{ "version":"2.0", "metadata":{ "apiVersion":"2017-07-25", "endpointPrefix":"lookoutmetrics", "jsonVersion":"1.1", "protocol":"rest-json", "serviceAbbreviation":"LookoutMetrics", "serviceFullName":"Amazon Lookout for Metrics", "serviceId":"LookoutMetrics", "signatureVersion":"v4", "signingName":"lookoutmetrics", "uid":"lookoutmetrics-2017-07-25" }, "operations":{ "ActivateAnomalyDetector":{ "name":"ActivateAnomalyDetector", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ActivateAnomalyDetector" }, "input":{"shape":"ActivateAnomalyDetectorRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ActivateAnomalyDetectorResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"} ], "documentation":"

Activates an anomaly detector.

" }, "BackTestAnomalyDetector":{ "name":"BackTestAnomalyDetector", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/BackTestAnomalyDetector" }, "input":{"shape":"BackTestAnomalyDetectorRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"BackTestAnomalyDetectorResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Runs a backtest for anomaly detection for the specified resource.

" }, "CreateAlert":{ "name":"CreateAlert", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/CreateAlert" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateAlertRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateAlertResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ServiceQuotaExceededException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an alert for an anomaly detector.

" }, "CreateAnomalyDetector":{ "name":"CreateAnomalyDetector", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/CreateAnomalyDetector" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateAnomalyDetectorRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateAnomalyDetectorResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ServiceQuotaExceededException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates an anomaly detector.

" }, "CreateMetricSet":{ "name":"CreateMetricSet", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/CreateMetricSet" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateMetricSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateMetricSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ServiceQuotaExceededException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a dataset.

" }, "DeleteAlert":{ "name":"DeleteAlert", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/DeleteAlert" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteAlertRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteAlertResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes an alert.

" }, "DeleteAnomalyDetector":{ "name":"DeleteAnomalyDetector", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/DeleteAnomalyDetector" }, "input":{"shape":"DeleteAnomalyDetectorRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DeleteAnomalyDetectorResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Deletes a detector. Deleting an anomaly detector will delete all of its corresponding resources including any configured datasets and alerts.

" }, "DescribeAlert":{ "name":"DescribeAlert", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/DescribeAlert" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAlertRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAlertResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes an alert.

Amazon Lookout for Metrics API actions are eventually consistent. If you do a read operation on a resource immediately after creating or modifying it, use retries to allow time for the write operation to complete.

" }, "DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions":{ "name":"DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutions" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns information about the status of the specified anomaly detection jobs.

" }, "DescribeAnomalyDetector":{ "name":"DescribeAnomalyDetector", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/DescribeAnomalyDetector" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAnomalyDetectorRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a detector.

Amazon Lookout for Metrics API actions are eventually consistent. If you do a read operation on a resource immediately after creating or modifying it, use retries to allow time for the write operation to complete.

" }, "DescribeMetricSet":{ "name":"DescribeMetricSet", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/DescribeMetricSet" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeMetricSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeMetricSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes a dataset.

Amazon Lookout for Metrics API actions are eventually consistent. If you do a read operation on a resource immediately after creating or modifying it, use retries to allow time for the write operation to complete.

" }, "GetAnomalyGroup":{ "name":"GetAnomalyGroup", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/GetAnomalyGroup" }, "input":{"shape":"GetAnomalyGroupRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GetAnomalyGroupResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns details about a group of anomalous metrics.

" }, "GetFeedback":{ "name":"GetFeedback", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/GetFeedback" }, "input":{"shape":"GetFeedbackRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GetFeedbackResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Get feedback for an anomaly group.

" }, "GetSampleData":{ "name":"GetSampleData", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/GetSampleData" }, "input":{"shape":"GetSampleDataRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GetSampleDataResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns a selection of sample records from an Amazon S3 datasource.

" }, "ListAlerts":{ "name":"ListAlerts", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ListAlerts" }, "input":{"shape":"ListAlertsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListAlertsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the alerts attached to a detector.

Amazon Lookout for Metrics API actions are eventually consistent. If you do a read operation on a resource immediately after creating or modifying it, use retries to allow time for the write operation to complete.

" }, "ListAnomalyDetectors":{ "name":"ListAnomalyDetectors", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ListAnomalyDetectors" }, "input":{"shape":"ListAnomalyDetectorsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the detectors in the current AWS Region.

Amazon Lookout for Metrics API actions are eventually consistent. If you do a read operation on a resource immediately after creating or modifying it, use retries to allow time for the write operation to complete.

" }, "ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetrics":{ "name":"ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetrics", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetrics" }, "input":{"shape":"ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetricsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetricsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns a list of measures that are potential causes or effects of an anomaly group.

" }, "ListAnomalyGroupSummaries":{ "name":"ListAnomalyGroupSummaries", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ListAnomalyGroupSummaries" }, "input":{"shape":"ListAnomalyGroupSummariesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns a list of anomaly groups.

" }, "ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries":{ "name":"ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeries" }, "input":{"shape":"ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Gets a list of anomalous metrics for a measure in an anomaly group.

" }, "ListMetricSets":{ "name":"ListMetricSets", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/ListMetricSets" }, "input":{"shape":"ListMetricSetsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListMetricSetsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists the datasets in the current AWS Region.

