES"] }, "CategoryValue":{ "type":"string", "max":512 }, "CategoryValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CategoryValue"}, "max":100000 }, "ChartAxisLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of an axis label on a chart. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "SortIconVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration of the sort icon on a chart's axis label.

" }, "AxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"AxisLabelOptionsList", "documentation":"

The label options for a chart axis.

" } }, "documentation":"

The label options for an axis on a chart.

" }, "ClusterId":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "ClusterMarker":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SimpleClusterMarker":{ "shape":"SimpleClusterMarker", "documentation":"

The simple cluster marker of the cluster marker.

" } }, "documentation":"

The cluster marker that is a part of the cluster marker configuration.

" }, "ClusterMarkerConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ClusterMarker":{ "shape":"ClusterMarker", "documentation":"

The cluster marker that is a part of the cluster marker configuration

" } }, "documentation":"

The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial map selected point style.

" }, "ColorFillType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DISCRETE", "GRADIENT" ] }, "ColorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"HexColor"}, "max":100 }, "ColorScale":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Colors", "ColorFillType" ], "members":{ "Colors":{ "shape":"ColorScaleColorList", "documentation":"

Determines the list of colors that are applied to the visual.

" }, "ColorFillType":{ "shape":"ColorFillType", "documentation":"

Determines the color fill type.

" }, "NullValueColor":{ "shape":"DataColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color that is applied to null values.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the color scale that is applied to the visual.

" }, "ColorScaleColorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataColor"}, "max":3, "min":2 }, "ColumnConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Column"], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"FormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of a column.

" }, "Role":{ "shape":"ColumnRole", "documentation":"

The role of the column.

" } }, "documentation":"

The general configuration of a column.

" }, "ColumnConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnConfiguration"}, "max":200 }, "ColumnDataType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "STRING", "INTEGER", "DECIMAL", "DATETIME" ] }, "ColumnDescription":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Text":{ "shape":"ColumnDescriptiveText", "documentation":"

The text of a description for a column.

" } }, "documentation":"

Metadata that contains a description for a column.

" }, "ColumnDescriptiveText":{ "type":"string", "max":500, "min":0 }, "ColumnGroup":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GeoSpatialColumnGroup":{ "shape":"GeoSpatialColumnGroup", "documentation":"

Geospatial column group that denotes a hierarchy.

" } }, "documentation":"

Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "ColumnGroupColumnSchema":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of the column group's column schema.

" } }, "documentation":"

A structure describing the name, data type, and geographic role of the columns.

" }, "ColumnGroupColumnSchemaList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnGroupColumnSchema"}, "max":500 }, "ColumnGroupList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnGroup"}, "max":8, "min":1 }, "ColumnGroupName":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "ColumnGroupSchema":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of the column group schema.

" }, "ColumnGroupColumnSchemaList":{ "shape":"ColumnGroupColumnSchemaList", "documentation":"

A structure containing the list of schemas for column group columns.

" } }, "documentation":"

The column group schema.

" }, "ColumnGroupSchemaList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnGroupSchema"}, "max":500 }, "ColumnHierarchy":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ExplicitHierarchy":{ "shape":"ExplicitHierarchy", "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells. These fields can't be duplicated to other visuals.

" }, "DateTimeHierarchy":{ "shape":"DateTimeHierarchy", "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.

" }, "PredefinedHierarchy":{ "shape":"PredefinedHierarchy", "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation. These fields are available to use in any analysis that uses the data source.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields for a visual element.

" }, "ColumnHierarchyList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnHierarchy"}, "max":2 }, "ColumnId":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "ColumnIdentifier":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetIdentifier", "ColumnName" ], "members":{ "DataSetIdentifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The data set that the column belongs to.

" }, "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the column.

" } }, "documentation":"

A column of a data set.

" }, "ColumnLevelPermissionRule":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Principals":{ "shape":"PrincipalList", "documentation":"

An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for Amazon QuickSight users or groups.

" }, "ColumnNames":{ "shape":"ColumnNameList", "documentation":"

An array of column names.

" } }, "documentation":"

A rule defined to grant access on one or more restricted columns. Each dataset can have multiple rules. To create a restricted column, you add it to one or more rules. Each rule must contain at least one column and at least one user or group. To be able to see a restricted column, a user or group needs to be added to a rule for that column.

" }, "ColumnLevelPermissionRuleList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnLevelPermissionRule"}, "min":1 }, "ColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnName"}, "max":16, "min":1 }, "ColumnName":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "ColumnNameList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "min":1 }, "ColumnRole":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DIMENSION", "MEASURE" ] }, "ColumnSchema":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of the column schema.

" }, "DataType":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The data type of the column schema.

" }, "GeographicRole":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The geographic role of the column schema.

" } }, "documentation":"

The column schema.

" }, "ColumnSchemaList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnSchema"}, "max":500 }, "ColumnSort":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "SortBy", "Direction" ], "members":{ "SortBy":{"shape":"ColumnIdentifier"}, "Direction":{ "shape":"SortDirection", "documentation":"

The sort direction.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function that is defined in the column sort.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

" }, "ColumnTag":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ColumnGeographicRole":{ "shape":"GeoSpatialDataRole", "documentation":"

A geospatial role for a column.

" }, "ColumnDescription":{ "shape":"ColumnDescription", "documentation":"

A description for a column.

" } }, "documentation":"

A tag for a column in a TagColumnOperation structure. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "ColumnTagList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnTag"}, "max":16, "min":1 }, "ColumnTagName":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE", "COLUMN_DESCRIPTION" ] }, "ColumnTagNames":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnTagName"} }, "ColumnTooltipItem":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Column"], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The target column of the tooltip item.

" }, "Label":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The label of the tooltip item.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the tooltip item.

" }, "Aggregation":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function of the column tooltip item.

" } }, "documentation":"

The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.

" }, "ComboChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The aggregated category field wells of a combo chart.

" }, "BarValues":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The aggregated BarValues field well of a combo chart.

" }, "Colors":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The aggregated colors field well of a combo chart.

" }, "LineValues":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The aggregated LineValues field well of a combo chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a combo chart.

" }, "ComboChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"ComboChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"ComboChartSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a ComboChartVisual.

" }, "BarsArrangement":{ "shape":"BarsArrangement", "documentation":"

Determines the bar arrangement in a combo chart. The following are valid values in this structure:

" }, "CategoryAxis":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The category axis of a combo chart.

" }, "CategoryLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of a combo chart category (group/color) field well.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of a combo chart's primary y-axis (bar) field well.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of a combo chart's primary y-axis (bar) field well.

" }, "SecondaryYAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, axis step) of a combo chart's secondary y-axis (line) field well.

" }, "SecondaryYAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of a combo chart's secondary y-axis(line) field well.

" }, "ColorLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of a combo chart's color field well.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "BarDataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

The data label options for a bar in a combo chart.

" }, "LineDataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

The data label options for a line in a combo chart.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "ReferenceLines":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineList", "documentation":"

The reference line setup of the visual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a ComboChartVisual.

" }, "ComboChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ComboChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"ComboChartAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a combo chart. Combo charts only have aggregated field wells. Columns in a combo chart are aggregated by category.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ComboChartSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the category field well in a combo chart.

" }, "CategoryItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The item limit configuration for the category field well of a combo chart.

" }, "ColorSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the color field well in a combo chart.

" }, "ColorItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The item limit configuration of the color field well in a combo chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a ComboChartVisual.

" }, "ComboChartVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"ComboChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A combo chart.

The ComboChartVisual includes stacked bar combo charts and clustered bar combo charts

For more information, see Using combo charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ComparisonConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ComparisonMethod":{ "shape":"ComparisonMethod", "documentation":"

The method of the comparison. Choose from the following options:

" }, "ComparisonFormat":{ "shape":"ComparisonFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format of the comparison.

" } }, "documentation":"

The comparison display configuration of a KPI or gauge chart.

" }, "ComparisonFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The number display format.

" }, "PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The percentage display format.

" } }, "documentation":"

The format of the comparison.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ComparisonMethod":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DIFFERENCE", "PERCENT_DIFFERENCE", "PERCENT" ] }, "Computation":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TopBottomRanked":{ "shape":"TopBottomRankedComputation", "documentation":"

The top ranked and bottom ranked computation configuration.

" }, "TopBottomMovers":{ "shape":"TopBottomMoversComputation", "documentation":"

The top movers and bottom movers computation configuration.

" }, "TotalAggregation":{ "shape":"TotalAggregationComputation", "documentation":"

The total aggregation computation configuration.

" }, "MaximumMinimum":{ "shape":"MaximumMinimumComputation", "documentation":"

The maximum and minimum computation configuration.

" }, "MetricComparison":{ "shape":"MetricComparisonComputation", "documentation":"

The metric comparison computation configuration.

" }, "PeriodOverPeriod":{ "shape":"PeriodOverPeriodComputation", "documentation":"

The period over period computation configuration.

" }, "PeriodToDate":{ "shape":"PeriodToDateComputation", "documentation":"

The period to DataSetIdentifier computation configuration.

" }, "GrowthRate":{ "shape":"GrowthRateComputation", "documentation":"

The growth rate computation configuration.

" }, "UniqueValues":{ "shape":"UniqueValuesComputation", "documentation":"

The unique values computation configuration.

" }, "Forecast":{ "shape":"ForecastComputation", "documentation":"

The forecast computation configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The computation union that is used in an insight visual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ComputationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Computation"}, "max":100 }, "ConcurrentUpdatingException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

A resource is already in a state that indicates an operation is happening that must complete before a new update can be applied.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":500}, "exception":true }, "ConditionalFormattingColor":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Solid":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingSolidColor", "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for solid color.

" }, "Gradient":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingGradientColor", "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

" } }, "documentation":"

The formatting configuration for the color.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingCustomIconCondition":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Expression", "IconOptions" ], "members":{ "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression that determines the condition of the icon set.

" }, "IconOptions":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingCustomIconOptions", "documentation":"

Custom icon options for an icon set.

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color of the icon.

" }, "DisplayConfiguration":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayConfiguration", "documentation":"

Determines the icon display configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingCustomIconOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Icon":{ "shape":"Icon", "documentation":"

Determines the type of icon.

" }, "UnicodeIcon":{ "shape":"UnicodeIcon", "documentation":"

Determines the Unicode icon type.

" } }, "documentation":"

Custom icon options for an icon set.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingGradientColor":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Expression", "Color" ], "members":{ "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for gradient color.

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"GradientColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color.

" } }, "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for gradient color.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingIcon":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "IconSet":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIconSet", "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for icon set.

" }, "CustomCondition":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingCustomIconCondition", "documentation":"

Determines the custom condition for an icon set.

" } }, "documentation":"

The formatting configuration for the icon.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "IconDisplayOption":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayOption", "documentation":"

Determines the icon display configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the icon display configuration.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingIconDisplayOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":["ICON_ONLY"] }, "ConditionalFormattingIconSet":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Expression"], "members":{ "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for the icon set.

" }, "IconSetType":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIconSetType", "documentation":"

Determines the icon set type.

" } }, "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for icon set.

" }, "ConditionalFormattingIconSetType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PLUS_MINUS", "CHECK_X", "THREE_COLOR_ARROW", "THREE_GRAY_ARROW", "CARET_UP_MINUS_DOWN", "THREE_SHAPE", "THREE_CIRCLE", "FLAGS", "BARS", "FOUR_COLOR_ARROW", "FOUR_GRAY_ARROW" ] }, "ConditionalFormattingSolidColor":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Expression"], "members":{ "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression that determines the formatting configuration for solid color.

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color.

" } }, "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for solid color.

" }, "ConflictException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":409}, "exception":true }, "ContributionAnalysisDefault":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MeasureFieldId", "ContributorDimensions" ], "members":{ "MeasureFieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The measure field that is used in the contribution analysis.

" }, "ContributorDimensions":{ "shape":"ContributorDimensionList", "documentation":"

The dimensions columns that are used in the contribution analysis, usually a list of ColumnIdentifiers.

" } }, "documentation":"

The contribution analysis visual display for a line, pie, or bar chart.

" }, "ContributionAnalysisDefaultList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ContributionAnalysisDefault"}, "max":200, "min":1 }, "ContributorDimensionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnIdentifier"}, "max":4, "min":1 }, "CopySourceArn":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"^arn:[-a-z0-9]*:quicksight:[-a-z0-9]*:[0-9]{12}:datasource/.+" }, "CreateAccountCustomizationRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AccountCustomization" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to customize Amazon QuickSight for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to add customizations to.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"namespace" }, "AccountCustomization":{ "shape":"AccountCustomization", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight customizations you're adding in the current Amazon Web Services Region. You can add these to an Amazon Web Services account and a QuickSight namespace.

For example, you can add a default theme by setting AccountCustomization to the midnight theme: \"AccountCustomization\": { \"DefaultTheme\": \"arn:aws:quicksight::aws:theme/MIDNIGHT\" }. Or, you can add a custom theme by specifying \"AccountCustomization\": { \"DefaultTheme\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-west-2:111122223333:theme/bdb844d0-0fe9-4d9d-b520-0fe602d93639\" }.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

A list of the tags that you want to attach to this resource.

" } } }, "CreateAccountCustomizationResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the customization that you created for this Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to customize Amazon QuickSight for.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace associated with the customization you're creating.

" }, "AccountCustomization":{ "shape":"AccountCustomization", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight customizations you're adding in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateAccountSubscriptionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Edition", "AuthenticationMethod", "AwsAccountId", "AccountName", "NotificationEmail" ], "members":{ "Edition":{ "shape":"Edition", "documentation":"

The edition of Amazon QuickSight that you want your account to have. Currently, you can choose from ENTERPRISE or ENTERPRISE_AND_Q.

If you choose ENTERPRISE_AND_Q, the following parameters are required:

" }, "AuthenticationMethod":{ "shape":"AuthenticationMethodOption", "documentation":"

The method that you want to use to authenticate your Amazon QuickSight account. Currently, the valid values for this parameter are IAM_AND_QUICKSIGHT, IAM_ONLY, and ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.

If you choose ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, provide an ActiveDirectoryName and an AdminGroup associated with your Active Directory.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that you're using to create your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AccountName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of your Amazon QuickSight account. This name is unique over all of Amazon Web Services, and it appears only when users sign in. You can't change AccountName value after the Amazon QuickSight account is created.

" }, "NotificationEmail":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The email address that you want Amazon QuickSight to send notifications to regarding your Amazon QuickSight account or Amazon QuickSight subscription.

" }, "ActiveDirectoryName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of your Active Directory. This field is required if ACTIVE_DIRECTORY is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "Realm":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The realm of the Active Directory that is associated with your Amazon QuickSight account. This field is required if ACTIVE_DIRECTORY is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "DirectoryId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the Active Directory that is associated with your Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "AdminGroup":{ "shape":"GroupsList", "documentation":"

The admin group associated with your Active Directory. This field is required if ACTIVE_DIRECTORY is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "AuthorGroup":{ "shape":"GroupsList", "documentation":"

The author group associated with your Active Directory. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ReaderGroup":{ "shape":"GroupsList", "documentation":"

The reader group associated with your Active Direcrtory. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FirstName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The first name of the author of the Amazon QuickSight account to use for future communications. This field is required if ENTERPPRISE_AND_Q is the selected edition of the new Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "LastName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The last name of the author of the Amazon QuickSight account to use for future communications. This field is required if ENTERPPRISE_AND_Q is the selected edition of the new Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "EmailAddress":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The email address of the author of the Amazon QuickSight account to use for future communications. This field is required if ENTERPPRISE_AND_Q is the selected edition of the new Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "ContactNumber":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A 10-digit phone number for the author of the Amazon QuickSight account to use for future communications. This field is required if ENTERPPRISE_AND_Q is the selected edition of the new Amazon QuickSight account.

" } } }, "CreateAccountSubscriptionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SignupResponse":{ "shape":"SignupResponse", "documentation":"

A SignupResponse object that returns information about a newly created Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateAnalysisRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId", "Name" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you are creating an analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the analysis that you're creating. This ID displays in the URL of the analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"AnalysisName", "documentation":"

A descriptive name for the analysis that you're creating. This name displays for the analysis in the Amazon QuickSight console.

" }, "Parameters":{ "shape":"Parameters", "documentation":"

The parameter names and override values that you want to use. An analysis can have any parameter type, and some parameters might accept multiple values.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis. You can use the Permissions structure to grant permissions by providing a list of Identity and Access Management (IAM) action information for each principal listed by Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

To specify no permissions, omit Permissions.

" }, "SourceEntity":{ "shape":"AnalysisSourceEntity", "documentation":"

A source entity to use for the analysis that you're creating. This metadata structure contains details that describe a source template and one or more datasets.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the theme to apply to the analysis that you're creating. To see the theme in the Amazon QuickSight console, make sure that you have access to it.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the analysis.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"AnalysisDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of an analysis.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" } } }, "CreateAnalysisResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the analysis.

" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the creation of the analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateColumnsOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Columns"], "members":{ "Columns":{ "shape":"CalculatedColumnList", "documentation":"

Calculated columns to create.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that creates calculated columns. Columns created in one such operation form a lexical closure.

" }, "CreateDashboardRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId", "Name" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to create the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard, also added to the IAM policy.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DashboardName", "documentation":"

The display name of the dashboard.

" }, "Parameters":{ "shape":"Parameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for the creation of the dashboard, which you want to use to override the default settings. A dashboard can have any type of parameters, and some parameters might accept multiple values.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the permissions of the dashboard. You can use this structure for granting permissions by providing a list of IAM action information for each principal ARN.

To specify no permissions, omit the permissions list.

" }, "SourceEntity":{ "shape":"DashboardSourceEntity", "documentation":"

The entity that you are using as a source when you create the dashboard. In SourceEntity, you specify the type of object you're using as source. You can only create a dashboard from a template, so you use a SourceTemplate entity. If you need to create a dashboard from an analysis, first convert the analysis to a template by using the CreateTemplate API operation. For SourceTemplate, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source template. The SourceTemplateARN can contain any Amazon Web Services account and any Amazon QuickSight-supported Amazon Web Services Region.

Use the DataSetReferences entity within SourceTemplate to list the replacement datasets for the placeholders listed in the original. The schema in each dataset must match its placeholder.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the dashboard.

" }, "VersionDescription":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

A description for the first version of the dashboard being created.

" }, "DashboardPublishOptions":{ "shape":"DashboardPublishOptions", "documentation":"

Options for publishing the dashboard when you create it:

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme that is being used for this dashboard. If you add a value for this field, it overrides the value that is used in the source entity. The theme ARN must exist in the same Amazon Web Services account where you create the dashboard.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"DashboardVersionDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of a dashboard.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" } } }, "CreateDashboardResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dashboard.

" }, "VersionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dashboard, including the version number of the first version that is created.

" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the dashboard creation request.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateDataSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId", "Name", "PhysicalTableMap", "ImportMode" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

The display name for the dataset.

" }, "PhysicalTableMap":{ "shape":"PhysicalTableMap", "documentation":"

Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.

" }, "LogicalTableMap":{ "shape":"LogicalTableMap", "documentation":"

Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.

" }, "ImportMode":{ "shape":"DataSetImportMode", "documentation":"

Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.

" }, "ColumnGroups":{ "shape":"ColumnGroupList", "documentation":"

Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.

" }, "FieldFolders":{ "shape":"FieldFolderMap", "documentation":"

The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions on the dataset.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionDataSet":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionDataSet", "documentation":"

The row-level security configuration for the data that you want to create.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of tags on a dataset to set row-level security. Row-level security tags are currently supported for anonymous embedding only.

" }, "ColumnLevelPermissionRules":{ "shape":"ColumnLevelPermissionRuleList", "documentation":"

A set of one or more definitions of a ColumnLevelPermissionRule .

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the dataset.

" }, "DataSetUsageConfiguration":{"shape":"DataSetUsageConfiguration"} } }, "CreateDataSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "IngestionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.

" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateDataSourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSourceId", "Name", "Type" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

A display name for the data source.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"DataSourceType", "documentation":"

The type of the data source. To return a list of all data sources, use ListDataSources.

Use AMAZON_ELASTICSEARCH for Amazon OpenSearch Service.

" }, "DataSourceParameters":{ "shape":"DataSourceParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying source.

" }, "Credentials":{ "shape":"DataSourceCredentials", "documentation":"

The credentials Amazon QuickSight that uses to connect to your underlying source. Currently, only credentials based on user name and password are supported.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions on the data source.

" }, "VpcConnectionProperties":{ "shape":"VpcConnectionProperties", "documentation":"

Use this parameter only when you want Amazon QuickSight to use a VPC connection when connecting to your underlying source.

" }, "SslProperties":{ "shape":"SslProperties", "documentation":"

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your underlying source.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the data source.

" } } }, "CreateDataSourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of creating the data source.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateFolderMembershipRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId", "MemberId", "MemberType" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" }, "MemberId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the asset (the dashboard, analysis, or dataset).

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberId" }, "MemberType":{ "shape":"MemberType", "documentation":"

The type of the member, including DASHBOARD, ANALYSIS, and DATASET.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberType" } } }, "CreateFolderMembershipResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "FolderMember":{ "shape":"FolderMember", "documentation":"

Information about the member in the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateFolderRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account where you want to create the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"FolderName", "documentation":"

The name of the folder.

" }, "FolderType":{ "shape":"FolderType", "documentation":"

The type of folder. By default, folderType is SHARED.

" }, "ParentFolderArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the parent folder.

ParentFolderArn can be null. An empty parentFolderArn creates a root-level folder.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions of a folder.

To specify no permissions, omit Permissions.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Tags for the folder.

" } } }, "CreateFolderResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the newly created folder.

" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The folder ID for the newly created folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The request ID for the newly created folder.

" } } }, "CreateGroupMembershipRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MemberName", "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "MemberName":{ "shape":"GroupMemberName", "documentation":"

The name of the user that you want to add to the group membership.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberName" }, "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to add the user to.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want the user to be a part of.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "CreateGroupMembershipResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupMember":{ "shape":"GroupMember", "documentation":"

The group member.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

A name for the group that you want to create.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"GroupDescription", "documentation":"

A description for the group that you want to create.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want the group to be a part of.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } }, "documentation":"

The request object for this operation.

" }, "CreateGroupResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Group":{ "shape":"Group", "documentation":"

The name of the group.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } }, "documentation":"

The response object for this operation.

" }, "CreateIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AssignmentName", "AssignmentStatus", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to assign an IAM policy to Amazon QuickSight users or groups.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment, also called a rule. It must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the assignment. Possible values are as follows:

" }, "PolicyArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the IAM policy to apply to the Amazon QuickSight users and groups specified in this assignment.

" }, "Identities":{ "shape":"IdentityMap", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight users, groups, or both that you want to assign the policy to.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that contains the assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "CreateIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment. This name must be unique within the Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "AssignmentId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID for the assignment.

" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the assignment. Possible values are as follows:

" }, "PolicyArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the IAM policy that is applied to the Amazon QuickSight users and groups specified in this assignment.

" }, "Identities":{ "shape":"IdentityMap", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight users, groups, or both that the IAM policy is assigned to.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateIngestionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetId", "IngestionId", "AwsAccountId" ], "members":{ "DataSetId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"IngestionId", "documentation":"

An ID for the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"IngestionId" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "IngestionType":{ "shape":"IngestionType", "documentation":"

The type of ingestion that you want to create.

" } } }, "CreateIngestionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data ingestion.

" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"IngestionId", "documentation":"

An ID for the ingestion.

" }, "IngestionStatus":{ "shape":"IngestionStatus", "documentation":"

The ingestion status.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateNamespaceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace", "IdentityStore" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create the Amazon QuickSight namespace in.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The name that you want to use to describe the new namespace.

" }, "IdentityStore":{ "shape":"IdentityStore", "documentation":"

Specifies the type of your user identity directory. Currently, this supports users with an identity type of QUICKSIGHT.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

The tags that you want to associate with the namespace that you're creating.

" } } }, "CreateNamespaceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the Amazon QuickSight namespace you created.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The name of the new namespace that you created.

" }, "CapacityRegion":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services Region; that you want to use for the free SPICE capacity for the new namespace. This is set to the region that you run CreateNamespace in.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"NamespaceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the creation of the namespace. This is an asynchronous process. A status of CREATED means that your namespace is ready to use. If an error occurs, it indicates if the process is retryable or non-retryable. In the case of a non-retryable error, refer to the error message for follow-up tasks.

" }, "IdentityStore":{ "shape":"IdentityStore", "documentation":"

Specifies the type of your user identity directory. Currently, this supports users with an identity type of QUICKSIGHT.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "CreateTemplateAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId", "AliasName", "TemplateVersionNumber" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you creating an alias for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name that you want to give to the template alias that you're creating. Don't start the alias name with the $ character. Alias names that start with $ are reserved by Amazon QuickSight.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" }, "TemplateVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the template.

" } } }, "CreateTemplateAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateAlias":{ "shape":"TemplateAlias", "documentation":"

Information about the template alias.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateTemplateRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. You use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the template that you want to create. This template is unique per Amazon Web Services Region; in each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"TemplateName", "documentation":"

A display name for the template.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be set on the template.

" }, "SourceEntity":{ "shape":"TemplateSourceEntity", "documentation":"

The entity that you are using as a source when you create the template. In SourceEntity, you specify the type of object you're using as source: SourceTemplate for a template or SourceAnalysis for an analysis. Both of these require an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For SourceTemplate, specify the ARN of the source template. For SourceAnalysis, specify the ARN of the source analysis. The SourceTemplate ARN can contain any Amazon Web Services account and any Amazon QuickSight-supported Amazon Web Services Region.

Use the DataSetReferences entity within SourceTemplate or SourceAnalysis to list the replacement datasets for the placeholders listed in the original. The schema in each dataset must match its placeholder.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.

" }, "VersionDescription":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the current template version being created. This API operation creates the first version of the template. Every time UpdateTemplate is called, a new version is created. Each version of the template maintains a description of the version in the VersionDescription field.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"TemplateVersionDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of a template.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" } } }, "CreateTemplateResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the template.

" }, "VersionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the template, including the version information of the first version.

" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the template.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The template creation status.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateThemeAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId", "AliasName", "ThemeVersionNumber" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme for the new theme alias.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the theme alias.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name that you want to give to the theme alias that you are creating. The alias name can't begin with a $. Alias names that start with $ are reserved by Amazon QuickSight.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" }, "ThemeVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the theme.

" } } }, "CreateThemeAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeAlias":{ "shape":"ThemeAlias", "documentation":"

Information about the theme alias.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CreateThemeRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId", "Name", "BaseThemeId", "Configuration" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to store the new theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the theme that you want to create. The theme ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region in each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ThemeName", "documentation":"

A display name for the theme.

" }, "BaseThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.

" }, "VersionDescription":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the first version of the theme that you're creating. Every time UpdateTheme is called, a new version is created. Each version of the theme has a description of the version in the VersionDescription field.

" }, "Configuration":{ "shape":"ThemeConfiguration", "documentation":"

The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A valid grouping of resource permissions to apply to the new theme.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

A map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags that you want to add to the resource.

" } } }, "CreateThemeResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the theme.

" }, "VersionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the new theme.

" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the theme.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The theme creation status.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "CredentialPair":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Username", "Password" ], "members":{ "Username":{ "shape":"Username", "documentation":"

User name.

" }, "Password":{ "shape":"Password", "documentation":"


" }, "AlternateDataSourceParameters":{ "shape":"DataSourceParametersList", "documentation":"

A set of alternate data source parameters that you want to share for these credentials. The credentials are applied in tandem with the data source parameters when you copy a data source by using a create or update request. The API operation compares the DataSourceParameters structure that's in the request with the structures in the AlternateDataSourceParameters allow list. If the structures are an exact match, the request is allowed to use the new data source with the existing credentials. If the AlternateDataSourceParameters list is null, the DataSourceParameters originally used with these Credentials is automatically allowed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The combination of user name and password that are used as credentials.

" }, "CrossDatasetTypes":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ALL_DATASETS", "SINGLE_DATASET" ] }, "CurrencyCode":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"[A-Z]{3}" }, "CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Prefix":{ "shape":"Prefix", "documentation":"

Determines the prefix value of the currency format.

" }, "Suffix":{ "shape":"Suffix", "documentation":"

Determines the suffix value of the currency format.

" }, "SeparatorConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericSeparatorConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

" }, "Symbol":{ "shape":"CurrencyCode", "documentation":"

Determines the symbol for the currency format.

" }, "DecimalPlacesConfiguration":{ "shape":"DecimalPlacesConfiguration", "documentation":"

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

" }, "NumberScale":{ "shape":"NumberScale", "documentation":"

Determines the number scale value for the currency format.

" }, "NegativeValueConfiguration":{ "shape":"NegativeValueConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

" }, "NullValueFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NullValueFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

" }, "CustomActionFilterOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "SelectedFieldsConfiguration", "TargetVisualsConfiguration" ], "members":{ "SelectedFieldsConfiguration":{ "shape":"FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that chooses the fields to be filtered.

" }, "TargetVisualsConfiguration":{ "shape":"FilterOperationTargetVisualsConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that chooses the target visuals to be filtered.

" } }, "documentation":"

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

" }, "CustomActionNavigationOperation":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LocalNavigationConfiguration":{ "shape":"LocalNavigationConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that chooses the navigation target.

" } }, "documentation":"

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "CustomActionSetParametersOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ParameterValueConfigurations"], "members":{ "ParameterValueConfigurations":{ "shape":"SetParameterValueConfigurationList", "documentation":"

The parameter that determines the value configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

" }, "CustomActionURLOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "URLTemplate", "URLTarget" ], "members":{ "URLTemplate":{ "shape":"URLOperationTemplate", "documentation":"

THe URL link of the CustomActionURLOperation.

" }, "URLTarget":{ "shape":"URLTargetConfiguration", "documentation":"

The target of the CustomActionURLOperation.

Valid values are defined as follows:

" } }, "documentation":"

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

" }, "CustomContentConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ContentUrl":{ "shape":"URLOperationTemplate", "documentation":"

The input URL that links to the custom content that you want in the custom visual.

" }, "ContentType":{ "shape":"CustomContentType", "documentation":"

The content type of the custom content visual. You can use this to have the visual render as an image.

" }, "ImageScaling":{ "shape":"CustomContentImageScalingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sizing options for the size of the custom content visual. This structure is required when the ContentType of the visual is 'IMAGE'.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a CustomContentVisual.

" }, "CustomContentImageScalingConfiguration":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "FIT_TO_HEIGHT", "FIT_TO_WIDTH", "DO_NOT_SCALE", "SCALE_TO_VISUAL" ] }, "CustomContentType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "IMAGE", "OTHER_EMBEDDED_CONTENT" ] }, "CustomContentVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "VisualId", "DataSetIdentifier" ], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"CustomContentConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a CustomContentVisual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "DataSetIdentifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The dataset that is used to create the custom content visual. You can't create a visual without a dataset.

" } }, "documentation":"

A visual that contains custom content.

For more information, see Using custom visual content in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "CustomFilterConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MatchOperator", "NullOption" ], "members":{ "MatchOperator":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterMatchOperator", "documentation":"

The match operator that is used to determine if a filter should be applied.

" }, "CategoryValue":{ "shape":"CategoryValue", "documentation":"

The category value for the filter.

This field is mutually exclusive to ParameterName.

" }, "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

Select all of the values. Null is not the assigned value of select all.

" }, "ParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter whose value should be used for the filter value.

This field is mutually exclusive to CategoryValue.

" }, "NullOption":{ "shape":"FilterNullOption", "documentation":"

This option determines how null values should be treated when filtering data.

" } }, "documentation":"

A custom filter that filters based on a single value. This filter can be partially matched.

" }, "CustomFilterListConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MatchOperator", "NullOption" ], "members":{ "MatchOperator":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterMatchOperator", "documentation":"

The match operator that is used to determine if a filter should be applied.

" }, "CategoryValues":{ "shape":"CategoryValueList", "documentation":"

The list of category values for the filter.

" }, "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

Select all of the values. Null is not the assigned value of select all.

" }, "NullOption":{ "shape":"FilterNullOption", "documentation":"

This option determines how null values should be treated when filtering data.

" } }, "documentation":"

A list of custom filter values.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "CustomNarrativeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Narrative"], "members":{ "Narrative":{ "shape":"NarrativeString", "documentation":"

The string input of custom narrative.

" } }, "documentation":"

The custom narrative options.

" }, "CustomParameterValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StringValues":{ "shape":"StringDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

A list of string-type parameter values.

" }, "IntegerValues":{ "shape":"IntegerDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

A list of integer-type parameter values.

" }, "DecimalValues":{ "shape":"DecimalDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

A list of decimal-type parameter values.

" }, "DateTimeValues":{ "shape":"DateTimeDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

A list of datetime-type parameter values.

" } }, "documentation":"

The customized parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "CustomSql":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSourceArn", "Name", "SqlQuery" ], "members":{ "DataSourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"CustomSqlName", "documentation":"

A display name for the SQL query result.

