{ "version": "1.0", "examples": { "GetBot": [ { "input": { "name": "DocOrderPizza", "versionOrAlias": "$LATEST" }, "output": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizzaBot", "abortStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "I don't understand. Can you try again?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I'm sorry, I don't understand.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "checksum": "20172ee3-fa06-49b2-bbc5-667c090303e9", "childDirected": true, "clarificationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeate what you just said?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Can you say that again?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "createdDate": 1494360160.133, "description": "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "idleSessionTTLInSeconds": 300, "intents": [ { "intentName": "DocOrderPizza", "intentVersion": "$LATEST" } ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1494360160.133, "locale": "en-US", "status": "NOT_BUILT" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to get configuration information for a bot.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-bot-1494431724188", "title": "To get information about a bot" } ], "GetBots": [ { "input": { "maxResults": 5, "nextToken": "" }, "output": { "bots": [ { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizzaBot", "createdDate": 1494360160.133, "description": "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "lastUpdatedDate": 1494360160.133, "status": "NOT_BUILT" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to get a list of all of the bots in your account.", "id": "to-get-a-list-of-bots-1494432220036", "title": "To get a list of bots" } ], "GetIntent": [ { "input": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizza" }, "output": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizza", "checksum": "ca9bc13d-afc8-4706-bbaf-091f7a5935d6", "conclusionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "All right, I ordered you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ], "responseCard": "foo" }, "confirmationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "Should I order your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "createdDate": 1494359783.453, "description": "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "fulfillmentActivity": { "type": "ReturnIntent" }, "lastUpdatedDate": 1494359783.453, "rejectionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "Ok, I'll cancel your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I cancelled your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "sampleUtterances": [ "Order me a pizza.", "Order me a {Type} pizza.", "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza", "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce." ], "slots": [ { "name": "Type", "description": "The type of pizza to order.", "priority": 1, "sampleUtterances": [ "Get me a {Type} pizza.", "A {Type} pizza please.", "I'd like a {Type} pizza." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of pizza would you like?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Vegie or cheese pizza?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } }, { "name": "Crust", "description": "The type of pizza crust to order.", "priority": 2, "sampleUtterances": [ "Make it a {Crust} crust.", "I'd like a {Crust} crust." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaCrustType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of crust would you like?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Thick or thin crust?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } }, { "name": "Sauce", "description": "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.", "priority": 3, "sampleUtterances": [ "Make it {Sauce} sauce.", "I'd like {Sauce} sauce." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaSauceType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "White or red sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Garlic or tomato sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to get information about an intent.", "id": "to-get-a-information-about-an-intent-1494432574147", "title": "To get a information about an intent" } ], "GetIntents": [ { "input": { "maxResults": 10, "nextToken": "" }, "output": { "intents": [ { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizza", "createdDate": 1494359783.453, "description": "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "lastUpdatedDate": 1494359783.453 } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to get a list of all of the intents in your account.", "id": "to-get-a-list-of-intents-1494432416363", "title": "To get a list of intents" } ], "GetSlotType": [ { "input": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocPizzaCrustType" }, "output": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocPizzaCrustType", "checksum": "210b3d5a-90a3-4b22-ac7e-f50c2c71095f", "createdDate": 1494359274.403, "description": "Available crust types", "enumerationValues": [ { "value": "thick" }, { "value": "thin" } ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1494359274.403 }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to get information about a slot type.", "id": "to-get-information-about-a-slot-type-1494432961004", "title": "To get information about a slot type" } ], "GetSlotTypes": [ { "input": { "maxResults": 10, "nextToken": "" }, "output": { "slotTypes": [ { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocPizzaCrustType", "createdDate": 1494359274.403, "description": "Available crust types", "lastUpdatedDate": 1494359274.403 }, { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocPizzaSauceType", "createdDate": 1494356442.23, "description": "Available pizza sauces", "lastUpdatedDate": 1494356442.23 }, { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocPizzaType", "createdDate": 1494359198.656, "description": "Available pizzas", "lastUpdatedDate": 1494359198.656 } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to get a list of all of the slot types in your account.", "id": "to-get-a-list-of-slot-types-1494432757458", "title": "To get a list of slot types" } ], "PutBot": [ { "input": { "name": "DocOrderPizzaBot", "abortStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "I don't understand. Can you try again?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I'm sorry, I don't understand.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "childDirected": true, "clarificationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeate what you just said?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Can you say that again?