{ "version": "1.0", "examples": { "CreateDevicePool": [ { "input": { "name": "MyDevicePool", "description": "My Android devices", "projectArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "rules": [ ] }, "output": { "devicePool": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "name": "A device pool contains related devices, such as devices that run only on Android or that run only on iOS.", "projectArn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a new device pool named MyDevicePool inside an existing project.", "id": "createdevicepool-example-1470862210860", "title": "To create a new device pool" } ], "CreateProject": [ { "input": { "name": "MyProject" }, "output": { "project": { "name": "MyProject", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-12345EXAMPLE", "created": "1472660939.152" } }, "comments": { "input": { "name": "A project in Device Farm is a workspace that contains test runs. A run is a test of a single app against one or more devices." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a new project named MyProject.", "id": "createproject-example-1470862210860", "title": "To create a new project" } ], "CreateRemoteAccessSession": [ { "input": { "name": "MySession", "configuration": { "billingMethod": "METERED" }, "deviceArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123EXAMPLE", "projectArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "remoteAccessSession": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "deviceArn": "You can get the device ARN by using the list-devices CLI command.", "projectArn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a remote access session named MySession.", "id": "to-create-a-remote-access-session-1470970668274", "title": "To create a remote access session" } ], "CreateUpload": [ { "input": { "name": "MyAppiumPythonUpload", "type": "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE", "projectArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "upload": { "name": "MyAppiumPythonUpload", "type": "APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:upload:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/b5340a65-3da7-4da6-a26e-12345EXAMPLE", "created": "1472661404.186", "status": "INITIALIZED", "url": "https://prod-us-west-2-uploads.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/arn%3Aaws%3Adevicefarm%3Aus-west-2%3A123456789101%3Aproject%3A5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-12345EXAMPLE/uploads/arn%3Aaws%3Adevicefarm%3Aus-west-2%3A123456789101%3Aupload%3A5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/b5340a65-3da7-4da6-a26e-12345EXAMPLE/MyAppiumPythonUpload?AWSAccessKeyId=1234567891011EXAMPLE&Expires=1472747804&Signature=1234567891011EXAMPLE" } }, "comments": { "input": { "projectArn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example creates a new Appium Python test package upload inside an existing project.", "id": "createupload-example-1470864711775", "title": "To create a new test package upload" } ], "DeleteDevicePool": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::devicepool:123-456-EXAMPLE-GUID" }, "output": { }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the device pool ARN by using the list-device-pools CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a specific device pool.", "id": "deletedevicepool-example-1470866975494", "title": "To delete a device pool" } ], "DeleteProject": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a specific project.", "id": "deleteproject-example-1470867374212", "title": "To delete a project" } ], "DeleteRemoteAccessSession": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:session:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the remote access session ARN by using the list-remote-access-sessions CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a specific remote access session.", "id": "to-delete-a-specific-remote-access-session-1470971431677", "title": "To delete a specific remote access session" } ], "DeleteRun": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the run ARN by using the list-runs CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a specific test run.", "id": "deleterun-example-1470867905129", "title": "To delete a run" } ], "DeleteUpload": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:upload:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the upload ARN by using the list-uploads CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example deletes a specific upload.", "id": "deleteupload-example-1470868363942", "title": "To delete a specific upload" } ], "GetAccountSettings": [ { "input": { }, "output": { "accountSettings": { "awsAccountNumber": "123456789101", "unmeteredDevices": { "ANDROID": 1, "IOS": 2 } } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about your Device Farm account settings.", "id": "to-get-information-about-account-settings-1472567568189", "title": "To get information about account settings" } ], "GetDevice": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123EXAMPLE" }, "output": { "device": { "name": "LG G2 (Sprint)", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:A0E6E6E1059E45918208DF75B2B7EF6C", "cpu": { "architecture": "armeabi-v7a", "clock": 2265.6, "frequency": "MHz" }, "formFactor": "PHONE", "heapSize": 256000000, "image": "75B2B7EF6C12345EXAMPLE", "manufacturer": "LG", "memory": 16000000000, "model": "G2 (Sprint)", "os": "4.2.2", "platform": "ANDROID", "resolution": { "height": 1920, "width": 1080 } } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about a specific device.", "id": "getdevice-example-1470870602173", "title": "To get information about a device" } ], "GetDevicePool": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "devicePool": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can obtain the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about a specific device pool, given a project ARN.", "id": "getdevicepool-example-1470870873136", "title": "To get information about a device pool" } ], "GetDevicePoolCompatibility": [ { "input": { "appArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::app:123-456-EXAMPLE-GUID", "devicePoolArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::devicepool:123-456-EXAMPLE-GUID", "testType": "APPIUM_PYTHON" }, "output": { "compatibleDevices": [ ], "incompatibleDevices": [ ] }, "comments": { "input": { "devicePoolArn": "You