" }, "SqlQuery":{ "shape":"SqlQuery", "documentation":"

The SQL query.

" }, "Columns":{ "shape":"InputColumnList", "documentation":"

The column schema from the SQL query result set.

" } }, "documentation":"

A physical table type built from the results of the custom SQL query.

" }, "CustomSqlName":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "CustomValuesConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["CustomValues"], "members":{ "IncludeNullValue":{ "shape":"BooleanObject", "documentation":"

Includes the null value in custom action parameter values.

" }, "CustomValues":{"shape":"CustomParameterValues"} }, "documentation":"

The configuration of custom values for the destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration.

" }, "Dashboard":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

Dashboard ID.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DashboardName", "documentation":"

A display name for the dashboard.

" }, "Version":{ "shape":"DashboardVersion", "documentation":"


" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this dashboard was created.

" }, "LastPublishedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this dashboard was published.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this dashboard was updated.

" } }, "documentation":"


" }, "DashboardBehavior":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "DashboardError":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"DashboardErrorType", "documentation":"


" }, "Message":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"


" }, "ViolatedEntities":{ "shape":"EntityList", "documentation":"

" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard error.

" }, "DashboardErrorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DashboardError"}, "min":1 }, "DashboardErrorType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ACCESS_DENIED", "SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "DATA_SET_NOT_FOUND", "INTERNAL_FAILURE", "PARAMETER_VALUE_INCOMPATIBLE", "PARAMETER_TYPE_INVALID", "PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND", "COLUMN_TYPE_MISMATCH", "COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE_MISMATCH", "COLUMN_REPLACEMENT_MISSING" ] }, "DashboardFilterAttribute":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "QUICKSIGHT_USER", "QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER", "DASHBOARD_NAME" ] }, "DashboardName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "DashboardPublishOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AdHocFilteringOption":{ "shape":"AdHocFilteringOption", "documentation":"

Ad hoc (one-time) filtering option.

" }, "ExportToCSVOption":{ "shape":"ExportToCSVOption", "documentation":"

Export to .csv option.

" }, "SheetControlsOption":{ "shape":"SheetControlsOption", "documentation":"

Sheet controls option.

" }, "VisualPublishOptions":{ "shape":"DashboardVisualPublishOptions", "documentation":"

" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard publish options.

" }, "DashboardSearchFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Operator"], "members":{ "Operator":{ "shape":"FilterOperator", "documentation":"

The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\". Valid values are \"StringEquals\" and \"StringLike\".

If you set the operator value to \"StringEquals\", you need to provide an ownership related filter in the \"NAME\" field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the \"Value\" field. For example, \"Name\":\"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

If you set the value to \"StringLike\", you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, \"Name\":\"DASHBOARD_NAME\", \"Operator\": \"StringLike\", \"Value\": \"Test\". The \"StringLike\" operator only supports the NAME value DASHBOARD_NAME.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DashboardFilterAttribute", "documentation":"

The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, \"Name\": \"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\".

Valid values are defined as follows:

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The value of the named item, in this case QUICKSIGHT_USER, that you want to use as a filter, for example, \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

" } }, "documentation":"

A filter that you apply when searching for dashboards.

" }, "DashboardSearchFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DashboardSearchFilter"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "DashboardSourceEntity":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SourceTemplate":{ "shape":"DashboardSourceTemplate", "documentation":"

Source template.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard source entity.

" }, "DashboardSourceTemplate":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetReferences", "Arn" ], "members":{ "DataSetReferences":{ "shape":"DataSetReferenceList", "documentation":"

Dataset references.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard source template.

" }, "DashboardSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

Dashboard ID.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DashboardName", "documentation":"

A display name for the dashboard.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this dashboard was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this dashboard was updated.

" }, "PublishedVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

Published version number.

" }, "LastPublishedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this dashboard was published.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard summary.

" }, "DashboardSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DashboardSummary"}, "max":100 }, "DashboardUIState":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "EXPANDED", "COLLAPSED" ] }, "DashboardVersion":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this dashboard version was created.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"DashboardErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with this dashboard version.

" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

Version number for this version of the dashboard.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "SourceEntityArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

Source entity ARN.

" }, "DataSetArns":{ "shape":"DataSetArnsList", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Numbers (ARNs) for the datasets that are associated with this version of the dashboard.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"


" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the theme associated with a version of the dashboard.

" }, "Sheets":{ "shape":"SheetList", "documentation":"

A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard version.

" }, "DashboardVersionDefinition":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DataSetIdentifierDeclarations"], "members":{ "DataSetIdentifierDeclarations":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifierDeclarationList", "documentation":"

An array of dataset identifier declarations. With this mapping,you can use dataset identifiers instead of dataset Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) throughout the dashboard's sub-structures.

" }, "Sheets":{ "shape":"SheetDefinitionList", "documentation":"

An array of sheet definitions for a dashboard.

" }, "CalculatedFields":{ "shape":"CalculatedFields", "documentation":"

An array of calculated field definitions for the dashboard.

" }, "ParameterDeclarations":{ "shape":"ParameterDeclarationList", "documentation":"

The parameter declarations for a dashboard. Parameters are named variables that can transfer a value for use by an action or an object.

For more information, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FilterGroups":{ "shape":"FilterGroupList", "documentation":"

The filter definitions for a dashboard.

For more information, see Filtering Data in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ColumnConfigurations":{ "shape":"ColumnConfigurationList", "documentation":"

An array of dashboard-level column configurations. Column configurations are used to set the default formatting for a column that is used throughout a dashboard.

" }, "AnalysisDefaults":{"shape":"AnalysisDefaults"} }, "documentation":"

The contents of a dashboard.

" }, "DashboardVersionSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this dashboard version was created.

" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

Version number.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "SourceEntityArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

Source entity ARN.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

Dashboard version summary.

" }, "DashboardVersionSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DashboardVersionSummary"}, "max":100 }, "DashboardVisualId":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DashboardId", "SheetId", "VisualId" ], "members":{ "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the dashboard that has the visual that you want to embed. The DashboardId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console. You can also get the DashboardId with a ListDashboards API operation.

" }, "SheetId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the sheet that the has visual that you want to embed. The SheetId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.

" }, "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the visual that you want to embed. The VisualID can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.

" } }, "documentation":"

A structure that contains the following elements:

The DashboardId, SheetId, and VisualId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console. You can also get the DashboardId with a ListDashboards API operation.

" }, "DashboardVisualPublishOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ExportHiddenFieldsOption":{ "shape":"ExportHiddenFieldsOption", "documentation":"

" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "DataColor":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color that is applied to the data value.

" }, "DataValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The data value that the color is applied to.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

Determines the color that is applied to a particular data value.

" }, "DataColorPalette":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Colors":{ "shape":"ColorList", "documentation":"

The hexadecimal codes for the colors.

" }, "MinMaxGradient":{ "shape":"ColorList", "documentation":"

The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient.

" }, "EmptyFillColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.

" } }, "documentation":"

The theme colors that are used for data colors in charts. The colors description is a hexadecimal color code that consists of six alphanumerical characters, prefixed with #, for example #37BFF5.

" }, "DataFieldSeriesItem":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "AxisBinding" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the field that you are setting the axis binding to.

" }, "FieldValue":{ "shape":"SensitiveString", "documentation":"

The field value of the field that you are setting the axis binding to.

" }, "AxisBinding":{ "shape":"AxisBinding", "documentation":"

The axis that you are binding the field to.

" }, "Settings":{ "shape":"LineChartSeriesSettings", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of line series associated to the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The data field series item configuration of a line chart.

" }, "DataLabelContent":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "VALUE", "PERCENT", "VALUE_AND_PERCENT" ] }, "DataLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the data labels.

" }, "CategoryLabelVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the category field labels.

" }, "MeasureLabelVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the measure field labels.

" }, "DataLabelTypes":{ "shape":"DataLabelTypes", "documentation":"

The option that determines the data label type.

" }, "Position":{ "shape":"DataLabelPosition", "documentation":"

Determines the position of the data labels.

" }, "LabelContent":{ "shape":"DataLabelContent", "documentation":"

Determines the content of the data labels.

" }, "LabelFontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

Determines the font configuration of the data labels.

" }, "LabelColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color of the data labels.

" }, "Overlap":{ "shape":"DataLabelOverlap", "documentation":"

Determines whether overlap is enabled or disabled for the data labels.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.

" }, "DataLabelOverlap":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DISABLE_OVERLAP", "ENABLE_OVERLAP" ] }, "DataLabelPosition":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "INSIDE", "OUTSIDE", "LEFT", "TOP", "BOTTOM", "RIGHT" ] }, "DataLabelType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldLabelType":{ "shape":"FieldLabelType", "documentation":"

Determines the label configuration for the entire field.

" }, "DataPathLabelType":{ "shape":"DataPathLabelType", "documentation":"

The option that specifies individual data values for labels.

" }, "RangeEndsLabelType":{ "shape":"RangeEndsLabelType", "documentation":"

Determines the label configuration for range end value in a visual.

" }, "MinimumLabelType":{ "shape":"MinimumLabelType", "documentation":"

Determines the label configuration for the minimum value in a visual.

" }, "MaximumLabelType":{ "shape":"MaximumLabelType", "documentation":"

Determines the label configuration for the maximum value in a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the data label type.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "DataLabelTypes":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataLabelType"}, "max":100 }, "DataPathColor":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Element", "Color" ], "members":{ "Element":{ "shape":"DataPathValue", "documentation":"

The element that the color needs to be applied to.

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color that needs to be applied to the element.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The time granularity of the field that the color needs to be applied to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The color map that determines the color options for a particular element.

" }, "DataPathColorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataPathColor"}, "max":5000 }, "DataPathLabelType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the field that the data label needs to be applied to.

" }, "FieldValue":{ "shape":"FieldValue", "documentation":"

The actual value of the field that is labeled.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the data label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that specifies individual data values for labels.

" }, "DataPathSort":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Direction", "SortPaths" ], "members":{ "Direction":{ "shape":"SortDirection", "documentation":"

Determines the sort direction.

" }, "SortPaths":{ "shape":"DataPathValueList", "documentation":"

The list of data paths that need to be sorted.

" } }, "documentation":"

Allows data paths to be sorted by a specific data value.

" }, "DataPathValue":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "FieldValue" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the field that needs to be sorted.

" }, "FieldValue":{ "shape":"FieldValue", "documentation":"

The actual value of the field that needs to be sorted.

" } }, "documentation":"

The data path that needs to be sorted.

" }, "DataPathValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataPathValue"}, "max":20 }, "DataSet":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the dataset.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

A display name for the dataset.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this dataset was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this dataset was updated.

" }, "PhysicalTableMap":{ "shape":"PhysicalTableMap", "documentation":"

Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.

" }, "LogicalTableMap":{ "shape":"LogicalTableMap", "documentation":"

Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.

" }, "OutputColumns":{ "shape":"OutputColumnList", "documentation":"

The list of columns after all transforms. These columns are available in templates, analyses, and dashboards.

" }, "ImportMode":{ "shape":"DataSetImportMode", "documentation":"

A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.

" }, "ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The amount of SPICE capacity used by this dataset. This is 0 if the dataset isn't imported into SPICE.

" }, "ColumnGroups":{ "shape":"ColumnGroupList", "documentation":"

Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.

" }, "FieldFolders":{ "shape":"FieldFolderMap", "documentation":"

The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionDataSet":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionDataSet", "documentation":"

The row-level security configuration for the dataset.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration", "documentation":"

The element you can use to define tags for row-level security.

" }, "ColumnLevelPermissionRules":{ "shape":"ColumnLevelPermissionRuleList", "documentation":"

A set of one or more definitions of a ColumnLevelPermissionRule .

" }, "DataSetUsageConfiguration":{ "shape":"DataSetUsageConfiguration", "documentation":"

The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.

" } }, "documentation":"


" }, "DataSetArnsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Arn"}, "max":100 }, "DataSetConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Placeholder":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"


" }, "DataSetSchema":{ "shape":"DataSetSchema", "documentation":"

Dataset schema.

" }, "ColumnGroupSchemaList":{ "shape":"ColumnGroupSchemaList", "documentation":"

A structure containing the list of column group schemas.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dataset configuration.

" }, "DataSetConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSetConfiguration"}, "max":30 }, "DataSetFilterAttribute":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER", "DATASET_NAME" ] }, "DataSetIdentifier":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "DataSetIdentifierDeclaration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Identifier", "DataSetArn" ], "members":{ "Identifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The identifier of the data set, typically the data set's name.

" }, "DataSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data set.

" } }, "documentation":"

A data set.

" }, "DataSetIdentifierDeclarationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSetIdentifierDeclaration"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "DataSetImportMode":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SPICE", "DIRECT_QUERY" ] }, "DataSetName":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "DataSetReference":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetPlaceholder", "DataSetArn" ], "members":{ "DataSetPlaceholder":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

Dataset placeholder.

" }, "DataSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

Dataset Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

" } }, "documentation":"

Dataset reference.

" }, "DataSetReferenceList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSetReference"}, "min":1 }, "DataSetSchema":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ColumnSchemaList":{ "shape":"ColumnSchemaList", "documentation":"

A structure containing the list of column schemas.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dataset schema.

" }, "DataSetSearchFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Operator", "Name", "Value" ], "members":{ "Operator":{ "shape":"FilterOperator", "documentation":"

The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\". Valid values are \"StringEquals\" and \"StringLike\".

If you set the operator value to \"StringEquals\", you need to provide an ownership related filter in the \"NAME\" field and the arn of the user or group whose datasets you want to search in the \"Value\" field. For example, \"Name\":\"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east- 1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

If you set the value to \"StringLike\", you need to provide the name of the datasets you are searching for. For example, \"Name\":\"DATASET_NAME\", \"Operator\": \"StringLike\", \"Value\": \"Test\". The \"StringLike\" operator only supports the NAME value DATASET_NAME.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DataSetFilterAttribute", "documentation":"

The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, \"Name\": \"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\".

Valid values are defined as follows:

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The value of the named item, in this case QUICKSIGHT_OWNER, that you want to use as a filter, for example, \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

" } }, "documentation":"

A filter that you apply when searching for datasets.

" }, "DataSetSearchFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSetSearchFilter"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "DataSetSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the dataset.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

A display name for the dataset.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this dataset was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this dataset was updated.

" }, "ImportMode":{ "shape":"DataSetImportMode", "documentation":"

A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionDataSet":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionDataSet", "documentation":"

The row-level security configuration for the dataset.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationApplied":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Whether or not the row level permission tags are applied.

" }, "ColumnLevelPermissionRulesApplied":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A value that indicates if the dataset has column level permission configured.

" } }, "documentation":"

Dataset summary.

" }, "DataSetSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSetSummary"} }, "DataSetUsageConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

An option that controls whether a child dataset of a direct query can use this dataset as a source.

" }, "DisableUseAsImportedSource":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

An option that controls whether a child dataset that's stored in QuickSight can use this dataset as a source.

" } }, "documentation":"

The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.

" }, "DataSource":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

A display name for the data source.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"DataSourceType", "documentation":"

The type of the data source. This type indicates which database engine the data source connects to.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this data source was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this data source was updated.

" }, "DataSourceParameters":{ "shape":"DataSourceParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying source. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "AlternateDataSourceParameters":{ "shape":"DataSourceParametersList", "documentation":"

A set of alternate data source parameters that you want to share for the credentials stored with this data source. The credentials are applied in tandem with the data source parameters when you copy a data source by using a create or update request. The API operation compares the DataSourceParameters structure that's in the request with the structures in the AlternateDataSourceParameters allow list. If the structures are an exact match, the request is allowed to use the credentials from this existing data source. If the AlternateDataSourceParameters list is null, the Credentials originally used with this DataSourceParameters are automatically allowed.

" }, "VpcConnectionProperties":{ "shape":"VpcConnectionProperties", "documentation":"

The VPC connection information. You need to use this parameter only when you want Amazon QuickSight to use a VPC connection when connecting to your underlying source.

" }, "SslProperties":{ "shape":"SslProperties", "documentation":"

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your underlying source.

" }, "ErrorInfo":{ "shape":"DataSourceErrorInfo", "documentation":"

Error information from the last update or the creation of the data source.

" }, "SecretArn":{ "shape":"SecretArn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret associated with the data source in Amazon Secrets Manager.

" } }, "documentation":"

The structure of a data source.

" }, "DataSourceCredentials":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CredentialPair":{ "shape":"CredentialPair", "documentation":"

Credential pair. For more information, see CredentialPair .

" }, "CopySourceArn":{ "shape":"CopySourceArn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a data source that has the credential pair that you want to use. When CopySourceArn is not null, the credential pair from the data source in the ARN is used as the credentials for the DataSourceCredentials structure.

" }, "SecretArn":{ "shape":"SecretArn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret associated with the data source in Amazon Secrets Manager.

" } }, "documentation":"

Data source credentials. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

", "sensitive":true }, "DataSourceErrorInfo":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"DataSourceErrorInfoType", "documentation":"

Error type.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

Error message.

" } }, "documentation":"

Error information for the data source creation or update.

" }, "DataSourceErrorInfoType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ACCESS_DENIED", "COPY_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "TIMEOUT", "ENGINE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED", "UNKNOWN_HOST", "GENERIC_SQL_FAILURE", "CONFLICT", "UNKNOWN" ] }, "DataSourceFilterAttribute":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER", "DATASOURCE_NAME" ] }, "DataSourceList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSource"} }, "DataSourceParameters":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AmazonElasticsearchParameters":{ "shape":"AmazonElasticsearchParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for OpenSearch.

" }, "AthenaParameters":{ "shape":"AthenaParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon Athena.

" }, "AuroraParameters":{ "shape":"AuroraParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon Aurora MySQL.

" }, "AuroraPostgreSqlParameters":{ "shape":"AuroraPostgreSqlParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon Aurora.

" }, "AwsIotAnalyticsParameters":{ "shape":"AwsIotAnalyticsParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for IoT Analytics.

" }, "JiraParameters":{ "shape":"JiraParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Jira.

" }, "MariaDbParameters":{ "shape":"MariaDbParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for MariaDB.

" }, "MySqlParameters":{ "shape":"MySqlParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for MySQL.

" }, "OracleParameters":{ "shape":"OracleParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Oracle.

" }, "PostgreSqlParameters":{ "shape":"PostgreSqlParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for PostgreSQL.

" }, "PrestoParameters":{ "shape":"PrestoParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Presto.

" }, "RdsParameters":{ "shape":"RdsParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon RDS.

" }, "RedshiftParameters":{ "shape":"RedshiftParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon Redshift.

" }, "S3Parameters":{ "shape":"S3Parameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for S3.

" }, "ServiceNowParameters":{ "shape":"ServiceNowParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for ServiceNow.

" }, "SnowflakeParameters":{ "shape":"SnowflakeParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Snowflake.

" }, "SparkParameters":{ "shape":"SparkParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Spark.

" }, "SqlServerParameters":{ "shape":"SqlServerParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for SQL Server.

" }, "TeradataParameters":{ "shape":"TeradataParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Teradata.

" }, "TwitterParameters":{ "shape":"TwitterParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Twitter.

" }, "AmazonOpenSearchParameters":{ "shape":"AmazonOpenSearchParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for OpenSearch.

" }, "ExasolParameters":{ "shape":"ExasolParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters for Exasol.

" }, "DatabricksParameters":{ "shape":"DatabricksParameters", "documentation":"

The required parameters that are needed to connect to a Databricks data source.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying data source. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "DataSourceParametersList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSourceParameters"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "DataSourceSearchFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Operator", "Name", "Value" ], "members":{ "Operator":{ "shape":"FilterOperator", "documentation":"

The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\". Valid values are \"StringEquals\" and \"StringLike\".

If you set the operator value to \"StringEquals\", you need to provide an ownership related filter in the \"NAME\" field and the arn of the user or group whose data sources you want to search in the \"Value\" field. For example, \"Name\":\"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

If you set the value to \"StringLike\", you need to provide the name of the data sources you are searching for. For example, \"Name\":\"DATASOURCE_NAME\", \"Operator\": \"StringLike\", \"Value\": \"Test\". The \"StringLike\" operator only supports the NAME value DATASOURCE_NAME.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DataSourceFilterAttribute", "documentation":"

The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, \"Name\": \"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\".

Valid values are defined as follows:

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The value of the named item, for example DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER, that you want to use as a filter, for example, \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

" } }, "documentation":"

A filter that you apply when searching for data sources.

" }, "DataSourceSearchFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSourceSearchFilter"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "DataSourceSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The arn of the datasource.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique ID of the data source.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

The name of the data source.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"DataSourceType", "documentation":"

The type of the data source.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that the data source was created. This value is expressed in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time the data source was last updated. This value is expressed in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format.

" } }, "documentation":"

A DataSourceSummary object that returns a summary of a data source.

" }, "DataSourceSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataSourceSummary"} }, "DataSourceType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ADOBE_ANALYTICS", "AMAZON_ELASTICSEARCH", "ATHENA", "AURORA", "AURORA_POSTGRESQL", "AWS_IOT_ANALYTICS", "GITHUB", "JIRA", "MARIADB", "MYSQL", "ORACLE", "POSTGRESQL", "PRESTO", "REDSHIFT", "S3", "SALESFORCE", "SERVICENOW", "SNOWFLAKE", "SPARK", "SQLSERVER", "TERADATA", "TWITTER", "TIMESTREAM", "AMAZON_OPENSEARCH", "EXASOL", "DATABRICKS" ] }, "Database":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "DatabricksParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "SqlEndpointPath" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"

The host name of the Databricks data source.

" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"

The port for the Databricks data source.

" }, "SqlEndpointPath":{ "shape":"SqlEndpointPath", "documentation":"

The HTTP path of the Databricks data source.

" } }, "documentation":"

The required parameters that are needed to connect to a Databricks data source.

" }, "DateAggregationFunction":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "COUNT", "DISTINCT_COUNT", "MIN", "MAX" ] }, "DateAxisOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MissingDateVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not missing dates are displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine how a date axis is displayed.

" }, "DateDimensionField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the DateDimensionField.

" }, "DateGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The date granularity of the DateDimensionField. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "HierarchyId":{ "shape":"HierarchyId", "documentation":"

The custom hierarchy ID.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The dimension type field with date type columns.

" }, "DateMeasureField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the DateMeasureField.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"DateAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function of the measure field.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The measure type field with date type columns.

" }, "DateTimeDefaultValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveTimestamp"}, "max":50000 }, "DateTimeDefaultValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DynamicValue":{ "shape":"DynamicDefaultValue", "documentation":"

The dynamic value of the DataTimeDefaultValues. Different defaults are displayed according to users, groups, and values mapping.

" }, "StaticValues":{ "shape":"DateTimeDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

The static values of the DataTimeDefaultValues.

" }, "RollingDate":{ "shape":"RollingDateConfiguration", "documentation":"

The rolling date of the DataTimeDefaultValues. The date is determined from the dataset based on input expression.

" } }, "documentation":"

The default values of the DateTimeParameterDeclaration.

" }, "DateTimeFormat":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "DateTimeFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DateTimeFormat":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormat", "documentation":"

Determines the DateTime format.

" }, "NullValueFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NullValueFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

" }, "NumericFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The formatting configuration for numeric DateTime fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for DateTime fields.

" }, "DateTimeHierarchy":{ "type":"structure", "required":["HierarchyId"], "members":{ "HierarchyId":{ "shape":"HierarchyId", "documentation":"

The hierarchy ID of the DateTime hierarchy.

" }, "DrillDownFilters":{ "shape":"DrillDownFilterList", "documentation":"

The option that determines the drill down filters for the DateTime hierarchy.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of any DateTime fields.

" }, "DateTimeParameter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Values" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

A display name for the date-time parameter.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"SensitiveTimestampList", "documentation":"

The values for the date-time parameter.

" } }, "documentation":"

A date-time parameter.

" }, "DateTimeParameterDeclaration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Name"], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The name of the parameter that is being declared.

" }, "DefaultValues":{ "shape":"DateTimeDefaultValues", "documentation":"

The default values of a parameter. If the parameter is a single-value parameter, a maximum of one default value can be provided.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

" }, "ValueWhenUnset":{ "shape":"DateTimeValueWhenUnsetConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that defines the default value of a DateTime parameter when a value has not been set.

" } }, "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the DateTime data type.

" }, "DateTimeParameterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DateTimeParameter"}, "max":100 }, "DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" }, "DateTimeFormat":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormat", "documentation":"

Customize how dates are formatted in controls.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "DateTimeValueWhenUnsetConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ValueWhenUnsetOption":{ "shape":"ValueWhenUnsetOption", "documentation":"

The built-in options for default values. The value can be one of the following:

" }, "CustomValue":{ "shape":"SensitiveTimestamp", "documentation":"

A custom value that's used when the value of a parameter isn't set.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration that defines the default value of a DateTime parameter when a value has not been set.

" }, "DecimalDefaultValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveDoubleObject"}, "max":50000 }, "DecimalDefaultValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DynamicValue":{ "shape":"DynamicDefaultValue", "documentation":"

The dynamic value of the DecimalDefaultValues. Different defaults are displayed according to users, groups, and values mapping.

" }, "StaticValues":{ "shape":"DecimalDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

The static values of the DecimalDefaultValues.

" } }, "documentation":"

The default values of the DecimalParameterDeclaration.

" }, "DecimalParameter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Values" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

A display name for the decimal parameter.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"SensitiveDoubleList", "documentation":"

The values for the decimal parameter.

" } }, "documentation":"

A decimal parameter.

" }, "DecimalParameterDeclaration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterValueType", "Name" ], "members":{ "ParameterValueType":{ "shape":"ParameterValueType", "documentation":"

The value type determines whether the parameter is a single-value or multi-value parameter.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The name of the parameter that is being declared.

" }, "DefaultValues":{ "shape":"DecimalDefaultValues", "documentation":"

The default values of a parameter. If the parameter is a single-value parameter, a maximum of one default value can be provided.

" }, "ValueWhenUnset":{ "shape":"DecimalValueWhenUnsetConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that defines the default value of a Decimal parameter when a value has not been set.

" } }, "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the Decimal data type.

" }, "DecimalParameterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DecimalParameter"}, "max":100 }, "DecimalPlaces":{ "type":"long", "max":20, "min":0 }, "DecimalPlacesConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DecimalPlaces"], "members":{ "DecimalPlaces":{ "shape":"DecimalPlaces", "documentation":"

The values of the decimal places.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

" }, "DecimalValueWhenUnsetConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ValueWhenUnsetOption":{ "shape":"ValueWhenUnsetOption", "documentation":"

The built-in options for default values. The value can be one of the following:

" }, "CustomValue":{ "shape":"SensitiveDouble", "documentation":"

A custom value that's used when the value of a parameter isn't set.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The configuration that defines the default value of a Decimal parameter when a value has not been set.

" }, "DefaultFreeFormLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["CanvasSizeOptions"], "members":{ "CanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"FreeFormLayoutCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

Determines the screen canvas size options for a free-form layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings of a free-form layout configuration.

" }, "DefaultGridLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["CanvasSizeOptions"], "members":{ "CanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"GridLayoutCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

Determines the screen canvas size options for a grid layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for a grid layout configuration.

" }, "DefaultInteractiveLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Grid":{ "shape":"DefaultGridLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for a grid layout configuration.

" }, "FreeForm":{ "shape":"DefaultFreeFormLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings of a free-form layout configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for interactive layout configuration.

" }, "DefaultNewSheetConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "InteractiveLayoutConfiguration":{ "shape":"DefaultInteractiveLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for interactive layout configuration.

" }, "PaginatedLayoutConfiguration":{ "shape":"DefaultPaginatedLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for a paginated layout configuration.

" }, "SheetContentType":{ "shape":"SheetContentType", "documentation":"

The option that determines the sheet content type.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for default new sheet settings.

" }, "DefaultPaginatedLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SectionBased":{ "shape":"DefaultSectionBasedLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for a section-based layout configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for a paginated layout configuration.

" }, "DefaultSectionBasedLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["CanvasSizeOptions"], "members":{ "CanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

Determines the screen canvas size options for a section-based layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the default settings for a section-based layout configuration.

" }, "DeleteAccountCustomizationRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to delete Amazon QuickSight customizations from in this Amazon Web Services Region.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you're deleting the customizations from.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"namespace" } } }, "DeleteAccountCustomizationResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteAccountSubscriptionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" } } }, "DeleteAccountSubscriptionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteAnalysisRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to delete an analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis that you're deleting.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" }, "RecoveryWindowInDays":{ "shape":"RecoveryWindowInDays", "documentation":"

A value that specifies the number of days that Amazon QuickSight waits before it deletes the analysis. You can't use this parameter with the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery option in the same API call. The default value is 30.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"recovery-window-in-days" }, "ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

This option defaults to the value NoForceDeleteWithoutRecovery. To immediately delete the analysis, add the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery option. You can't restore an analysis after it's deleted.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"force-delete-without-recovery" } } }, "DeleteAnalysisResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted analysis.

" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the deleted analysis.

" }, "DeletionTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that the analysis is scheduled to be deleted.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DeleteDashboardRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're deleting.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the dashboard. If the version number property is provided, only the specified version of the dashboard is deleted.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" } } }, "DeleteDashboardResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply for the resource.

" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the dashboard.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DeleteDataSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" } } }, "DeleteDataSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteDataSourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSourceId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSourceId" } } }, "DeleteDataSourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source that you deleted.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteFolderMembershipRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId", "MemberId", "MemberType" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The Folder ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" }, "MemberId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the asset (the dashboard, analysis, or dataset) that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberId" }, "MemberType":{ "shape":"MemberType", "documentation":"

The type of the member, including DASHBOARD, ANALYSIS, and DATASET

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberType" } } }, "DeleteFolderMembershipResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DeleteFolderRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" } } }, "DeleteFolderResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name of the deleted folder.

" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DeleteGroupMembershipRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MemberName", "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "MemberName":{ "shape":"GroupMemberName", "documentation":"

The name of the user that you want to delete from the group membership.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberName" }, "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to delete the user from.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the group that you want to remove a user from.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DeleteGroupMembershipResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the group that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DeleteGroupResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AssignmentName", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID where you want to delete the IAM policy assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AssignmentName" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that contains the assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteNamespaceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to delete the Amazon QuickSight namespace from.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DeleteNamespaceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteTemplateAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId", "AliasName" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the item to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template that the specified alias is for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name for the template alias. To delete a specific alias, you delete the version that the alias points to. You can specify the alias name, or specify the latest version of the template by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" } } }, "DeleteTemplateAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the template associated with the deletion.

" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name for the template alias.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template you want to delete.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DeleteTemplateRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're deleting.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the template you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

Specifies the version of the template that you want to delete. If you don't provide a version number, DeleteTemplate deletes all versions of the template.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" } } }, "DeleteTemplateResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the template.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteThemeAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId", "AliasName" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme that the specified alias is for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The unique name for the theme alias to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" } } }, "DeleteThemeAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name for the theme alias.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme resource using the deleted alias.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the theme associated with the deletion.

" } } }, "DeleteThemeRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're deleting.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the theme that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version of the theme that you want to delete.

Note: If you don't provide a version number, you're using this call to DeleteTheme to delete all versions of the theme.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" } } }, "DeleteThemeResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An ID for the theme.

" } } }, "DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "PrincipalId", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "PrincipalId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The principal ID of the user.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"PrincipalId" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DeleteUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "UserName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The name of the user that you want to delete.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"UserName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DeleteUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "Delimiter":{ "type":"string", "max":1, "min":1 }, "DescribeAccountCustomizationRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to describe Amazon QuickSight customizations for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to describe Amazon QuickSight customizations for.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"namespace" }, "Resolved":{ "shape":"boolean", "documentation":"

The Resolved flag works with the other parameters to determine which view of Amazon QuickSight customizations is returned. You can add this flag to your command to use the same view that Amazon QuickSight uses to identify which customizations to apply to the console. Omit this flag, or set it to no-resolved, to reveal customizations that are configured at different levels.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"resolved" } } }, "DescribeAccountCustomizationResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customization that's associated with this Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you're describing.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you're describing.

" }, "AccountCustomization":{ "shape":"AccountCustomization", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight customizations that exist in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeAccountSettingsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the settings that you want to list.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" } } }, "DescribeAccountSettingsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AccountSettings":{ "shape":"AccountSettings", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight settings for this Amazon Web Services account. This information includes the edition of Amazon Amazon QuickSight that you subscribed to (Standard or Enterprise) and the notification email for the Amazon QuickSight subscription.

In the QuickSight console, the Amazon QuickSight subscription is sometimes referred to as a QuickSight \"account\" even though it's technically not an account by itself. Instead, it's a subscription to the Amazon QuickSight service for your Amazon Web Services account. The edition that you subscribe to applies to Amazon QuickSight in every Amazon Web Services Region where you use it.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeAccountSubscriptionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" } } }, "DescribeAccountSubscriptionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AccountInfo":{ "shape":"AccountInfo", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the following elements:

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeAnalysisDefinitionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" } } }, "DescribeAnalysisDefinitionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis described.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"AnalysisName", "documentation":"

The descriptive name of the analysis.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"AnalysisErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with the analysis.

