{ "version":"2.0", "metadata":{ "apiVersion":"2013-04-15", "endpointPrefix":"support", "jsonVersion":"1.1", "protocol":"json", "serviceFullName":"AWS Support", "serviceId":"Support", "signatureVersion":"v4", "targetPrefix":"AWSSupport_20130415", "uid":"support-2013-04-15" }, "operations":{ "AddAttachmentsToSet":{ "name":"AddAttachmentsToSet", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"AddAttachmentsToSetRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"AddAttachmentsToSetResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetIdNotFound"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetExpired"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetSizeLimitExceeded"}, {"shape":"AttachmentLimitExceeded"} ], "documentation":"

Adds one or more attachments to an attachment set.

An attachment set is a temporary container for attachments that you add to a case or case communication. The set is available for 1 hour after it's created. The expiryTime returned in the response is when the set expires.

" }, "AddCommunicationToCase":{ "name":"AddCommunicationToCase", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"AddCommunicationToCaseRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"AddCommunicationToCaseResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"CaseIdNotFound"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetIdNotFound"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetExpired"} ], "documentation":"

Adds additional customer communication to an AWS Support case. You use the caseId value to identify the case to add communication to. You can list a set of email addresses to copy on the communication using the ccEmailAddresses value. The communicationBody value contains the text of the communication.

The response indicates the success or failure of the request.

This operation implements a subset of the features of the AWS Support Center.

" }, "CreateCase":{ "name":"CreateCase", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"CreateCaseRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"CreateCaseResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"CaseCreationLimitExceeded"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetIdNotFound"}, {"shape":"AttachmentSetExpired"} ], "documentation":"

Creates a case in the AWS Support Center. This operation is similar to how you create a case in the AWS Support Center Create Case page.

The AWS Support API doesn't support requesting service limit increases. You can submit a service limit increase in the following ways:

A successful CreateCase request returns an AWS Support case number. You can use the DescribeCases operation and specify the case number to get existing AWS Support cases. After you create a case, you can use the AddCommunicationToCase operation to add additional communication or attachments to an existing case.

" }, "DescribeAttachment":{ "name":"DescribeAttachment", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeAttachmentRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeAttachmentResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"DescribeAttachmentLimitExceeded"}, {"shape":"AttachmentIdNotFound"} ], "documentation":"

Returns the attachment that has the specified ID. Attachments can include screenshots, error logs, or other files that describe your issue. Attachment IDs are generated by the case management system when you add an attachment to a case or case communication. Attachment IDs are returned in the AttachmentDetails objects that are returned by the DescribeCommunications operation.

" }, "DescribeCases":{ "name":"DescribeCases", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeCasesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeCasesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"CaseIdNotFound"} ], "documentation":"

Returns a list of cases that you specify by passing one or more case IDs. In addition, you can filter the cases by date by setting values for the afterTime and beforeTime request parameters. You can set values for the includeResolvedCases and includeCommunications request parameters to control how much information is returned.

Case data is available for 12 months after creation. If a case was created more than 12 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

The response returns the following in JSON format:

" }, "DescribeCommunications":{ "name":"DescribeCommunications", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeCommunicationsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeCommunicationsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"CaseIdNotFound"} ], "documentation":"

Returns communications (and attachments) for one or more support cases. You can use the afterTime and beforeTime parameters to filter by date. You can use the caseId parameter to restrict the results to a particular case.

Case data is available for 12 months after creation. If a case was created more than 12 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

You can use the maxResults and nextToken parameters to control the pagination of the result set. Set maxResults to the number of cases you want displayed on each page, and use nextToken to specify the resumption of pagination.

" }, "DescribeServices":{ "name":"DescribeServices", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeServicesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeServicesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Returns the current list of AWS services and a list of service categories that applies to each one. You then use service names and categories in your CreateCase requests. Each AWS service has its own set of categories.

The service codes and category codes correspond to the values that are displayed in the Service and Category drop-down lists on the AWS Support Center Create Case page. The values in those fields, however, do not necessarily match the service codes and categories returned by the DescribeServices request. Always use the service codes and categories obtained programmatically. This practice ensures that you always have the most recent set of service and category codes.

" }, "DescribeSeverityLevels":{ "name":"DescribeSeverityLevels", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeSeverityLevelsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeSeverityLevelsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Returns the list of severity levels that you can assign to an AWS Support case. The severity level for a case is also a field in the CaseDetails data type included in any CreateCase request.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses":{ "name":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Returns the refresh status of the Trusted Advisor checks that have the specified check IDs. Check IDs can be obtained by calling DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks.

Some checks are refreshed automatically, and their refresh statuses cannot be retrieved by using this operation. Use of the DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses operation for these checks causes an InvalidParameterValue error.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult":{ "name":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Returns the results of the Trusted Advisor check that has the specified check ID. Check IDs can be obtained by calling DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks.

The response contains a TrustedAdvisorCheckResult object, which contains these three objects:

In addition, the response contains these fields:

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries":{ "name":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummariesRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummariesResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Returns the summaries of the results of the Trusted Advisor checks that have the specified check IDs. Check IDs can be obtained by calling DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks.