Amazon Lookout for Metrics API actions are eventually consistent. If you do a read operation on a resource immediately after creating or modifying it, use retries to allow time for the write operation to complete.

" }, "ListTagsForResource":{ "name":"ListTagsForResource", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/tags/{resourceArn}", "responseCode":200 }, "input":{"shape":"ListTagsForResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTagsForResourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"} ], "documentation":"

Gets a list of tags for a detector, dataset, or alert.

" }, "PutFeedback":{ "name":"PutFeedback", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/PutFeedback" }, "input":{"shape":"PutFeedbackRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"PutFeedbackResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Add feedback for an anomalous metric.

" }, "TagResource":{ "name":"TagResource", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/tags/{resourceArn}", "responseCode":204 }, "input":{"shape":"TagResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"TagResourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"} ], "documentation":"

Adds tags to a detector, dataset, or alert.

" }, "UntagResource":{ "name":"UntagResource", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/tags/{resourceArn}", "responseCode":204 }, "input":{"shape":"UntagResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UntagResourceResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"} ], "documentation":"

Removes tags from a detector, dataset, or alert.

" }, "UpdateAnomalyDetector":{ "name":"UpdateAnomalyDetector", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/UpdateAnomalyDetector" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateAnomalyDetectorRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateAnomalyDetectorResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a detector. After activation, you can only change a detector's ingestion delay and description.

" }, "UpdateMetricSet":{ "name":"UpdateMetricSet", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/UpdateMetricSet" }, "input":{"shape":"UpdateMetricSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UpdateMetricSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"ValidationException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"}, {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"TooManyRequestsException"}, {"shape":"ServiceQuotaExceededException"} ], "documentation":"

Updates a dataset.

" } }, "shapes":{ "AccessDeniedException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"} }, "documentation":"

You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":403}, "exception":true }, "Action":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "SNSConfiguration":{ "shape":"SNSConfiguration", "documentation":"

A configuration for an Amazon SNS channel.

" }, "LambdaConfiguration":{ "shape":"LambdaConfiguration", "documentation":"

A configuration for an AWS Lambda channel.

" } }, "documentation":"

A configuration that specifies the action to perform when anomalies are detected.

" }, "ActivateAnomalyDetectorRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyDetectorArn"], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the anomaly detector.

" } } }, "ActivateAnomalyDetectorResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "AggregationFunction":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "AVG", "SUM" ] }, "Alert":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Action":{ "shape":"Action", "documentation":"

Action that will be triggered when there is an alert.

" }, "AlertDescription":{ "shape":"AlertDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the alert.

" }, "AlertArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the alert.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to which the alert is attached.

" }, "AlertName":{ "shape":"AlertName", "documentation":"

The name of the alert.

" }, "AlertSensitivityThreshold":{ "shape":"SensitivityThreshold", "documentation":"

The minimum severity for an anomaly to trigger the alert.

" }, "AlertType":{ "shape":"AlertType", "documentation":"

The type of the alert.

" }, "AlertStatus":{ "shape":"AlertStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the alert.

" }, "LastModificationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the alert was last modified.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the alert was created.

" } }, "documentation":"

A configuration for Amazon SNS-integrated notifications.

" }, "AlertDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "AlertName":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]*" }, "AlertStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE" ] }, "AlertSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AlertArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the alert.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to which the alert is attached.

" }, "AlertName":{ "shape":"AlertName", "documentation":"

The name of the alert.

" }, "AlertSensitivityThreshold":{ "shape":"SensitivityThreshold", "documentation":"

The minimum severity for an anomaly to trigger the alert.

" }, "AlertType":{ "shape":"AlertType", "documentation":"

The type of the alert.

" }, "AlertStatus":{ "shape":"AlertStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the alert.

" }, "LastModificationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the alert was last modified.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the alert was created.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

The alert's tags.

" } }, "documentation":"

Provides a summary of an alert's configuration.

" }, "AlertSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AlertSummary"} }, "AlertType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "SNS", "LAMBDA" ] }, "AnomalyDetectionTaskStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "PENDING", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE" ] }, "AnomalyDetectionTaskStatusMessage":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "AnomalyDetectorConfig":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorFrequency":{ "shape":"Frequency", "documentation":"

The frequency at which the detector analyzes its source data.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a detector's configuration.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorFrequency":{ "shape":"Frequency", "documentation":"

The interval at which the detector analyzes its source data.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a detector's configuration.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "AnomalyDetectorFailureType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ACTIVATION_FAILURE", "BACK_TEST_ACTIVATION_FAILURE", "DELETION_FAILURE" ] }, "AnomalyDetectorName":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]*" }, "AnomalyDetectorStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "ACTIVE", "ACTIVATING", "DELETING", "FAILED", "INACTIVE", "LEARNING", "BACK_TEST_ACTIVATING", "BACK_TEST_ACTIVE", "BACK_TEST_COMPLETE" ] }, "AnomalyDetectorSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorName":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorName", "documentation":"

The name of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorDescription":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the detector.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the detector was created.

" }, "LastModificationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the detector was last modified.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorStatus", "documentation":"

The status of detector.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

The detector's tags.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about an an anomaly detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AnomalyDetectorSummary"} }, "AnomalyGroup":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StartTime":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The start time for the group.

" }, "EndTime":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The end time for the group.