" }, "ResourceStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

Status associated with the analysis.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the theme of the analysis.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"AnalysisDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of an analysis.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeAnalysisPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis whose permissions you're describing. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're describing. The ID is part of the analysis URL.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" } } }, "DescribeAnalysisPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're describing.

" }, "AnalysisArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis whose permissions you're describing.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeAnalysisRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" } } }, "DescribeAnalysisResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Analysis":{ "shape":"Analysis", "documentation":"

A metadata structure that contains summary information for the analysis that you're describing.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeDashboardDefinitionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the latest published dashboard version is described.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The alias name.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"alias-name" } } }, "DescribeDashboardDefinitionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the dashboard described.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"DashboardErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with this dashboard version.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DashboardName", "documentation":"

The display name of the dashboard.

" }, "ResourceStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

Status associated with the dashboard version.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the theme of the dashboard.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"DashboardVersionDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of a dashboard.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeDashboardPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're describing permissions for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard, also added to the IAM policy.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" } } }, "DescribeDashboardPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

" }, "DashboardArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the permissions for the dashboard.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "LinkSharingConfiguration":{ "shape":"LinkSharingConfiguration", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the configuration of a shareable link that grants access to the dashboard. Your users can use the link to view and interact with the dashboard, if the dashboard has been shared with them. For more information about sharing dashboards, see Sharing Dashboards.

" } } }, "DescribeDashboardRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the latest published dashboard version is described.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The alias name.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"alias-name" } } }, "DescribeDashboardResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Dashboard":{ "shape":"Dashboard", "documentation":"

Information about the dashboard.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of this request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeDataSetPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" } } }, "DescribeDataSetPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions on the dataset.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeDataSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" } } }, "DescribeDataSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSet":{ "shape":"DataSet", "documentation":"

Information on the dataset.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeDataSourcePermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSourceId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSourceId" } } }, "DescribeDataSourcePermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions on the data source.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeDataSourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSourceId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSourceId" } } }, "DescribeDataSourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSource":{ "shape":"DataSource", "documentation":"

The information on the data source.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeFolderPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" } } }, "DescribeFolderPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the folder.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

Information about the permissions on the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeFolderRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" } } }, "DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" } } }, "DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

Information about the permissions for the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeFolderResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Folder":{ "shape":"Folder", "documentation":"

Information about the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeGroupMembershipRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MemberName", "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "MemberName":{ "shape":"GroupMemberName", "documentation":"

The user name of the user that you want to search for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"MemberName" }, "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to search.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that includes the group you are searching within.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DescribeGroupMembershipResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupMember":{"shape":"GroupMember"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to describe.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the group that you want described.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DescribeGroupResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Group":{ "shape":"Group", "documentation":"

The name of the group.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AssignmentName", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the assignment that you want to describe.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment, also called a rule.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AssignmentName" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that contains the assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "IAMPolicyAssignment":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignment", "documentation":"

Information describing the IAM policy assignment.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeIngestionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId", "IngestionId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"IngestionId", "documentation":"

An ID for the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"IngestionId" } } }, "DescribeIngestionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Ingestion":{ "shape":"Ingestion", "documentation":"

Information about the ingestion.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeIpRestrictionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" } } }, "DescribeIpRestrictionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.

" }, "IpRestrictionRuleMap":{ "shape":"IpRestrictionRuleMap", "documentation":"

A map that describes the IP rules with CIDR range and description.

" }, "Enabled":{ "shape":"NullableBoolean", "documentation":"

A value that specifies whether IP rules are turned on.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeNamespaceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to describe.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want to describe.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DescribeNamespaceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Namespace":{ "shape":"NamespaceInfoV2", "documentation":"

The information about the namespace that you're describing. The response includes the namespace ARN, name, Amazon Web Services Region, creation status, and identity store. DescribeNamespace also works for namespaces that are in the process of being created. For incomplete namespaces, this API operation lists the namespace error types and messages associated with the creation process.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeTemplateAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId", "AliasName" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template alias that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name of the template alias that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the template by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED doesn't apply to templates.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" } } }, "DescribeTemplateAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateAlias":{ "shape":"TemplateAlias", "documentation":"

Information about the template alias.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeTemplateDefinitionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the template is in.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the template that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the template.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the template by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED doesn't apply to templates.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"alias-name" } } }, "DescribeTemplateDefinitionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"TemplateName", "documentation":"

The descriptive name of the template.

" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the template described.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"TemplateErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with the template version.

" }, "ResourceStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

Status associated with the template.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the theme of the template.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"TemplateVersionDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of the template.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeTemplatePermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" } } }, "DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

" }, "TemplateArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be set on the template.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeTemplateRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

(Optional) The number for the version to describe. If a VersionNumber parameter value isn't provided, the latest version of the template is described.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the template by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED doesn't apply to templates.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"alias-name" } } }, "DescribeTemplateResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Template":{ "shape":"Template", "documentation":"

The template structure for the object you want to describe.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeThemeAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId", "AliasName" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name of the theme alias that you want to describe.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" } } }, "DescribeThemeAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeAlias":{ "shape":"ThemeAlias", "documentation":"

Information about the theme alias.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeThemePermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme that you want to describe permissions for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" } } }, "DescribeThemePermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions set on the theme.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DescribeThemeRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAndAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're describing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number for the version to describe. If a VersionNumber parameter value isn't provided, the latest version of the theme is described.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"version-number" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The alias of the theme that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the theme by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED doesn't apply to themes.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"alias-name" } } }, "DescribeThemeResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Theme":{ "shape":"Theme", "documentation":"

The information about the theme that you are describing.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "DescribeUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "UserName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The name of the user that you want to describe.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"UserName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "DescribeUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "User":{ "shape":"User", "documentation":"

The user name.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "DestinationParameterValueConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CustomValuesConfiguration":{ "shape":"CustomValuesConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of custom values for destination parameter in DestinationParameterValueConfiguration.

" }, "SelectAllValueOptions":{ "shape":"SelectAllValueOptions", "documentation":"

The configuration that selects all options.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The source parameter name of the destination parameter.

" }, "SourceField":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The source field ID of the destination parameter.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of destination parameter values.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "DimensionField":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumericalDimensionField":{ "shape":"NumericalDimensionField", "documentation":"

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

" }, "CategoricalDimensionField":{ "shape":"CategoricalDimensionField", "documentation":"

The dimension type field with categorical type columns.

" }, "DateDimensionField":{ "shape":"DateDimensionField", "documentation":"

The dimension type field with date type columns.

" } }, "documentation":"

The dimension type field.

" }, "DimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":200 }, "Domain":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "DomainNotWhitelistedException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

The domain specified isn't on the allow list. All domains for embedded dashboards must be added to the approved list by an Amazon QuickSight admin.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":403}, "exception":true }, "DonutCenterOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LabelVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the label in a donut chart. In the Amazon QuickSight console, this option is called 'Show total'.

" } }, "documentation":"

The label options of the label that is displayed in the center of a donut chart. This option isn't available for pie charts.

" }, "DonutOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ArcOptions":{ "shape":"ArcOptions", "documentation":"

The option for define the arc of the chart shape. Valid values are as follows:

" }, "DonutCenterOptions":{ "shape":"DonutCenterOptions", "documentation":"

The label options of the label that is displayed in the center of a donut chart. This option isn't available for pie charts.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options for configuring a donut chart or pie chart.

" }, "Double":{"type":"double"}, "DrillDownFilter":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumericEqualityFilter":{ "shape":"NumericEqualityDrillDownFilter", "documentation":"

The numeric equality type drill down filter. This filter is used for number type columns.

" }, "CategoryFilter":{ "shape":"CategoryDrillDownFilter", "documentation":"

The category type drill down filter. This filter is used for string type columns.

" }, "TimeRangeFilter":{ "shape":"TimeRangeDrillDownFilter", "documentation":"

The time range drill down filter. This filter is used for date time columns.

" } }, "documentation":"

The drill down filter for the column hierarchies.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "DrillDownFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DrillDownFilter"}, "max":10 }, "DropDownControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"ListControlSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

The configuration of the Select all options in a dropdown control.

" }, "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "DynamicDefaultValue":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DefaultValueColumn"], "members":{ "UserNameColumn":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that contains the username.

" }, "GroupNameColumn":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that contains the group name.

" }, "DefaultValueColumn":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that contains the default value of each user or group.

" } }, "documentation":"

Defines different defaults to the users or groups based on mapping.

" }, "Edition":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "STANDARD", "ENTERPRISE", "ENTERPRISE_AND_Q" ] }, "EmbeddingIdentityType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "IAM", "QUICKSIGHT", "ANONYMOUS" ] }, "EmbeddingUrl":{ "type":"string", "sensitive":true }, "EmptyVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "VisualId", "DataSetIdentifier" ], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "DataSetIdentifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The data set that is used in the empty visual. Every visual requires a dataset to render.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

An empty visual.

Empty visuals are used in layouts but have not been configured to show any data. A new visual created in the Amazon QuickSight console is considered an EmptyVisual until a visual type is selected.

" }, "Entity":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Path":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

The hierarchical path of the entity within the analysis, template, or dashboard definition tree.

" } }, "documentation":"

An object, structure, or sub-structure of an analysis, template, or dashboard.

" }, "EntityList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Entity"}, "max":200 }, "EntryPath":{ "type":"string", "max":1000, "min":1 }, "EntryPoint":{ "type":"string", "max":1000, "min":1 }, "ErrorInfo":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"IngestionErrorType", "documentation":"

Error type.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

Error message.

" } }, "documentation":"

Error information for the SPICE ingestion of a dataset.

" }, "ExasolParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"

The hostname or IP address of the Exasol data source.

" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"

The port for the Exasol data source.

" } }, "documentation":"

The required parameters for connecting to an Exasol data source.

" }, "ExceptionResourceType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "USER", "GROUP", "NAMESPACE", "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS", "IAMPOLICY_ASSIGNMENT", "DATA_SOURCE", "DATA_SET", "VPC_CONNECTION", "INGESTION" ] }, "ExcludePeriodConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Amount", "Granularity" ], "members":{ "Amount":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The amount or number of the exclude period.

", "box":true }, "Granularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The granularity or unit (day, month, year) of the exclude period.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"WidgetStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the exclude period. Choose from the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The exclude period of TimeRangeFilter or RelativeDatesFilter.

" }, "ExplicitHierarchy":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "HierarchyId", "Columns" ], "members":{ "HierarchyId":{ "shape":"HierarchyId", "documentation":"

The hierarchy ID of the explicit hierarchy.

" }, "Columns":{ "shape":"ExplicitHierarchyColumnList", "documentation":"

The list of columns that define the explicit hierarchy.

" }, "DrillDownFilters":{ "shape":"DrillDownFilterList", "documentation":"

The option that determines the drill down filters for the explicit hierarchy.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are built within a visual's field wells. These fields can't be duplicated to other visuals.

" }, "ExplicitHierarchyColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnIdentifier"}, "max":10, "min":2 }, "ExportHiddenFieldsOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AvailabilityStatus":{ "shape":"DashboardBehavior", "documentation":"

" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "ExportToCSVOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AvailabilityStatus":{ "shape":"DashboardBehavior", "documentation":"

Availability status.

" } }, "documentation":"

Export to .csv option.

" }, "Expression":{ "type":"string", "max":4096, "min":1, "sensitive":true }, "FieldBasedTooltip":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AggregationVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of Show aggregations.

" }, "TooltipTitleType":{ "shape":"TooltipTitleType", "documentation":"

The type for the >tooltip title. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "TooltipFields":{ "shape":"TooltipItemList", "documentation":"

The fields configuration in the tooltip.

" } }, "documentation":"

The setup for the detailed tooltip.

" }, "FieldFolder":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "description":{ "shape":"FieldFolderDescription", "documentation":"

The description for a field folder.

" }, "columns":{ "shape":"FolderColumnList", "documentation":"

A folder has a list of columns. A column can only be in one folder.

" } }, "documentation":"

A FieldFolder element is a folder that contains fields and nested subfolders.

" }, "FieldFolderDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":500 }, "FieldFolderMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"FieldFolderPath"}, "value":{"shape":"FieldFolder"} }, "FieldFolderPath":{ "type":"string", "max":1000, "min":1 }, "FieldId":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1 }, "FieldLabelType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

Indicates the field that is targeted by the field label.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the field label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field label type.

" }, "FieldOrderList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FieldId"}, "max":100 }, "FieldSeriesItem":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "AxisBinding" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the field for which you are setting the axis binding.

" }, "AxisBinding":{ "shape":"AxisBinding", "documentation":"

The axis that you are binding the field to.

" }, "Settings":{ "shape":"LineChartSeriesSettings", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of line series associated to the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field series item configuration of a line chart.

" }, "FieldSort":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Direction" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The sort configuration target field.

" }, "Direction":{ "shape":"SortDirection", "documentation":"

The sort direction. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

" }, "FieldSortOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldSort":{ "shape":"FieldSort", "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a field in a field well.

" }, "ColumnSort":{ "shape":"ColumnSort", "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a column that is not used in a field well.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field sort options in a chart configuration.

" }, "FieldSortOptionsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FieldSortOptions"}, "max":100 }, "FieldTooltipItem":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FieldId"], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The unique ID of the field that is targeted by the tooltip.

" }, "Label":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The label of the tooltip item.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the tooltip item.

" } }, "documentation":"

The tooltip item for the fields.

" }, "FieldValue":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "sensitive":true }, "FileFormat":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CSV", "TSV", "CLF", "ELF", "XLSX", "JSON" ] }, "FilledMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Geospatial":{ "shape":"FilledMapDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The aggregated location field well of the filled map. Values are grouped by location fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"FilledMapMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The aggregated color field well of a filled map. Values are aggregated based on location fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field well of the filled map.

" }, "FilledMapConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ConditionalFormattingOptions"], "members":{ "ConditionalFormattingOptions":{ "shape":"FilledMapConditionalFormattingOptionList", "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options of a FilledMapVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a FilledMapVisual.

" }, "FilledMapConditionalFormattingOption":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Shape"], "members":{ "Shape":{ "shape":"FilledMapShapeConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting that determines the shape of the filled map.

" } }, "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options of a FilledMapVisual.

" }, "FilledMapConditionalFormattingOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FilledMapConditionalFormattingOption"}, "max":200 }, "FilledMapConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"FilledMapFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"FilledMapSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a FilledMapVisual.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" }, "WindowOptions":{ "shape":"GeospatialWindowOptions", "documentation":"

The window options of the filled map visual.

" }, "MapStyleOptions":{ "shape":"GeospatialMapStyleOptions", "documentation":"

The map style options of the filled map visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a FilledMapVisual.

" }, "FilledMapDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":1 }, "FilledMapFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FilledMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"FilledMapAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field well of the filled map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of a FilledMapVisual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FilledMapMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":1 }, "FilledMapShapeConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FieldId"], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the filled map shape.

" }, "Format":{ "shape":"ShapeConditionalFormat", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting that determines the background color of a filled map's shape.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting that determines the shape of the filled map.

" }, "FilledMapSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the location fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a FilledMapVisual.

" }, "FilledMapVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"FilledMapConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "ConditionalFormatting":{ "shape":"FilledMapConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a FilledMapVisual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A filled map.

For more information, see Creating filled maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "Filter":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategoryFilter":{ "shape":"CategoryFilter", "documentation":"

A CategoryFilter filters text values.

For more information, see Adding text filters in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "NumericRangeFilter":{ "shape":"NumericRangeFilter", "documentation":"

A NumericRangeFilter filters numeric values that are either inside or outside a given numeric range.

" }, "NumericEqualityFilter":{ "shape":"NumericEqualityFilter", "documentation":"

A NumericEqualityFilter filters numeric values that equal or do not equal a given numeric value.

" }, "TimeEqualityFilter":{ "shape":"TimeEqualityFilter", "documentation":"

A TimeEqualityFilter filters date-time values that equal or do not equal a given date/time value.

" }, "TimeRangeFilter":{ "shape":"TimeRangeFilter", "documentation":"

A TimeRangeFilter filters date-time values that are either inside or outside a given date/time range.

" }, "RelativeDatesFilter":{ "shape":"RelativeDatesFilter", "documentation":"

A RelativeDatesFilter filters date values that are relative to a given date.

" }, "TopBottomFilter":{ "shape":"TopBottomFilter", "documentation":"

A TopBottomFilter filters data to the top or bottom values for a given column.

" } }, "documentation":"

With a Filter, you can remove portions of data from a particular visual or view.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FilterControl":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DateTimePicker":{ "shape":"FilterDateTimePickerControl", "documentation":"

A control from a date filter that is used to specify date and time.

" }, "List":{ "shape":"FilterListControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a list of buttons or boxes. This is used to select either a single value or multiple values.

" }, "Dropdown":{ "shape":"FilterDropDownControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

" }, "TextField":{ "shape":"FilterTextFieldControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

" }, "TextArea":{ "shape":"FilterTextAreaControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

" }, "Slider":{ "shape":"FilterSliderControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

" }, "RelativeDateTime":{ "shape":"FilterRelativeDateTimeControl", "documentation":"

A control from a date filter that is used to specify the relative date.

" } }, "documentation":"

The control of a filter that is used to interact with a dashboard or an analysis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FilterControlList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FilterControl"}, "max":200 }, "FilterDateTimePickerControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterDateTimePickerControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterDateTimePickerControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterDateTimePickerControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"SheetControlDateTimePickerType", "documentation":"

The date time picker type of a FilterDateTimePickerControl. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

A control from a date filter that is used to specify date and time.

" }, "FilterDropDownControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterDropDownControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterDropDownControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterDropDownControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"DropDownControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of the FilterDropDownControl.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"SheetControlListType", "documentation":"

The type of the FilterDropDownControl. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "SelectableValues":{ "shape":"FilterSelectableValues", "documentation":"

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

" }, "CascadingControlConfiguration":{ "shape":"CascadingControlConfiguration", "documentation":"

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

" }, "FilterGroup":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterGroupId", "Filters", "ScopeConfiguration", "CrossDataset" ], "members":{ "FilterGroupId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The value that uniquely identifies a FilterGroup within a dashboard, template, or analysis.

" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"FilterList", "documentation":"

The list of filters that are present in a FilterGroup.

" }, "ScopeConfiguration":{ "shape":"FilterScopeConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that specifies what scope to apply to a FilterGroup.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"WidgetStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the FilterGroup.

" }, "CrossDataset":{ "shape":"CrossDatasetTypes", "documentation":"

The filter new feature which can apply filter group to all data sets. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

A grouping of individual filters. Filter groups are applied to the same group of visuals.

For more information, see Adding filter conditions (group filters) with AND and OR operators in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FilterGroupList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FilterGroup"}, "max":2000 }, "FilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Filter"}, "max":20 }, "FilterListConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["MatchOperator"], "members":{ "MatchOperator":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterMatchOperator", "documentation":"

The match operator that is used to determine if a filter should be applied.

" }, "CategoryValues":{ "shape":"CategoryValueList", "documentation":"

The list of category values for the filter.

" }, "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"CategoryFilterSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

Select all of the values. Null is not the assigned value of select all.

" } }, "documentation":"

A list of filter configurations.

" }, "FilterListControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterListControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterListControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterListControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"ListControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"SheetControlListType", "documentation":"

The type of FilterListControl. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "SelectableValues":{ "shape":"FilterSelectableValues", "documentation":"

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

" }, "CascadingControlConfiguration":{ "shape":"CascadingControlConfiguration", "documentation":"

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a list of buttons or boxes. This is used to select either a single value or multiple values.

" }, "FilterNullOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ALL_VALUES", "NULLS_ONLY", "NON_NULLS_ONLY" ] }, "FilterOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ConditionExpression"], "members":{ "ConditionExpression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

An expression that must evaluate to a Boolean value. Rows for which the expression evaluates to true are kept in the dataset.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that filters rows based on a condition.

" }, "FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectedFields":{ "shape":"SelectedFieldList", "documentation":"

Chooses the fields that are filtered in CustomActionFilterOperation.

" }, "SelectedFieldOptions":{ "shape":"SelectedFieldOptions", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the options that choose which fields are filtered in the CustomActionFilterOperation.

Valid values are defined as follows:

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of selected fields in theCustomActionFilterOperation.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FilterOperationTargetVisualsConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration":{ "shape":"SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of target visuals that you want to be filtered.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FilterOperator":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "StringEquals", "StringLike" ] }, "FilterRelativeDateTimeControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterTextAreaControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterTextAreaControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterTextAreaControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"RelativeDateTimeControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control from a date filter that is used to specify the relative date.

" }, "FilterScopeConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectedSheets":{ "shape":"SelectedSheetsFilterScopeConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration for applying a filter to specific sheets.

" } }, "documentation":"

The scope configuration for a FilterGroup.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FilterSelectableValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Values":{ "shape":"ParameterSelectableValueList", "documentation":"

The values that are used in the FilterSelectableValues.

" } }, "documentation":"

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

" }, "FilterSliderControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId", "MaximumValue", "MinimumValue", "StepSize" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterSliderControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterSliderControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterSliderControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"SliderControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"SheetControlSliderType", "documentation":"

The type of FilterSliderControl. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "MaximumValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The smaller value that is displayed at the left of the slider.

" }, "MinimumValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The larger value that is displayed at the right of the slider.

" }, "StepSize":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The number of increments that the slider bar is divided into.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

" }, "FilterTextAreaControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterTextAreaControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterTextAreaControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterTextAreaControl.

" }, "Delimiter":{ "shape":"TextAreaControlDelimiter", "documentation":"

The delimiter that is used to separate the lines in text.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"TextAreaControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

" }, "FilterTextFieldControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterControlId", "Title", "SourceFilterId" ], "members":{ "FilterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the FilterTextFieldControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the FilterTextFieldControl.

" }, "SourceFilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The source filter ID of the FilterTextFieldControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"TextFieldControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

" }, "FilterVisualScope":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ALL_VISUALS", "SELECTED_VISUALS" ] }, "FilteredVisualsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId"}, "max":50 }, "Folder":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the folder.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"FolderName", "documentation":"

A display name for the folder.

" }, "FolderType":{ "shape":"FolderType", "documentation":"

The type of folder it is.

" }, "FolderPath":{ "shape":"Path", "documentation":"

An array of ancestor ARN strings for the folder.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the folder was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the folder was last updated.

" } }, "documentation":"

A folder in Amazon QuickSight.

" }, "FolderColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "max":5000 }, "FolderFilterAttribute":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PARENT_FOLDER_ARN", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER", "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", "FOLDER_NAME" ] }, "FolderMember":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MemberId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of an asset in the folder.

" }, "MemberType":{ "shape":"MemberType", "documentation":"

The type of asset that it is.

" } }, "documentation":"

An asset in a Amazon QuickSight folder, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset.

" }, "FolderMemberList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MemberIdArnPair"}, "max":100 }, "FolderName":{ "type":"string", "max":200, "min":1 }, "FolderSearchFilter":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Operator":{ "shape":"FilterOperator", "documentation":"

The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\". Valid values are \"StringEquals\" and \"StringLike\".

If you set the operator value to \"StringEquals\", you need to provide an ownership related filter in the \"NAME\" field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the \"Value\" field. For example, \"Name\":\"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\".

If you set the value to \"StringLike\", you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, \"Name\":\"FOLDER_NAME\", \"Operator\": \"StringLike\", \"Value\": \"Test\". The \"StringLike\" operator only supports the NAME value FOLDER_NAME.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"FolderFilterAttribute", "documentation":"

The name of a value that you want to use in the filter. For example, \"Name\": \"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER\".

Valid values are defined as follows:

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The value of the named item (in this example, PARENT_FOLDER_ARN), that you want to use as a filter. For example, \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:folder/folderId\".

" } }, "documentation":"

A filter to use to search an Amazon QuickSight folder.

" }, "FolderSearchFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FolderSearchFilter"}, "max":100 }, "FolderSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.

" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"FolderName", "documentation":"

The display name of the folder.

" }, "FolderType":{ "shape":"FolderType", "documentation":"

The type of folder.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the folder was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that the folder was last updated.

" } }, "documentation":"

A summary of information about an existing Amazon QuickSight folder.

" }, "FolderSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FolderSummary"}, "max":100 }, "FolderType":{ "type":"string", "enum":["SHARED"] }, "Font":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FontFamily":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

Determines the font family settings.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the font settings.

" }, "FontConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FontSize":{ "shape":"FontSize", "documentation":"

The option that determines the text display size.

" }, "FontDecoration":{ "shape":"FontDecoration", "documentation":"

Determines the appearance of decorative lines on the text.

" }, "FontColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color of the text.

" }, "FontWeight":{ "shape":"FontWeight", "documentation":"

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

" }, "FontStyle":{ "shape":"FontStyle", "documentation":"

Determines the text display face that is inherited by the given font family.

" } }, "documentation":"

Configures the display properties of the given text.

" }, "FontDecoration":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "UNDERLINE", "NONE" ] }, "FontList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Font"}, "max":5 }, "FontSize":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Relative":{ "shape":"RelativeFontSize", "documentation":"

The lexical name for the text size, proportional to its surrounding context.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the text display size.

" }, "FontStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NORMAL", "ITALIC" ] }, "FontWeight":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"FontWeightName", "documentation":"

The lexical name for the level of boldness of the text display.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the text display weight, or boldness.

" }, "FontWeightName":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NORMAL", "BOLD" ] }, "ForecastComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" }, "PeriodsForward":{ "shape":"PeriodsForward", "documentation":"

The periods forward setup of a forecast computation.

" }, "PeriodsBackward":{ "shape":"PeriodsBackward", "documentation":"

The periods backward setup of a forecast computation.

" }, "UpperBoundary":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The upper boundary setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "LowerBoundary":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The lower boundary setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "PredictionInterval":{ "shape":"PredictionInterval", "documentation":"

The prediction interval setup of a forecast computation.

" }, "Seasonality":{ "shape":"ForecastComputationSeasonality", "documentation":"

The seasonality setup of a forecast computation. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "CustomSeasonalityValue":{ "shape":"ForecastComputationCustomSeasonalityValue", "documentation":"

The custom seasonality value setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The forecast computation configuration.

" }, "ForecastComputationCustomSeasonalityValue":{ "type":"integer", "max":180, "min":1 }, "ForecastComputationSeasonality":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "AUTOMATIC", "CUSTOM" ] }, "ForecastConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ForecastProperties":{ "shape":"TimeBasedForecastProperties", "documentation":"

The forecast properties setup of a forecast in the line chart.

" }, "Scenario":{ "shape":"ForecastScenario", "documentation":"

The forecast scenario of a forecast in the line chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The forecast configuration that is used in a line chart's display properties.

" }, "ForecastConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ForecastConfiguration"}, "max":10 }, "ForecastScenario":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "WhatIfPointScenario":{ "shape":"WhatIfPointScenario", "documentation":"

The what-if analysis forecast setup with the target date.

" }, "WhatIfRangeScenario":{ "shape":"WhatIfRangeScenario", "documentation":"

The what-if analysis forecast setup with the date range.

" } }, "documentation":"

The forecast scenario of a forecast in the line chart.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StringFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"StringFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for string fields.

" }, "NumberFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumberFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for number fields.

" }, "DateTimeFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for DateTime fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The formatting configuration for all types of field.

" }, "FreeFormLayoutCanvasSizeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"FreeFormLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a free-form layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

Configuration options for the canvas of a free-form layout.

" }, "FreeFormLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Elements"], "members":{ "Elements":{ "shape":"FreeFromLayoutElementList", "documentation":"

The elements that are included in a free-form layout.

" }, "CanvasSizeOptions":{"shape":"FreeFormLayoutCanvasSizeOptions"} }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a free-form layout.

" }, "FreeFormLayoutElement":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ElementId", "ElementType", "XAxisLocation", "YAxisLocation", "Width", "Height" ], "members":{ "ElementId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

A unique identifier for an element within a free-form layout.

" }, "ElementType":{ "shape":"LayoutElementType", "documentation":"

The type of element.

" }, "XAxisLocation":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The x-axis coordinate of the element.

" }, "YAxisLocation":{ "shape":"UnlimitedPixelLength", "documentation":"

The y-axis coordinate of the element.

" }, "Width":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The width of an element within a free-form layout.

" }, "Height":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The height of an element within a free-form layout.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of an element within a free-form layout.

" }, "RenderingRules":{ "shape":"SheetElementRenderingRuleList", "documentation":"

The rendering rules that determine when an element should be displayed within a free-form layout.

" }, "BorderStyle":{ "shape":"FreeFormLayoutElementBorderStyle", "documentation":"

The border style configuration of a free-form layout element.

" }, "SelectedBorderStyle":{ "shape":"FreeFormLayoutElementBorderStyle", "documentation":"

The border style configuration of a free-form layout element. This border style is used when the element is selected.

" }, "BackgroundStyle":{ "shape":"FreeFormLayoutElementBackgroundStyle", "documentation":"

The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.

" }, "LoadingAnimation":{ "shape":"LoadingAnimation", "documentation":"

The loading animation configuration of a free-form layout element.

" } }, "documentation":"

An element within a free-form layout.

" }, "FreeFormLayoutElementBackgroundStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The background visibility of a free-form layout element.

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColorWithTransparency", "documentation":"

The background color of a free-form layout element.

" } }, "documentation":"

The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.

" }, "FreeFormLayoutElementBorderStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The border visibility of a free-form layout element.

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColorWithTransparency", "documentation":"

The border color of a free-form layout element.

" } }, "documentation":"

The background style configuration of a free-form layout element.

" }, "FreeFormLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "required":["OptimizedViewPortWidth"], "members":{ "OptimizedViewPortWidth":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The width that the view port will be optimized for when the layout renders.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a free-form layout.

" }, "FreeFormSectionLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Elements"], "members":{ "Elements":{ "shape":"FreeFromLayoutElementList", "documentation":"

The elements that are included in the free-form layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

The free-form layout configuration of a section.

" }, "FreeFromLayoutElementList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FreeFormLayoutElement"}, "max":430 }, "FunnelChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Category":{ "shape":"FunnelChartDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The category field wells of a funnel chart. Values are grouped by category fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"FunnelChartMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a funnel chart. Values are aggregated based on categories.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "FunnelChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"FunnelChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"FunnelChartSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "CategoryLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options of the categories that are displayed in a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "ValueLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options for the values that are displayed in a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "DataLabelOptions":{ "shape":"FunnelChartDataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The visual palette configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "FunnelChartDataLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility option that determines if data labels are displayed.

" }, "CategoryLabelVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the category labels within the data labels.

" }, "MeasureLabelVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the measure labels within the data labels.

" }, "Position":{ "shape":"DataLabelPosition", "documentation":"

Determines the positioning of the data label relative to a section of the funnel.

" }, "LabelFontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The font configuration for the data labels.

Only the FontSize attribute of the font configuration is used for data labels.

" }, "LabelColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color of the data label text.

" }, "MeasureDataLabelStyle":{ "shape":"FunnelChartMeasureDataLabelStyle", "documentation":"

Determines the style of the metric labels.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the data labels.

" }, "FunnelChartDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":1 }, "FunnelChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FunnelChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"FunnelChartAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "FunnelChartMeasureDataLabelStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "VALUE_ONLY", "PERCENTAGE_BY_FIRST_STAGE", "PERCENTAGE_BY_PREVIOUS_STAGE", "VALUE_AND_PERCENTAGE_BY_FIRST_STAGE", "VALUE_AND_PERCENTAGE_BY_PREVIOUS_STAGE" ] }, "FunnelChartMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":1 }, "FunnelChartSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the category fields.

" }, "CategoryItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of categories displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "FunnelChartVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"FunnelChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a FunnelChartVisual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A funnel chart.

For more information, see Using funnel charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "GaugeChartArcConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ForegroundColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of the arc foreground color.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the arc of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ConditionalFormattingOptions":{ "shape":"GaugeChartConditionalFormattingOptionList", "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartConditionalFormattingOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PrimaryValue":{ "shape":"GaugeChartPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the primary value of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "Arc":{ "shape":"GaugeChartArcConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the arc of a GaugeChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartConditionalFormattingOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"GaugeChartConditionalFormattingOption"}, "max":100 }, "GaugeChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"GaugeChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartOptions":{ "shape":"GaugeChartOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The data label configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "TooltipOptions":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The visual palette configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "TargetValues":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The target value field wells of a GaugeChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PrimaryValueDisplayType":{ "shape":"PrimaryValueDisplayType", "documentation":"

The options that determine the primary value display type.