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "description": "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "idleSessionTTLInSeconds": 300, "intents": [ { "intentName": "DocOrderPizza", "intentVersion": "$LATEST" } ], "locale": "en-US", "processBehavior": "SAVE" }, "output": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizzaBot", "abortStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "I don't understand. Can you try again?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I'm sorry, I don't understand.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "checksum": "20172ee3-fa06-49b2-bbc5-667c090303e9", "childDirected": true, "clarificationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Can you repeate what you just said?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Can you say that again?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "createdDate": 1494360160.133, "description": "Orders a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "idleSessionTTLInSeconds": 300, "intents": [ { "intentName": "DocOrderPizza", "intentVersion": "$LATEST" } ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1494360160.133, "locale": "en-US", "status": "NOT_BUILT" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to create a bot for ordering pizzas.", "id": "to-create-a-bot-1494360003886", "title": "To create a bot" } ], "PutIntent": [ { "input": { "name": "DocOrderPizza", "conclusionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "All right, I ordered you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ], "responseCard": "foo" }, "confirmationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "Should I order your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "description": "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "fulfillmentActivity": { "type": "ReturnIntent" }, "rejectionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "Ok, I'll cancel your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I cancelled your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "sampleUtterances": [ "Order me a pizza.", "Order me a {Type} pizza.", "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza", "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce." ], "slots": [ { "name": "Type", "description": "The type of pizza to order.", "priority": 1, "sampleUtterances": [ "Get me a {Type} pizza.", "A {Type} pizza please.", "I'd like a {Type} pizza." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of pizza would you like?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Vegie or cheese pizza?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } }, { "name": "Crust", "description": "The type of pizza crust to order.", "priority": 2, "sampleUtterances": [ "Make it a {Crust} crust.", "I'd like a {Crust} crust." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaCrustType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of crust would you like?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Thick or thin crust?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } }, { "name": "Sauce", "description": "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.", "priority": 3, "sampleUtterances": [ "Make it {Sauce} sauce.", "I'd like {Sauce} sauce." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaSauceType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "White or red sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Garlic or tomato sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } } ] }, "output": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocOrderPizza", "checksum": "ca9bc13d-afc8-4706-bbaf-091f7a5935d6", "conclusionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "All right, I ordered you a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce.", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "OK, your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce is on the way.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ], "responseCard": "foo" }, "confirmationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "Should I order your {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "createdDate": 1494359783.453, "description": "Order a pizza from a local pizzeria.", "fulfillmentActivity": { "type": "ReturnIntent" }, "lastUpdatedDate": 1494359783.453, "rejectionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "Ok, I'll cancel your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I cancelled your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "sampleUtterances": [ "Order me a pizza.", "Order me a {Type} pizza.", "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza", "I want a {Crust} crust {Type} pizza with {Sauce} sauce." ], "slots": [ { "name": "Sauce", "description": "The type of sauce to use on the pizza.", "priority": 3, "sampleUtterances": [ "Make it {Sauce} sauce.", "I'd like {Sauce} sauce." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaSauceType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "White or red sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Garlic or tomato sauce?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } }, { "name": "Type", "description": "The type of pizza to order.", "priority": 1, "sampleUtterances": [ "Get me a {Type} pizza.", "A {Type} pizza please.", "I'd like a {Type} pizza." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of pizza would you like?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Vegie or cheese pizza?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "I can get you a vegie or a cheese pizza.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } }, { "name": "Crust", "description": "The type of pizza crust to order.", "priority": 2, "sampleUtterances": [ "Make it a {Crust} crust.", "I'd like a {Crust} crust." ], "slotConstraint": "Required", "slotType": "DocPizzaCrustType", "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 1, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of crust would you like?", "contentType": "PlainText" }, { "content": "Thick or thin crust?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] } } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to create an intent for ordering pizzas.", "id": "to-create-an-intent-1494358144659", "title": "To create an intent" } ], "PutSlotType": [ { "input": { "name": "PizzaSauceType", "description": "Available pizza sauces", "enumerationValues": [ { "value": "red" }, { "value": "white" } ] }, "output": { "version": "$LATEST", "name": "DocPizzaSauceType", "checksum": "cfd00ed1-775d-4357-947c-aca7e73b44ba", "createdDate": 1494356442.23, "description": "Available pizza sauces", "enumerationValues": [ { "value": "red" }, { "value": "white" } ], "lastUpdatedDate": 1494356442.23 }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This example shows how to create a slot type that describes pizza sauces.", "id": "to-create-a-slot-type-1494357262258", "title": "To Create a Slot Type" } ] } }