" }, "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "AnomalyGroupScore":{ "shape":"Score", "documentation":"

The severity score of the group.

" }, "PrimaryMetricName":{ "shape":"MetricName", "documentation":"

The name of the primary affected measure for the group.

" }, "MetricLevelImpactList":{ "shape":"MetricLevelImpactList", "documentation":"

A list of measures affected by the anomaly.

" } }, "documentation":"

A group of anomalous metrics

" }, "AnomalyGroupStatistics":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "EvaluationStartDate":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The start of the time range that was searched.

" }, "TotalCount":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The number of groups found.

" }, "ItemizedMetricStatsList":{ "shape":"ItemizedMetricStatsList", "documentation":"

Statistics for individual metrics within the group.

" } }, "documentation":"

Aggregated statistics for a group of anomalous metrics.

" }, "AnomalyGroupSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "StartTime":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The start time for the group.

" }, "EndTime":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The end time for the group.

" }, "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "AnomalyGroupScore":{ "shape":"Score", "documentation":"

The severity score of the group.

" }, "PrimaryMetricName":{ "shape":"MetricName", "documentation":"

The name of the primary affected measure for the group.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about a group of anomalous metrics.

" }, "AnomalyGroupSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AnomalyGroupSummary"} }, "AnomalyGroupTimeSeries":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyGroupId"], "members":{ "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "TimeSeriesId":{ "shape":"TimeSeriesId", "documentation":"

The ID of the metric.

" } }, "documentation":"

An anomalous metric in an anomaly group.

" }, "AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyGroupId", "TimeSeriesId", "IsAnomaly" ], "members":{ "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "TimeSeriesId":{ "shape":"TimeSeriesId", "documentation":"

The ID of the metric.

" }, "IsAnomaly":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Feedback on whether the metric is a legitimate anomaly.

" } }, "documentation":"

Feedback for an anomalous metric.

" }, "AppFlowConfig":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

An IAM role that gives Amazon Lookout for Metrics permission to access the flow.

" }, "FlowName":{ "shape":"FlowName", "documentation":"

name of the flow.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about an Amazon AppFlow flow datasource.

" }, "Arn":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "pattern":"arn:([a-z\\d-]+):.*:.*:.*:.+" }, "BackTestAnomalyDetectorRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyDetectorArn"], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" } } }, "BackTestAnomalyDetectorResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "Boolean":{"type":"boolean"}, "CSVFileCompression":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "GZIP" ] }, "Charset":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]*" }, "CloudWatchConfig":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

An IAM role that gives Amazon Lookout for Metrics permission to access data in Amazon CloudWatch.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about an Amazon CloudWatch datasource.

" }, "ColumnName":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]*" }, "ConflictException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"}, "ResourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the resource.

" }, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ResourceType", "documentation":"

The type of the resource.

" } }, "documentation":"

There was a conflict processing the request. Try your request again.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":409}, "exception":true }, "ContributionMatrix":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DimensionContributionList":{ "shape":"DimensionContributionList", "documentation":"

A list of contributing dimensions.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about dimensions that contributed to an anomaly.

" }, "CreateAlertRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AlertName", "AlertSensitivityThreshold", "AnomalyDetectorArn", "Action" ], "members":{ "AlertName":{ "shape":"AlertName", "documentation":"

The name of the alert.

" }, "AlertSensitivityThreshold":{ "shape":"SensitivityThreshold", "documentation":"

An integer from 0 to 100 specifying the alert sensitivity threshold.

" }, "AlertDescription":{ "shape":"AlertDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the alert.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to which the alert is attached.

" }, "Action":{ "shape":"Action", "documentation":"

Action that will be triggered when there is an alert.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

A list of tags to apply to the alert.

" } } }, "CreateAlertResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AlertArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the alert.

" } } }, "CreateAnomalyDetectorRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorName", "AnomalyDetectorConfig" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorName":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorName", "documentation":"

The name of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorDescription":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorConfig":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorConfig", "documentation":"

Contains information about the configuration of the anomaly detector.

" }, "KmsKeyArn":{ "shape":"KmsKeyArn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the KMS key to use to encrypt your data.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

A list of tags to apply to the anomaly detector.

" } } }, "CreateAnomalyDetectorResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector.

" } } }, "CreateMetricSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorArn", "MetricSetName", "MetricList", "MetricSource" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the anomaly detector that will use the dataset.

" }, "MetricSetName":{ "shape":"MetricSetName", "documentation":"

The name of the dataset.

" }, "MetricSetDescription":{ "shape":"MetricSetDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the dataset you are creating.

" }, "MetricList":{ "shape":"MetricList", "documentation":"

A list of metrics that the dataset will contain.

" }, "Offset":{ "shape":"Offset", "documentation":"

After an interval ends, the amount of seconds that the detector waits before importing data. Offset is only supported for S3 and Redshift datasources.

", "box":true }, "TimestampColumn":{ "shape":"TimestampColumn", "documentation":"

Contains information about the column used for tracking time in your source data.

" }, "DimensionList":{ "shape":"DimensionList", "documentation":"

A list of the fields you want to treat as dimensions.

" }, "MetricSetFrequency":{ "shape":"Frequency", "documentation":"

The frequency with which the source data will be analyzed for anomalies.

" }, "MetricSource":{ "shape":"MetricSource", "documentation":"

Contains information about how the source data should be interpreted.