" }, "Comparison":{ "shape":"ComparisonConfiguration", "documentation":"

The comparison configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ArcAxis":{ "shape":"ArcAxisConfiguration", "documentation":"

The arc axis configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "Arc":{ "shape":"ArcConfiguration", "documentation":"

The arc configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "PrimaryValueFontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the primary value font configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TextColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of the primary value text color.

" }, "Icon":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIcon", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of the primary value icon.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the primary value of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "GaugeChartVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"GaugeChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "ConditionalFormatting":{ "shape":"GaugeChartConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a GaugeChartVisual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A gauge chart.

For more information, see Using gauge charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace", "AuthorizedResourceArns", "ExperienceConfiguration" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "SessionLifetimeInMinutes":{ "shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutes", "documentation":"

How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight namespace that the anonymous user virtually belongs to. If you are not using an Amazon QuickSight custom namespace, set this to default.

" }, "SessionTags":{ "shape":"SessionTagList", "documentation":"

The session tags used for row-level security. Before you use this parameter, make sure that you have configured the relevant datasets using the DataSet$RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration parameter so that session tags can be used to provide row-level security.

These are not the tags used for the Amazon Web Services resource tagging feature. For more information, see Using Row-Level Security (RLS) with Tagsin the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "AuthorizedResourceArns":{ "shape":"ArnList", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the Amazon QuickSight resources that the user is authorized to access during the lifetime of the session. If you choose Dashboard embedding experience, pass the list of dashboard ARNs in the account that you want the user to be able to view. Currently, you can pass up to 25 dashboard ARNs in each API call.

" }, "ExperienceConfiguration":{ "shape":"AnonymousUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of the experience that you are embedding.

" }, "AllowedDomains":{ "shape":"StringList", "documentation":"

The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three domains or subdomains in each API call.

To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *. For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com includes all subdomains under https://sapp.amazon.com.

" } } }, "GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "EmbedUrl", "Status", "RequestId", "AnonymousUserArn" ], "members":{ "EmbedUrl":{ "shape":"EmbeddingUrl", "documentation":"

The embed URL for the dashboard.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "AnonymousUserArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use for the anonymous Amazon QuickSight user.

" } } }, "GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "UserArn", "ExperienceConfiguration" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "SessionLifetimeInMinutes":{ "shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutes", "documentation":"

How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.

" }, "UserArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name for the registered user.

" }, "ExperienceConfiguration":{ "shape":"RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration", "documentation":"

The experience you are embedding. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards, Amazon QuickSight visuals, the Amazon QuickSight Q search bar, or the entire Amazon QuickSight console.

" }, "AllowedDomains":{ "shape":"StringList", "documentation":"

The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three domains or subdomains in each API call.

To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *. For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com includes all subdomains under https://sapp.amazon.com.

" } } }, "GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "EmbedUrl", "Status", "RequestId" ], "members":{ "EmbedUrl":{ "shape":"EmbeddingUrl", "documentation":"

The embed URL for the Amazon QuickSight dashboard, visual, Q search bar, or console.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "GeoSpatialColumnGroup":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Columns" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"ColumnGroupName", "documentation":"

A display name for the hierarchy.

" }, "CountryCode":{ "shape":"GeoSpatialCountryCode", "documentation":"

Country code.

" }, "Columns":{ "shape":"ColumnList", "documentation":"

Columns in this hierarchy.

" } }, "documentation":"

Geospatial column group that denotes a hierarchy.

" }, "GeoSpatialCountryCode":{ "type":"string", "enum":["US"] }, "GeoSpatialDataRole":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "COUNTRY", "STATE", "COUNTY", "CITY", "POSTCODE", "LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE" ] }, "GeospatialCoordinateBounds":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "North", "South", "West", "East" ], "members":{ "North":{ "shape":"Latitude", "documentation":"

The latitude of the north bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds.

" }, "South":{ "shape":"Latitude", "documentation":"

The latitude of the south bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds.

" }, "West":{ "shape":"Longitude", "documentation":"

The longitude of the west bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds.

" }, "East":{ "shape":"Longitude", "documentation":"

The longitude of the east bound of the geospatial coordinate bounds.

" } }, "documentation":"

The bound options (north, south, west, east) of the geospatial window options.

" }, "GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Geospatial":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The geospatial field wells of a geospatial map. Values are grouped by geospatial fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The size field wells of a geospatial map. Values are aggregated based on geospatial fields.

" }, "Colors":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The color field wells of a geospatial map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells for a geospatial map.

" }, "GeospatialMapConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"GeospatialMapFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" }, "WindowOptions":{ "shape":"GeospatialWindowOptions", "documentation":"

The window options of the geospatial map.

" }, "MapStyleOptions":{ "shape":"GeospatialMapStyleOptions", "documentation":"

The map style options of the geospatial map.

" }, "PointStyleOptions":{ "shape":"GeospatialPointStyleOptions", "documentation":"

The point style options of the geospatial map.

" }, "VisualPalette":{"shape":"VisualPalette"} }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a GeospatialMapVisual.

" }, "GeospatialMapFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"GeospatialMapAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field well for a geospatial map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of a GeospatialMapVisual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "GeospatialMapStyleOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "BaseMapStyle":{ "shape":"BaseMapStyleType", "documentation":"

The base map style of the geospatial map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The map style options of the geospatial map.

" }, "GeospatialMapVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"GeospatialMapConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A geospatial map or a points on map visual.

For more information, see Creating point maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "GeospatialPointStyleOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectedPointStyle":{ "shape":"GeospatialSelectedPointStyle", "documentation":"

The selected point styles (point, cluster) of the geospatial map.

" }, "ClusterMarkerConfiguration":{ "shape":"ClusterMarkerConfiguration", "documentation":"

The cluster marker configuration of the geospatial point style.

" } }, "documentation":"

The point style of the geospatial map.

" }, "GeospatialSelectedPointStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "POINT", "CLUSTER" ] }, "GeospatialWindowOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Bounds":{ "shape":"GeospatialCoordinateBounds", "documentation":"

The bounds options (north, south, west, east) of the geospatial window options.

" }, "MapZoomMode":{ "shape":"MapZoomMode", "documentation":"

The map zoom modes (manual, auto) of the geospatial window options.

" } }, "documentation":"

The window options of the geospatial map visual.

" }, "GetDashboardEmbedUrlRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId", "IdentityType" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard, also added to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "IdentityType":{ "shape":"EmbeddingIdentityType", "documentation":"

The authentication method that the user uses to sign in.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"creds-type" }, "SessionLifetimeInMinutes":{ "shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutes", "documentation":"

How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"session-lifetime" }, "UndoRedoDisabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Remove the undo/redo button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the undo/redo button.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"undo-redo-disabled" }, "ResetDisabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Remove the reset button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the reset button.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"reset-disabled" }, "StatePersistenceEnabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Adds persistence of state for the user session in an embedded dashboard. Persistence applies to the sheet and the parameter settings. These are control settings that the dashboard subscriber (Amazon QuickSight reader) chooses while viewing the dashboard. If this is set to TRUE, the settings are the same when the subscriber reopens the same dashboard URL. The state is stored in Amazon QuickSight, not in a browser cookie. If this is set to FALSE, the state of the user session is not persisted. The default is FALSE.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"state-persistence-enabled" }, "UserArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT identity type. You can use this for any Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or admins) authenticated as one of the following:

Omit this parameter for users in the third group – IAM users and IAM role-based sessions.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"user-arn" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight namespace that contains the dashboard IDs in this request. If you're not using a custom namespace, set Namespace = default.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"namespace" }, "AdditionalDashboardIds":{ "shape":"AdditionalDashboardIdList", "documentation":"

A list of one or more dashboard IDs that you want anonymous users to have tempporary access to. Currently, the IdentityType parameter must be set to ANONYMOUS because other identity types authenticate as Amazon QuickSight or IAM users. For example, if you set \"--dashboard-id dash_id1 --dashboard-id dash_id2 dash_id3 identity-type ANONYMOUS\", the session can access all three dashboards.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"additional-dashboard-ids" } } }, "GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "EmbedUrl":{ "shape":"EmbeddingUrl", "documentation":"

A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side webpage to embed your dashboard. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an auth_code value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session that is valid for 10 hours.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } }, "documentation":"

Output returned from the GetDashboardEmbedUrl operation.

" }, "GetSessionEmbedUrlRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account associated with your Amazon QuickSight subscription.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "EntryPoint":{ "shape":"EntryPoint", "documentation":"

The URL you use to access the embedded session. The entry point URL is constrained to the following paths:

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"entry-point" }, "SessionLifetimeInMinutes":{ "shape":"SessionLifetimeInMinutes", "documentation":"

How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"session-lifetime" }, "UserArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT identity type. You can use this for any type of Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or admins). They need to be authenticated as one of the following:

  1. Active Directory (AD) users or group members

  2. Invited nonfederated users

  3. Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated through Federated Single Sign-On using SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM federation

Omit this parameter for users in the third group, IAM users and IAM role-based sessions.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"user-arn" } } }, "GetSessionEmbedUrlResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "EmbedUrl":{ "shape":"EmbeddingUrl", "documentation":"

A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side web page to embed your Amazon QuickSight session. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an auth_code value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session that is valid for 10 hours.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "GlobalTableBorderOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "UniformBorder":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

Determines the options for uniform border.

" }, "SideSpecificBorder":{ "shape":"TableSideBorderOptions", "documentation":"

Determines the options for side specific border.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the border options for a table visual.

" }, "GradientColor":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Stops":{ "shape":"GradientStopList", "documentation":"

The list of gradient color stops.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the gradient color settings.

" }, "GradientStop":{ "type":"structure", "required":["GradientOffset"], "members":{ "GradientOffset":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

Determines gradient offset value.

" }, "DataValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

Determines the data value.

", "box":true }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

Determines the color.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the gradient stop configuration.

" }, "GradientStopList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"GradientStop"}, "max":100 }, "GridLayoutCanvasSizeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"GridLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a grid layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

Configuration options for the canvas of a grid layout.

" }, "GridLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Elements"], "members":{ "Elements":{ "shape":"GridLayoutElementList", "documentation":"

The elements that are included in a grid layout.

" }, "CanvasSizeOptions":{"shape":"GridLayoutCanvasSizeOptions"} }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a grid layout. Also called a tiled layout.

Visuals snap to a grid with standard spacing and alignment. Dashboards are displayed as designed, with options to fit to screen or view at actual size.

" }, "GridLayoutElement":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ElementId", "ElementType", "ColumnSpan", "RowSpan" ], "members":{ "ElementId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

A unique identifier for an element within a grid layout.

" }, "ElementType":{ "shape":"LayoutElementType", "documentation":"

The type of element.

" }, "ColumnIndex":{ "shape":"GridLayoutElementColumnIndex", "documentation":"

The column index for the upper left corner of an element.

" }, "ColumnSpan":{ "shape":"GridLayoutElementColumnSpan", "documentation":"

The width of a grid element expressed as a number of grid columns.

" }, "RowIndex":{ "shape":"GridLayoutElementRowIndex", "documentation":"

The row index for the upper left corner of an element.

" }, "RowSpan":{ "shape":"GridLayoutElementRowSpan", "documentation":"

The height of a grid element expressed as a number of grid rows.

" } }, "documentation":"

An element within a grid layout.

" }, "GridLayoutElementColumnIndex":{ "type":"integer", "max":35, "min":0 }, "GridLayoutElementColumnSpan":{ "type":"integer", "max":36, "min":1 }, "GridLayoutElementList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"GridLayoutElement"}, "max":430 }, "GridLayoutElementRowIndex":{ "type":"integer", "max":9009, "min":0 }, "GridLayoutElementRowSpan":{ "type":"integer", "max":21, "min":1 }, "GridLayoutScreenCanvasSizeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ResizeOption"], "members":{ "ResizeOption":{ "shape":"ResizeOption", "documentation":"

This value determines the layout behavior when the viewport is resized.

" }, "OptimizedViewPortWidth":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The width that the view port will be optimized for when the layout renders.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the sizing of the canvas used in a grid layout.

" }, "Group":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group.

" }, "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"GroupDescription", "documentation":"

The group description.

" }, "PrincipalId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The principal ID of the group.

" } }, "documentation":"

A group in Amazon QuickSight consists of a set of users. You can use groups to make it easier to manage access and security.

" }, "GroupDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1 }, "GroupFilterAttribute":{ "type":"string", "enum":["GROUP_NAME"] }, "GroupFilterOperator":{ "type":"string", "enum":["StartsWith"] }, "GroupList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Group"} }, "GroupMember":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group member (user).

" }, "MemberName":{ "shape":"GroupMemberName", "documentation":"

The name of the group member (user).

" } }, "documentation":"

A member of an Amazon QuickSight group. Currently, group members must be users. Groups can't be members of another group. .

" }, "GroupMemberList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"GroupMember"} }, "GroupMemberName":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":"[\\u0020-\\u00FF]+" }, "GroupName":{ "type":"string", "min":1, "pattern":"[\\u0020-\\u00FF]+" }, "GroupSearchFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Operator", "Name", "Value" ], "members":{ "Operator":{ "shape":"GroupFilterOperator", "documentation":"

The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Operator\": \"StartsWith\". Currently, the only supported operator is StartsWith.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"GroupFilterAttribute", "documentation":"

The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example \"Name\": \"GROUP_NAME\". Currently, the only supported name is GROUP_NAME.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The value of the named item, in this case GROUP_NAME, that you want to use as a filter.

" } }, "documentation":"

A GroupSearchFilter object that you want to apply to your search.

" }, "GroupSearchFilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"GroupSearchFilter"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "GroupsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"} }, "GrowthRateComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" }, "PeriodSize":{ "shape":"GrowthRatePeriodSize", "documentation":"

The period size setup of a growth rate computation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The growth rate computation configuration.

" }, "GrowthRatePeriodSize":{ "type":"integer", "max":52, "min":2 }, "GutterStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Show":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The display options for gutter spacing between tiles on a sheet.

" }, "HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "SectionId", "Layout" ], "members":{ "SectionId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of the header or footer section.

" }, "Layout":{ "shape":"SectionLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The layout configuration of the header or footer section.

" }, "Style":{ "shape":"SectionStyle", "documentation":"

The style options of a header or footer section.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a header or footer section.

" }, "HeaderFooterSectionConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration"}, "max":1 }, "HeatMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Rows":{ "shape":"HeatMapDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The rows field well of a heat map.

" }, "Columns":{ "shape":"HeatMapDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The columns field well of a heat map.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"HeatMapMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The values field well of a heat map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a heat map.

" }, "HeatMapConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"HeatMapFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"HeatMapSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a heat map.

" }, "RowLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options of the row that is displayed in a heat map.

" }, "ColumnLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options of the column that is displayed in a heat map.

" }, "ColorScale":{ "shape":"ColorScale", "documentation":"

The color options (gradient color, point of divergence) in a heat map.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a heat map.

" }, "HeatMapDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":1 }, "HeatMapFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "HeatMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"HeatMapAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a heat map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a heat map.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "HeatMapMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":1 }, "HeatMapSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "HeatMapRowSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The field sort configuration of the rows fields.

" }, "HeatMapColumnSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The column sort configuration for heat map for columns that aren't a part of a field well.

" }, "HeatMapRowItemsLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of rows that are displayed in a heat map.

" }, "HeatMapColumnItemsLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of columns that are displayed in a heat map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a heat map.

" }, "HeatMapVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"HeatMapConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a heat map.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A heat map.

For more information, see Using heat maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "HexColor":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"^#[A-F0-9]{6}$" }, "HexColorWithTransparency":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"^#[A-F0-9]{6}(?:[A-F0-9]{2})?$" }, "HierarchyId":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1 }, "HistogramAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Values":{ "shape":"HistogramMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a histogram. Values are aggregated by COUNT or DISTINCT_COUNT.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a histogram.

" }, "HistogramBinOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectedBinType":{ "shape":"HistogramBinType", "documentation":"

The options that determine the selected bin type.

" }, "BinCount":{ "shape":"BinCountOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin count of a histogram.

" }, "BinWidth":{ "shape":"BinWidthOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin width of a histogram.

" }, "StartValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The options that determine the bin start value.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of histogram bins.

" }, "HistogramBinType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "BIN_COUNT", "BIN_WIDTH" ] }, "HistogramConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"HistogramFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a histogram.

" }, "XAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the x-axis.

" }, "XAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the x-axis label.

" }, "YAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the y-axis.

" }, "BinOptions":{ "shape":"HistogramBinOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of histogram bins.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The data label configuration of a histogram.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip configuration of a histogram.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The visual palette configuration of a histogram.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a HistogramVisual.

" }, "HistogramFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "HistogramAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"HistogramAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a histogram.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a histogram.

" }, "HistogramMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":1 }, "HistogramVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"HistogramConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration for a HistogramVisual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A histogram.

For more information, see Using histograms in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "HorizontalTextAlignment":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT", "AUTO" ] }, "Host":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "IAMPolicyAssignment":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

" }, "AssignmentId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

Assignment ID.

" }, "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

Assignment name.

" }, "PolicyArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM policy.

" }, "Identities":{ "shape":"IdentityMap", "documentation":"


" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

Assignment status.

" } }, "documentation":"

An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy assignment.

" }, "IAMPolicyAssignmentName":{ "type":"string", "min":1, "pattern":"(?=^.{2,256}$)(?!.*\\s)[0-9a-zA-Z-_.:=+@]*$" }, "IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

Assignment name.

" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

Assignment status.

" } }, "documentation":"

IAM policy assignment summary.

" }, "IAMPolicyAssignmentSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary"} }, "Icon":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CARET_UP", "CARET_DOWN", "PLUS", "MINUS", "ARROW_UP", "ARROW_DOWN", "ARROW_LEFT", "ARROW_UP_LEFT", "ARROW_DOWN_LEFT", "ARROW_RIGHT", "ARROW_UP_RIGHT", "ARROW_DOWN_RIGHT", "FACE_UP", "FACE_DOWN", "FACE_FLAT", "ONE_BAR", "TWO_BAR", "THREE_BAR", "CIRCLE", "TRIANGLE", "SQUARE", "FLAG", "THUMBS_UP", "THUMBS_DOWN", "CHECKMARK", "X" ] }, "IdentityMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"String"}, "value":{"shape":"IdentityNameList"} }, "IdentityName":{ "type":"string", "min":1, "pattern":"[\\u0020-\\u00FF]+" }, "IdentityNameList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"IdentityName"} }, "IdentityStore":{ "type":"string", "enum":["QUICKSIGHT"] }, "IdentityType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "IAM", "QUICKSIGHT" ] }, "IdentityTypeNotSupportedException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

The identity type specified isn't supported. Supported identity types include IAM and QUICKSIGHT.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":403}, "exception":true }, "Ingestion":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Arn", "IngestionStatus", "CreatedTime" ], "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"IngestionId", "documentation":"

Ingestion ID.

" }, "IngestionStatus":{ "shape":"IngestionStatus", "documentation":"

Ingestion status.

" }, "ErrorInfo":{ "shape":"ErrorInfo", "documentation":"

Error information for this ingestion.

" }, "RowInfo":{"shape":"RowInfo"}, "QueueInfo":{"shape":"QueueInfo"}, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this ingestion started.

" }, "IngestionTimeInSeconds":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The time that this ingestion took, measured in seconds.

", "box":true }, "IngestionSizeInBytes":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The size of the data ingested, in bytes.

", "box":true }, "RequestSource":{ "shape":"IngestionRequestSource", "documentation":"

Event source for this ingestion.

" }, "RequestType":{ "shape":"IngestionRequestType", "documentation":"

Type of this ingestion.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the SPICE ingestion for a dataset.

" }, "IngestionErrorType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "FAILURE_TO_ASSUME_ROLE", "INGESTION_SUPERSEDED", "INGESTION_CANCELED", "DATA_SET_DELETED", "DATA_SET_NOT_SPICE", "S3_UPLOADED_FILE_DELETED", "S3_MANIFEST_ERROR", "DATA_TOLERANCE_EXCEPTION", "SPICE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND", "DATA_SET_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "ROW_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "ACCOUNT_CAPACITY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "CUSTOMER_ERROR", "DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "IAM_ROLE_NOT_AVAILABLE", "CONNECTION_FAILURE", "SQL_TABLE_NOT_FOUND", "PERMISSION_DENIED", "SSL_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILURE", "OAUTH_TOKEN_FAILURE", "SOURCE_API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_FAILURE", "PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE", "SQL_SCHEMA_MISMATCH_ERROR", "INVALID_DATE_FORMAT", "INVALID_DATAPREP_SYNTAX", "SOURCE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "SQL_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE", "QUERY_TIMEOUT", "SQL_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW", "UNRESOLVABLE_HOST", "UNROUTABLE_HOST", "SQL_EXCEPTION", "S3_FILE_INACCESSIBLE", "IOT_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "IOT_DATA_SET_FILE_EMPTY", "INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_CONFIG", "DATA_SOURCE_AUTH_FAILED", "DATA_SOURCE_CONNECTION_FAILED", "FAILURE_TO_PROCESS_JSON_FILE", "INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR", "REFRESH_SUPPRESSED_BY_EDIT", "PERMISSION_NOT_FOUND", "ELASTICSEARCH_CURSOR_NOT_ENABLED", "CURSOR_NOT_ENABLED" ] }, "IngestionId":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$" }, "IngestionMaxResults":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":1 }, "IngestionRequestSource":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "MANUAL", "SCHEDULED" ] }, "IngestionRequestType":{ "type":"string", "documentation":"This defines the type of ingestion request. This is returned as part of create ingestion response.", "enum":[ "INITIAL_INGESTION", "EDIT", "INCREMENTAL_REFRESH", "FULL_REFRESH" ] }, "IngestionStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "INITIALIZED", "QUEUED", "RUNNING", "FAILED", "COMPLETED", "CANCELLED" ] }, "IngestionType":{ "type":"string", "documentation":"This defines the type of ingestion user wants to trigger. This is part of create ingestion request.", "enum":[ "INCREMENTAL_REFRESH", "FULL_REFRESH" ] }, "Ingestions":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Ingestion"} }, "InputColumn":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Type" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of this column in the underlying data source.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"InputColumnDataType", "documentation":"

The data type of the column.

" } }, "documentation":"

Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.

" }, "InputColumnDataType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "STRING", "INTEGER", "DECIMAL", "DATETIME", "BIT", "BOOLEAN", "JSON" ] }, "InputColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"InputColumn"}, "max":2048, "min":1 }, "InsightConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Computations":{ "shape":"ComputationList", "documentation":"

The computations configurations of the insight visual

" }, "CustomNarrative":{ "shape":"CustomNarrativeOptions", "documentation":"

The custom narrative of the insight visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of an insight visual.

" }, "InsightVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "VisualId", "DataSetIdentifier" ], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "InsightConfiguration":{ "shape":"InsightConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of an insight visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "DataSetIdentifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The dataset that is used in the insight visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

An insight visual.

For more information, see Working with insights in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "InstanceId":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "Integer":{"type":"integer"}, "IntegerDefaultValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveLongObject"}, "max":50000 }, "IntegerDefaultValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DynamicValue":{ "shape":"DynamicDefaultValue", "documentation":"

The dynamic value of the IntegerDefaultValues. Different defaults are displayed according to users, groups, and values mapping.

" }, "StaticValues":{ "shape":"IntegerDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

The static values of the IntegerDefaultValues.

" } }, "documentation":"

The default values of the IntegerParameterDeclaration.

" }, "IntegerParameter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Values" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

The name of the integer parameter.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"SensitiveLongList", "documentation":"

The values for the integer parameter.

" } }, "documentation":"

An integer parameter.

" }, "IntegerParameterDeclaration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterValueType", "Name" ], "members":{ "ParameterValueType":{ "shape":"ParameterValueType", "documentation":"

The value type determines whether the parameter is a single-value or multi-value parameter.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The name of the parameter that is being declared.

" }, "DefaultValues":{ "shape":"IntegerDefaultValues", "documentation":"

The default values of a parameter. If the parameter is a single-value parameter, a maximum of one default value can be provided.

" }, "ValueWhenUnset":{ "shape":"IntegerValueWhenUnsetConfiguration", "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.

" } }, "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.

" }, "IntegerParameterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"IntegerParameter"}, "max":100 }, "IntegerValueWhenUnsetConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ValueWhenUnsetOption":{ "shape":"ValueWhenUnsetOption", "documentation":"

The built-in options for default values. The value can be one of the following:

" }, "CustomValue":{ "shape":"SensitiveLong", "documentation":"

A custom value that's used when the value of a parameter isn't set.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "InternalFailureException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

An internal failure occurred.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":500}, "exception":true, "fault":true }, "InvalidNextTokenException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

The NextToken value isn't valid.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "InvalidParameterValueException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "InvalidRequestException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

You don't have this feature activated for your account. To fix this issue, contact Amazon Web Services support.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "IpRestrictionRuleDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":150, "min":0 }, "IpRestrictionRuleMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"CIDR"}, "value":{"shape":"IpRestrictionRuleDescription"} }, "ItemsLimitConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ItemsLimit":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The limit on how many items of a field are showed in the chart. For example, the number of slices that are displayed in a pie chart.

", "box":true }, "OtherCategories":{ "shape":"OtherCategories", "documentation":"

The Show other of an axis in the chart. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The limit configuration of the visual display for an axis.

" }, "JiraParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["SiteBaseUrl"], "members":{ "SiteBaseUrl":{ "shape":"SiteBaseUrl", "documentation":"

The base URL of the Jira site.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Jira.

" }, "JoinInstruction":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "LeftOperand", "RightOperand", "Type", "OnClause" ], "members":{ "LeftOperand":{ "shape":"LogicalTableId", "documentation":"

The operand on the left side of a join.

" }, "RightOperand":{ "shape":"LogicalTableId", "documentation":"

The operand on the right side of a join.

" }, "LeftJoinKeyProperties":{ "shape":"JoinKeyProperties", "documentation":"

Join key properties of the left operand.

" }, "RightJoinKeyProperties":{ "shape":"JoinKeyProperties", "documentation":"

Join key properties of the right operand.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"JoinType", "documentation":"

The type of join that it is.

" }, "OnClause":{ "shape":"OnClause", "documentation":"

The join instructions provided in the ON clause of a join.

" } }, "documentation":"

The instructions associated with a join.

" }, "JoinKeyProperties":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "UniqueKey":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

Properties associated with the columns participating in a join.

" }, "JoinType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "INNER", "OUTER", "LEFT", "RIGHT" ] }, "KPIConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ConditionalFormattingOptions":{ "shape":"KPIConditionalFormattingOptionList", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIConditionalFormattingOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PrimaryValue":{ "shape":"KPIPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the primary value of a KPI visual.

" }, "ProgressBar":{ "shape":"KPIProgressBarConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the progress bar of a KPI visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting options of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIConditionalFormattingOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"KPIConditionalFormattingOption"}, "max":100 }, "KPIConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"KPIFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"KPISortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIOptions":{ "shape":"KPIOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of a KPI visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a KPI visual.

" }, "TargetValues":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The target value field wells of a KPI visual.

" }, "TrendGroups":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The trend group field wells of a KPI visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ProgressBar":{ "shape":"ProgressBarOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.

" }, "TrendArrows":{ "shape":"TrendArrowOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of trend arrows in a KPI visual.

" }, "SecondaryValue":{ "shape":"SecondaryValueOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the secondary value of a KPI visual.

" }, "Comparison":{ "shape":"ComparisonConfiguration", "documentation":"

The comparison configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "PrimaryValueDisplayType":{ "shape":"PrimaryValueDisplayType", "documentation":"

The options that determine the primary value display type.

" }, "PrimaryValueFontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the primary value font configuration.

" }, "SecondaryValueFontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the secondary value font configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIPrimaryValueConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TextColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of the primary value's text color.

" }, "Icon":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIcon", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of the primary value's icon.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the primary value of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIProgressBarConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ForegroundColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of the progress bar's foreground color.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the progress bar of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPISortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TrendGroupSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the trend group fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "KPIVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"KPIConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a KPI visual.

" }, "ConditionalFormatting":{ "shape":"KPIConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a KPI visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A key performance indicator (KPI).

For more information, see Using KPIs in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "LabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the label is visible.

" }, "FontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The font configuration of the label.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The text for the label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The share label options for the labels.

" }, "Latitude":{ "type":"double", "max":90, "min":-90 }, "Layout":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Configuration"], "members":{ "Configuration":{ "shape":"LayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that determines what the type of layout for a sheet.

" } }, "documentation":"

A Layout defines the placement of elements within a sheet.

For more information, see Types of layout in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "LayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GridLayout":{ "shape":"GridLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

A type of layout that can be used on a sheet. In a grid layout, visuals snap to a grid with standard spacing and alignment. Dashboards are displayed as designed, with options to fit to screen or view at actual size. A grid layout can be configured to behave in one of two ways when the viewport is resized: FIXED or RESPONSIVE.

" }, "FreeFormLayout":{ "shape":"FreeFormLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

A free-form is optimized for a fixed width and has more control over the exact placement of layout elements.

" }, "SectionBasedLayout":{ "shape":"SectionBasedLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

A section based layout organizes visuals into multiple sections and has customized header, footer and page break.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration that determines what the type of layout will be used on a sheet.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "LayoutElementType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "VISUAL", "FILTER_CONTROL", "PARAMETER_CONTROL", "TEXT_BOX" ] }, "LayoutList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Layout"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "LegendOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the legend is visible.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The custom title for the legend.

" }, "Position":{ "shape":"LegendPosition", "documentation":"

The positions for the legend. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "Width":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The width of the legend. If this value is omitted, a default width is used when rendering.

" }, "Height":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The height of the legend. If this value is omitted, a default height is used when rendering.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options for the legend setup of a visual.

" }, "LegendPosition":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "AUTO", "RIGHT", "BOTTOM", "TOP" ] }, "Length":{ "type":"string", "documentation":"String based length that is composed of value and unit" }, "LimitExceededException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ExceptionResourceType", "documentation":"

Limit exceeded.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

A limit is exceeded.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":409}, "exception":true }, "LineChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The category field wells of a line chart. Values are grouped by category fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a line chart. Values are aggregated based on categories.

" }, "Colors":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The color field wells of a line chart. Values are grouped by category fields.

" }, "SmallMultiples":{ "shape":"SmallMultiplesDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The small multiples field well of a line chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a line chart.

" }, "LineChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"LineChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a line chart.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"LineChartSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a line chart.

" }, "ForecastConfigurations":{ "shape":"ForecastConfigurationList", "documentation":"

The forecast configuration of a line chart.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"LineChartType", "documentation":"

Determines the type of the line chart.

" }, "SmallMultiplesOptions":{ "shape":"SmallMultiplesOptions", "documentation":"

The small multiples setup for the visual.

" }, "XAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the x-axis.

" }, "XAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the x-axis label.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"LineSeriesAxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The series axis configuration of a line chart.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the y-axis label.

" }, "SecondaryYAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"LineSeriesAxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The series axis configuration of a line chart.

" }, "SecondaryYAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the secondary y-axis label.

" }, "DefaultSeriesSettings":{ "shape":"LineChartDefaultSeriesSettings", "documentation":"

The options that determine the default presentation of all line series in LineChartVisual.

" }, "Series":{ "shape":"SeriesItemList", "documentation":"

The series item configuration of a line chart.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend configuration of a line chart.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The data label configuration of a line chart.

" }, "ReferenceLines":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineList", "documentation":"

The reference lines configuration of a line chart.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip configuration of a line chart.

" }, "ContributionAnalysisDefaults":{ "shape":"ContributionAnalysisDefaultList", "documentation":"

The default configuration of a line chart's contribution analysis.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The visual palette configuration of a line chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a line chart.

" }, "LineChartDefaultSeriesSettings":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AxisBinding":{ "shape":"AxisBinding", "documentation":"

The axis to which you are binding all line series to.

" }, "LineStyleSettings":{ "shape":"LineChartLineStyleSettings", "documentation":"

Line styles options for all line series in the visual.

" }, "MarkerStyleSettings":{ "shape":"LineChartMarkerStyleSettings", "documentation":"

Marker styles options for all line series in the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the default presentation of all line series in LineChartVisual.

" }, "LineChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LineChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"LineChartAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a line chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a line chart.

" }, "LineChartLineStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SOLID", "DOTTED", "DASHED" ] }, "LineChartLineStyleSettings":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LineVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Configuration option that determines whether to show the line for the series.

" }, "LineInterpolation":{ "shape":"LineInterpolation", "documentation":"

Interpolation style for line series.

" }, "LineStyle":{ "shape":"LineChartLineStyle", "documentation":"

Line style for line series.

" }, "LineWidth":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

Width that determines the line thickness.

" } }, "documentation":"

Line styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual.

" }, "LineChartMarkerShape":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CIRCLE", "TRIANGLE", "SQUARE", "DIAMOND", "ROUNDED_SQUARE" ] }, "LineChartMarkerStyleSettings":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MarkerVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Configuration option that determines whether to show the markers in the series.

