{ "version": 1.0, "merge": { "shapes": { "CopyDBClusterSnapshotMessage": { "members": { "SourceRegion": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The ID of the region that contains the snapshot to be copied.

" } } }, "CreateDBClusterMessage": { "members": { "SourceRegion": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The ID of the region that contains the source for the db cluster.

" } } }, "CopyDBSnapshotMessage": { "members": { "SourceRegion": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The ID of the region that contains the snapshot to be copied.

" } } }, "CreateDBInstanceReadReplicaMessage": { "members": { "SourceRegion": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The ID of the region that contains the source for the read replica.

" } } }, "StartDBInstanceAutomatedBackupsReplicationMessage": { "members": { "SourceRegion": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The ID of the region that contains the source for the db instance.

" } } } } } }