{ "version":"2.0", "metadata":{ "apiVersion":"2017-07-25", "endpointPrefix":"api.elastic-inference", "jsonVersion":"1.1", "protocol":"rest-json", "serviceAbbreviation":"Amazon Elastic Inference", "serviceFullName":"Amazon Elastic Inference", "serviceId":"Elastic Inference", "signatureVersion":"v4", "signingName":"elastic-inference", "uid":"elastic-inference-2017-07-25" }, "operations":{ "DescribeAcceleratorOfferings":{ "name":"DescribeAcceleratorOfferings", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/describe-accelerator-offerings" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAcceleratorOfferingsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAcceleratorOfferingsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the locations in which a given accelerator type or set of types is present in a given region.

" }, "DescribeAcceleratorTypes":{ "name":"DescribeAcceleratorTypes", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/describe-accelerator-types" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAcceleratorTypesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAcceleratorTypesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes the accelerator types available in a given region, as well as their characteristics, such as memory and throughput.

" }, "DescribeAccelerators":{ "name":"DescribeAccelerators", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/describe-accelerators" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAcceleratorsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAcceleratorsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Describes information over a provided set of accelerators belonging to an account.

" }, "ListTagsForResource":{ "name":"ListTagsForResource", "http":{ "method":"GET", "requestUri":"/tags/{resourceArn}" }, "input":{"shape":"ListTagsForResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTagsForResourceResult"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns all tags of an Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "TagResource":{ "name":"TagResource", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/tags/{resourceArn}" }, "input":{"shape":"TagResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"TagResourceResult"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Adds the specified tags to an Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "UntagResource":{ "name":"UntagResource", "http":{ "method":"DELETE", "requestUri":"/tags/{resourceArn}" }, "input":{"shape":"UntagResourceRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"UntagResourceResult"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], "documentation":"

Removes the specified tags from an Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" } }, "shapes":{ "AcceleratorHealthStatus":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "AcceleratorId":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":"^eia-[0-9a-f]+$" }, "AcceleratorIdList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AcceleratorId"}, "max":1000, "min":0 }, "AcceleratorType":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorTypeName":{ "shape":"AcceleratorTypeName", "documentation":"

The name of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "memoryInfo":{ "shape":"MemoryInfo", "documentation":"

The memory information of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "throughputInfo":{ "shape":"ThroughputInfoList", "documentation":"

The throughput information of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" } }, "documentation":"

The details of an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "AcceleratorTypeList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AcceleratorType"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "AcceleratorTypeName":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":"^\\S+$" }, "AcceleratorTypeNameList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AcceleratorTypeName"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "AcceleratorTypeOffering":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorType":{ "shape":"AcceleratorTypeName", "documentation":"

The name of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "locationType":{ "shape":"LocationType", "documentation":"

The location type for the offering. It can assume the following values: region: defines that the offering is at the regional level. availability-zone: defines that the offering is at the availability zone level. availability-zone-id: defines that the offering is at the availability zone level, defined by the availability zone id.

" }, "location":{ "shape":"Location", "documentation":"

The location for the offering. It will return either the region, availability zone or availability zone id for the offering depending on the locationType value.

" } }, "documentation":"

The offering for an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "AcceleratorTypeOfferingList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AcceleratorTypeOffering"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "AvailabilityZone":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "BadRequestException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

Raised when a malformed input has been provided to the API.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":400}, "exception":true }, "DescribeAcceleratorOfferingsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["locationType"], "members":{ "locationType":{ "shape":"LocationType", "documentation":"

The location type that you want to describe accelerator type offerings for. It can assume the following values: region: will return the accelerator type offering at the regional level. availability-zone: will return the accelerator type offering at the availability zone level. availability-zone-id: will return the accelerator type offering at the availability zone level returning the availability zone id.

" }, "acceleratorTypes":{ "shape":"AcceleratorTypeNameList", "documentation":"

The list of accelerator types to describe.

" } } }, "DescribeAcceleratorOfferingsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorTypeOfferings":{ "shape":"AcceleratorTypeOfferingList", "documentation":"

The list of accelerator type offerings for a specific location.

" } } }, "DescribeAcceleratorTypesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "DescribeAcceleratorTypesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorTypes":{ "shape":"AcceleratorTypeList", "documentation":"

The available accelerator types.

" } } }, "DescribeAcceleratorsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorIds":{ "shape":"AcceleratorIdList", "documentation":"

The IDs of the accelerators to describe.

" }, "filters":{ "shape":"FilterList", "documentation":"

One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive. Valid filter names are: accelerator-types: can provide a list of accelerator type names to filter for. instance-id: can provide a list of EC2 instance ids to filter for.

" }, "maxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The total number of items to return in the command's output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a NextToken is provided in the command's output. To resume pagination, provide the NextToken value in the starting-token argument of a subsequent command. Do not use the NextToken response element directly outside of the AWS CLI.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previously truncated response.