" }, "Timezone":{ "shape":"Timezone", "documentation":"

The time zone in which your source data was recorded.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

A list of tags to apply to the dataset.

" } } }, "CreateMetricSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dataset.

" } } }, "CsvFormatDescriptor":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FileCompression":{ "shape":"CSVFileCompression", "documentation":"

The level of compression of the source CSV file.

" }, "Charset":{ "shape":"Charset", "documentation":"

The character set in which the source CSV file is written.

" }, "ContainsHeader":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Whether or not the source CSV file contains a header.

" }, "Delimiter":{ "shape":"Delimiter", "documentation":"

The character used to delimit the source CSV file.

" }, "HeaderList":{ "shape":"HeaderList", "documentation":"

A list of the source CSV file's headers, if any.

" }, "QuoteSymbol":{ "shape":"QuoteSymbol", "documentation":"

The character used as a quote character.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about how a source CSV data file should be analyzed.

" }, "DataItem":{"type":"string"}, "DatabaseHost":{ "type":"string", "max":253, "min":1, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "DatabasePort":{ "type":"integer", "max":65535, "min":1 }, "DateTimeFormat":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "DeleteAlertRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AlertArn"], "members":{ "AlertArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the alert to delete.

" } } }, "DeleteAlertResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "DeleteAnomalyDetectorRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyDetectorArn"], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to delete.

" } } }, "DeleteAnomalyDetectorResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "Delimiter":{ "type":"string", "max":1, "pattern":"[^\\r\\n]" }, "DescribeAlertRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AlertArn"], "members":{ "AlertArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the alert to describe.

" } } }, "DescribeAlertResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Alert":{ "shape":"Alert", "documentation":"

Contains information about an alert.

" } } }, "DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyDetectorArn"], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" }, "Timestamp":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The timestamp of the anomaly detection job.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The number of items to return in the response.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.

" } } }, "DescribeAnomalyDetectionExecutionsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ExecutionList":{ "shape":"ExecutionList", "documentation":"

A list of detection jobs.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

The pagination token that's included if more results are available.

" } } }, "DescribeAnomalyDetectorRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyDetectorArn"], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to describe.

" } } }, "DescribeAnomalyDetectorResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorName":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorName", "documentation":"

The name of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorDescription":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorDescription", "documentation":"

A description of the detector.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorConfig":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorConfigSummary", "documentation":"

Contains information about the detector's configuration.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the detector was created.

" }, "LastModificationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the detector was last modified.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the detector.

" }, "FailureReason":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

The reason that the detector failed.

" }, "KmsKeyArn":{ "shape":"KmsKeyArn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the KMS key to use to encrypt your data.

" }, "FailureType":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorFailureType", "documentation":"

The process that caused the detector to fail.

" } } }, "DescribeMetricSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["MetricSetArn"], "members":{ "MetricSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dataset.

" } } }, "DescribeMetricSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dataset.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector that contains the dataset.

" }, "MetricSetName":{ "shape":"MetricSetName", "documentation":"

The name of the dataset.

" }, "MetricSetDescription":{ "shape":"MetricSetDescription", "documentation":"

The dataset's description.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the dataset was created.

" }, "LastModificationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the dataset was last modified.

" }, "Offset":{ "shape":"Offset", "documentation":"

The offset in seconds. Only supported for S3 and Redshift datasources.

", "box":true }, "MetricList":{ "shape":"MetricList", "documentation":"

A list of the metrics defined by the dataset.

" }, "TimestampColumn":{ "shape":"TimestampColumn", "documentation":"

Contains information about the column used for tracking time in your source data.

" }, "DimensionList":{ "shape":"DimensionList", "documentation":"

A list of the dimensions chosen for analysis.

" }, "MetricSetFrequency":{ "shape":"Frequency", "documentation":"

The interval at which the data will be analyzed for anomalies.

" }, "Timezone":{ "shape":"Timezone", "documentation":"

The time zone in which the dataset's data was recorded.

" }, "MetricSource":{ "shape":"MetricSource", "documentation":"

Contains information about the dataset's source data.

" } } }, "DimensionContribution":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DimensionName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the dimension.

" }, "DimensionValueContributionList":{ "shape":"DimensionValueContributionList", "documentation":"

A list of dimension values that contributed to the anomaly.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about a dimension that contributed to an anomaly.

" }, "DimensionContributionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionContribution"} }, "DimensionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnName"}, "min":1 }, "DimensionNameValue":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "DimensionName", "DimensionValue" ], "members":{ "DimensionName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the dimension.

" }, "DimensionValue":{ "shape":"DimensionValue", "documentation":"

The value of the dimension.

" } }, "documentation":"

A dimension name and value.

" }, "DimensionNameValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionNameValue"} }, "DimensionValue":{"type":"string"}, "DimensionValueContribution":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DimensionValue":{ "shape":"DimensionValue", "documentation":"

The value of the dimension.

" }, "ContributionScore":{ "shape":"Score", "documentation":"

The severity score of the value.

" } }, "documentation":"

The severity of a value of a dimension that contributed to an anomaly.

" }, "DimensionValueContributionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DimensionValueContribution"} }, "ErrorMessage":{ "type":"string", "max":256 }, "ExecutionList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ExecutionStatus"} }, "ExecutionStatus":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Timestamp":{ "shape":"TimestampString", "documentation":"

The run's timestamp.

