from botocore.retries import throttling from tests import unittest class TestCubicCalculator(unittest.TestCase): def create_cubic_calculator( self, starting_max_rate=10, beta=0.7, scale_constant=0.4 ): return throttling.CubicCalculator( starting_max_rate=starting_max_rate, scale_constant=scale_constant, start_time=0, beta=beta, ) # For these tests, rather than duplicate the formulas in the tests, # I want to check against a fixed set of inputs with by-hand verified # values to ensure we're doing the calculations correctly. def test_starting_params(self): cubic = self.create_cubic_calculator(starting_max_rate=10) self.assertAlmostEqual( cubic.get_params_snapshot().k, 1.9574338205844317 ) def test_success_responses_until_max_hit(self): # For this test we're interested in the behavior less so than # the specific numbers. There's a few cases we care about: # cubic = self.create_cubic_calculator(starting_max_rate=10) params = cubic.get_params_snapshot() start_k = params.k start_w_max = params.w_max # Before we get to t == start_k, our throttle is below our # max w_max assertLessEqual = self.assertLessEqual assertLessEqual(cubic.success_received(start_k / 3.0), start_w_max) assertLessEqual(cubic.success_received(start_k / 2.0), start_w_max) assertLessEqual(cubic.success_received(start_k / 1.1), start_w_max) # At t == start_k, we should be at w_max. self.assertAlmostEqual(cubic.success_received(timestamp=start_k), 10.0) # And once we pass start_k, we'll be above w_max. self.assertGreaterEqual( cubic.success_received(start_k * 1.1), start_w_max ) self.assertGreaterEqual( cubic.success_received(start_k * 2.0), start_w_max ) def test_error_response_decreases_rate_by_beta(self): # This is the default value here so we're just being explicit. cubic = self.create_cubic_calculator(starting_max_rate=10, beta=0.7) # So let's say we made it up to 8 TPS before we were throttled. rate_when_throttled = 8 new_rate = cubic.error_received( current_rate=rate_when_throttled, timestamp=1 ) self.assertAlmostEqual(new_rate, rate_when_throttled * 0.7) new_params = cubic.get_params_snapshot() self.assertEqual( new_params, throttling.CubicParams( w_max=rate_when_throttled, k=1.8171205928321397, last_fail=1 ), ) def test_t_0_should_match_beta_decrease(self): # So if I have beta of 0.6 cubic = self.create_cubic_calculator(starting_max_rate=10, beta=0.6) # When I get throttled I should decrease my rate by 60%. new_rate = cubic.error_received(current_rate=10, timestamp=1) self.assertEqual(new_rate, 6.0) # And my starting rate at time t=1 should start at that new rate. self.assertAlmostEqual(cubic.success_received(timestamp=1), 6.0)