" }, "MarkerShape":{ "shape":"LineChartMarkerShape", "documentation":"

Shape option for markers in the series.

" }, "MarkerSize":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

Size of marker in the series.

" }, "MarkerColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

Color of marker in the series.

" } }, "documentation":"

Marker styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual.

" }, "LineChartSeriesSettings":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LineStyleSettings":{ "shape":"LineChartLineStyleSettings", "documentation":"

Line styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual.

" }, "MarkerStyleSettings":{ "shape":"LineChartMarkerStyleSettings", "documentation":"

Marker styles options for a line series in LineChartVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of a line series in the visual

" }, "LineChartSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the category fields.

" }, "CategoryItemsLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of categories that are displayed in a line chart.

" }, "ColorItemsLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of lines that are displayed in a line chart.

" }, "SmallMultiplesSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the small multiples field.

" }, "SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of small multiples panels that are displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a line chart.

" }, "LineChartType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "LINE", "AREA", "STACKED_AREA" ] }, "LineChartVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"LineChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a line chart.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A line chart.

For more information, see Using line charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "LineInterpolation":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "LINEAR", "SMOOTH", "STEPPED" ] }, "LineSeriesAxisDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AxisOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the line series axis.

" }, "MissingDataConfigurations":{ "shape":"MissingDataConfigurationList", "documentation":"

The configuration options that determine how missing data is treated during the rendering of a line chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The series axis configuration of a line chart.

" }, "LinkSharingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the permissions of a shareable link.

" } }, "documentation":"

A structure that contains the configuration of a shareable link to the dashboard.

" }, "ListAnalysesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analyses.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListAnalysesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnalysisSummaryList":{ "shape":"AnalysisSummaryList", "documentation":"

Metadata describing each of the analyses that are listed.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SearchOptions":{ "shape":"ListControlSearchOptions", "documentation":"

The configuration of the search options in a list control.

" }, "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"ListControlSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

" }, "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "ListControlSearchOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration of the search options in a list control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of the search options in a list control.

" }, "ListControlSelectAllOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of the Select all options in a list control.

" }, "ListDashboardVersionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're listing versions for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListDashboardVersionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardVersionSummaryList":{ "shape":"DashboardVersionSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains information about each version of the dashboard.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListDashboardsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboards that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListDashboardsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardSummaryList":{ "shape":"DashboardSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains all of the dashboards in your Amazon Web Services account. This structure provides basic information about the dashboards.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListDataSetsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListDataSetsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSetSummaries":{ "shape":"DataSetSummaryList", "documentation":"

The list of dataset summaries.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListDataSourcesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListDataSourcesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSources":{ "shape":"DataSourceList", "documentation":"

A list of data sources.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListFolderMembersRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListFolderMembersResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "FolderMemberList":{ "shape":"FolderMemberList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains all of the folder members (dashboards, analyses, and datasets) in the folder.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListFoldersRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListFoldersResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "FolderSummaryList":{ "shape":"FolderSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains all of the folders in the Amazon Web Services account. This structure provides basic information about the folders.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListGroupMembershipsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to see a membership list of.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return from this request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the group that you want a list of users from.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "ListGroupMembershipsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupMemberList":{ "shape":"GroupMemberList", "documentation":"

The list of the members of the group.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListGroupsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want a list of groups from.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "ListGroupsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupList":{ "shape":"GroupList", "documentation":"

The list of the groups.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "UserName", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the assignments.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The name of the user.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"UserName" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ActiveAssignments":{ "shape":"ActiveIAMPolicyAssignmentList", "documentation":"

The active assignments for this user.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains these IAM policy assignments.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the assignments.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace for the assignments.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "IAMPolicyAssignments":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentSummaryList", "documentation":"

Information describing the IAM policy assignments.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListIngestionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSetId", "AwsAccountId" ], "members":{ "DataSetId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"IngestionMaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListIngestionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Ingestions":{ "shape":"Ingestions", "documentation":"

A list of the ingestions.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListNamespacesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight namespaces that you want to list.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A unique pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. You will receive a pagination token in the response body of a previous ListNameSpaces API call if there is more data that can be returned. To receive the data, make another ListNamespaces API call with the returned token to retrieve the next page of data. Each token is valid for 24 hours. If you try to make a ListNamespaces API call with an expired token, you will receive a HTTP 400 InvalidNextTokenException error.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListNamespacesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Namespaces":{ "shape":"Namespaces", "documentation":"

The information about the namespaces in this Amazon Web Services account. The response includes the namespace ARN, name, Amazon Web Services Region, notification email address, creation status, and identity store.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A unique pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. Receiving NextToken in your response inticates that there is more data that can be returned. To receive the data, make another ListNamespaces API call with the returned token to retrieve the next page of data. Each token is valid for 24 hours. If you try to make a ListNamespaces API call with an expired token, you will receive a HTTP 400 InvalidNextTokenException error.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ResourceArn"], "members":{ "ResourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want a list of tags for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ResourceArn" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListTemplateAliasesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template aliases that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-result" } } }, "ListTemplateAliasesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateAliasList":{ "shape":"TemplateAliasList", "documentation":"

A structure containing the list of the template's aliases.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" } } }, "ListTemplateVersionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the templates that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListTemplateVersionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateVersionSummaryList":{ "shape":"TemplateVersionSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure containing a list of all the versions of the specified template.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListTemplatesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the templates that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-result" } } }, "ListTemplatesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateSummaryList":{ "shape":"TemplateSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure containing information about the templates in the list.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListThemeAliasesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme aliases that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-result" } } }, "ListThemeAliasesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeAliasList":{ "shape":"ThemeAliasList", "documentation":"

A structure containing the list of the theme's aliases.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" } } }, "ListThemeVersionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the themes that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListThemeVersionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeVersionSummaryList":{ "shape":"ThemeVersionSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure containing a list of all the versions of the specified theme.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListThemesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the themes that you're listing.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" }, "Type":{ "shape":"ThemeType", "documentation":"

The type of themes that you want to list. Valid options include the following:

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"type" } } }, "ListThemesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeSummaryList":{ "shape":"ThemeSummaryList", "documentation":"

Information about the themes in the list.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "ListUserGroupsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "UserName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to list group memberships for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"UserName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return from this request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" } } }, "ListUserGroupsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupList":{ "shape":"GroupList", "documentation":"

The list of groups the user is a member of.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "ListUsersRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return from this request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "ListUsersResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "UserList":{ "shape":"UserList", "documentation":"

The list of users.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "LoadingAnimation":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration of LoadingAnimation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of loading animation in free-form layout.

" }, "LocalNavigationConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["TargetSheetId"], "members":{ "TargetSheetId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The sheet that is targeted for navigation in the same analysis.

" } }, "documentation":"

The navigation configuration for CustomActionNavigationOperation.

" }, "LogicalTable":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Alias", "Source" ], "members":{ "Alias":{ "shape":"LogicalTableAlias", "documentation":"

A display name for the logical table.

" }, "DataTransforms":{ "shape":"TransformOperationList", "documentation":"

Transform operations that act on this logical table.

" }, "Source":{ "shape":"LogicalTableSource", "documentation":"

Source of this logical table.

" } }, "documentation":"

A logical table is a unit that joins and that data transformations operate on. A logical table has a source, which can be either a physical table or result of a join. When a logical table points to a physical table, the logical table acts as a mutable copy of that physical table through transform operations.

" }, "LogicalTableAlias":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "LogicalTableId":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1, "pattern":"[0-9a-zA-Z-]*" }, "LogicalTableMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"LogicalTableId"}, "value":{"shape":"LogicalTable"}, "max":64, "min":1 }, "LogicalTableSource":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "JoinInstruction":{ "shape":"JoinInstruction", "documentation":"

Specifies the result of a join of two logical tables.

" }, "PhysicalTableId":{ "shape":"PhysicalTableId", "documentation":"

Physical table ID.

" }, "DataSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the parent dataset.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the source of a logical table. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "Long":{"type":"long"}, "LongFormatText":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PlainText":{ "shape":"LongPlainText", "documentation":"

Plain text format.

" }, "RichText":{ "shape":"LongRichText", "documentation":"

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

" } }, "documentation":"

The text format for a subtitle.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "LongPlainText":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "LongRichText":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "Longitude":{ "type":"double", "max":1800, "min":-1800 }, "ManifestFileLocation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Bucket", "Key" ], "members":{ "Bucket":{ "shape":"S3Bucket", "documentation":"

Amazon S3 bucket.

" }, "Key":{ "shape":"S3Key", "documentation":"

Amazon S3 key that identifies an object.

" } }, "documentation":"

Amazon S3 manifest file location.

" }, "MapZoomMode":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "AUTO", "MANUAL" ] }, "MarginStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Show":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The display options for margins around the outside edge of sheets.

" }, "MariaDbParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for MariaDB.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":1 }, "MaximumLabelType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the maximum label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The maximum label of a data path label.

" }, "MaximumMinimumComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time", "Type" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"MaximumMinimumComputationType", "documentation":"

The type of computation. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The maximum and minimum computation configuration.

" }, "MaximumMinimumComputationType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "MAXIMUM", "MINIMUM" ] }, "MeasureField":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumericalMeasureField":{ "shape":"NumericalMeasureField", "documentation":"

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

" }, "CategoricalMeasureField":{ "shape":"CategoricalMeasureField", "documentation":"

The measure type field with categorical type columns.

" }, "DateMeasureField":{ "shape":"DateMeasureField", "documentation":"

The measure type field with date type columns.

" }, "CalculatedMeasureField":{ "shape":"CalculatedMeasureField", "documentation":"

The calculated measure field only used in pivot tables.

" } }, "documentation":"

The measure (metric) type field.

" }, "MeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":200 }, "MemberIdArnPair":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MemberId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the member.

" }, "MemberArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member.

" } }, "documentation":"

An object that consists of a member Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and a member ID.

" }, "MemberType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DASHBOARD", "ANALYSIS", "DATASET" ] }, "MetricComparisonComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time", "FromValue", "TargetValue" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "FromValue":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The field that is used in a metric comparison from value setup.

" }, "TargetValue":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The field that is used in a metric comparison to value setup.

" } }, "documentation":"

The metric comparison computation configuration.

" }, "MinimumLabelType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the minimum label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The minimum label of a data path label.

" }, "MissingDataConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TreatmentOption":{ "shape":"MissingDataTreatmentOption", "documentation":"

The treatment option that determines how missing data should be rendered. Choose from the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration options that determine how missing data is treated during the rendering of a line chart.

" }, "MissingDataConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MissingDataConfiguration"}, "max":100 }, "MissingDataTreatmentOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "INTERPOLATE", "SHOW_AS_ZERO", "SHOW_AS_BLANK" ] }, "MySqlParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for MySQL.

" }, "Namespace":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$" }, "NamespaceError":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"NamespaceErrorType", "documentation":"

The error type.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The message for the error.

" } }, "documentation":"

Errors that occur during namespace creation.

" }, "NamespaceErrorType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PERMISSION_DENIED", "INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR" ] }, "NamespaceInfoV2":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The name of the error.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The namespace ARN.

" }, "CapacityRegion":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The namespace Amazon Web Services Region.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"NamespaceStatus", "documentation":"

The creation status of a namespace that is not yet completely created.

" }, "IdentityStore":{ "shape":"IdentityStore", "documentation":"

The identity store used for the namespace.

" }, "NamespaceError":{ "shape":"NamespaceError", "documentation":"

An error that occurred when the namespace was created.

" } }, "documentation":"

The error type.

" }, "NamespaceStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CREATED", "CREATING", "DELETING", "RETRYABLE_FAILURE", "NON_RETRYABLE_FAILURE" ] }, "Namespaces":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"NamespaceInfoV2"} }, "NarrativeString":{ "type":"string", "max":150000 }, "NegativeValueConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DisplayMode"], "members":{ "DisplayMode":{ "shape":"NegativeValueDisplayMode", "documentation":"

Determines the display mode of the negative value configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

" }, "NegativeValueDisplayMode":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE" ] }, "NonEmptyString":{ "type":"string", "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "NullString":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1, "sensitive":true }, "NullValueFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["NullString"], "members":{ "NullString":{ "shape":"NullString", "documentation":"

Determines the null string of null values.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

" }, "NullableBoolean":{"type":"boolean"}, "NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Prefix":{ "shape":"Prefix", "documentation":"

Determines the prefix value of the number format.

" }, "Suffix":{ "shape":"Suffix", "documentation":"

Determines the suffix value of the number format.

" }, "SeparatorConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericSeparatorConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

" }, "DecimalPlacesConfiguration":{ "shape":"DecimalPlacesConfiguration", "documentation":"

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

" }, "NumberScale":{ "shape":"NumberScale", "documentation":"

Determines the number scale value of the number format.

" }, "NegativeValueConfiguration":{ "shape":"NegativeValueConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

" }, "NullValueFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NullValueFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

" }, "NumberFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for number fields.

" }, "NumberScale":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "AUTO", "THOUSANDS", "MILLIONS", "BILLIONS", "TRILLIONS" ] }, "NumericAxisOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Scale":{ "shape":"AxisScale", "documentation":"

The scale setup of a numeric axis.

" }, "Range":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayRange", "documentation":"

The range setup of a numeric axis.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options for an axis with a numeric field.

" }, "NumericEqualityDrillDownFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Column", "Value" ], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The value of the double input numeric drill down filter.

" } }, "documentation":"

The category drill down filter.

" }, "NumericEqualityFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column", "MatchOperator", "NullOption" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The input value.

", "box":true }, "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"NumericFilterSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

Select all of the values. Null is not the assigned value of select all.

" }, "MatchOperator":{ "shape":"NumericEqualityMatchOperator", "documentation":"

The match operator that is used to determine if a filter should be applied.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function of the filter.

" }, "ParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter whose value should be used for the filter value.

" }, "NullOption":{ "shape":"FilterNullOption", "documentation":"

This option determines how null values should be treated when filtering data.

" } }, "documentation":"

A NumericEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to the specified value.

" }, "NumericEqualityMatchOperator":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "EQUALS", "DOES_NOT_EQUAL" ] }, "NumericFilterSelectAllOptions":{ "type":"string", "enum":["FILTER_ALL_VALUES"] }, "NumericFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the number display format configuration.

" }, "CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the currency display format configuration.

" }, "PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the numeric format configuration.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "NumericRangeFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column", "NullOption" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "IncludeMinimum":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Determines whether the minimum value in the filter value range should be included in the filtered results.

", "box":true }, "IncludeMaximum":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Determines whether the maximum value in the filter value range should be included in the filtered results.

", "box":true }, "RangeMinimum":{ "shape":"NumericRangeFilterValue", "documentation":"

The minimum value for the filter value range.

", "box":true }, "RangeMaximum":{ "shape":"NumericRangeFilterValue", "documentation":"

The maximum value for the filter value range.

", "box":true }, "SelectAllOptions":{ "shape":"NumericFilterSelectAllOptions", "documentation":"

Select all of the values. Null is not the assigned value of select all.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function of the filter.

" }, "NullOption":{ "shape":"FilterNullOption", "documentation":"

This option determines how null values should be treated when filtering data.

" } }, "documentation":"

A NumericRangeFilter filters values that are within the value range.

" }, "NumericRangeFilterValue":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StaticValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The static value of the numeric range filter.

", "box":true }, "Parameter":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter that is used in the numeric range.

" } }, "documentation":"

The value input pf the numeric range filter.

" }, "NumericSeparatorConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DecimalSeparator":{ "shape":"NumericSeparatorSymbol", "documentation":"

Determines the decimal separator.

" }, "ThousandsSeparator":{ "shape":"ThousandSeparatorOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

" }, "NumericSeparatorSymbol":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "COMMA", "DOT", "SPACE" ] }, "NumericalAggregationFunction":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SimpleNumericalAggregation":{ "shape":"SimpleNumericalAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

Built-in aggregation functions for numerical values.

" }, "PercentileAggregation":{ "shape":"PercentileAggregation", "documentation":"

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

" } }, "documentation":"

Aggregation for numerical values.

" }, "NumericalDimensionField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the NumericalDimensionField.

" }, "HierarchyId":{ "shape":"HierarchyId", "documentation":"

The custom hierarchy ID.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumberFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The dimension type field with numerical type columns.

" }, "NumericalMeasureField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the NumericalMeasureField.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"NumericalAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function of the measure field.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumberFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The measure type field with numerical type columns.

" }, "OnClause":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1 }, "OptionalPort":{ "type":"integer", "max":65535, "min":0 }, "OracleParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"

An Oracle host.

" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Oracle.

" }, "OtherCategories":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "INCLUDE", "EXCLUDE" ] }, "OutputColumn":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

A display name for the dataset.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"ColumnDescriptiveText", "documentation":"

A description for a column.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"ColumnDataType", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

Output column.

" }, "OutputColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"OutputColumn"} }, "PageNumber":{ "type":"long", "min":0 }, "PaginationConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "PageSize", "PageNumber" ], "members":{ "PageSize":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

Indicates how many items render in one page.

", "box":true }, "PageNumber":{ "shape":"PageNumber", "documentation":"

Indicates the page number.

" } }, "documentation":"

The pagination configuration for a table visual or boxplot.

" }, "PanelBorderStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SOLID", "DASHED", "DOTTED" ] }, "PanelConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Title":{ "shape":"PanelTitleOptions", "documentation":"

Configures the title display within each small multiples panel.

" }, "BorderVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not each panel displays a border.

" }, "BorderThickness":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

Sets the line thickness of panel borders.

" }, "BorderStyle":{ "shape":"PanelBorderStyle", "documentation":"

Sets the line style of panel borders.

" }, "BorderColor":{ "shape":"HexColorWithTransparency", "documentation":"

Sets the line color of panel borders.

" }, "GutterVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not negative space between sibling panels is rendered.

" }, "GutterSpacing":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

Sets the total amount of negative space to display between sibling panels.

" }, "BackgroundVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not a background for each small multiples panel is rendered.

" }, "BackgroundColor":{ "shape":"HexColorWithTransparency", "documentation":"

Sets the background color for each panel.

" } }, "documentation":"

A collection of options that configure how each panel displays in a small multiples chart.

" }, "PanelTitleOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not panel titles are displayed.

" }, "FontConfiguration":{"shape":"FontConfiguration"}, "HorizontalTextAlignment":{ "shape":"HorizontalTextAlignment", "documentation":"

Sets the horizontal text alignment of the title within each panel.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the title styles for each small multiples panel.

" }, "PaperOrientation":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PORTRAIT", "LANDSCAPE" ] }, "PaperSize":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "US_LETTER", "US_LEGAL", "US_TABLOID_LEDGER", "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "JIS_B4", "JIS_B5" ] }, "ParameterControl":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DateTimePicker":{ "shape":"ParameterDateTimePickerControl", "documentation":"

A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.

" }, "List":{ "shape":"ParameterListControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.

" }, "Dropdown":{ "shape":"ParameterDropDownControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

" }, "TextField":{ "shape":"ParameterTextFieldControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

" }, "TextArea":{ "shape":"ParameterTextAreaControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

" }, "Slider":{ "shape":"ParameterSliderControl", "documentation":"

A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

" } }, "documentation":"

The control of a parameter that users can interact with in a dashboard or an analysis.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ParameterControlList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ParameterControl"}, "max":200 }, "ParameterDateTimePickerControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterControlId", "Title", "SourceParameterName" ], "members":{ "ParameterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ParameterDateTimePickerControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the ParameterDateTimePickerControl.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The name of the ParameterDateTimePickerControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"DateTimePickerControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control from a date parameter that specifies date and time.

" }, "ParameterDeclaration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StringParameterDeclaration":{ "shape":"StringParameterDeclaration", "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the String data type.

" }, "DecimalParameterDeclaration":{ "shape":"DecimalParameterDeclaration", "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the Decimal data type.

" }, "IntegerParameterDeclaration":{ "shape":"IntegerParameterDeclaration", "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the Integer data type.

" }, "DateTimeParameterDeclaration":{ "shape":"DateTimeParameterDeclaration", "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the DateTime data type.

" } }, "documentation":"

The declaration definition of a parameter.

For more information, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ParameterDeclarationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ParameterDeclaration"}, "max":200 }, "ParameterDropDownControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterControlId", "Title", "SourceParameterName" ], "members":{ "ParameterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ParameterDropDownControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the ParameterDropDownControl.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The source parameter name of the ParameterDropDownControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"DropDownControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"SheetControlListType", "documentation":"

The type parameter name of the ParameterDropDownControl.

" }, "SelectableValues":{ "shape":"ParameterSelectableValues", "documentation":"

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

" }, "CascadingControlConfiguration":{ "shape":"CascadingControlConfiguration", "documentation":"

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a dropdown list with buttons that are used to select a single value.

" }, "ParameterListControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterControlId", "Title", "SourceParameterName" ], "members":{ "ParameterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ParameterListControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the ParameterListControl.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The source parameter name of the ParameterListControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"ListControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"SheetControlListType", "documentation":"

The type of ParameterListControl.

" }, "SelectableValues":{ "shape":"ParameterSelectableValues", "documentation":"

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

" }, "CascadingControlConfiguration":{ "shape":"CascadingControlConfiguration", "documentation":"

The values that are displayed in a control can be configured to only show values that are valid based on what's selected in other controls.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a list with buttons or boxes that are used to select either a single value or multiple values.

" }, "ParameterName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" }, "ParameterSelectableValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "max":50000 }, "ParameterSelectableValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Values":{ "shape":"ParameterSelectableValueList", "documentation":"

The values that are used in ParameterSelectableValues.

" }, "LinkToDataSetColumn":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column identifier that fetches values from the data set.

" } }, "documentation":"

A list of selectable values that are used in a control.

" }, "ParameterSliderControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterControlId", "Title", "SourceParameterName", "MaximumValue", "MinimumValue", "StepSize" ], "members":{ "ParameterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ParameterSliderControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the ParameterSliderControl.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The source parameter name of the ParameterSliderControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"SliderControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "MaximumValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The smaller value that is displayed at the left of the slider.

" }, "MinimumValue":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The larger value that is displayed at the right of the slider.

" }, "StepSize":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The number of increments that the slider bar is divided into.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a horizontal toggle bar. This is used to change a value by sliding the toggle.

" }, "ParameterTextAreaControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterControlId", "Title", "SourceParameterName" ], "members":{ "ParameterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ParameterTextAreaControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the ParameterTextAreaControl.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The source parameter name of the ParameterTextAreaControl.

" }, "Delimiter":{ "shape":"TextAreaControlDelimiter", "documentation":"

The delimiter that is used to separate the lines in text.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"TextAreaControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter multiple entries.

" }, "ParameterTextFieldControl":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterControlId", "Title", "SourceParameterName" ], "members":{ "ParameterControlId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ParameterTextFieldControl.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetControlTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the ParameterTextFieldControl.

" }, "SourceParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The source parameter name of the ParameterTextFieldControl.

" }, "DisplayOptions":{ "shape":"TextFieldControlDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A control to display a text box that is used to enter a single entry.

" }, "ParameterValueType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "MULTI_VALUED", "SINGLE_VALUED" ] }, "Parameters":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StringParameters":{ "shape":"StringParameterList", "documentation":"

The parameters that have a data type of string.

" }, "IntegerParameters":{ "shape":"IntegerParameterList", "documentation":"

The parameters that have a data type of integer.

" }, "DecimalParameters":{ "shape":"DecimalParameterList", "documentation":"

The parameters that have a data type of decimal.

" }, "DateTimeParameters":{ "shape":"DateTimeParameterList", "documentation":"

The parameters that have a data type of date-time.

" } }, "documentation":"

A list of Amazon QuickSight parameters and the list's override values.

" }, "Password":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "Path":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Arn"}, "max":10, "min":1 }, "PercentNumber":{ "type":"double", "max":100, "min":0 }, "PercentVisibleRange":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "From":{ "shape":"PercentNumber", "documentation":"

The lower bound of the range.

", "box":true }, "To":{ "shape":"PercentNumber", "documentation":"

The top bound of the range.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The percent range in the visible range.

" }, "PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Prefix":{ "shape":"Prefix", "documentation":"

Determines the prefix value of the percentage format.

" }, "Suffix":{ "shape":"Suffix", "documentation":"

Determines the suffix value of the percentage format.

" }, "SeparatorConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericSeparatorConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the numeric separator configuration.

" }, "DecimalPlacesConfiguration":{ "shape":"DecimalPlacesConfiguration", "documentation":"

The option that determines the decimal places configuration.

" }, "NegativeValueConfiguration":{ "shape":"NegativeValueConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the negative value configuration.

" }, "NullValueFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NullValueFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the percentage display format configuration.

" }, "PercentileAggregation":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PercentileValue":{ "shape":"PercentileValue", "documentation":"

The percentile value. This value can be any numeric constant 0–100. A percentile value of 50 computes the median value of the measure.

" } }, "documentation":"

An aggregation based on the percentile of values in a dimension or measure.

" }, "PercentileValue":{ "type":"double", "max":100, "min":0 }, "PeriodOverPeriodComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The period over period computation configuration.

" }, "PeriodToDateComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" }, "PeriodTimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The time granularity setup of period to date computation. Choose from the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The period to date computation configuration.

" }, "PeriodsBackward":{ "type":"integer", "max":1000, "min":0 }, "PeriodsForward":{ "type":"integer", "max":1000, "min":1 }, "PhysicalTable":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RelationalTable":{ "shape":"RelationalTable", "documentation":"

A physical table type for relational data sources.

" }, "CustomSql":{ "shape":"CustomSql", "documentation":"

A physical table type built from the results of the custom SQL query.

" }, "S3Source":{ "shape":"S3Source", "documentation":"

A physical table type for as S3 data source.

" } }, "documentation":"

A view of a data source that contains information about the shape of the data in the underlying source. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "PhysicalTableId":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1, "pattern":"[0-9a-zA-Z-]*" }, "PhysicalTableMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"PhysicalTableId"}, "value":{"shape":"PhysicalTable"}, "max":32, "min":0 }, "PieChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The category (group/color) field wells of a pie chart.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a pie chart. Values are aggregated based on categories.

" }, "SmallMultiples":{ "shape":"SmallMultiplesDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The small multiples field well of a pie chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a pie chart.

" }, "PieChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"PieChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"PieChartSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a pie chart.

" }, "DonutOptions":{ "shape":"DonutOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the shape of the chart. This option determines whether the chart is a pie chart or a donut chart.

" }, "SmallMultiplesOptions":{ "shape":"SmallMultiplesOptions", "documentation":"

The small multiples setup for the visual.

" }, "CategoryLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options of the group/color that is displayed in a pie chart.

" }, "ValueLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options for the value that is displayed in a pie chart.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

" }, "ContributionAnalysisDefaults":{ "shape":"ContributionAnalysisDefaultList", "documentation":"

The contribution analysis (anomaly configuration) setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a pie chart.

" }, "PieChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PieChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"PieChartAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a pie chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a pie chart.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "PieChartSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the category fields.

" }, "CategoryItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of categories that are displayed in a pie chart.

" }, "SmallMultiplesSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the small multiples field.

" }, "SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of small multiples panels that are displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a pie chart.

" }, "PieChartVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"PieChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a pie chart.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A pie or donut chart.

The PieChartVisual structure describes a visual that is a member of the pie chart family.

The following charts can be described by using this structure:

For more information, see Using pie charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

For more information, see Using donut charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "PivotFieldSortOptions":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "SortBy" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID for the field sort options.

" }, "SortBy":{ "shape":"PivotTableSortBy", "documentation":"

The sort by field for the field sort options.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.

" }, "PivotFieldSortOptionsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"PivotFieldSortOptions"}, "max":200 }, "PivotMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":20 }, "PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Rows":{ "shape":"PivotTableDimensionList", "documentation":"

The rows field well for a pivot table. Values are grouped by rows fields.

" }, "Columns":{ "shape":"PivotTableDimensionList", "documentation":"

The columns field well for a pivot table. Values are grouped by columns fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"PivotMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The values field well for a pivot table. Values are aggregated based on rows and columns fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field well for the pivot table.

" }, "PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FieldId"], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.

" }, "TextFormat":{ "shape":"TextConditionalFormat", "documentation":"

The text format of the cell for conditional formatting.

" }, "Scope":{ "shape":"PivotTableConditionalFormattingScope", "documentation":"

The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.

" } }, "documentation":"

The cell conditional formatting option for a pivot table.

" }, "PivotTableConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ConditionalFormattingOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableConditionalFormattingOptionList", "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "PivotTableConditionalFormattingOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Cell":{ "shape":"PivotTableCellConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The cell conditional formatting option for a pivot table.

" } }, "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "PivotTableConditionalFormattingOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"PivotTableConditionalFormattingOption"}, "max":100 }, "PivotTableConditionalFormattingScope":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Role":{ "shape":"PivotTableConditionalFormattingScopeRole", "documentation":"

The role (field, field total, grand total) of the cell for conditional formatting.

" } }, "documentation":"

The scope of the cell for conditional formatting.

" }, "PivotTableConditionalFormattingScopeRole":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "FIELD", "FIELD_TOTAL", "GRAND_TOTAL" ] }, "PivotTableConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"PivotTableFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"PivotTableSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "TableOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableOptions", "documentation":"

The table options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "TotalOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableTotalOptions", "documentation":"

The total options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "FieldOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableFieldOptions", "documentation":"

The field options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "PaginatedReportOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTablePaginatedReportOptions", "documentation":"

The paginated report options for a pivot table visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "PivotTableDataPathOption":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DataPathList"], "members":{ "DataPathList":{ "shape":"DataPathValueList", "documentation":"

The list of data path values for the data path options.

" }, "Width":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The width of the data path option.

" } }, "documentation":"

The data path options for the pivot table field options.

" }, "PivotTableDataPathOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"PivotTableDataPathOption"}, "max":100 }, "PivotTableDimensionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":20 }, "PivotTableFieldOption":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FieldId"], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the pivot table field.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"CustomLabel", "documentation":"

The custom label of the pivot table field.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the pivot table field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The selected field options for the pivot table field options.

" }, "PivotTableFieldOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"PivotTableFieldOption"}, "max":100 }, "PivotTableFieldOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectedFieldOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableFieldOptionList", "documentation":"

The selected field options for the pivot table field options.

" }, "DataPathOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableDataPathOptionList", "documentation":"

The data path options for the pivot table field options.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "PivotTableFieldSubtotalOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the subtotal options.

" } }, "documentation":"

The optional configuration of subtotals cells.

" }, "PivotTableFieldSubtotalOptionsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"PivotTableFieldSubtotalOptions"}, "max":100 }, "PivotTableFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"PivotTableAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field well for the pivot table.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells for a pivot table visual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "PivotTableMetricPlacement":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ROW", "COLUMN" ] }, "PivotTableOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricPlacement":{ "shape":"PivotTableMetricPlacement", "documentation":"

The metric placement (row, column) options.

" }, "SingleMetricVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the single metric options.

" }, "ColumnNamesVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the column names.

" }, "ToggleButtonsVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the pivot table.

" }, "ColumnHeaderStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The table cell style of the column header.

" }, "RowHeaderStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The table cell style of the row headers.

" }, "CellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The table cell style of cells.

" }, "RowFieldNamesStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The table cell style of row field names.

" }, "RowAlternateColorOptions":{ "shape":"RowAlternateColorOptions", "documentation":"

The row alternate color options (widget status, row alternate colors).

" } }, "documentation":"

The table options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "PivotTablePaginatedReportOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "VerticalOverflowVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the printing table overflow across pages.

" }, "OverflowColumnHeaderVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the repeating header rows on each page.

" } }, "documentation":"

The paginated report options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "PivotTableSortBy":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Field":{ "shape":"FieldSort", "documentation":"

The field sort (field id, direction) for the pivot table sort by options.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnSort", "documentation":"

The column sort (field id, direction) for the pivot table sort by options.

" }, "DataPath":{ "shape":"DataPathSort", "documentation":"

The data path sort (data path value, direction) for the pivot table sort by options.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort by field for the field sort options.

" }, "PivotTableSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldSortOptions":{ "shape":"PivotFieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The field sort options for a pivot table sort configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "PivotTableSubtotalLevel":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ALL", "CUSTOM", "LAST" ] }, "PivotTableTotalOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RowSubtotalOptions":{ "shape":"SubtotalOptions", "documentation":"

The row subtotal options.

" }, "ColumnSubtotalOptions":{ "shape":"SubtotalOptions", "documentation":"

The column subtotal options.

" }, "RowTotalOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTotalOptions", "documentation":"

The row total options.

" }, "ColumnTotalOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTotalOptions", "documentation":"

The column total options.

" } }, "documentation":"

The total options for a pivot table visual.

" }, "PivotTableVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"PivotTableConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "ConditionalFormatting":{ "shape":"PivotTableConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A pivot table.

For more information, see Using pivot tables in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "PivotTotalOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TotalsVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration for the total cells.