" }, "Status":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectionTaskStatus", "documentation":"

The run's status.

" }, "FailureReason":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectionTaskStatusMessage", "documentation":"

The reason that the run failed, if applicable.

" } }, "documentation":"

The status of an anomaly detector run.

" }, "FieldName":{"type":"string"}, "FileFormatDescriptor":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "CsvFormatDescriptor":{ "shape":"CsvFormatDescriptor", "documentation":"

Contains information about how a source CSV data file should be analyzed.

" }, "JsonFormatDescriptor":{ "shape":"JsonFormatDescriptor", "documentation":"

Contains information about how a source JSON data file should be analyzed.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a source file's formatting.

" }, "FlowName":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "pattern":"[a-zA-Z0-9][\\w!@#.-]+" }, "Frequency":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "P1D", "PT1H", "PT10M", "PT5M" ] }, "GetAnomalyGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyGroupId", "AnomalyDetectorArn" ], "members":{ "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" } } }, "GetAnomalyGroupResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyGroup":{ "shape":"AnomalyGroup", "documentation":"

Details about the anomaly group.

" } } }, "GetFeedbackRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorArn", "AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" }, "AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback":{ "shape":"AnomalyGroupTimeSeries", "documentation":"

The anomalous metric and group ID.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.

" } } }, "GetFeedbackResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback":{ "shape":"TimeSeriesFeedbackList", "documentation":"

Feedback for an anomalous metric.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

The pagination token that's included if more results are available.

" } } }, "GetSampleDataRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "S3SourceConfig":{ "shape":"SampleDataS3SourceConfig", "documentation":"

A datasource bucket in Amazon S3.

" } } }, "GetSampleDataResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "HeaderValues":{ "shape":"HeaderValueList", "documentation":"

A list of header labels for the records.

" }, "SampleRows":{ "shape":"SampleRows", "documentation":"

A list of records.

" } } }, "HeaderList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ColumnName"} }, "HeaderValue":{"type":"string"}, "HeaderValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"HeaderValue"} }, "HistoricalDataPath":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "pattern":"^s3://[a-z0-9].+$" }, "HistoricalDataPathList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"HistoricalDataPath"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "Integer":{"type":"integer"}, "InterMetricImpactDetails":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricName":{ "shape":"MetricName", "documentation":"

The name of the measure.

" }, "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "RelationshipType":{ "shape":"RelationshipType", "documentation":"

Whether a measure is a potential cause of the anomaly group (CAUSE_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP), or whether the measure is impacted by the anomaly group (EFFECT_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP).

" }, "ContributionPercentage":{ "shape":"MetricChangePercentage", "documentation":"

For potential causes (CAUSE_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP), the percentage contribution the measure has in causing the anomalies.

" } }, "documentation":"

Aggregated details about the measures contributing to the anomaly group, and the measures potentially impacted by the anomaly group.

" }, "InterMetricImpactList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"InterMetricImpactDetails"} }, "InternalServerException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"} }, "documentation":"

The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":500}, "exception":true, "fault":true }, "ItemizedMetricStats":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the measure.

" }, "OccurrenceCount":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The number of times that the measure appears.

" } }, "documentation":"

Aggregated statistics about a measure affected by an anomaly.

" }, "ItemizedMetricStatsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ItemizedMetricStats"} }, "JsonFileCompression":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "NONE", "GZIP" ] }, "JsonFormatDescriptor":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "FileCompression":{ "shape":"JsonFileCompression", "documentation":"

The level of compression of the source CSV file.

" }, "Charset":{ "shape":"Charset", "documentation":"

The character set in which the source JSON file is written.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about how a source JSON data file should be analyzed.

" }, "KmsKeyArn":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":20, "pattern":"arn:aws.*:kms:.*:[0-9]{12}:key/[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}" }, "LambdaConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "RoleArn", "LambdaArn" ], "members":{ "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of an IAM role that has permission to invoke the Lambda function.

" }, "LambdaArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the Lambda function.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a Lambda configuration.

" }, "ListAlertsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the alert's detector.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the result of the previous request is truncated, the response includes a NextToken. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next request. Tokens expire after 24 hours.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results that will be displayed by the request.

", "box":true } } }, "ListAlertsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AlertSummaryList":{ "shape":"AlertSummaryList", "documentation":"

Contains information about an alert.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the response is truncated, the service returns this token. To retrieve the next set of results, use this token in the next request.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyDetectorsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the result of the previous request was truncated, the response includes a NextToken. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next request. Tokens expire after 24 hours.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyDetectorsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorSummaryList":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorSummaryList", "documentation":"

A list of anomaly detectors in the account in the current region.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the response is truncated, the service returns this token. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next request.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetricsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorArn", "AnomalyGroupId" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" }, "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "RelationshipTypeFilter":{ "shape":"RelationshipType", "documentation":"

Filter for potential causes (CAUSE_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP) or downstream effects (EFFECT_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP) of the anomaly group.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyGroupRelatedMetricsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "InterMetricImpactList":{ "shape":"InterMetricImpactList", "documentation":"

Aggregated details about the measures contributing to the anomaly group, and the measures potentially impacted by the anomaly group.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

The pagination token that's included if more results are available.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyGroupSummariesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorArn", "SensitivityThreshold" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" }, "SensitivityThreshold":{ "shape":"SensitivityThreshold", "documentation":"

The minimum severity score for inclusion in the output.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyGroupSummariesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyGroupSummaryList":{ "shape":"AnomalyGroupSummaryList", "documentation":"

A list of anomaly group summaries.