" } } }, "DescribeAcceleratorsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorSet":{ "shape":"ElasticInferenceAcceleratorSet", "documentation":"

The details of the Elastic Inference Accelerators.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previously truncated response.

" } } }, "ElasticInferenceAccelerator":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "acceleratorHealth":{ "shape":"ElasticInferenceAcceleratorHealth", "documentation":"

The health of the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "acceleratorType":{ "shape":"AcceleratorTypeName", "documentation":"

The type of the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "acceleratorId":{ "shape":"AcceleratorId", "documentation":"

The ID of the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "availabilityZone":{ "shape":"AvailabilityZone", "documentation":"

The availability zone where the Elastic Inference Accelerator is present.

" }, "attachedResource":{ "shape":"ResourceArn", "documentation":"

The ARN of the resource that the Elastic Inference Accelerator is attached to.

" } }, "documentation":"

The details of an Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "ElasticInferenceAcceleratorHealth":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "status":{ "shape":"AcceleratorHealthStatus", "documentation":"

The health status of the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" } }, "documentation":"

The health details of an Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" }, "ElasticInferenceAcceleratorSet":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ElasticInferenceAccelerator"} }, "Filter":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "name":{ "shape":"FilterName", "documentation":"

The filter name for the Elastic Inference Accelerator list. It can assume the following values: accelerator-type: the type of Elastic Inference Accelerator to filter for. instance-id: an EC2 instance id to filter for.

" }, "values":{ "shape":"ValueStringList", "documentation":"

The values for the filter of the Elastic Inference Accelerator list.

" } }, "documentation":"

A filter expression for the Elastic Inference Accelerator list.

" }, "FilterList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Filter"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "FilterName":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1, "pattern":"^\\S+$" }, "Integer":{"type":"integer"}, "InternalServerException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

Raised when an unexpected error occurred during request processing.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":500}, "exception":true }, "Key":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1, "pattern":"^\\S+$" }, "KeyValuePair":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "key":{ "shape":"Key", "documentation":"

The throughput value of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type. It can assume the following values: TFLOPS16bit: the throughput expressed in 16bit TeraFLOPS. TFLOPS32bit: the throughput expressed in 32bit TeraFLOPS.

" }, "value":{ "shape":"Value", "documentation":"

The throughput value of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" } }, "documentation":"

A throughput entry for an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "ListTagsForResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["resourceArn"], "members":{ "resourceArn":{ "shape":"ResourceARN", "documentation":"

The ARN of the Elastic Inference Accelerator to list the tags for.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"resourceArn" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceResult":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

The tags of the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" } } }, "Location":{ "type":"string", "max":256, "min":1 }, "LocationType":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "region", "availability-zone", "availability-zone-id" ], "max":256, "min":1 }, "MaxResults":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":0 }, "MemoryInfo":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "sizeInMiB":{ "shape":"Integer", "documentation":"

The size in mebibytes of the Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" } }, "documentation":"

The memory information of an Elastic Inference Accelerator type.

" }, "NextToken":{ "type":"string", "max":2048, "min":1, "pattern":"^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,2}$" }, "ResourceARN":{ "type":"string", "max":1011, "min":1, "pattern":"^arn:aws\\S*:elastic-inference:\\S+:\\d{12}:elastic-inference-accelerator/eia-[0-9a-f]+$" }, "ResourceArn":{ "type":"string", "max":1283, "min":1 }, "ResourceNotFoundException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

Raised when the requested resource cannot be found.

", "error":{"httpStatusCode":404}, "exception":true }, "String":{ "type":"string", "max":500000, "pattern":"^.*$" }, "TagKey":{ "type":"string", "max":128, "min":1, "pattern":"^\\S$" }, "TagKeyList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TagKey"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "TagMap":{ "type":"map", "key":{"shape":"TagKey"}, "value":{"shape":"TagValue"}, "max":50, "min":1 }, "TagResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "resourceArn", "tags" ], "members":{ "resourceArn":{ "shape":"ResourceARN", "documentation":"

The ARN of the Elastic Inference Accelerator to tag.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"resourceArn" }, "tags":{ "shape":"TagMap", "documentation":"

The tags to add to the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

" } } }, "TagResourceResult":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "TagValue":{ "type":"string", "max":256 }, "ThroughputInfoList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"KeyValuePair"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "UntagResourceRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "resourceArn", "tagKeys" ], "members":{ "resourceArn":{ "shape":"ResourceARN", "documentation":"

The ARN of the Elastic Inference Accelerator to untag.

", "location":"uri", "locationName":"resourceArn" }, "tagKeys":{ "shape":"TagKeyList", "documentation":"

The list of tags to remove from the Elastic Inference Accelerator.

", "location":"querystring", "locationName":"tagKeys" } } }, "UntagResourceResult":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ } }, "Value":{"type":"integer"}, "ValueStringList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"}, "max":100, "min":0 } }, "documentation":"

Elastic Inference public APIs.

" }