""" Regression test for six issue #98 (https://github.com/benjaminp/six/issues/98) """ import sys import threading import time from tests import mock from botocore.vendored import six _original_setattr = six.moves.__class__.__setattr__ def _wrapped_setattr(key, value): # Monkey patch six.moves.__setattr__ to simulate # a poorly-timed thread context switch time.sleep(0.1) return _original_setattr(six.moves, key, value) def _reload_six(): # Issue #98 is caused by a race condition in six._LazyDescr.__get__ # which is only called once per moved module. Reload six so all the # moved modules are reset. import importlib importlib.reload(six) class _ExampleThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): super(_ExampleThread, self).__init__() self.daemon = False self.exc_info = None def run(self): try: # Simulate use of six by # botocore.configloader.raw_config_parse() # Should raise AttributeError if six < 1.9.0 six.moves.configparser.RawConfigParser() except Exception: self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() def test_six_thread_safety(): _reload_six() with mock.patch( 'botocore.vendored.six.moves.__class__.__setattr__', wraps=_wrapped_setattr ): threads = [] for i in range(2): t = _ExampleThread() threads.append(t) t.start() while threads: t = threads.pop() t.join() if t.exc_info: six.reraise(*t.exc_info)