" }, "AnomalyGroupStatistics":{ "shape":"AnomalyGroupStatistics", "documentation":"

Aggregated details about the anomaly groups.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

The pagination token that's included if more results are available.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorArn", "AnomalyGroupId", "MetricName" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" }, "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "MetricName":{ "shape":"MetricName", "documentation":"

The name of the measure field.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results.

" } } }, "ListAnomalyGroupTimeSeriesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyGroupId":{ "shape":"UUID", "documentation":"

The ID of the anomaly group.

" }, "MetricName":{ "shape":"MetricName", "documentation":"

The name of the measure field.

" }, "TimestampList":{ "shape":"TimestampList", "documentation":"

Timestamps for the anomalous metrics.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

The pagination token that's included if more results are available.

" }, "TimeSeriesList":{ "shape":"TimeSeriesList", "documentation":"

A list of anomalous metrics.

" } } }, "ListMetricSetsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the anomaly detector containing the metrics sets to list.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

", "box":true }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the result of the previous request was truncated, the response includes a NextToken. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next request. Tokens expire after 24 hours.

" } } }, "ListMetricSetsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricSetSummaryList":{ "shape":"MetricSetSummaryList", "documentation":"

A list of the datasets in the AWS Region, with configuration details for each.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the response is truncated, the list call returns this token. To retrieve the next set of results, use the token in the next list request.

" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["ResourceArn"], "members":{ "ResourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"resourceArn" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

The resource's tags.

", "locationName":"Tags" } } }, "MaxResults":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":1 }, "Message":{"type":"string"}, "Metric":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "MetricName", "AggregationFunction" ], "members":{ "MetricName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the metric.

" }, "AggregationFunction":{ "shape":"AggregationFunction", "documentation":"

The function with which the metric is calculated.

" }, "Namespace":{ "shape":"Namespace", "documentation":"

The namespace for the metric.

" } }, "documentation":"

A calculation made by contrasting a measure and a dimension from your source data.

" }, "MetricChangePercentage":{ "type":"double", "max":100.0, "min":0.0 }, "MetricLevelImpact":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricName":{ "shape":"MetricName", "documentation":"

The name of the measure.

" }, "NumTimeSeries":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The number of anomalous metrics for the measure.

" }, "ContributionMatrix":{ "shape":"ContributionMatrix", "documentation":"

Details about the dimensions that contributed to the anomaly.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about a measure affected by an anomaly.

" }, "MetricLevelImpactList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MetricLevelImpact"} }, "MetricList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Metric"}, "min":1 }, "MetricName":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]*" }, "MetricSetDescription":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "MetricSetName":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]*" }, "MetricSetSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dataset.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to which the dataset belongs.

" }, "MetricSetDescription":{ "shape":"MetricSetDescription", "documentation":"

The description of the dataset.

" }, "MetricSetName":{ "shape":"MetricSetName", "documentation":"

The name of the dataset.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the dataset was created.

" }, "LastModificationTime":{ "shape":"Timestamp", "documentation":"

The time at which the dataset was last modified.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

The dataset's tags.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a dataset.

" }, "MetricSetSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MetricSetSummary"} }, "MetricSource":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "S3SourceConfig":{"shape":"S3SourceConfig"}, "AppFlowConfig":{ "shape":"AppFlowConfig", "documentation":"

An object containing information about the AppFlow configuration.

" }, "CloudWatchConfig":{ "shape":"CloudWatchConfig", "documentation":"

An object containing information about the Amazon CloudWatch monitoring configuration.

" }, "RDSSourceConfig":{ "shape":"RDSSourceConfig", "documentation":"

An object containing information about the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) configuration.

" }, "RedshiftSourceConfig":{ "shape":"RedshiftSourceConfig", "documentation":"

An object containing information about the Amazon Redshift database configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about source data used to generate a metric.

" }, "MetricValue":{"type":"double"}, "MetricValueList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"MetricValue"} }, "Namespace":{ "type":"string", "max":255, "min":1, "pattern":"[^:].*" }, "NextToken":{ "type":"string", "max":3000, "min":1, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "Offset":{ "type":"integer", "max":432000, "min":0 }, "PoirotSecretManagerArn":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "pattern":"arn:([a-z\\d-]+):.*:.*:secret:AmazonLookoutMetrics-.+" }, "PutFeedbackRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "AnomalyDetectorArn", "AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback" ], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the anomaly detector.

" }, "AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback":{ "shape":"AnomalyGroupTimeSeriesFeedback", "documentation":"

Feedback for an anomalous metric.

" } } }, "PutFeedbackResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "QuotaCode":{"type":"string"}, "QuoteSymbol":{ "type":"string", "max":1, "pattern":"[^\\r\\n]|^$" }, "RDSDatabaseIdentifier":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z](?!.*--)(?!.*-$)[0-9a-zA-Z\\-]*$" }, "RDSDatabaseName":{ "type":"string", "max":64, "min":1, "pattern":"[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+" }, "RDSSourceConfig":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "DBInstanceIdentifier":{ "shape":"RDSDatabaseIdentifier", "documentation":"

A string identifying the database instance.