" }, "Placement":{ "shape":"TableTotalsPlacement", "documentation":"

The placement (start, end) for the total cells.

" }, "ScrollStatus":{ "shape":"TableTotalsScrollStatus", "documentation":"

The scroll status (pinned, scrolled) for the total cells.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The custom label string for the total cells.

" }, "TotalCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The cell styling options for the total cells.

" }, "ValueCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The cell styling options for the totals of value cells.

" }, "MetricHeaderCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The cell styling options for the total of header cells.

" } }, "documentation":"

The optional configuration of totals cells in a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "PixelLength":{ "type":"string", "documentation":"String based length that is composed of value and unit in px" }, "Port":{ "type":"integer", "max":65535, "min":1 }, "PositiveInteger":{ "type":"integer", "min":1 }, "PostgreSqlParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for PostgreSQL.

" }, "PreconditionNotMetException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

One or more preconditions aren't met.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "PredefinedHierarchy":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "HierarchyId", "Columns" ], "members":{ "HierarchyId":{ "shape":"HierarchyId", "documentation":"

The hierarchy ID of the predefined hierarchy.

" }, "Columns":{ "shape":"PredefinedHierarchyColumnList", "documentation":"

The list of columns that define the predefined hierarchy.

" }, "DrillDownFilters":{ "shape":"DrillDownFilterList", "documentation":"

The option that determines the drill down filters for the predefined hierarchy.

" } }, "documentation":"

The option that determines the hierarchy of the fields that are defined during data preparation. These fields are available to use in any analysis that uses the data source.

" }, "PredefinedHierarchyColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnIdentifier"}, "max":10, "min":1 }, "PredictionInterval":{ "type":"integer", "max":95, "min":50 }, "Prefix":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1, "sensitive":true }, "PrestoParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Catalog" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Catalog":{ "shape":"Catalog", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Presto.

" }, "PrimaryValueDisplayType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "HIDDEN", "COMPARISON", "ACTUAL" ] }, "Principal":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "PrincipalList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "max":100, "min":1 }, "ProgressBarOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the progress bar.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.

" }, "ProjectOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ProjectedColumns"], "members":{ "ProjectedColumns":{ "shape":"ProjectedColumnList", "documentation":"

Projected columns.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that projects columns. Operations that come after a projection can only refer to projected columns.

" }, "ProjectedColumnList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "max":2000, "min":1 }, "Query":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "QueueInfo":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "WaitingOnIngestion", "QueuedIngestion" ], "members":{ "WaitingOnIngestion":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the queued ingestion.

" }, "QueuedIngestion":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the ongoing ingestion. The queued ingestion is waiting for the ongoing ingestion to complete.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about a queued dataset SPICE ingestion.

" }, "QuickSightUserNotFoundException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

The user with the provided name isn't found. This error can happen in any operation that requires finding a user based on a provided user name, such as DeleteUser, DescribeUser, and so on.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":404}, "exception":true }, "RangeEndsLabelType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the range ends label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The range ends label type of a data path label.

" }, "RdsParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "InstanceId", "Database" ], "members":{ "InstanceId":{ "shape":"InstanceId", "documentation":"

Instance ID.

" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon RDS.

" }, "RecoveryWindowInDays":{ "type":"long", "max":30, "min":7 }, "RedshiftParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Database"], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"

Host. This field can be blank if ClusterId is provided.

" }, "Port":{ "shape":"OptionalPort", "documentation":"

Port. This field can be blank if the ClusterId is provided.

" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" }, "ClusterId":{ "shape":"ClusterId", "documentation":"

Cluster ID. This field can be blank if the Host and Port are provided.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Amazon Redshift. The ClusterId field can be blank if Host and Port are both set. The Host and Port fields can be blank if the ClusterId field is set.

" }, "ReferenceLine":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DataConfiguration"], "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"WidgetStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the reference line. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "DataConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineDataConfiguration", "documentation":"

The data configuration of the reference line.

" }, "StyleConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineStyleConfiguration", "documentation":"

The style configuration of the reference line.

" }, "LabelConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineLabelConfiguration", "documentation":"

The label configuration of the reference line.

" } }, "documentation":"

The reference line visual display options.

" }, "ReferenceLineCustomLabelConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["CustomLabel"], "members":{ "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

The string text of the custom label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a custom label on a ReferenceLine.

" }, "ReferenceLineDataConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StaticConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineStaticDataConfiguration", "documentation":"

The static data configuration of the reference line data configuration.

" }, "DynamicConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration", "documentation":"

The dynamic configuration of the reference line data configuration.

" }, "AxisBinding":{ "shape":"AxisBinding", "documentation":"

The axis binding type of the reference line. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The data configuration of the reference line.

" }, "ReferenceLineDynamicDataConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Column", "MeasureAggregationFunction", "Calculation" ], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the dynamic data targets.

" }, "MeasureAggregationFunction":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The aggregation function that is used in the dynamic data.

" }, "Calculation":{ "shape":"NumericalAggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The calculation that is used in the dynamic data.

" } }, "documentation":"

The dynamic configuration of the reference line data configuration.

" }, "ReferenceLineLabelConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ValueLabelConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineValueLabelConfiguration", "documentation":"

The value label configuration of the label in a reference line.

" }, "CustomLabelConfiguration":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineCustomLabelConfiguration", "documentation":"

The custom label configuration of the label in a reference line.

" }, "FontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The font configuration of the label in a reference line.

" }, "FontColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The font color configuration of the label in a reference line.

" }, "HorizontalPosition":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineLabelHorizontalPosition", "documentation":"

The horizontal position configuration of the label in a reference line. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "VerticalPosition":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineLabelVerticalPosition", "documentation":"

The vertical position configuration of the label in a reference line. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The label configuration of a reference line.

" }, "ReferenceLineLabelHorizontalPosition":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT" ] }, "ReferenceLineLabelVerticalPosition":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ABOVE", "BELOW" ] }, "ReferenceLineList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ReferenceLine"}, "max":20 }, "ReferenceLinePatternType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SOLID", "DASHED", "DOTTED" ] }, "ReferenceLineStaticDataConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Value"], "members":{ "Value":{ "shape":"SensitiveDouble", "documentation":"

The double input of the static data.

" } }, "documentation":"

The static data configuration of the reference line data configuration.

" }, "ReferenceLineStyleConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Pattern":{ "shape":"ReferenceLinePatternType", "documentation":"

The pattern type of the line style. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The hex color of the reference line.

" } }, "documentation":"

The style configuration of the reference line.

" }, "ReferenceLineValueLabelConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RelativePosition":{ "shape":"ReferenceLineValueLabelRelativePosition", "documentation":"

The relative position of the value label. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the value label.

" } }, "documentation":"

The value label configuration of the label in a reference line.

" }, "ReferenceLineValueLabelRelativePosition":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "BEFORE_CUSTOM_LABEL", "AFTER_CUSTOM_LABEL" ] }, "RegisterUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "IdentityType", "Email", "UserRole", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "IdentityType":{ "shape":"IdentityType", "documentation":"

Amazon QuickSight supports several ways of managing the identity of users. This parameter accepts two values:

" }, "Email":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The email address of the user that you want to register.

" }, "UserRole":{ "shape":"UserRole", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight role for the user. The user role can be one of the following:

" }, "IamArn":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ARN of the IAM user or role that you are registering with Amazon QuickSight.

" }, "SessionName":{ "shape":"RoleSessionName", "documentation":"

You need to use this parameter only when you register one or more users using an assumed IAM role. You don't need to provide the session name for other scenarios, for example when you are registering an IAM user or an Amazon QuickSight user. You can register multiple users using the same IAM role if each user has a different session name. For more information on assuming IAM roles, see assume-role in the CLI Reference.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" }, "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to create for the user you are registering.

" }, "CustomPermissionsName":{ "shape":"RoleName", "documentation":"

(Enterprise edition only) The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to assign to this user. Customized permissions allows you to control a user's access by restricting access the following operations:

To add custom permissions to an existing user, use UpdateUser instead.

A set of custom permissions includes any combination of these restrictions. Currently, you need to create the profile names for custom permission sets by using the Amazon QuickSight console. Then, you use the RegisterUser API operation to assign the named set of permissions to a Amazon QuickSight user.

Amazon QuickSight custom permissions are applied through IAM policies. Therefore, they override the permissions typically granted by assigning Amazon QuickSight users to one of the default security cohorts in Amazon QuickSight (admin, author, reader).

This feature is available only to Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition subscriptions.

" }, "ExternalLoginFederationProviderType":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let a user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. The type of supported external login provider can be one of the following.

" }, "CustomFederationProviderUrl":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The URL of the custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider that provides identity to let a user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. This parameter should only be used when ExternalLoginFederationProviderType parameter is set to CUSTOM_OIDC.

" }, "ExternalLoginId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The identity ID for a user in the external login provider.

" } } }, "RegisterUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "User":{ "shape":"User", "documentation":"

The user's user name.

" }, "UserInvitationUrl":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The URL the user visits to complete registration and provide a password. This is returned only for users with an identity type of QUICKSIGHT.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "RegisteredUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["InitialDashboardId"], "members":{ "InitialDashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The dashboard ID for the dashboard that you want the user to see first. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this dashboard if the user has permissions to view it.

If the user does not have permission to view this dashboard, they see a permissions error message.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the dashboard you want to embed.

" }, "RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["InitialDashboardVisualId"], "members":{ "InitialDashboardVisualId":{ "shape":"DashboardVisualId", "documentation":"

The visual ID for the visual that you want the user to embed. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this visual.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard that the visual belongs to must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException.

" } }, "documentation":"

The experience that you are embedding. You can use this object to generate a url that embeds a visual into your application.

" }, "RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Dashboard":{ "shape":"RegisteredUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration details for providing a dashboard embedding experience.

" }, "QuickSightConsole":{ "shape":"RegisteredUserQuickSightConsoleEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration details for providing each Amazon QuickSight console embedding experience. This can be used along with custom permissions to restrict access to certain features. For more information, see Customizing Access to the Amazon QuickSight Console in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

Use GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser where you want to provide an authoring portal that allows users to create data sources, datasets, analyses, and dashboards. The users who accesses an embedded Amazon QuickSight console needs to belong to the author or admin security cohort. If you want to restrict permissions to some of these features, add a custom permissions profile to the user with the UpdateUser API operation. Use the RegisterUser API operation to add a new user with a custom permission profile attached. For more information, see the following sections in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide:

For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.

" }, "QSearchBar":{ "shape":"RegisteredUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration details for embedding the Q search bar.

For more information about embedding the Q search bar, see Embedding Overview in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "DashboardVisual":{ "shape":"RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The type of embedding experience. In this case, Amazon QuickSight visuals.

" } }, "documentation":"

The type of experience you want to embed. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards or the Amazon QuickSight console.

Exactly one of the experience configurations is required. You can choose Dashboard or QuickSightConsole. You cannot choose more than one experience configuration.

" }, "RegisteredUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "InitialTopicId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Q topic that you want to make the starting topic in the Q search bar. You can find a topic ID by navigating to the Topics pane in the Amazon QuickSight application and opening a topic. The ID is in the URL for the topic that you open.

If you don't specify an initial topic, a list of all shared topics is shown in the Q bar for your readers. When you select an initial topic, you can specify whether or not readers are allowed to select other topics from the available ones in the list.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the Q search bar embedding experience.

" }, "RegisteredUserQuickSightConsoleEmbeddingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "InitialPath":{ "shape":"EntryPath", "documentation":"

The initial URL path for the Amazon QuickSight console. InitialPath is required.

The entry point URL is constrained to the following paths:

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the Amazon QuickSight console that you want to embed.

" }, "RelationalTable":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSourceArn", "Name", "InputColumns" ], "members":{ "DataSourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.

" }, "Catalog":{ "shape":"RelationalTableCatalog", "documentation":"

The catalog associated with a table.

" }, "Schema":{ "shape":"RelationalTableSchema", "documentation":"

The schema name. This name applies to certain relational database engines.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"RelationalTableName", "documentation":"

The name of the relational table.

" }, "InputColumns":{ "shape":"InputColumnList", "documentation":"

The column schema of the table.

" } }, "documentation":"

A physical table type for relational data sources.

" }, "RelationalTableCatalog":{ "type":"string", "max":256 }, "RelationalTableName":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "RelationalTableSchema":{ "type":"string", "max":64 }, "RelativeDateTimeControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" }, "DateTimeFormat":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormat", "documentation":"

Customize how dates are formatted in controls.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "RelativeDateType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PREVIOUS", "THIS", "LAST", "NOW", "NEXT" ] }, "RelativeDatesFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column", "AnchorDateConfiguration", "TimeGranularity", "RelativeDateType", "NullOption" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "AnchorDateConfiguration":{ "shape":"AnchorDateConfiguration", "documentation":"

The date configuration of the filter.

" }, "MinimumGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The minimum granularity (period granularity) of the relative dates filter.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

" }, "RelativeDateType":{ "shape":"RelativeDateType", "documentation":"

The range date type of the filter. Choose one of the options below:

" }, "RelativeDateValue":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The date value of the filter.

", "box":true }, "ParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter whose value should be used for the filter value.

" }, "NullOption":{ "shape":"FilterNullOption", "documentation":"

This option determines how null values should be treated when filtering data.

" }, "ExcludePeriodConfiguration":{ "shape":"ExcludePeriodConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration for the exclude period of the filter.

" } }, "documentation":"

A RelativeDatesFilter filters relative dates values.

" }, "RelativeFontSize":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "EXTRA_SMALL", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE", "EXTRA_LARGE" ] }, "RenameColumnOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ColumnName", "NewColumnName" ], "members":{ "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the column to be renamed.

" }, "NewColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The new name for the column.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that renames a column.

" }, "ResizeOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "FIXED", "RESPONSIVE" ] }, "ResourceExistsException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ExceptionResourceType", "documentation":"

The resource type for this request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

The resource specified already exists.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":409}, "exception":true }, "ResourceId":{"type":"string"}, "ResourceName":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "ResourceNotFoundException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ExceptionResourceType", "documentation":"

The resource type for this request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

One or more resources can't be found.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":404}, "exception":true }, "ResourcePermission":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Principal", "Actions" ], "members":{ "Principal":{ "shape":"Principal", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"ActionList", "documentation":"

The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.

" } }, "documentation":"

Permission for the resource.

" }, "ResourcePermissionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ResourcePermission"}, "max":64, "min":1 }, "ResourceStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CREATION_IN_PROGRESS", "CREATION_SUCCESSFUL", "CREATION_FAILED", "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS", "UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL", "UPDATE_FAILED", "DELETED" ] }, "ResourceUnavailableException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ExceptionResourceType", "documentation":"

The resource type for this request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

This resource is currently unavailable.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":503}, "exception":true }, "RestoreAnalysisRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis that you're restoring.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" } } }, "RestoreAnalysisResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis that you're restoring.

" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis that you're restoring.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "RestrictiveResourceId":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1, "pattern":"[\\w\\-]+" }, "RoleArn":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":20 }, "RoleName":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9+=,.@_-]+$" }, "RoleSessionName":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":2, "pattern":"[\\w+=.@-]*" }, "RollingDateConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Expression"], "members":{ "DataSetIdentifier":{ "shape":"DataSetIdentifier", "documentation":"

The data set that is used in the rolling date configuration.

" }, "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression of the rolling date configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The rolling date configuration of a date time filter.

" }, "RowAlternateColorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"HexColor"}, "max":1 }, "RowAlternateColorOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"WidgetStatus", "documentation":"

Determines the widget status.

" }, "RowAlternateColors":{ "shape":"RowAlternateColorList", "documentation":"

Determines the list of row alternate colors.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the row alternate color options.

" }, "RowInfo":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RowsIngested":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The number of rows that were ingested.

", "box":true }, "RowsDropped":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The number of rows that were not ingested.

", "box":true }, "TotalRowsInDataset":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The total number of rows in the dataset.

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

Information about rows for a data set SPICE ingestion.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionDataSet":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Arn", "PermissionPolicy" ], "members":{ "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.

" }, "PermissionPolicy":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionPolicy", "documentation":"

The type of permissions to use when interpreting the permissions for RLS. DENY_ACCESS is included for backward compatibility only.

" }, "FormatVersion":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionFormatVersion", "documentation":"

The user or group rules associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.

By default, FormatVersion is VERSION_1. When FormatVersion is VERSION_1, UserName and GroupName are required. When FormatVersion is VERSION_2, UserARN and GroupARN are required, and Namespace must not exist.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"Status", "documentation":"

The status of the row-level security permission dataset. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about a dataset that contains permissions for row-level security (RLS). The permissions dataset maps fields to users or groups. For more information, see Using Row-Level Security (RLS) to Restrict Access to a Dataset in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

The option to deny permissions by setting PermissionPolicy to DENY_ACCESS is not supported for new RLS datasets.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionFormatVersion":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "VERSION_1", "VERSION_2" ] }, "RowLevelPermissionPolicy":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "GRANT_ACCESS", "DENY_ACCESS" ] }, "RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["TagRules"], "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"Status", "documentation":"

The status of row-level security tags. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.

" }, "TagRules":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionTagRuleList", "documentation":"

A set of rules associated with row-level security, such as the tag names and columns that they are assigned to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of tags on a dataset to set row-level security.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionTagDelimiter":{ "type":"string", "max":10 }, "RowLevelPermissionTagRule":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "TagKey", "ColumnName" ], "members":{ "TagKey":{ "shape":"SessionTagKey", "documentation":"

The unique key for a tag.

" }, "ColumnName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The column name that a tag key is assigned to.

" }, "TagMultiValueDelimiter":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionTagDelimiter", "documentation":"

A string that you want to use to delimit the values when you pass the values at run time. For example, you can delimit the values with a comma.

" }, "MatchAllValue":{ "shape":"SessionTagValue", "documentation":"

A string that you want to use to filter by all the values in a column in the dataset and don’t want to list the values one by one. For example, you can use an asterisk as your match all value.

" } }, "documentation":"

A set of rules associated with a tag.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionTagRuleList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"RowLevelPermissionTagRule"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "RowSortList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FieldSortOptions"}, "max":100 }, "S3Bucket":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "S3Key":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "S3Parameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ManifestFileLocation"], "members":{ "ManifestFileLocation":{ "shape":"ManifestFileLocation", "documentation":"

Location of the Amazon S3 manifest file. This is NULL if the manifest file was uploaded into Amazon QuickSight.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for S3.

" }, "S3Source":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DataSourceArn", "InputColumns" ], "members":{ "DataSourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.

" }, "UploadSettings":{ "shape":"UploadSettings", "documentation":"

Information about the format for the S3 source file or files.

" }, "InputColumns":{ "shape":"InputColumnList", "documentation":"

A physical table type for an S3 data source.

For files that aren't JSON, only STRING data types are supported in input columns.

" } }, "documentation":"

A physical table type for an S3 data source.

" }, "SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TargetVisuals":{ "shape":"TargetVisualList", "documentation":"

A list of the target visual IDs that are located in the same sheet of the analysis.

" }, "TargetVisualOptions":{ "shape":"TargetVisualOptions", "documentation":"

The options that choose the target visual in the same sheet.

Valid values are defined as follows:

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of the same-sheet target visuals that you want to be filtered.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "SankeyDiagramAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Source":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The source field wells of a sankey diagram.

" }, "Destination":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The destination field wells of a sankey diagram.

" }, "Weight":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The weight field wells of a sankey diagram.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "SankeyDiagramChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"SankeyDiagramFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"SankeyDiagramSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The data label configuration of a sankey diagram.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "SankeyDiagramFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SankeyDiagramAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"SankeyDiagramAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "SankeyDiagramSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "WeightSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the weight fields.

" }, "SourceItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of source nodes that are displayed in a sankey diagram.

" }, "DestinationItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of destination nodes that are displayed in a sankey diagram.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "SankeyDiagramVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"SankeyDiagramChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of a sankey diagram.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A sankey diagram.

For more information, see Using Sankey diagrams in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "XAxis":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.

The x-axis is aggregated by category.

" }, "YAxis":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.

The y-axis is aggregated by category.

" }, "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The category field well of a scatter plot.

" }, "Size":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The size field well of a scatter plot.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field well of a scatter plot.

" }, "ScatterPlotConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"ScatterPlotFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "XAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of the scatter plot's x-axis.

" }, "XAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of the scatter plot's x-axis.

" }, "YAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) of the scatter plot's y-axis.

" }, "YAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The label display options (grid line, range, scale, and axis step) of the scatter plot's y-axis.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The palette (chart color) display setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a scatter plot.

" }, "ScatterPlotFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a scatter plot. Scatter plots that have a field in the category (group/color) field will have aggregated field wells. The x and y-axes of these scatter plots are aggregated by category.

" }, "ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot. Scatter plots without a category field well have unaggregated field wells. The x and y-axes of these scatter plots are unaggregated.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a scatter plot.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "XAxis":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The x-axis field well of a scatter plot.

The x-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated.

" }, "YAxis":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The y-axis field well of a scatter plot.

The y-axis is a dimension field and cannot be aggregated.

" }, "Size":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The size field well of a scatter plot.

" } }, "documentation":"

The unaggregated field wells of a scatter plot.

" }, "ScatterPlotVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"ScatterPlotConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A scatter plot.

For more information, see Using scatter plots in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ScrollBarOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the data zoom scroll bar.

" }, "VisibleRange":{ "shape":"VisibleRangeOptions", "documentation":"

The visibility range for the data zoom scroll bar.

" } }, "documentation":"

The visual display options for a data zoom scroll bar.

" }, "SearchAnalysesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Filters" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analyses that you're searching for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"AnalysisSearchFilterList", "documentation":"

The structure for the search filters that you want to apply to your search.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true } } }, "SearchAnalysesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnalysisSummaryList":{ "shape":"AnalysisSummaryList", "documentation":"

Metadata describing the analyses that you searched for.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "SearchDashboardsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Filters" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the user whose dashboards you're searching for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"DashboardSearchFilterList", "documentation":"

The filters to apply to the search. Currently, you can search only by user name, for example, \"Filters\": [ { \"Name\": \"QUICKSIGHT_USER\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1\" } ]

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true } } }, "SearchDashboardsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardSummaryList":{ "shape":"DashboardSummaryList", "documentation":"

The list of dashboards owned by the user specified in Filters in your request.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "SearchDataSetsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Filters" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"DataSetSearchFilterList", "documentation":"

The filters to apply to the search.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true } } }, "SearchDataSetsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSetSummaries":{ "shape":"DataSetSummaryList", "documentation":"

A DataSetSummaries object that returns a summary of a dataset.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "SearchDataSourcesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Filters" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"DataSourceSearchFilterList", "documentation":"

The filters to apply to the search.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true } } }, "SearchDataSourcesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSourceSummaries":{ "shape":"DataSourceSummaryList", "documentation":"

A DataSourceSummaries object that returns a summary of a data source.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "SearchFoldersRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Filters" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"FolderSearchFilterList", "documentation":"

The filters to apply to the search. Currently, you can search only by the parent folder ARN. For example, \"Filters\": [ { \"Name\": \"PARENT_FOLDER_ARN\", \"Operator\": \"StringEquals\", \"Value\": \"arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:folder/folderId\" } ].

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to be returned per request.

", "box":true } } }, "SearchFoldersResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "FolderSummaryList":{ "shape":"FolderSummaryList", "documentation":"

A structure that contains all of the folders in the Amazon Web Services account. This structure provides basic information about the folders.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "SearchGroupsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "Namespace", "Filters" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"next-token" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return from this request.

", "box":true, "location":"querystring", "locationName":"max-results" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want to search.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" }, "Filters":{ "shape":"GroupSearchFilterList", "documentation":"

The structure for the search filters that you want to apply to your search.

" } } }, "SearchGroupsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupList":{ "shape":"GroupList", "documentation":"

A list of groups in a specified namespace that match the filters you set in your SearchGroups request.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "Seasonality":{ "type":"integer", "max":180, "min":1 }, "SecondaryValueOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the secondary value.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the secondary value of a KPI visual.

" }, "SecretArn":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1, "pattern":"^arn:[-a-z0-9]*:secretsmanager:[-a-z0-9]*:[0-9]{12}:secret:.+" }, "SectionAfterPageBreak":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"SectionPageBreakStatus", "documentation":"

The option that enables or disables a page break at the end of a section.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a page break after a section.

" }, "SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PaperCanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"SectionBasedLayoutPaperCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

The options for a paper canvas of a section-based layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options for the canvas of a section-based layout.

" }, "SectionBasedLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "HeaderSections", "BodySections", "FooterSections", "CanvasSizeOptions" ], "members":{ "HeaderSections":{ "shape":"HeaderFooterSectionConfigurationList", "documentation":"

A list of header section configurations.

" }, "BodySections":{ "shape":"BodySectionConfigurationList", "documentation":"

A list of body section configurations.

" }, "FooterSections":{ "shape":"HeaderFooterSectionConfigurationList", "documentation":"

A list of footer section configurations.

" }, "CanvasSizeOptions":{ "shape":"SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions", "documentation":"

The options for the canvas of a section-based layout.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a section-based layout.

" }, "SectionBasedLayoutPaperCanvasSizeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PaperSize":{ "shape":"PaperSize", "documentation":"

The paper size that is used to define canvas dimensions.

" }, "PaperOrientation":{ "shape":"PaperOrientation", "documentation":"

The paper orientation that is used to define canvas dimensions. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "PaperMargin":{ "shape":"Spacing", "documentation":"

Defines the spacing between the canvas content and the top, bottom, left, and right edges.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options for a paper canvas of a section-based layout.

" }, "SectionLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FreeFormLayout"], "members":{ "FreeFormLayout":{ "shape":"FreeFormSectionLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The free-form layout configuration of a section.

" } }, "documentation":"

The layout configuration of a section.

" }, "SectionPageBreakConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "After":{ "shape":"SectionAfterPageBreak", "documentation":"

The configuration of a page break after a section.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a page break for a section.

" }, "SectionPageBreakStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "SectionStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Height":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The height of a section.

Heights can only be defined for header and footer sections. The default height margin is 0.5 inches.

" }, "Padding":{ "shape":"Spacing", "documentation":"

The spacing between section content and its top, bottom, left, and right edges.

There is no padding by default.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that style a section.

" }, "SelectAllValueOptions":{ "type":"string", "enum":["ALL_VALUES"] }, "SelectedFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"FieldId"}, "max":20, "min":1 }, "SelectedFieldOptions":{ "type":"string", "enum":["ALL_FIELDS"] }, "SelectedSheetsFilterScopeConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SheetVisualScopingConfigurations":{ "shape":"SheetVisualScopingConfigurations", "documentation":"

The sheet ID and visual IDs of the sheet and visuals that the filter is applied to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for applying a filter to specific sheets or visuals. You can apply this filter to multiple visuals that are on one sheet or to all visuals on a sheet.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "SelectedTooltipType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "BASIC", "DETAILED" ] }, "SensitiveDouble":{ "type":"double", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveDoubleList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveDouble"} }, "SensitiveDoubleObject":{ "type":"double", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveLong":{ "type":"long", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveLongList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveLong"} }, "SensitiveLongObject":{ "type":"long", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveString":{ "type":"string", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveStringList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveString"} }, "SensitiveStringObject":{ "type":"string", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveTimestamp":{ "type":"timestamp", "sensitive":true }, "SensitiveTimestampList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveTimestamp"} }, "SeriesItem":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldSeriesItem":{ "shape":"FieldSeriesItem", "documentation":"

The field series item configuration of a line chart.

" }, "DataFieldSeriesItem":{ "shape":"DataFieldSeriesItem", "documentation":"

The data field series item configuration of a line chart.

" } }, "documentation":"

The series item configuration of a line chart.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "SeriesItemList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SeriesItem"}, "max":10 }, "ServiceNowParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":["SiteBaseUrl"], "members":{ "SiteBaseUrl":{ "shape":"SiteBaseUrl", "documentation":"

URL of the base site.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for ServiceNow.

" }, "SessionLifetimeInMinutes":{ "type":"long", "max":600, "min":15 }, "SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

The number of minutes specified for the lifetime of a session isn't valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "SessionTag":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Key", "Value" ], "members":{ "Key":{ "shape":"SessionTagKey", "documentation":"

The key for the tag.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"SessionTagValue", "documentation":"

The value that you want to assign the tag.

" } }, "documentation":"

The key-value pair used for the row-level security tags feature.

" }, "SessionTagKey":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "SessionTagList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SessionTag"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "SessionTagValue":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "sensitive":true }, "SetParameterValueConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DestinationParameterName", "Value" ], "members":{ "DestinationParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The destination parameter name of the SetParameterValueConfiguration.

" }, "Value":{"shape":"DestinationParameterValueConfiguration"} }, "documentation":"

The configuration of adding parameters in action.

" }, "SetParameterValueConfigurationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SetParameterValueConfiguration"}, "max":200, "min":1 }, "ShapeConditionalFormat":{ "type":"structure", "required":["BackgroundColor"], "members":{ "BackgroundColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the shape background color of a filled map visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The shape conditional formatting of a filled map visual.

" }, "Sheet":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SheetId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier associated with a sheet.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"SheetName", "documentation":"

The name of a sheet. This name is displayed on the sheet's tab in the Amazon QuickSight console.

" } }, "documentation":"

A sheet, which is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in Amazon QuickSight. Every analysis and dashboard contains at least one sheet. Each sheet contains at least one visualization widget, for example a chart, pivot table, or narrative insight. Sheets can be associated with other components, such as controls, filters, and so on.

" }, "SheetContentType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PAGINATED", "INTERACTIVE" ] }, "SheetControlDateTimePickerType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SINGLE_VALUED", "DATE_RANGE" ] }, "SheetControlLayout":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Configuration"], "members":{ "Configuration":{ "shape":"SheetControlLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that determines the elements and canvas size options of sheet control.

" } }, "documentation":"

A grid layout to define the placement of sheet control.

" }, "SheetControlLayoutConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GridLayout":{ "shape":"GridLayoutConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that determines the elements and canvas size options of sheet control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration that determines the elements and canvas size options of sheet control.

" }, "SheetControlLayoutList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SheetControlLayout"}, "max":1, "min":0 }, "SheetControlListType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "MULTI_SELECT", "SINGLE_SELECT" ] }, "SheetControlSliderType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SINGLE_POINT", "RANGE" ] }, "SheetControlTitle":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "SheetControlsOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "VisibilityState":{ "shape":"DashboardUIState", "documentation":"

Visibility state.

" } }, "documentation":"

Sheet controls option.

" }, "SheetDefinition":{ "type":"structure", "required":["SheetId"], "members":{ "SheetId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a sheet.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"SheetTitle", "documentation":"

The title of the sheet.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"SheetDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the sheet.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"SheetName", "documentation":"

The name of the sheet. This name is displayed on the sheet's tab in the Amazon QuickSight console.

" }, "ParameterControls":{ "shape":"ParameterControlList", "documentation":"

The list of parameter controls that are on a sheet.

For more information, see Using a Control with a Parameter in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FilterControls":{ "shape":"FilterControlList", "documentation":"

The list of filter controls that are on a sheet.

For more information, see Adding filter controls to analysis sheets in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "Visuals":{ "shape":"VisualList", "documentation":"

A list of the visuals that are on a sheet. Visual placement is determined by the layout of the sheet.

" }, "TextBoxes":{ "shape":"SheetTextBoxList", "documentation":"

The text boxes that are on a sheet.

" }, "Layouts":{ "shape":"LayoutList", "documentation":"

Layouts define how the components of a sheet are arranged.

For more information, see Types of layout in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "SheetControlLayouts":{ "shape":"SheetControlLayoutList", "documentation":"

The control layouts of the sheet.

" }, "ContentType":{ "shape":"SheetContentType", "documentation":"

The layout content type of the sheet. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

A sheet is an object that contains a set of visuals that are viewed together on one page in a paginated report. Every analysis and dashboard must contain at least one sheet.

" }, "SheetDefinitionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SheetDefinition"}, "max":20 }, "SheetDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "SheetElementConfigurationOverrides":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the overrides are visible. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The override configuration of the rendering rules of a sheet.

" }, "SheetElementRenderingRule":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Expression", "ConfigurationOverrides" ], "members":{ "Expression":{ "shape":"Expression", "documentation":"

The expression of the rendering rules of a sheet.

" }, "ConfigurationOverrides":{ "shape":"SheetElementConfigurationOverrides", "documentation":"

The override configuration of the rendering rules of a sheet.

" } }, "documentation":"

The rendering rules of a sheet that uses a free-form layout.

" }, "SheetElementRenderingRuleList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SheetElementRenderingRule"}, "max":10000 }, "SheetList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Sheet"}, "max":20 }, "SheetName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "SheetStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Tile":{ "shape":"TileStyle", "documentation":"

The display options for tiles.

" }, "TileLayout":{ "shape":"TileLayoutStyle", "documentation":"

The layout options for tiles.

" } }, "documentation":"

The theme display options for sheets.