can get the device pool ARN by using the list-device-pools CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about the compatibility of a specific device pool, given its ARN.", "id": "getdevicepoolcompatibility-example-1470925003466", "title": "To get information about the compatibility of a device pool" } ], "GetJob": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::job:123-456-EXAMPLE-GUID" }, "output": { "job": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the job ARN by using the list-jobs CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about a specific job.", "id": "getjob-example-1470928294268", "title": "To get information about a job" } ], "GetOfferingStatus": [ { "input": { "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE=" }, "output": { "current": { "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE": { "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 1 } }, "nextPeriod": { "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE": { "effectiveOn": "1472688000", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 1 } } }, "comments": { "input": { "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about Device Farm offerings available to your account.", "id": "to-get-status-information-about-device-offerings-1472568124402", "title": "To get status information about device offerings" } ], "GetProject": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-12345EXAMPLE" }, "output": { "project": { "name": "My Project", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-12345EXAMPLE", "created": "1472660939.152" } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example gets information about a specific project.", "id": "to-get-a-project-1470975038449", "title": "To get information about a project" } ], "GetRemoteAccessSession": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:session:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "remoteAccessSession": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the remote access session ARN by using the list-remote-access-sessions CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example gets a specific remote access session.", "id": "to-get-a-remote-access-session-1471014119414", "title": "To get a remote access session" } ], "GetRun": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/0fcac17b-6122-44d7-ae5a-12345EXAMPLE" }, "output": { "run": { "name": "My Test Run", "type": "BUILTIN_EXPLORER", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/0fcac17b-6122-44d7-ae5a-12345EXAMPLE", "billingMethod": "METERED", "completedJobs": 0, "counters": { "errored": 0, "failed": 0, "passed": 0, "skipped": 0, "stopped": 0, "total": 0, "warned": 0 }, "created": "1472667509.852", "deviceMinutes": { "metered": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "unmetered": 0.0 }, "platform": "ANDROID", "result": "PENDING", "status": "RUNNING", "totalJobs": 3 } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the run ARN by using the list-runs CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example gets information about a specific test run.", "id": "to-get-a-test-run-1471015895657", "title": "To get information about a test run" } ], "GetSuite": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:suite:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "suite": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the suite ARN by using the list-suites CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example gets information about a specific test suite.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-test-suite-1471016525008", "title": "To get information about a test suite" } ], "GetTest": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:test:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "test": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the test ARN by using the list-tests CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example gets information about a specific test.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-specific-test-1471025744238", "title": "To get information about a specific test" } ], "GetUpload": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:upload:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "upload": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the test ARN by using the list-uploads CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example gets information about a specific upload.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-specific-upload-1471025996221", "title": "To get information about a specific upload" } ], "InstallToRemoteAccessSession": [ { "input": { "appArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:app:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "remoteAccessSessionArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:session:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "appUpload": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "remoteAccessSessionArn": "You can get the remote access session ARN by using the list-remote-access-sessions CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example installs a specific app to a device in a specific remote access session.", "id": "to-install-to-a-remote-access-session-1471634453818", "title": "To install to a remote access session" } ], "ListArtifacts": [ { "input": { "type": "SCREENSHOT", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "Can also be used to list artifacts for a Job, Suite, or Test ARN." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example lists screenshot artifacts for a specific run.", "id": "to-list-artifacts-for-a-resource-1471635409527", "title": "To list artifacts for a resource" } ], "ListDevicePools": [ { "input": { "type": "PRIVATE", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "devicePools": [ { "name": "Top Devices", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::devicepool:082d10e5-d7d7-48a5-ba5c-12345EXAMPLE", "description": "Top devices", "rules": [ { "value": "[\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\"]", "attribute": "ARN", "operator": "IN" } ] }, { "name": "My Android Device Pool", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:devicepool:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/bf96e75a-28f6-4e61-b6a7-12345EXAMPLE", "description": "Samsung Galaxy Android devices", "rules": [ { "value": "[\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\",\"arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:123456789EXAMPLE\"]", "attribute": "ARN", "operator": "IN" } ] } ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about the private device pools in a specific project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-device-pools-1471635745170", "title": "To get information about device pools" } ], "ListDevices": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about the available devices in a specific project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-devices-1471641699344", "title": "To get information about devices" } ], "ListJobs": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the project ARN by using the list-jobs CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about jobs in a specific project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-jobs-1471642228071", "title": "To get information about jobs" } ], "ListOfferingTransactions": [ { "input": { "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE=" }, "output": { "offeringTransactions": [ { "cost": { "amount": 0, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "createdOn": "1470021420", "offeringStatus": { "type": "RENEW", "effectiveOn": "1472688000", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 0 }, "transactionId": "03728003-d1ea-4851-abd6-12345EXAMPLE" }, { "cost": { "amount": 250, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "createdOn": "1470021420", "offeringStatus": { "type": "PURCHASE", "effectiveOn": "1470021420", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 1 }, "transactionId": "56820b6e-06bd-473a-8ff8-12345EXAMPLE" }, { "cost": { "amount": 175, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "createdOn": "1465538520", "offeringStatus": { "type": "PURCHASE", "effectiveOn": "1465538520", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "8980F81C-00D7-469D-8EC6-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 1 }, "transactionId": "953ae2c6-d760-4a04-9597-12345EXAMPLE" }, { "cost": { "amount": 8.07, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "createdOn": "1459344300", "offeringStatus": { "type": "PURCHASE", "effectiveOn": "1459344300", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "iOS Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "A53D4D73-A6F6-4B82-A0B0-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "IOS" }, "quantity": 1 }, "transactionId": "2baf9021-ae3e-47f5-ab52-12345EXAMPLE" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about Device Farm offering transactions.", "id": "to-get-information-about-device-offering-transactions-1472561712315", "title": "To get information about device offering transactions" } ], "ListOfferings": [ { "input": { "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE=" }, "output": { "offerings": [ { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "iOS Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "A53D4D73-A6F6-4B82-A0B0-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "IOS", "recurringCharges": [ { "cost": { "amount": 250, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "frequency": "MONTHLY" } ] }, { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "8980F81C-00D7-469D-8EC6-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID", "recurringCharges": [ { "cost": { "amount": 250, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "frequency": "MONTHLY" } ] }, { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID", "recurringCharges": [ { "cost": { "amount": 250, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "frequency": "MONTHLY" } ] }, { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "iOS Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "552B4DAD-A6C9-45C4-94FB-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "IOS", "recurringCharges": [ { "cost": { "amount": 250, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "frequency": "MONTHLY" } ] } ] }, "comments": { "input": { "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about available device offerings.", "id": "to-get-information-about-device-offerings-1472562810999", "title": "To get information about device offerings" } ], "ListProjects": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:7ad300ed-8183-41a7-bf94-12345EXAMPLE", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "projects": [ { "name": "My Test Project", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:7ad300ed-8183-41a7-bf94-12345EXAMPLE", "created": "1453163262.105" }, { "name": "Hello World", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:d6b087d9-56db-4e44-b9ec-12345EXAMPLE", "created": "1470350112.439" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about the specified project in Device Farm.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-device-farm-project-1472564014388", "title": "To get information about a Device Farm project" } ], "ListRemoteAccessSessions": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:session:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE=" }, "output": { "remoteAccessSessions": [ ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the session by using the list-sessions CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about a specific Device Farm remote access session.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-remote-access-session-1472581144803", "title": "To get information about a remote access session" } ], "ListRuns": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/0fcac17b-6122-44d7-ae5a-12345EXAMPLE", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "runs": [ { "name": "My Test Run", "type": "BUILTIN_EXPLORER", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:5e01a8c7-c861-4c0a-b1d5-5ec6e6c6dd23/0fcac17b-6122-44d7-ae5a-12345EXAMPLE", "billingMethod": "METERED", "completedJobs": 0, "counters": { "errored": 0, "failed": 0, "passed": 0, "skipped": 0, "stopped": 0, "total": 0, "warned": 0 }, "created": "1472667509.852", "deviceMinutes": { "metered": 0.0, "total": 0.0, "unmetered": 0.0 }, "platform": "ANDROID", "result": "PENDING", "status": "RUNNING", "totalJobs": 3 } ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the run by using the list-runs CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about a specific test