# Copyright 2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.utils import get_service_module_name class BaseClientExceptions(object): ClientError = ClientError def __init__(self, code_to_exception): """Base class for exceptions object on a client :type code_to_exception: dict :param code_to_exception: Mapping of error codes (strings) to exception class that should be raised when encountering a particular error code. """ self._code_to_exception = code_to_exception def from_code(self, error_code): """Retrieves the error class based on the error code This is helpful for identifying the exception class needing to be caught based on the ClientError.parsed_reponse['Error']['Code'] value :type error_code: string :param error_code: The error code associated to a ClientError exception :rtype: ClientError or a subclass of ClientError :returns: The appropriate modeled exception class for that error code. If the error code does not match any of the known modeled exceptions then return a generic ClientError. """ return self._code_to_exception.get(error_code, self.ClientError) def __getattr__(self, name): exception_cls_names = [ exception_cls.__name__ for exception_cls in self._code_to_exception.values() ] raise AttributeError( '%r object has no attribute %r. Valid exceptions are: %s' % ( self, name, ', '.join(exception_cls_names))) class ClientExceptionsFactory(object): def __init__(self): self._client_exceptions_cache = {} def create_client_exceptions(self, service_model): """Creates a ClientExceptions object for the particular service client :type service_model: botocore.model.ServiceModel :param service_model: The service model for the client :rtype: object that subclasses from BaseClientExceptions :returns: The exceptions object of a client that can be used to grab the various different modeled exceptions. """ service_name = service_model.service_name if service_name not in self._client_exceptions_cache: client_exceptions = self._create_client_exceptions(service_model) self._client_exceptions_cache[service_name] = client_exceptions return self._client_exceptions_cache[service_name] def _create_client_exceptions(self, service_model): cls_props = {} code_to_exception = {} for shape_name in service_model.shape_names: shape = service_model.shape_for(shape_name) if shape.metadata.get('exception', False): exception_name = str(shape.name) exception_cls = type(exception_name, (ClientError,), {}) code = shape.metadata.get("error", {}).get("code") cls_props[exception_name] = exception_cls if code: code_to_exception[code] = exception_cls else: # Use the exception name if there is no explicit code # modeled code_to_exception[exception_name] = exception_cls cls_name = str(get_service_module_name(service_model) + 'Exceptions') client_exceptions_cls = type( cls_name, (BaseClientExceptions,), cls_props) return client_exceptions_cls(code_to_exception)