" }, "SheetTextBox":{ "type":"structure", "required":["SheetTextBoxId"], "members":{ "SheetTextBoxId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for a text box. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have text boxes that share identifiers.

" }, "Content":{ "shape":"SheetTextBoxContent", "documentation":"

The content that is displayed in the text box.

" } }, "documentation":"

A text box.

" }, "SheetTextBoxContent":{ "type":"string", "max":150000 }, "SheetTextBoxList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SheetTextBox"}, "max":100 }, "SheetTitle":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "SheetVisualScopingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "SheetId", "Scope" ], "members":{ "SheetId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The selected sheet that the filter is applied to.

" }, "Scope":{ "shape":"FilterVisualScope", "documentation":"

The scope of the applied entities. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "VisualIds":{ "shape":"FilteredVisualsList", "documentation":"

The selected visuals that the filter is applied to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The filter that is applied to the options.

" }, "SheetVisualScopingConfigurations":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SheetVisualScopingConfiguration"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "ShortFormatText":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PlainText":{ "shape":"ShortPlainText", "documentation":"

Plain text format.

" }, "RichText":{ "shape":"ShortRichText", "documentation":"

Rich text. Examples of rich text include bold, underline, and italics.

" } }, "documentation":"

The text format for the title.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "ShortPlainText":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1 }, "ShortRestrictiveResourceId":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1, "pattern":"[\\w\\-]+" }, "ShortRichText":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "SignupResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "IAMUser":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A Boolean that is TRUE if the Amazon QuickSight uses IAM as an authentication method.

" }, "userLoginName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The user login name for your Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "accountName":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of your Amazon QuickSight account.

" }, "directoryType":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The type of Active Directory that is being used to authenticate the Amazon QuickSight account. Valid values are SIMPLE_AD, AD_CONNECTOR, and MICROSOFT_AD.

" } }, "documentation":"

A SignupResponse object that contains a summary of a newly created account.

" }, "SimpleClusterMarker":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color of the simple cluster marker.

" } }, "documentation":"

The simple cluster marker of the cluster marker.

" }, "SimpleNumericalAggregationFunction":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SUM", "AVERAGE", "MIN", "MAX", "COUNT", "DISTINCT_COUNT", "VAR", "VARP", "STDEV", "STDEVP", "MEDIAN" ] }, "SiteBaseUrl":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "min":1 }, "SliderControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "SmallMultiplesDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":1 }, "SmallMultiplesOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MaxVisibleRows":{ "shape":"VisiblePanelRows", "documentation":"

Sets the maximum number of visible rows to display in the grid of small multiples panels.

The default value is Auto, which automatically adjusts the rows in the grid to fit the overall layout and size of the given chart.

" }, "MaxVisibleColumns":{ "shape":"VisiblePanelColumns", "documentation":"

Sets the maximum number of visible columns to display in the grid of small multiples panels.

The default is Auto, which automatically adjusts the columns in the grid to fit the overall layout and size of the given chart.

" }, "PanelConfiguration":{ "shape":"PanelConfiguration", "documentation":"

Configures the display options for each small multiples panel.

" } }, "documentation":"

Options that determine the layout and display options of a chart's small multiples.

" }, "SnowflakeParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Database", "Warehouse" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" }, "Warehouse":{ "shape":"Warehouse", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Snowflake.

" }, "SortDirection":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ASC", "DESC" ] }, "Spacing":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Top":{ "shape":"Length", "documentation":"

Define the top spacing.

" }, "Bottom":{ "shape":"Length", "documentation":"

Define the bottom spacing.

" }, "Left":{ "shape":"Length", "documentation":"

Define the left spacing.

" }, "Right":{ "shape":"Length", "documentation":"

Define the right spacing.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of spacing (often a margin or padding).

" }, "SparkParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Spark.

" }, "SqlEndpointPath":{ "type":"string", "max":4096, "min":1 }, "SqlQuery":{ "type":"string", "max":65536, "min":1 }, "SqlServerParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for SQL Server.

" }, "SslProperties":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DisableSsl":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A Boolean option to control whether SSL should be disabled.

" } }, "documentation":"

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your underlying data source.

" }, "Status":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "StatusCode":{"type":"integer"}, "String":{"type":"string"}, "StringDefaultValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SensitiveStringObject"}, "max":50000 }, "StringDefaultValues":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DynamicValue":{ "shape":"DynamicDefaultValue", "documentation":"

The dynamic value of the StringDefaultValues. Different defaults displayed according to users, groups, and values mapping.

" }, "StaticValues":{ "shape":"StringDefaultValueList", "documentation":"

The static values of the DecimalDefaultValues.

" } }, "documentation":"

The default values of the StringParameterDeclaration.

" }, "StringFormatConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "NullValueFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NullValueFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The options that determine the null value format configuration.

" }, "NumericFormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"NumericFormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The formatting configuration for numeric strings.

" } }, "documentation":"

Formatting configuration for string fields.

" }, "StringList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"} }, "StringParameter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Values" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

A display name for a string parameter.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"SensitiveStringList", "documentation":"

The values of a string parameter.

" } }, "documentation":"

A string parameter.

" }, "StringParameterDeclaration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ParameterValueType", "Name" ], "members":{ "ParameterValueType":{ "shape":"ParameterValueType", "documentation":"

The value type determines whether the parameter is a single-value or multi-value parameter.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The name of the parameter that is being declared.

" }, "DefaultValues":{ "shape":"StringDefaultValues", "documentation":"

The default values of a parameter. If the parameter is a single-value parameter, a maximum of one default value can be provided.

" }, "ValueWhenUnset":{ "shape":"StringValueWhenUnsetConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration that defines the default value of a String parameter when a value has not been set.

" } }, "documentation":"

A parameter declaration for the String data type.

" }, "StringParameterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"StringParameter"}, "max":100 }, "StringValueWhenUnsetConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ValueWhenUnsetOption":{ "shape":"ValueWhenUnsetOption", "documentation":"

The built-in options for default values. The value can be one of the following:

" }, "CustomValue":{ "shape":"SensitiveString", "documentation":"

A custom value that's used when the value of a parameter isn't set.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration that defines the default value of a String parameter when a value has not been set.

" }, "SubtotalOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TotalsVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration for the subtotal cells.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The custom label string for the subtotal cells.

" }, "FieldLevel":{ "shape":"PivotTableSubtotalLevel", "documentation":"

The field level (all, custom, last) for the subtotal cells.

" }, "FieldLevelOptions":{ "shape":"PivotTableFieldSubtotalOptionsList", "documentation":"

The optional configuration of subtotal cells.

" }, "TotalCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The cell styling options for the subtotal cells.

" }, "ValueCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The cell styling options for the subtotals of value cells.

" }, "MetricHeaderCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The cell styling options for the subtotals of header cells.

" } }, "documentation":"

The subtotal options.

" }, "Suffix":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1, "sensitive":true }, "TableAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupBy":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The group by field well for a pivot table. Values are grouped by group by fields.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The values field well for a pivot table. Values are aggregated based on group by fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field well for the table.

" }, "TableBorderOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Color":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color of a table border.

" }, "Thickness":{ "shape":"TableBorderThickness", "documentation":"

The thickness of a table border.

" }, "Style":{ "shape":"TableBorderStyle", "documentation":"

The style (none, solid) of a table border.

" } }, "documentation":"

The border options for a table border.

" }, "TableBorderStyle":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "SOLID" ] }, "TableBorderThickness":{ "type":"integer", "max":4, "min":1 }, "TableCellConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FieldId"], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID of the cell for conditional formatting.

" }, "TextFormat":{ "shape":"TextConditionalFormat", "documentation":"

The text format of the cell for conditional formatting.

" } }, "documentation":"

The cell conditional formatting option for a table.

" }, "TableCellImageScalingConfiguration":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "FIT_TO_CELL_HEIGHT", "FIT_TO_CELL_WIDTH", "DO_NOT_SCALE" ] }, "TableCellImageSizingConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TableCellImageScalingConfiguration":{ "shape":"TableCellImageScalingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The cell scaling configuration of the sizing options for the table image configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sizing options for the table image configuration.

" }, "TableCellStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the table cells.

" }, "FontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The font configuration of the table cells.

" }, "TextWrap":{ "shape":"TextWrap", "documentation":"

The text wrap (none, wrap) for the table cells.

" }, "HorizontalTextAlignment":{ "shape":"HorizontalTextAlignment", "documentation":"

The horizontal text alignment (left, center, right, auto) for the table cells.

" }, "VerticalTextAlignment":{ "shape":"VerticalTextAlignment", "documentation":"

The vertical text alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the table cells.

" }, "BackgroundColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The background color for the table cells.

" }, "Height":{ "shape":"TableFieldHeight", "documentation":"

The height color for the table cells.

" }, "Border":{ "shape":"GlobalTableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The borders for the table cells.

" } }, "documentation":"

The table cell style for a cell in pivot table or table visual.

" }, "TableConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ConditionalFormattingOptions":{ "shape":"TableConditionalFormattingOptionList", "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "TableConditionalFormattingOption":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Cell":{ "shape":"TableCellConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The cell conditional formatting option for a table.

" }, "Row":{ "shape":"TableRowConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The row conditional formatting option for a table.

" } }, "documentation":"

Conditional formatting options for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "TableConditionalFormattingOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TableConditionalFormattingOption"}, "max":100 }, "TableConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"TableFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"TableSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a TableVisual.

" }, "TableOptions":{ "shape":"TableOptions", "documentation":"

The table options for a table visual.

" }, "TotalOptions":{ "shape":"TotalOptions", "documentation":"

The total options for a table visual.

" }, "FieldOptions":{ "shape":"TableFieldOptions", "documentation":"

The field options for a table visual.

" }, "PaginatedReportOptions":{ "shape":"TablePaginatedReportOptions", "documentation":"

The paginated report options for a table visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a TableVisual.

" }, "TableFieldCustomIconContent":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Icon":{ "shape":"TableFieldIconSetType", "documentation":"

The icon set type (link) of the custom icon content for table URL link content.

" } }, "documentation":"

The custom icon content for the table link content configuration.

" }, "TableFieldCustomTextContent":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FontConfiguration"], "members":{ "Value":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The string value of the custom text content for the table URL link content.

" }, "FontConfiguration":{ "shape":"FontConfiguration", "documentation":"

The font configuration of the custom text content for the table URL link content.

" } }, "documentation":"

The custom text content (value, font configuration) for the table link content configuration.

" }, "TableFieldHeight":{ "type":"integer", "max":500, "min":8 }, "TableFieldIconSetType":{ "type":"string", "enum":["LINK"] }, "TableFieldImageConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SizingOptions":{ "shape":"TableCellImageSizingConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sizing options for the table image configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The image configuration of a table field URL.

" }, "TableFieldLinkConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Target", "Content" ], "members":{ "Target":{ "shape":"URLTargetConfiguration", "documentation":"

The URL target (new tab, new window, same tab) for the table link configuration.

" }, "Content":{ "shape":"TableFieldLinkContentConfiguration", "documentation":"

The URL content (text, icon) for the table link configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The link configuration of a table field URL.

" }, "TableFieldLinkContentConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CustomTextContent":{ "shape":"TableFieldCustomTextContent", "documentation":"

The custom text content (value, font configuration) for the table link content configuration.

" }, "CustomIconContent":{ "shape":"TableFieldCustomIconContent", "documentation":"

The custom icon content for the table link content configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

The URL content (text, icon) for the table link configuration.

" }, "TableFieldOption":{ "type":"structure", "required":["FieldId"], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The field ID for a table field.

" }, "Width":{ "shape":"PixelLength", "documentation":"

The width for a table field.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"CustomLabel", "documentation":"

The custom label for a table field.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of a table field.

" }, "URLStyling":{ "shape":"TableFieldURLConfiguration", "documentation":"

The URL configuration for a table field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options for a table field.

" }, "TableFieldOptionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TableFieldOption"}, "max":100 }, "TableFieldOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SelectedFieldOptions":{ "shape":"TableFieldOptionList", "documentation":"

The selected field options for the table field options.

" }, "Order":{ "shape":"FieldOrderList", "documentation":"

The order of field IDs of the field options for a table visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field options for a table visual.

" }, "TableFieldURLConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "LinkConfiguration":{ "shape":"TableFieldLinkConfiguration", "documentation":"

The link configuration of a table field URL.

" }, "ImageConfiguration":{ "shape":"TableFieldImageConfiguration", "documentation":"

The image configuration of a table field URL.

" } }, "documentation":"

The URL configuration for a table field.

" }, "TableFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TableAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"TableAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field well for the table.

" }, "TableUnaggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"TableUnaggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The unaggregated field well for the table.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells for a table visual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "TableOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Orientation":{ "shape":"TableOrientation", "documentation":"

The orientation (vertical, horizontal) for a table.

" }, "HeaderStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The table cell style of a table header.

" }, "CellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

The table cell style of table cells.

" }, "RowAlternateColorOptions":{ "shape":"RowAlternateColorOptions", "documentation":"

The row alternate color options (widget status, row alternate colors) for a table.

" } }, "documentation":"

The table options for a table visual.

" }, "TableOrientation":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "VERTICAL", "HORIZONTAL" ] }, "TablePaginatedReportOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "VerticalOverflowVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of printing table overflow across pages.

" }, "OverflowColumnHeaderVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of repeating header rows on each page.

" } }, "documentation":"

The paginated report options for a table visual.

" }, "TableRowConditionalFormatting":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "BackgroundColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting color (solid, gradient) of the background for a table row.

" }, "TextColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting color (solid, gradient) of the text for a table row.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting of a table row.

" }, "TableSideBorderOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "InnerVertical":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The table border options of the inner vertical border.

" }, "InnerHorizontal":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The table border options of the inner horizontal border.

" }, "Left":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The table border options of the left border.

" }, "Right":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The table border options of the right border.

" }, "Top":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The table border options of the top border.

" }, "Bottom":{ "shape":"TableBorderOptions", "documentation":"

The table border options of the bottom border.

" } }, "documentation":"

The side border options for a table.

" }, "TableSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RowSort":{ "shape":"RowSortList", "documentation":"

The field sort options for rows in the table.

" }, "PaginationConfiguration":{ "shape":"PaginationConfiguration", "documentation":"

The pagination configuration (page size, page number) for the table.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration for a TableVisual.

" }, "TableTotalsPlacement":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "START", "END" ] }, "TableTotalsScrollStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PINNED", "SCROLLED" ] }, "TableUnaggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Values":{ "shape":"UnaggregatedFieldList", "documentation":"

The values field well for a pivot table. Values are unaggregated for an unaggregated table.

" } }, "documentation":"

The unaggregated field well for the table.

" }, "TableVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"TableConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "ConditionalFormatting":{ "shape":"TableConditionalFormatting", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for a PivotTableVisual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A table visual.

For more information, see Using tables as visuals in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "Tag":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Key", "Value" ], "members":{ "Key":{ "shape":"TagKey", "documentation":"

Tag key.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"TagValue", "documentation":"

Tag value.

" } }, "documentation":"

The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.

" }, "TagColumnOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ColumnName", "Tags" ], "members":{ "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The column that this operation acts on.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"ColumnTagList", "documentation":"

The dataset column tag, currently only used for geospatial type tagging.

This is not tags for the Amazon Web Services tagging feature.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that tags a column with additional information.

" }, "TagKey":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "TagKeyList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TagKey"}, "max":200, "min":1 }, "TagList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Tag"}, "max":200, "min":1 }, "TagResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ResourceArn", "Tags" ], "members":{ "ResourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want to tag.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ResourceArn" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", "documentation":"

Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.

" } } }, "TagResourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "TagValue":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "TargetVisualList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId"}, "max":30, "min":1 }, "TargetVisualOptions":{ "type":"string", "enum":["ALL_VISUALS"] }, "Template":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"TemplateName", "documentation":"

The display name of the template.

" }, "Version":{ "shape":"TemplateVersion", "documentation":"

A structure describing the versions of the template.

" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template. This is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

Time when this was last updated.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

Time when this was created.

" } }, "documentation":"

A template object. A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create a dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the dataset associated with an analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used to create the source analysis and template.

You can share templates across Amazon Web Services accounts by allowing users in other Amazon Web Services accounts to create a template or a dashboard from an existing template.

" }, "TemplateAlias":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The display name of the template alias.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template alias.

" }, "TemplateVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the template alias.

" } }, "documentation":"

The template alias.

" }, "TemplateAliasList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TemplateAlias"}, "max":100 }, "TemplateError":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"TemplateErrorType", "documentation":"

Type of error.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

Description of the error type.

" }, "ViolatedEntities":{ "shape":"EntityList", "documentation":"

" } }, "documentation":"

List of errors that occurred when the template version creation failed.

" }, "TemplateErrorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TemplateError"}, "min":1 }, "TemplateErrorType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "DATA_SET_NOT_FOUND", "INTERNAL_FAILURE", "ACCESS_DENIED" ] }, "TemplateName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "TemplateSourceAnalysis":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Arn", "DataSetReferences" ], "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "DataSetReferences":{ "shape":"DataSetReferenceList", "documentation":"

A structure containing information about the dataset references used as placeholders in the template.

" } }, "documentation":"

The source analysis of the template.

" }, "TemplateSourceEntity":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SourceAnalysis":{ "shape":"TemplateSourceAnalysis", "documentation":"

The source analysis, if it is based on an analysis.

" }, "SourceTemplate":{ "shape":"TemplateSourceTemplate", "documentation":"

The source template, if it is based on an template.

" } }, "documentation":"

The source entity of the template.

" }, "TemplateSourceTemplate":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Arn"], "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" } }, "documentation":"

The source template of the template.

" }, "TemplateSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

A summary of a template.

" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the template. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"TemplateName", "documentation":"

A display name for the template.

" }, "LatestVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

A structure containing a list of version numbers for the template summary.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this template was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last time that this template was updated.

" } }, "documentation":"

The template summary.

" }, "TemplateSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TemplateSummary"}, "max":100 }, "TemplateVersion":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this template version was created.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"TemplateErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with this template version.

" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the template version.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "DataSetConfigurations":{ "shape":"DataSetConfigurationList", "documentation":"

Schema of the dataset identified by the placeholder. Any dashboard created from this template should be bound to new datasets matching the same schema described through this API operation.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

The description of the template.

" }, "SourceEntityArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an analysis or template that was used to create this template.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the theme associated with this version of the template.

" }, "Sheets":{ "shape":"SheetList", "documentation":"

A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.

" } }, "documentation":"

A version of a template.

" }, "TemplateVersionDefinition":{ "type":"structure", "required":["DataSetConfigurations"], "members":{ "DataSetConfigurations":{ "shape":"DataSetConfigurationList", "documentation":"

An array of dataset configurations. These configurations define the required columns for each dataset used within a template.

" }, "Sheets":{ "shape":"SheetDefinitionList", "documentation":"

An array of sheet definitions for a template.

" }, "CalculatedFields":{ "shape":"CalculatedFields", "documentation":"

An array of calculated field definitions for the template.

" }, "ParameterDeclarations":{ "shape":"ParameterDeclarationList", "documentation":"

An array of parameter declarations for a template.

Parameters are named variables that can transfer a value for use by an action or an object.

For more information, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FilterGroups":{ "shape":"FilterGroupList", "documentation":"

Filter definitions for a template.

For more information, see Filtering Data in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ColumnConfigurations":{ "shape":"ColumnConfigurationList", "documentation":"

An array of template-level column configurations. Column configurations are used to set default formatting for a column that's used throughout a template.

" }, "AnalysisDefaults":{"shape":"AnalysisDefaults"} }, "documentation":"

The detailed definition of a template.

" }, "TemplateVersionSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template version.

" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the template version.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time that this template version was created.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the template version.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

The description of the template version.

" } }, "documentation":"

The template version.

" }, "TemplateVersionSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TemplateVersionSummary"}, "max":100 }, "TeradataParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Host", "Port", "Database" ], "members":{ "Host":{ "shape":"Host", "documentation":"


" }, "Port":{ "shape":"Port", "documentation":"


" }, "Database":{ "shape":"Database", "documentation":"


" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Teradata.

" }, "TextAreaControlDelimiter":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "TextAreaControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" }, "PlaceholderOptions":{ "shape":"TextControlPlaceholderOptions", "documentation":"

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text area control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "TextConditionalFormat":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "BackgroundColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the text background color.

" }, "TextColor":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingColor", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the text color.

" }, "Icon":{ "shape":"ConditionalFormattingIcon", "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the icon.

" } }, "documentation":"

The conditional formatting for the text.

" }, "TextControlPlaceholderOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text control.

" }, "TextFieldControlDisplayOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TitleOptions":{ "shape":"LabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options to configure the title visibility, name, and font size.

" }, "PlaceholderOptions":{ "shape":"TextControlPlaceholderOptions", "documentation":"

The configuration of the placeholder options in a text field control.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options of a control.

" }, "TextQualifier":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DOUBLE_QUOTE", "SINGLE_QUOTE" ] }, "TextWrap":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "WRAP" ] }, "Theme":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ThemeName", "documentation":"

The name that the user gives to the theme.

" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The identifier that the user gives to the theme.

" }, "Version":{"shape":"ThemeVersion"}, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that the theme was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that the theme was last updated.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"ThemeType", "documentation":"

The type of theme, based on how it was created. Valid values include: QUICKSIGHT and CUSTOM.

" } }, "documentation":"

Summary information about a theme.

" }, "ThemeAlias":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme alias.

" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The display name of the theme alias.

" }, "ThemeVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the theme alias.

" } }, "documentation":"

An alias for a theme.

" }, "ThemeAliasList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ThemeAlias"}, "max":100 }, "ThemeConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataColorPalette":{ "shape":"DataColorPalette", "documentation":"

Color properties that apply to chart data colors.

" }, "UIColorPalette":{ "shape":"UIColorPalette", "documentation":"

Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data.

" }, "Sheet":{ "shape":"SheetStyle", "documentation":"

Display options related to sheets.

" }, "Typography":{"shape":"Typography"} }, "documentation":"

The theme configuration. This configuration contains all of the display properties for a theme.

" }, "ThemeError":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Type":{ "shape":"ThemeErrorType", "documentation":"

The type of error.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", "documentation":"

The error message.

" } }, "documentation":"

Theme error.

" }, "ThemeErrorList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ThemeError"}, "min":1 }, "ThemeErrorType":{ "type":"string", "enum":["INTERNAL_FAILURE"] }, "ThemeName":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "ThemeSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ThemeName", "documentation":"

the display name for the theme.

" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the theme. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "LatestVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The latest version number for the theme.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that this theme was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The last date and time that this theme was updated.

" } }, "documentation":"

The theme summary.

" }, "ThemeSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ThemeSummary"}, "max":100 }, "ThemeType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "QUICKSIGHT", "CUSTOM", "ALL" ] }, "ThemeVersion":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the theme.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

The description of the theme.

" }, "BaseThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight-defined ID of the theme that a custom theme inherits from. All themes initially inherit from a default Amazon QuickSight theme.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that this theme version was created.

" }, "Configuration":{ "shape":"ThemeConfiguration", "documentation":"

The theme configuration, which contains all the theme display properties.

" }, "Errors":{ "shape":"ThemeErrorList", "documentation":"

Errors associated with the theme.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the theme version.

" } }, "documentation":"

A version of a theme.

" }, "ThemeVersionSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the theme version.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme version.

" }, "Description":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

The description of the theme version.

" }, "CreatedTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date and time that this theme version was created.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the theme version.

" } }, "documentation":"

The theme version.

" }, "ThemeVersionSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ThemeVersionSummary"}, "max":100 }, "ThousandSeparatorOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Symbol":{ "shape":"NumericSeparatorSymbol", "documentation":"

Determines the thousands separator symbol.

" }, "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines the visibility of the thousands separator.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the thousands separator configuration.

" }, "ThrottlingException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

Access is throttled.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":429}, "exception":true }, "TileLayoutStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Gutter":{ "shape":"GutterStyle", "documentation":"

The gutter settings that apply between tiles.

" }, "Margin":{ "shape":"MarginStyle", "documentation":"

The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options for the layout of tiles on a sheet.

" }, "TileStyle":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Border":{ "shape":"BorderStyle", "documentation":"

The border around a tile.

" } }, "documentation":"

Display options related to tiles on a sheet.

" }, "TimeBasedForecastProperties":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PeriodsForward":{ "shape":"PeriodsForward", "documentation":"

The periods forward setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "PeriodsBackward":{ "shape":"PeriodsBackward", "documentation":"

The periods backward setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "UpperBoundary":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The upper boundary setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "LowerBoundary":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The lower boundary setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "PredictionInterval":{ "shape":"PredictionInterval", "documentation":"

The prediction interval setup of a forecast computation.

", "box":true }, "Seasonality":{ "shape":"Seasonality", "documentation":"

The seasonality setup of a forecast computation. Choose one of the following options:

", "box":true } }, "documentation":"

The forecast properties setup of a forecast in the line chart.

" }, "TimeEqualityFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The value of a TimeEquality filter.

This field is mutually exclusive to ParameterName.

" }, "ParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter whose value should be used for the filter value.

This field is mutually exclusive to Value.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

" } }, "documentation":"

A TimeEqualityFilter filters values that are equal to a given value.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "YEAR", "QUARTER", "MONTH", "WEEK", "DAY", "HOUR", "MINUTE", "SECOND", "MILLISECOND" ] }, "TimeRangeDrillDownFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Column", "RangeMinimum", "RangeMaximum", "TimeGranularity" ], "members":{ "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "RangeMinimum":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The minimum value for the filter value range.

" }, "RangeMaximum":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The maximum value for the filter value range.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

" } }, "documentation":"

The time range drill down filter.

" }, "TimeRangeFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column", "NullOption" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "IncludeMinimum":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Determines whether the minimum value in the filter value range should be included in the filtered results.

", "box":true }, "IncludeMaximum":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Determines whether the maximum value in the filter value range should be included in the filtered results.

", "box":true }, "RangeMinimumValue":{ "shape":"TimeRangeFilterValue", "documentation":"

The minimum value for the filter value range.

" }, "RangeMaximumValue":{ "shape":"TimeRangeFilterValue", "documentation":"

The maximum value for the filter value range.

" }, "NullOption":{ "shape":"FilterNullOption", "documentation":"

This option determines how null values should be treated when filtering data.

" }, "ExcludePeriodConfiguration":{ "shape":"ExcludePeriodConfiguration", "documentation":"

The exclude period of the time range filter.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

" } }, "documentation":"

A TimeRangeFilter filters values that are between two specified values.

" }, "TimeRangeFilterValue":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StaticValue":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The static input value.

" }, "RollingDate":{ "shape":"RollingDateConfiguration", "documentation":"

The rolling date input value.

" }, "Parameter":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter type input value.

" } }, "documentation":"

The value of a time range filter.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "Timestamp":{"type":"timestamp"}, "TooltipItem":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldTooltipItem":{ "shape":"FieldTooltipItem", "documentation":"

The tooltip item for the fields.

" }, "ColumnTooltipItem":{ "shape":"ColumnTooltipItem", "documentation":"

The tooltip item for the columns that are not part of a field well.

" } }, "documentation":"

The tooltip.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "TooltipItemList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TooltipItem"}, "max":100 }, "TooltipOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TooltipVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

Determines whether or not the tooltip is visible.

" }, "SelectedTooltipType":{ "shape":"SelectedTooltipType", "documentation":"

The selected type for the tooltip. Choose one of the following options:

" }, "FieldBasedTooltip":{ "shape":"FieldBasedTooltip", "documentation":"

The setup for the detailed tooltip. The tooltip setup is always saved. The display type is decided based on the tooltip type.

" } }, "documentation":"

The display options for the visual tooltip.

" }, "TooltipTitleType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "PRIMARY_VALUE" ] }, "TopBottomComputationType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "TOP", "BOTTOM" ] }, "TopBottomFilter":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FilterId", "Column", "AggregationSortConfigurations" ], "members":{ "FilterId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

An identifier that uniquely identifies a filter within a dashboard, analysis, or template.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that the filter is applied to.

" }, "Limit":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The number of items to include in the top bottom filter results.

", "box":true }, "AggregationSortConfigurations":{ "shape":"AggregationSortConfigurationList", "documentation":"

The aggregation and sort configuration of the top bottom filter.

" }, "TimeGranularity":{ "shape":"TimeGranularity", "documentation":"

The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.

" }, "ParameterName":{ "shape":"ParameterName", "documentation":"

The parameter whose value should be used for the filter value.

" } }, "documentation":"

A TopBottomFilter filters values that are at the top or the bottom.

" }, "TopBottomMoversComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Time", "Category", "Type" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Time":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The time field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The category field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" }, "MoverSize":{ "shape":"TopBottomMoversComputationMoverSize", "documentation":"

The mover size setup of the top and bottom movers computation.

" }, "SortOrder":{ "shape":"TopBottomSortOrder", "documentation":"

The sort order setup of the top and bottom movers computation.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"TopBottomComputationType", "documentation":"

The computation type. Choose from the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The top movers and bottom movers computation setup.

" }, "TopBottomMoversComputationMoverSize":{ "type":"integer", "max":20, "min":1 }, "TopBottomRankedComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Category", "Type" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The category field that is used in a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" }, "ResultSize":{ "shape":"TopBottomRankedComputationResultSize", "documentation":"

The result size of a top and bottom ranked computation.

" }, "Type":{ "shape":"TopBottomComputationType", "documentation":"

The computation type. Choose one of the following options:

" } }, "documentation":"

The top ranked and bottom ranked computation configuration.

" }, "TopBottomRankedComputationResultSize":{ "type":"integer", "max":20, "min":1 }, "TopBottomSortOrder":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PERCENT_DIFFERENCE", "ABSOLUTE_DIFFERENCE" ] }, "TotalAggregationComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Value" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"MeasureField", "documentation":"

The value field that is used in a computation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The total aggregation computation configuration.

" }, "TotalOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TotalsVisibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility configuration for the total cells.

" }, "Placement":{ "shape":"TableTotalsPlacement", "documentation":"

The placement (start, end) for the total cells.

" }, "ScrollStatus":{ "shape":"TableTotalsScrollStatus", "documentation":"

The scroll status (pinned, scrolled) for the total cells.

" }, "CustomLabel":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The custom label string for the total cells.

" }, "TotalCellStyle":{ "shape":"TableCellStyle", "documentation":"

Cell styling options for the total cells.

" } }, "documentation":"

The total options for a table visual.

" }, "TransformOperation":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ProjectOperation":{ "shape":"ProjectOperation", "documentation":"

An operation that projects columns. Operations that come after a projection can only refer to projected columns.

" }, "FilterOperation":{ "shape":"FilterOperation", "documentation":"

An operation that filters rows based on some condition.

" }, "CreateColumnsOperation":{ "shape":"CreateColumnsOperation", "documentation":"

An operation that creates calculated columns. Columns created in one such operation form a lexical closure.

" }, "RenameColumnOperation":{ "shape":"RenameColumnOperation", "documentation":"

An operation that renames a column.

" }, "CastColumnTypeOperation":{ "shape":"CastColumnTypeOperation", "documentation":"

A transform operation that casts a column to a different type.

" }, "TagColumnOperation":{ "shape":"TagColumnOperation", "documentation":"

An operation that tags a column with additional information.

" }, "UntagColumnOperation":{"shape":"UntagColumnOperation"} }, "documentation":"

A data transformation on a logical table. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.

" }, "TransformOperationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TransformOperation"}, "max":2048, "min":1 }, "TreeMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Groups":{ "shape":"TreeMapDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The group by field well of a tree map. Values are grouped based on group by fields.

" }, "Sizes":{ "shape":"TreeMapMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The size field well of a tree map. Values are aggregated based on group by fields.

" }, "Colors":{ "shape":"TreeMapMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The color field well of a tree map. Values are grouped by aggregations based on group by fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

Aggregated field wells of a tree map.

" }, "TreeMapConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"TreeMapFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"TreeMapSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a tree map.

" }, "GroupLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility) of the groups that are displayed in a tree map.

" }, "SizeLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility) of the sizes that are displayed in a tree map.

" }, "ColorLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility) for the colors displayed in a tree map.

" }, "ColorScale":{ "shape":"ColorScale", "documentation":"

The color options (gradient color, point of divergence) of a tree map.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend display setup of the visual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine if visual data labels are displayed.

" }, "Tooltip":{ "shape":"TooltipOptions", "documentation":"

The tooltip display setup of the visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a tree map.

" }, "TreeMapDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":1 }, "TreeMapFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TreeMapAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"TreeMapAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a tree map.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of a tree map.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "TreeMapMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":1 }, "TreeMapSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TreeMapSort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of group by fields.

" }, "TreeMapGroupItemsLimitConfiguration":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of groups that are displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a tree map.

" }, "TreeMapVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"TreeMapConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A tree map.

For more information, see Using tree maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "TrendArrowOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the trend arrows.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of trend arrows in a KPI visual.

" }, "TwitterParameters":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Query", "MaxRows" ], "members":{ "Query":{ "shape":"Query", "documentation":"

Twitter query string.