run.", "id": "to-get-information-about-test-runs-1472582711069", "title": "To get information about a test run" } ], "ListSamples": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "samples": [ ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about samples, given a specific Device Farm project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-samples-1472582847534", "title": "To get information about samples" } ], "ListSuites": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "suites": [ ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about suites, given a specific Device Farm project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-suites-1472583038218", "title": "To get information about suites" } ], "ListTests": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "tests": [ ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about tests, given a specific Device Farm project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-tests-1472617372212", "title": "To get information about tests" } ], "ListUniqueProblems": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "uniqueProblems": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about unique problems, given a specific Device Farm project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-unique-problems-1472617781008", "title": "To get information about unique problems" } ], "ListUploads": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "nextToken": "RW5DdDJkMWYwZjM2MzM2VHVpOHJIUXlDUXlhc2QzRGViYnc9SEXAMPLE" }, "output": { "uploads": [ ] }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command.", "nextToken": "A dynamically generated value, used for paginating results." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example returns information about uploads, given a specific Device Farm project.", "id": "to-get-information-about-uploads-1472617943090", "title": "To get information about uploads" } ], "PurchaseOffering": [ { "input": { "offeringId": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "quantity": 1 }, "output": { "offeringTransaction": { "cost": { "amount": 8.07, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "createdOn": "1472648340", "offeringStatus": { "type": "PURCHASE", "effectiveOn": "1472648340", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 1 }, "transactionId": "d30614ed-1b03-404c-9893-12345EXAMPLE" } }, "comments": { "input": { "offeringId": "You can get the offering ID by using the list-offerings CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example purchases a specific device slot offering.", "id": "to-purchase-a-device-slot-offering-1472648146343", "title": "To purchase a device slot offering" } ], "RenewOffering": [ { "input": { "offeringId": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "quantity": 1 }, "output": { "offeringTransaction": { "cost": { "amount": 250, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "createdOn": "1472648880", "offeringStatus": { "type": "RENEW", "effectiveOn": "1472688000", "offering": { "type": "RECURRING", "description": "Android Remote Access Unmetered Device Slot", "id": "D68B3C05-1BA6-4360-BC69-12345EXAMPLE", "platform": "ANDROID" }, "quantity": 1 }, "transactionId": "e90f1405-8c35-4561-be43-12345EXAMPLE" } }, "comments": { "input": { "offeringId": "You can get the offering ID by using the list-offerings CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example renews a specific device slot offering.", "id": "to-renew-a-device-slot-offering-1472648899785", "title": "To renew a device slot offering" } ], "ScheduleRun": [ { "input": { "name": "MyRun", "devicePoolArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:pool:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "projectArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456", "test": { "type": "APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT", "testPackageArn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:test:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" } }, "output": { "run": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "devicePoolArn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device pool by using the list-pools CLI command.", "projectArn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command.", "testPackageArn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the test package by using the list-tests CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example schedules a test run named MyRun.", "id": "to-schedule-a-test-run-1472652429636", "title": "To schedule a test run" } ], "StopRun": [ { "input": { "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:run:EXAMPLE-GUID-123-456" }, "output": { "run": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the test run by using the list-runs CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example stops a specific test run.", "id": "to-stop-a-test-run-1472653770340", "title": "To stop a test run" } ], "UpdateDevicePool": [ { "input": { "name": "NewName", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::devicepool:082d10e5-d7d7-48a5-ba5c-12345EXAMPLE", "description": "NewDescription", "rules": [ { "value": "True", "attribute": "REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED", "operator": "EQUALS" } ] }, "output": { "devicePool": { } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device pool by using the list-pools CLI command." }, "output": { "devicePool": "Note: you cannot update curated device pools." } }, "description": "The following example updates the specified device pool with a new name and description. It also enables remote access of devices in the device pool.", "id": "to-update-a-device-pool-1472653887677", "title": "To update a device pool" } ], "UpdateProject": [ { "input": { "name": "NewName", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:8f75187d-101e-4625-accc-12345EXAMPLE" }, "output": { "project": { "name": "NewName", "arn": "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:123456789101:project:8f75187d-101e-4625-accc-12345EXAMPLE", "created": "1448400709.927" } }, "comments": { "input": { "arn": "You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project by using the list-projects CLI command." }, "output": { } }, "description": "The following example updates the specified project with a new name.", "id": "to-update-a-device-pool-1472653887677", "title": "To update a device pool" } ] } }