" }, "DatabaseHost":{ "shape":"DatabaseHost", "documentation":"

The host name of the database.

" }, "DatabasePort":{ "shape":"DatabasePort", "documentation":"

The port number where the database can be accessed.

", "box":true }, "SecretManagerArn":{ "shape":"PoirotSecretManagerArn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager role.

" }, "DatabaseName":{ "shape":"RDSDatabaseName", "documentation":"

The name of the RDS database.

" }, "TableName":{ "shape":"TableName", "documentation":"

The name of the table in the database.

" }, "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role.

" }, "VpcConfiguration":{ "shape":"VpcConfiguration", "documentation":"

An object containing information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) configuration.

" }, "RedshiftClusterIdentifier":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-z](?!.*--)(?!.*-$)[0-9a-z\\-]*$" }, "RedshiftDatabaseName":{ "type":"string", "max":100, "min":1, "pattern":"[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+" }, "RedshiftSourceConfig":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ClusterIdentifier":{ "shape":"RedshiftClusterIdentifier", "documentation":"

A string identifying the Redshift cluster.

" }, "DatabaseHost":{ "shape":"DatabaseHost", "documentation":"

The name of the database host.

" }, "DatabasePort":{ "shape":"DatabasePort", "documentation":"

The port number where the database can be accessed.

", "box":true }, "SecretManagerArn":{ "shape":"PoirotSecretManagerArn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager role.

" }, "DatabaseName":{ "shape":"RedshiftDatabaseName", "documentation":"

The Redshift database name.

" }, "TableName":{ "shape":"TableName", "documentation":"

The table name of the Redshift database.

" }, "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role providing access to the database.

" }, "VpcConfiguration":{ "shape":"VpcConfiguration", "documentation":"

Contains information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration.

" } }, "documentation":"

Provides information about the Amazon Redshift database configuration.

" }, "RelationshipType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "CAUSE_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP", "EFFECT_OF_INPUT_ANOMALY_GROUP" ] }, "ResourceId":{"type":"string"}, "ResourceNotFoundException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"}, "ResourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the resource.

" }, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ResourceType", "documentation":"

The type of the resource.

" } }, "documentation":"

The specified resource cannot be found. Check the ARN of the resource and try again.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "ResourceType":{"type":"string"}, "S3SourceConfig":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of an IAM role that has read and write access permissions to the source S3 bucket.

" }, "TemplatedPathList":{ "shape":"TemplatedPathList", "documentation":"

A list of templated paths to the source files.

" }, "HistoricalDataPathList":{ "shape":"HistoricalDataPathList", "documentation":"

A list of paths to the historical data files.

" }, "FileFormatDescriptor":{ "shape":"FileFormatDescriptor", "documentation":"

Contains information about a source file's formatting.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about the configuration of the S3 bucket that contains source files.

" }, "SNSConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "RoleArn", "SnsTopicArn" ], "members":{ "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the IAM role that has access to the target SNS topic.

" }, "SnsTopicArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the target SNS topic.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about the SNS topic to which you want to send your alerts and the IAM role that has access to that topic.

" }, "SampleDataS3SourceConfig":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "RoleArn", "FileFormatDescriptor" ], "members":{ "RoleArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role.

" }, "TemplatedPathList":{ "shape":"TemplatedPathList", "documentation":"

An array of strings containing the list of templated paths.

" }, "HistoricalDataPathList":{ "shape":"HistoricalDataPathList", "documentation":"

An array of strings containing the historical set of data paths.

" }, "FileFormatDescriptor":{"shape":"FileFormatDescriptor"} }, "documentation":"

Contains information about the source configuration in Amazon S3.

" }, "SampleRow":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"DataItem"} }, "SampleRows":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SampleRow"} }, "Score":{ "type":"double", "max":100.0, "min":0.0 }, "SecurityGroupId":{ "type":"string", "max":255, "min":1, "pattern":"[-0-9a-zA-Z]+" }, "SecurityGroupIdList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SecurityGroupId"} }, "SensitivityThreshold":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":0 }, "ServiceCode":{"type":"string"}, "ServiceQuotaExceededException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"}, "ResourceId":{ "shape":"ResourceId", "documentation":"

The ID of the resource.

" }, "ResourceType":{ "shape":"ResourceType", "documentation":"

The type of the resource.

" }, "QuotaCode":{ "shape":"QuotaCode", "documentation":"

The quota code.

" }, "ServiceCode":{ "shape":"ServiceCode", "documentation":"

The service code.

" } }, "documentation":"

The request exceeded the service's quotas. Check the service quotas and try again.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":402}, "exception":true }, "SubnetId":{ "type":"string", "max":255, "pattern":"[\\-0-9a-zA-Z]+" }, "SubnetIdList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SubnetId"} }, "TableName":{ "type":"string", "max":100, "min":1, "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*$" }, "TagKey":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1 }, "TagKeyList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TagKey"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "TagMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"TagKey"}, "value":{"shape":"TagValue"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "TagResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ResourceArn", "Tags" ], "members":{ "ResourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"resourceArn" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

Tags to apply to the resource. Tag keys and values can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and the following symbols: _.:/=+@-

", "locationName":"tags" } } }, "TagResourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "TagValue":{ "type":"string", "max":256 }, "TemplatedPath":{ "type":"string", "max":1024, "pattern":"^s3://[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\/ {}=]+$" }, "TemplatedPathList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TemplatedPath"}, "max":1, "min":1 }, "TimeSeries":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "TimeSeriesId", "DimensionList", "MetricValueList" ], "members":{ "TimeSeriesId":{ "shape":"TimeSeriesId", "documentation":"

The ID of the metric.