" }, "MaxRows":{ "shape":"PositiveInteger", "documentation":"

Maximum number of rows to query Twitter.

" } }, "documentation":"

The parameters for Twitter.

" }, "TypeCastFormat":{ "type":"string", "max":32 }, "Typography":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FontFamilies":{ "shape":"FontList", "documentation":"

Determines the list of font families.

" } }, "documentation":"

Determines the typography options.

" }, "UIColorPalette":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PrimaryForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.

" }, "PrimaryBackground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The background color that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.

" }, "SecondaryForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.

" }, "SecondaryBackground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The background color that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.

" }, "Accent":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

This color is that applies to selected states and buttons.

" }, "AccentForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.

" }, "Danger":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color that applies to error messages.

" }, "DangerForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.

" }, "Warning":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

This color that applies to warning and informational messages.

" }, "WarningForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.

" }, "Success":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.

" }, "SuccessForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.

" }, "Dimension":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.

" }, "DimensionForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.

" }, "Measure":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The color that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.

" }, "MeasureForeground":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The foreground color that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.

" } }, "documentation":"

The theme colors that apply to UI and to charts, excluding data colors. The colors description is a hexadecimal color code that consists of six alphanumerical characters, prefixed with #, for example #37BFF5. For more information, see Using Themes in Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "URLOperationTemplate":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1 }, "URLTargetConfiguration":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NEW_TAB", "NEW_WINDOW", "SAME_TAB" ] }, "UnaggregatedField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "FieldId", "Column" ], "members":{ "FieldId":{ "shape":"FieldId", "documentation":"

The custom field ID.

" }, "Column":{ "shape":"ColumnIdentifier", "documentation":"

The column that is used in the UnaggregatedField.

" }, "FormatConfiguration":{ "shape":"FormatConfiguration", "documentation":"

The format configuration of the field.

" } }, "documentation":"

The unaggregated field for a table.

" }, "UnaggregatedFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"UnaggregatedField"}, "max":200 }, "UnicodeIcon":{ "type":"string", "pattern":"^[^\\u0000-\\u00FF]$" }, "UniqueValuesComputation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ComputationId", "Category" ], "members":{ "ComputationId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for a computation.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The name of a computation.

" }, "Category":{ "shape":"DimensionField", "documentation":"

The category field that is used in a computation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The unique values computation configuration.

" }, "UnlimitedPixelLength":{ "type":"string", "documentation":"String based length that is composed of value and unit in px with Integer.MAX_VALUE as maximum value" }, "UnsupportedPricingPlanException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

This error indicates that you are calling an embedding operation in Amazon QuickSight without the required pricing plan on your Amazon Web Services account. Before you can use embedding for anonymous users, a QuickSight administrator needs to add capacity pricing to Amazon QuickSight. You can do this on the Manage Amazon QuickSight page.

After capacity pricing is added, you can use the GetDashboardEmbedUrl API operation with the --identity-type ANONYMOUS option.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":403}, "exception":true }, "UnsupportedUserEditionException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"}, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.

" } }, "documentation":"

This error indicates that you are calling an operation on an Amazon QuickSight subscription where the edition doesn't include support for that operation. Amazon Amazon QuickSight currently has Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. Not every operation and capability is available in every edition.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":403}, "exception":true }, "UntagColumnOperation":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ColumnName", "TagNames" ], "members":{ "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The column that this operation acts on.

" }, "TagNames":{ "shape":"ColumnTagNames", "documentation":"

The column tags to remove from this column.

" } }, "documentation":"

A transform operation that removes tags associated with a column.

" }, "UntagResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ResourceArn", "TagKeys" ], "members":{ "ResourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want to untag.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ResourceArn" }, "TagKeys":{ "shape":"TagKeyList", "documentation":"

The keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"keys" } } }, "UntagResourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateAccountCustomizationRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AccountCustomization" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to update Amazon QuickSight customizations for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace that you want to update Amazon QuickSight customizations for.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"namespace" }, "AccountCustomization":{ "shape":"AccountCustomization", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight customizations you're updating in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

" } } }, "UpdateAccountCustomizationResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the updated customization for this Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to update Amazon QuickSight customizations for.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace associated with the customization that you're updating.

" }, "AccountCustomization":{ "shape":"AccountCustomization", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight customizations you're updating in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateAccountSettingsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DefaultNamespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight settings that you want to list.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DefaultNamespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The default namespace for this Amazon Web Services account. Currently, the default is default. Identity and Access Management (IAM) users that register for the first time with Amazon QuickSight provide an email address that becomes associated with the default namespace.

" }, "NotificationEmail":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The email address that you want Amazon QuickSight to send notifications to regarding your Amazon Web Services account or Amazon QuickSight subscription.

" }, "TerminationProtectionEnabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A boolean value that determines whether or not an Amazon QuickSight account can be deleted. A True value doesn't allow the account to be deleted and results in an error message if a user tries to make a DeleteAccountSubscription request. A False value will allow the account to be deleted.

" } } }, "UpdateAccountSettingsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateAnalysisPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis whose permissions you're updating. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're updating. The ID is part of the analysis URL.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that describes the permissions to add and the principal to add them to.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that describes the permissions to remove and the principal to remove them from.

" } } }, "UpdateAnalysisPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnalysisArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis that you updated.

" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis that you updated permissions for.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateAnalysisRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AnalysisId", "Name" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the analysis that you're updating. This ID displays in the URL of the analysis.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AnalysisId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"AnalysisName", "documentation":"

A descriptive name for the analysis that you're updating. This name displays for the analysis in the Amazon QuickSight console.

" }, "Parameters":{ "shape":"Parameters", "documentation":"

The parameter names and override values that you want to use. An analysis can have any parameter type, and some parameters might accept multiple values.

" }, "SourceEntity":{ "shape":"AnalysisSourceEntity", "documentation":"

A source entity to use for the analysis that you're updating. This metadata structure contains details that describe a source template and one or more datasets.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the theme to apply to the analysis that you're creating. To see the theme in the Amazon QuickSight console, make sure that you have access to it.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"AnalysisDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of an analysis.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" } } }, "UpdateAnalysisResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the analysis that you're updating.

" }, "AnalysisId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the analysis.

" }, "UpdateStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The update status of the last update that was made to the analysis.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateDashboardPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard whose permissions you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The permissions that you want to grant on this resource.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The permissions that you want to revoke from this resource.

" }, "GrantLinkPermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateLinkPermissionList", "documentation":"

Grants link permissions to all users in a defined namespace.

" }, "RevokeLinkPermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateLinkPermissionList", "documentation":"

Revokes link permissions from all users in a defined namespace.

" } } }, "UpdateDashboardPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.

" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

Information about the permissions on the dashboard.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "LinkSharingConfiguration":{ "shape":"LinkSharingConfiguration", "documentation":"

Updates the permissions of a shared link to an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.

" } } }, "UpdateDashboardPublishedVersionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId", "VersionNumber" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "VersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"VersionNumber" } } }, "UpdateDashboardPublishedVersionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

" }, "DashboardArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateDashboardRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DashboardId", "Name" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DashboardId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"DashboardName", "documentation":"

The display name of the dashboard.

" }, "SourceEntity":{ "shape":"DashboardSourceEntity", "documentation":"

The entity that you are using as a source when you update the dashboard. In SourceEntity, you specify the type of object you're using as source. You can only update a dashboard from a template, so you use a SourceTemplate entity. If you need to update a dashboard from an analysis, first convert the analysis to a template by using the CreateTemplate API operation. For SourceTemplate, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source template. The SourceTemplate ARN can contain any Amazon Web Services account and any Amazon QuickSight-supported Amazon Web Services Region.

Use the DataSetReferences entity within SourceTemplate to list the replacement datasets for the placeholders listed in the original. The schema in each dataset must match its placeholder.

" }, "Parameters":{ "shape":"Parameters", "documentation":"

A structure that contains the parameters of the dashboard. These are parameter overrides for a dashboard. A dashboard can have any type of parameters, and some parameters might accept multiple values.

" }, "VersionDescription":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

A description for the first version of the dashboard being created.

" }, "DashboardPublishOptions":{ "shape":"DashboardPublishOptions", "documentation":"

Options for publishing the dashboard when you create it:

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme that is being used for this dashboard. If you add a value for this field, it overrides the value that was originally associated with the entity. The theme ARN must exist in the same Amazon Web Services account where you create the dashboard.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"DashboardVersionDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of a dashboard.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" } } }, "UpdateDashboardResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

" }, "VersionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dashboard, including the version number.

" }, "DashboardId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dashboard.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The creation status of the request.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateDataSetPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset whose permissions you want to update. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The resource permissions that you want to grant to the dataset.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The resource permissions that you want to revoke from the dataset.

" } } }, "UpdateDataSetPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset whose permissions you want to update. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateDataSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSetId", "Name", "PhysicalTableMap", "ImportMode" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to update. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSetId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

The display name for the dataset.

" }, "PhysicalTableMap":{ "shape":"PhysicalTableMap", "documentation":"

Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.

" }, "LogicalTableMap":{ "shape":"LogicalTableMap", "documentation":"

Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.

" }, "ImportMode":{ "shape":"DataSetImportMode", "documentation":"

Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.

" }, "ColumnGroups":{ "shape":"ColumnGroupList", "documentation":"

Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.

" }, "FieldFolders":{ "shape":"FieldFolderMap", "documentation":"

The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionDataSet":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionDataSet", "documentation":"

The row-level security configuration for the data you want to create.

" }, "RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration":{ "shape":"RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration of tags on a dataset to set row-level security. Row-level security tags are currently supported for anonymous embedding only.

" }, "ColumnLevelPermissionRules":{ "shape":"ColumnLevelPermissionRuleList", "documentation":"

A set of one or more definitions of a ColumnLevelPermissionRule .

" }, "DataSetUsageConfiguration":{"shape":"DataSetUsageConfiguration"} } }, "UpdateDataSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.

" }, "DataSetId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "IngestionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.

" }, "IngestionId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateDataSourcePermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSourceId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSourceId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions that you want to grant on the data source.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions that you want to revoke on the data source.

" } } }, "UpdateDataSourcePermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DataSourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateDataSourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "DataSourceId", "Name" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"DataSourceId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ResourceName", "documentation":"

A display name for the data source.

" }, "DataSourceParameters":{ "shape":"DataSourceParameters", "documentation":"

The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying source.

" }, "Credentials":{ "shape":"DataSourceCredentials", "documentation":"

The credentials that Amazon QuickSight that uses to connect to your underlying source. Currently, only credentials based on user name and password are supported.

" }, "VpcConnectionProperties":{ "shape":"VpcConnectionProperties", "documentation":"

Use this parameter only when you want Amazon QuickSight to use a VPC connection when connecting to your underlying source.

" }, "SslProperties":{ "shape":"SslProperties", "documentation":"

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your underlying source.

" } } }, "UpdateDataSourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.

" }, "DataSourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.

" }, "UpdateStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The update status of the data source's last update.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateFolderPermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder to update.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The permissions that you want to grant on a resource.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The permissions that you want to revoke from a resource.

" } } }, "UpdateFolderPermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.

" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

Information about the permissions for the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateFolderRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "FolderId", "Name" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder to update.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"FolderId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"FolderName", "documentation":"

The name of the folder.

" } } }, "UpdateFolderResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.

" }, "FolderId":{ "shape":"RestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the folder.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "GroupName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "GroupName":{ "shape":"GroupName", "documentation":"

The name of the group that you want to update.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"GroupName" }, "Description":{ "shape":"GroupDescription", "documentation":"

The description for the group that you want to update.

" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the group that you want to update.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" } } }, "UpdateGroupResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Group":{ "shape":"Group", "documentation":"

The name of the group.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "AssignmentName", "Namespace" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IAM policy assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment, also called a rule. This name must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AssignmentName" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace of the assignment.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the assignment. Possible values are as follows:

" }, "PolicyArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the IAM policy to apply to the Amazon QuickSight users and groups specified in this assignment.

" }, "Identities":{ "shape":"IdentityMap", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight users, groups, or both that you want to assign the policy to.

" } } }, "UpdateIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AssignmentName":{ "shape":"IAMPolicyAssignmentName", "documentation":"

The name of the assignment or rule.

" }, "AssignmentId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ID of the assignment.

" }, "PolicyArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the IAM policy applied to the Amazon QuickSight users and groups specified in this assignment.

" }, "Identities":{ "shape":"IdentityMap", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight users, groups, or both that the IAM policy is assigned to.

" }, "AssignmentStatus":{ "shape":"AssignmentStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the assignment. Possible values are as follows:

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateIpRestrictionRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "IpRestrictionRuleMap":{ "shape":"IpRestrictionRuleMap", "documentation":"

A map that describes the updated IP rules with CIDR ranges and descriptions.

" }, "Enabled":{ "shape":"NullableBoolean", "documentation":"

A value that specifies whether IP rules are turned on.

" } } }, "UpdateIpRestrictionResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateLinkPermissionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ResourcePermission"}, "max":2 }, "UpdatePublicSharingSettingsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AwsAccountId"], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with your Amazon QuickSight subscription.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "PublicSharingEnabled":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A Boolean value that indicates whether public sharing is turned on for an Amazon QuickSight account.

" } } }, "UpdatePublicSharingSettingsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateResourcePermissionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ResourcePermission"}, "max":100 }, "UpdateTemplateAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId", "AliasName", "TemplateVersionNumber" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template alias that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The alias of the template that you want to update. If you name a specific alias, you update the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the template by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED doesn't apply to templates.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" }, "TemplateVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the template.

" } } }, "UpdateTemplateAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateAlias":{ "shape":"TemplateAlias", "documentation":"

The template alias.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateTemplatePermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be granted on the template.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be revoked from the template.

" } } }, "UpdateTemplatePermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

" }, "TemplateArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be set on the template.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateTemplateRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "TemplateId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"TemplateId" }, "SourceEntity":{ "shape":"TemplateSourceEntity", "documentation":"

The entity that you are using as a source when you update the template. In SourceEntity, you specify the type of object you're using as source: SourceTemplate for a template or SourceAnalysis for an analysis. Both of these require an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For SourceTemplate, specify the ARN of the source template. For SourceAnalysis, specify the ARN of the source analysis. The SourceTemplate ARN can contain any Amazon Web Services account and any Amazon QuickSight-supported Amazon Web Services Region;.

Use the DataSetReferences entity within SourceTemplate or SourceAnalysis to list the replacement datasets for the placeholders listed in the original. The schema in each dataset must match its placeholder.

" }, "VersionDescription":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the current template version that is being updated. Every time you call UpdateTemplate, you create a new version of the template. Each version of the template maintains a description of the version in the VersionDescription field.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"TemplateName", "documentation":"

The name for the template.

" }, "Definition":{ "shape":"TemplateVersionDefinition", "documentation":"

The definition of a template.

A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.

" } } }, "UpdateTemplateResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TemplateId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the template.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the template.

" }, "VersionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN for the template, including the version information of the first version.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The creation status of the template.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateThemeAliasRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId", "AliasName", "ThemeVersionNumber" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "AliasName":{ "shape":"AliasName", "documentation":"

The name of the theme alias that you want to update.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AliasName" }, "ThemeVersionNumber":{ "shape":"VersionNumber", "documentation":"

The version number of the theme that the alias should reference.

" } } }, "UpdateThemeAliasResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeAlias":{ "shape":"ThemeAlias", "documentation":"

Information about the theme alias.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateThemePermissionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "GrantPermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be granted for the theme.

" }, "RevokePermissions":{ "shape":"UpdateResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

A list of resource permissions to be revoked from the theme.

" } } }, "UpdateThemePermissionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

" }, "ThemeArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.

" }, "Permissions":{ "shape":"ResourcePermissionList", "documentation":"

The resulting list of resource permissions for the theme.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UpdateThemeRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AwsAccountId", "ThemeId", "BaseThemeId" ], "members":{ "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're updating.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"ThemeId" }, "Name":{ "shape":"ThemeName", "documentation":"

The name for the theme.

" }, "BaseThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The theme ID, defined by Amazon QuickSight, that a custom theme inherits from. All themes initially inherit from a default Amazon QuickSight theme.

" }, "VersionDescription":{ "shape":"VersionDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the theme version that you're updating Every time that you call UpdateTheme, you create a new version of the theme. Each version of the theme maintains a description of the version in VersionDescription.

" }, "Configuration":{ "shape":"ThemeConfiguration", "documentation":"

The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties.

" } } }, "UpdateThemeResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ThemeId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID for the theme.

" }, "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the theme.

" }, "VersionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the new version of the theme.

" }, "CreationStatus":{ "shape":"ResourceStatus", "documentation":"

The creation status of the theme.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" } } }, "UpdateUserRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "UserName", "AwsAccountId", "Namespace", "Email", "Role" ], "members":{ "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to update.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"UserName" }, "AwsAccountId":{ "shape":"AwsAccountId", "documentation":"

The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"AwsAccountId" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"Namespace" }, "Email":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The email address of the user that you want to update.

" }, "Role":{ "shape":"UserRole", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight role of the user. The role can be one of the following default security cohorts:

The name of the Amazon QuickSight role is invisible to the user except for the console screens dealing with permissions.

" }, "CustomPermissionsName":{ "shape":"RoleName", "documentation":"

(Enterprise edition only) The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to assign to this user. Customized permissions allows you to control a user's access by restricting access the following operations:

A set of custom permissions includes any combination of these restrictions. Currently, you need to create the profile names for custom permission sets by using the Amazon QuickSight console. Then, you use the RegisterUser API operation to assign the named set of permissions to a Amazon QuickSight user.

Amazon QuickSight custom permissions are applied through IAM policies. Therefore, they override the permissions typically granted by assigning Amazon QuickSight users to one of the default security cohorts in Amazon QuickSight (admin, author, reader).

This feature is available only to Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition subscriptions.

" }, "UnapplyCustomPermissions":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

A flag that you use to indicate that you want to remove all custom permissions from this user. Using this parameter resets the user to the state it was in before a custom permissions profile was applied. This parameter defaults to NULL and it doesn't accept any other value.

" }, "ExternalLoginFederationProviderType":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let a user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. The type of supported external login provider can be one of the following.

" }, "CustomFederationProviderUrl":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The URL of the custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider that provides identity to let a user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. This parameter should only be used when ExternalLoginFederationProviderType parameter is set to CUSTOM_OIDC.

" }, "ExternalLoginId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The identity ID for a user in the external login provider.

" } } }, "UpdateUserResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "User":{ "shape":"User", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight user.

" }, "RequestId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"StatusCode", "documentation":"

The HTTP status of the request.

", "location":"statusCode" } } }, "UploadSettings":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Format":{ "shape":"FileFormat", "documentation":"

File format.

" }, "StartFromRow":{ "shape":"PositiveInteger", "documentation":"

A row number to start reading data from.

", "box":true }, "ContainsHeader":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Whether the file has a header row, or the files each have a header row.

", "box":true }, "TextQualifier":{ "shape":"TextQualifier", "documentation":"

Text qualifier.

" }, "Delimiter":{ "shape":"Delimiter", "documentation":"

The delimiter between values in the file.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the format for a source file or files.

" }, "User":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Arn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the user.

" }, "UserName":{ "shape":"UserName", "documentation":"

The user's user name. This value is required if you are registering a user that will be managed in Amazon QuickSight. In the output, the value for UserName is N/A when the value for IdentityType is IAM and the corresponding IAM user is deleted.

" }, "Email":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The user's email address.

" }, "Role":{ "shape":"UserRole", "documentation":"

The Amazon QuickSight role for the user. The user role can be one of the following:.

" }, "IdentityType":{ "shape":"IdentityType", "documentation":"

The type of identity authentication used by the user.

" }, "Active":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

The active status of user. When you create an Amazon QuickSight user that’s not an IAM user or an Active Directory user, that user is inactive until they sign in and provide a password.

" }, "PrincipalId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The principal ID of the user.

" }, "CustomPermissionsName":{ "shape":"RoleName", "documentation":"

The custom permissions profile associated with this user.

" }, "ExternalLoginFederationProviderType":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let the user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated IAM role. The type can be one of the following.

" }, "ExternalLoginFederationProviderUrl":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The URL of the external login provider.

" }, "ExternalLoginId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The identity ID for the user in the external login provider.

" } }, "documentation":"

A registered user of Amazon QuickSight.

" }, "UserList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"User"} }, "UserName":{ "type":"string", "min":1, "pattern":"[\\u0020-\\u00FF]+" }, "UserRole":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ADMIN", "AUTHOR", "READER", "RESTRICTED_AUTHOR", "RESTRICTED_READER" ] }, "Username":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1 }, "ValueWhenUnsetOption":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "RECOMMENDED_VALUE", "NULL" ] }, "VersionDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":512, "min":1 }, "VersionNumber":{ "type":"long", "min":1 }, "VerticalTextAlignment":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM" ] }, "Visibility":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "HIDDEN", "VISIBLE" ] }, "VisiblePanelColumns":{ "type":"long", "max":10, "min":1 }, "VisiblePanelRows":{ "type":"long", "max":10, "min":1 }, "VisibleRangeOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "PercentRange":{ "shape":"PercentVisibleRange", "documentation":"

The percent range in the visible range.

" } }, "documentation":"

The range options for the data zoom scroll bar.

" }, "Visual":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TableVisual":{ "shape":"TableVisual", "documentation":"

A table visual.

For more information, see Using tables as visuals in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "PivotTableVisual":{ "shape":"PivotTableVisual", "documentation":"

A pivot table.

For more information, see Using pivot tables in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "BarChartVisual":{ "shape":"BarChartVisual", "documentation":"

A bar chart.

For more information, see Using bar charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "KPIVisual":{ "shape":"KPIVisual", "documentation":"

A key performance indicator (KPI).

For more information, see Using KPIs in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "PieChartVisual":{ "shape":"PieChartVisual", "documentation":"

A pie or donut chart.

For more information, see Using pie charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "GaugeChartVisual":{ "shape":"GaugeChartVisual", "documentation":"

A gauge chart.

For more information, see Using gauge charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "LineChartVisual":{ "shape":"LineChartVisual", "documentation":"

A line chart.

For more information, see Using line charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "HeatMapVisual":{ "shape":"HeatMapVisual", "documentation":"

A heat map.

For more information, see Using heat maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "TreeMapVisual":{ "shape":"TreeMapVisual", "documentation":"

A tree map.

For more information, see Using tree maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "GeospatialMapVisual":{ "shape":"GeospatialMapVisual", "documentation":"

A geospatial map or a points on map visual.

For more information, see Creating point maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FilledMapVisual":{ "shape":"FilledMapVisual", "documentation":"

A filled map.

For more information, see Creating filled maps in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "FunnelChartVisual":{ "shape":"FunnelChartVisual", "documentation":"

A funnel chart.

For more information, see Using funnel charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ScatterPlotVisual":{ "shape":"ScatterPlotVisual", "documentation":"

A scatter plot.

For more information, see Using scatter plots in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "ComboChartVisual":{ "shape":"ComboChartVisual", "documentation":"

A combo chart.

For more information, see Using combo charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "BoxPlotVisual":{ "shape":"BoxPlotVisual", "documentation":"

A box plot.

For more information, see Using box plots in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "WaterfallVisual":{ "shape":"WaterfallVisual", "documentation":"

A waterfall chart.

For more information, see Using waterfall charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "HistogramVisual":{ "shape":"HistogramVisual", "documentation":"

A histogram.

For more information, see Using histograms in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "WordCloudVisual":{ "shape":"WordCloudVisual", "documentation":"

A word cloud.

For more information, see Using word clouds in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "InsightVisual":{ "shape":"InsightVisual", "documentation":"

An insight visual.

For more information, see Working with insights in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "SankeyDiagramVisual":{ "shape":"SankeyDiagramVisual", "documentation":"

A sankey diagram.

For more information, see Using Sankey diagrams in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "CustomContentVisual":{ "shape":"CustomContentVisual", "documentation":"

A visual that contains custom content.

For more information, see Using custom visual content in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "EmptyVisual":{ "shape":"EmptyVisual", "documentation":"

An empty visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

A visual displayed on a sheet in an analysis, dashboard, or template.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "VisualCustomAction":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "CustomActionId", "Name", "Trigger", "ActionOperations" ], "members":{ "CustomActionId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the VisualCustomAction.

" }, "Name":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionName", "documentation":"

The name of the VisualCustomAction.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"WidgetStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the VisualCustomAction.

" }, "Trigger":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionTrigger", "documentation":"

The trigger of the VisualCustomAction.

Valid values are defined as follows:

" }, "ActionOperations":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionOperationList", "documentation":"

A list of VisualCustomActionOperations.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" } }, "documentation":"

A custom action defined on a visual.

" }, "VisualCustomActionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"VisualCustomAction"}, "max":10 }, "VisualCustomActionName":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "VisualCustomActionOperation":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FilterOperation":{ "shape":"CustomActionFilterOperation", "documentation":"

The filter operation that filters data included in a visual or in an entire sheet.

" }, "NavigationOperation":{ "shape":"CustomActionNavigationOperation", "documentation":"

The navigation operation that navigates between different sheets in the same analysis.

" }, "URLOperation":{ "shape":"CustomActionURLOperation", "documentation":"

The URL operation that opens a link to another webpage.

" }, "SetParametersOperation":{ "shape":"CustomActionSetParametersOperation", "documentation":"

The set parameter operation that sets parameters in custom action.

" } }, "documentation":"

The operation that is defined by the custom action.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "VisualCustomActionOperationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"VisualCustomActionOperation"}, "max":2, "min":1 }, "VisualCustomActionTrigger":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "DATA_POINT_CLICK", "DATA_POINT_MENU" ] }, "VisualList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Visual"}, "max":30 }, "VisualPalette":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ChartColor":{ "shape":"HexColor", "documentation":"

The chart color options for the visual palette.

" }, "ColorMap":{ "shape":"DataPathColorList", "documentation":"

The color map options for the visual palette.

" } }, "documentation":"

The visual display options for the visual palette.

" }, "VisualSubtitleLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the subtitle label.

" }, "FormatText":{ "shape":"LongFormatText", "documentation":"

The long text format of the subtitle label, such as plain text or rich text.

" } }, "documentation":"

The subtitle label options for a visual.

" }, "VisualTitleLabelOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Visibility":{ "shape":"Visibility", "documentation":"

The visibility of the title label.

" }, "FormatText":{ "shape":"ShortFormatText", "documentation":"

The short text format of the title label, such as plain text or rich text.

" } }, "documentation":"

The title label options for a visual.

" }, "VpcConnectionProperties":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VpcConnectionArn"], "members":{ "VpcConnectionArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the VPC connection.

" } }, "documentation":"

VPC connection properties.

" }, "Warehouse":{ "type":"string", "max":128 }, "WaterfallChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Categories":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The category field wells of a waterfall visual.

" }, "Values":{ "shape":"MeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The value field wells of a waterfall visual.

" }, "Breakdowns":{ "shape":"DimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The breakdown field wells of a waterfall visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "WaterfallChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"WaterfallChartFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"WaterfallChartSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "WaterfallChartOptions":{ "shape":"WaterfallChartOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of a waterfall visual.

" }, "CategoryAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the category axis label.

" }, "CategoryAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the category axis.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the y-axis label.

" }, "PrimaryYAxisDisplayOptions":{ "shape":"AxisDisplayOptions", "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of the y-axis.

" }, "Legend":{ "shape":"LegendOptions", "documentation":"

The legend configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "DataLabels":{ "shape":"DataLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The data label configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "VisualPalette":{ "shape":"VisualPalette", "documentation":"

The visual palette configuration of a waterfall visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration for a waterfall visual.

" }, "WaterfallChartFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "WaterfallChartAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"WaterfallChartAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field well configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "WaterfallChartOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TotalBarLabel":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

This option determines the total bar label of a waterfall visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The options that determine the presentation of a waterfall visual.

" }, "WaterfallChartSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of the category fields.

" }, "BreakdownItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of bar groups that are displayed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a waterfall visual.

" }, "WaterfallVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"WaterfallChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration for a waterfall visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A waterfall chart.

For more information, see Using waterfall charts in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "WhatIfPointScenario":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Date", "Value" ], "members":{ "Date":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The date that you need the forecast results for.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The target value that you want to meet for the provided date.

" } }, "documentation":"

Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date.

" }, "WhatIfRangeScenario":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "StartDate", "EndDate", "Value" ], "members":{ "StartDate":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The start date in the date range that you need the forecast results for.

" }, "EndDate":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The end date in the date range that you need the forecast results for.

" }, "Value":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The target value that you want to meet for the provided date range.

" } }, "documentation":"

Provides the forecast to meet the target for a particular date range.

" }, "WidgetStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "WordCloudAggregatedFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "GroupBy":{ "shape":"WordCloudDimensionFieldList", "documentation":"

The group by field well of a word cloud. Values are grouped by group by fields.

" }, "Size":{ "shape":"WordCloudMeasureFieldList", "documentation":"

The size field well of a word cloud. Values are aggregated based on group by fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a word cloud.

" }, "WordCloudChartConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FieldWells":{ "shape":"WordCloudFieldWells", "documentation":"

The field wells of the visual.

" }, "SortConfiguration":{ "shape":"WordCloudSortConfiguration", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a word cloud visual.

" }, "CategoryLabelOptions":{ "shape":"ChartAxisLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The label options (label text, label visibility, and sort icon visibility) for the word cloud category.

" }, "WordCloudOptions":{ "shape":"WordCloudOptions", "documentation":"

The options for a word cloud visual.

" } }, "documentation":"

The configuration of a word cloud visual.

" }, "WordCloudCloudLayout":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "FLUID", "NORMAL" ] }, "WordCloudDimensionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionField"}, "max":10 }, "WordCloudFieldWells":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "WordCloudAggregatedFieldWells":{ "shape":"WordCloudAggregatedFieldWells", "documentation":"

The aggregated field wells of a word cloud.

" } }, "documentation":"

The field wells of a word cloud visual.

This is a union type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be defined.

" }, "WordCloudMaximumStringLength":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":1 }, "WordCloudMeasureFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MeasureField"}, "max":1 }, "WordCloudOptions":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "WordOrientation":{ "shape":"WordCloudWordOrientation", "documentation":"

The word orientation options (horizontal, horizontal_and_vertical) for the words in a word cloud.

" }, "WordScaling":{ "shape":"WordCloudWordScaling", "documentation":"

The word scaling options (emphasize, normal) for the words in a word cloud.

" }, "CloudLayout":{ "shape":"WordCloudCloudLayout", "documentation":"

The cloud layout options (fluid, normal) of a word cloud.

" }, "WordCasing":{ "shape":"WordCloudWordCasing", "documentation":"

The word casing options (lower_case, existing_case) for the words in a word cloud.

" }, "WordPadding":{ "shape":"WordCloudWordPadding", "documentation":"

The word padding options (none, small, medium, large) for the words in a word cloud.

" }, "MaximumStringLength":{ "shape":"WordCloudMaximumStringLength", "documentation":"

The length limit of each word from 1-100.

" } }, "documentation":"

The word cloud options for a word cloud visual.

" }, "WordCloudSortConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CategoryItemsLimit":{ "shape":"ItemsLimitConfiguration", "documentation":"

The limit on the number of groups that are displayed in a word cloud.

" }, "CategorySort":{ "shape":"FieldSortOptionsList", "documentation":"

The sort configuration of group by fields.

" } }, "documentation":"

The sort configuration of a word cloud visual.

" }, "WordCloudVisual":{ "type":"structure", "required":["VisualId"], "members":{ "VisualId":{ "shape":"ShortRestrictiveResourceId", "documentation":"

The unique identifier of a visual. This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers..

" }, "Title":{ "shape":"VisualTitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The title that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "Subtitle":{ "shape":"VisualSubtitleLabelOptions", "documentation":"

The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.

" }, "ChartConfiguration":{ "shape":"WordCloudChartConfiguration", "documentation":"

The configuration settings of the visual.

" }, "Actions":{ "shape":"VisualCustomActionList", "documentation":"

The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.

" }, "ColumnHierarchies":{ "shape":"ColumnHierarchyList", "documentation":"

The column hierarchy that is used during drill-downs and drill-ups.

" } }, "documentation":"

A word cloud.

For more information, see Using word clouds in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.

" }, "WordCloudWordCasing":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "LOWER_CASE", "EXISTING_CASE" ] }, "WordCloudWordOrientation":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "HORIZONTAL", "HORIZONTAL_AND_VERTICAL" ] }, "WordCloudWordPadding":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE" ] }, "WordCloudWordScaling":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "EMPHASIZE", "NORMAL" ] }, "WorkGroup":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "boolean":{"type":"boolean"} }, "documentation":"Amazon QuickSight API Reference

Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed, serverless business intelligence service for the Amazon Web Services Cloud that makes it easy to extend data and insights to every user in your organization. This API reference contains documentation for a programming interface that you can use to manage Amazon QuickSight.

" }