" }, "DimensionList":{ "shape":"DimensionNameValueList", "documentation":"

The dimensions of the metric.

" }, "MetricValueList":{ "shape":"MetricValueList", "documentation":"

The values for the metric.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about a metric. A metric is an aggregation of the values of a measure for a dimension value, such as availability in the us-east-1 Region.

" }, "TimeSeriesFeedback":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TimeSeriesId":{ "shape":"TimeSeriesId", "documentation":"

The ID of the metric.

" }, "IsAnomaly":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Feedback on whether the metric is a legitimate anomaly.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about feedback submitted for an anomalous metric.

" }, "TimeSeriesFeedbackList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TimeSeriesFeedback"} }, "TimeSeriesId":{ "type":"string", "max":520, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "TimeSeriesList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TimeSeries"} }, "Timestamp":{"type":"timestamp"}, "TimestampColumn":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "ColumnName":{ "shape":"ColumnName", "documentation":"

The name of the timestamp column.

" }, "ColumnFormat":{ "shape":"DateTimeFormat", "documentation":"

The format of the timestamp column.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about the column used to track time in a source data file.

" }, "TimestampList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TimestampString"} }, "TimestampString":{ "type":"string", "max":60, "pattern":"^([12]\\d{3})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01])T([01]\\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\\d):([0-5]\\d)(Z|(\\+|\\-)(0\\d|1[0-2]):([0-5]\\d)(\\[[[:alnum:]\\/\\_]+\\])?)$" }, "Timezone":{ "type":"string", "max":60, "pattern":".*\\S.*" }, "TooManyRequestsException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"} }, "documentation":"

The request was denied due to too many requests being submitted at the same time.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":429}, "exception":true }, "UUID":{ "type":"string", "max":63, "pattern":"[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}" }, "UntagResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "ResourceArn", "TagKeys" ], "members":{ "ResourceArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The resource's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"resourceArn" }, "TagKeys":{ "shape":"TagKeyList", "documentation":"

Keys to remove from the resource's tags.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"tagKeys" } } }, "UntagResourceResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "UpdateAnomalyDetectorRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["AnomalyDetectorArn"], "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the detector to update.

" }, "KmsKeyArn":{ "shape":"KmsKeyArn", "documentation":"

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS KMS encryption key.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorDescription":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorDescription", "documentation":"

The updated detector description.

" }, "AnomalyDetectorConfig":{ "shape":"AnomalyDetectorConfig", "documentation":"

Contains information about the configuration to which the detector will be updated.

" } } }, "UpdateAnomalyDetectorResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "AnomalyDetectorArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the updated detector.

" } } }, "UpdateMetricSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["MetricSetArn"], "members":{ "MetricSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dataset to update.

" }, "MetricSetDescription":{ "shape":"MetricSetDescription", "documentation":"

The dataset's description.

" }, "MetricList":{ "shape":"MetricList", "documentation":"

The metric list.

" }, "Offset":{ "shape":"Offset", "documentation":"

After an interval ends, the amount of seconds that the detector waits before importing data. Offset is only supported for S3 and Redshift datasources.

", "box":true }, "TimestampColumn":{ "shape":"TimestampColumn", "documentation":"

The timestamp column.

" }, "DimensionList":{ "shape":"DimensionList", "documentation":"

The dimension list.

" }, "MetricSetFrequency":{ "shape":"Frequency", "documentation":"

The dataset's interval.

" }, "MetricSource":{"shape":"MetricSource"} } }, "UpdateMetricSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MetricSetArn":{ "shape":"Arn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the dataset.

" } } }, "ValidationException":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Message"], "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"Message"}, "Reason":{ "shape":"ValidationExceptionReason", "documentation":"

The reason that validation failed.

" }, "Fields":{ "shape":"ValidationExceptionFieldList", "documentation":"

Fields that failed validation.

" } }, "documentation":"

The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by the AWS service. Check your input values and try again.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "ValidationExceptionField":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "Name", "Message" ], "members":{ "Name":{ "shape":"FieldName", "documentation":"

The name of the field.

" }, "Message":{ "shape":"Message", "documentation":"

The message with more information about the validation exception.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a a field in a validation exception.

" }, "ValidationExceptionFieldList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ValidationExceptionField"} }, "ValidationExceptionReason":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "UNKNOWN_OPERATION", "CANNOT_PARSE", "FIELD_VALIDATION_FAILED", "OTHER" ] }, "VpcConfiguration":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "SubnetIdList", "SecurityGroupIdList" ], "members":{ "SubnetIdList":{ "shape":"SubnetIdList", "documentation":"

An array of strings containing the Amazon VPC subnet IDs (e.g., subnet-0bb1c79de3EXAMPLE.

" }, "SecurityGroupIdList":{ "shape":"SecurityGroupIdList", "documentation":"

An array of strings containing the list of security groups.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains configuration information about the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

" } }, "documentation":"

This is the Amazon Lookout for Metrics API Reference. For an introduction to the service with tutorials for getting started, visit Amazon Lookout for Metrics Developer Guide.

" }