The response contains an array of TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary objects.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks":{ "name":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Returns information about all available Trusted Advisor checks, including name, ID, category, description, and metadata. You must specify a language code; English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\") are currently supported. The response contains a TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription for each check. The region must be set to us-east-1.

" }, "RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck":{ "name":"RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheckRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheckResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"} ], "documentation":"

Requests a refresh of the Trusted Advisor check that has the specified check ID. Check IDs can be obtained by calling DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks.

Some checks are refreshed automatically, and they cannot be refreshed by using this operation. Use of the RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheck operation for these checks causes an InvalidParameterValue error.

The response contains a TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus object, which contains these fields:

" }, "ResolveCase":{ "name":"ResolveCase", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"ResolveCaseRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ResolveCaseResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"InternalServerError"}, {"shape":"CaseIdNotFound"} ], "documentation":"

Takes a caseId and returns the initial state of the case along with the state of the case after the call to ResolveCase completed.

" } }, "shapes":{ "AddAttachmentsToSetRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["attachments"], "members":{ "attachmentSetId":{ "shape":"AttachmentSetId", "documentation":"

The ID of the attachment set. If an attachmentSetId is not specified, a new attachment set is created, and the ID of the set is returned in the response. If an attachmentSetId is specified, the attachments are added to the specified set, if it exists.

" }, "attachments":{ "shape":"Attachments", "documentation":"

One or more attachments to add to the set. You can add up to three attachments per set. The size limit is 5 MB per attachment.

In the Attachment object, use the data parameter to specify the contents of the attachment file. In the previous request syntax, the value for data appear as blob, which is represented as a base64-encoded string. The value for fileName is the name of the attachment, such as troubleshoot-screenshot.png.

" } } }, "AddAttachmentsToSetResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "attachmentSetId":{ "shape":"AttachmentSetId", "documentation":"

The ID of the attachment set. If an attachmentSetId was not specified, a new attachment set is created, and the ID of the set is returned in the response. If an attachmentSetId was specified, the attachments are added to the specified set, if it exists.

" }, "expiryTime":{ "shape":"ExpiryTime", "documentation":"

The time and date when the attachment set expires.

" } }, "documentation":"

The ID and expiry time of the attachment set returned by the AddAttachmentsToSet operation.

" }, "AddCommunicationToCaseRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["communicationBody"], "members":{ "caseId":{ "shape":"CaseId", "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

" }, "communicationBody":{ "shape":"CommunicationBody", "documentation":"

The body of an email communication to add to the support case.

" }, "ccEmailAddresses":{ "shape":"CcEmailAddressList", "documentation":"

The email addresses in the CC line of an email to be added to the support case.

" }, "attachmentSetId":{ "shape":"AttachmentSetId", "documentation":"

The ID of a set of one or more attachments for the communication to add to the case. Create the set by calling AddAttachmentsToSet

" } }, "documentation":"

To be written.

" }, "AddCommunicationToCaseResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "result":{ "shape":"Result", "documentation":"

True if AddCommunicationToCase succeeds. Otherwise, returns an error.

" } }, "documentation":"

The result of the AddCommunicationToCase operation.

" }, "AfterTime":{"type":"string"}, "Attachment":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "fileName":{ "shape":"FileName", "documentation":"

The name of the attachment file.

" }, "data":{ "shape":"Data", "documentation":"

The content of the attachment file.

" } }, "documentation":"

An attachment to a case communication. The attachment consists of the file name and the content of the file.

" }, "AttachmentDetails":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "attachmentId":{ "shape":"AttachmentId", "documentation":"

The ID of the attachment.

" }, "fileName":{ "shape":"FileName", "documentation":"

The file name of the attachment.

" } }, "documentation":"

The file name and ID of an attachment to a case communication. You can use the ID to retrieve the attachment with the DescribeAttachment operation.

" }, "AttachmentId":{"type":"string"}, "AttachmentIdNotFound":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

An attachment with the specified ID could not be found.

" } }, "documentation":"

An attachment with the specified ID could not be found.

", "exception":true }, "AttachmentLimitExceeded":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

The limit for the number of attachment sets created in a short period of time has been exceeded.

" } }, "documentation":"

The limit for the number of attachment sets created in a short period of time has been exceeded.

", "exception":true }, "AttachmentSet":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"AttachmentDetails"} }, "AttachmentSetExpired":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

The expiration time of the attachment set has passed. The set expires one hour after it is created.

" } }, "documentation":"

The expiration time of the attachment set has passed. The set expires 1 hour after it is created.

", "exception":true }, "AttachmentSetId":{"type":"string"}, "AttachmentSetIdNotFound":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

An attachment set with the specified ID could not be found.

" } }, "documentation":"

An attachment set with the specified ID could not be found.

", "exception":true }, "AttachmentSetSizeLimitExceeded":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

A limit for the size of an attachment set has been exceeded. The limits are three attachments and 5 MB per attachment.

" } }, "documentation":"

A limit for the size of an attachment set has been exceeded. The limits are three attachments and 5 MB per attachment.

", "exception":true }, "Attachments":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Attachment"} }, "BeforeTime":{"type":"string"}, "Boolean":{"type":"boolean"}, "CaseCreationLimitExceeded":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

An error message that indicates that you have exceeded the number of cases you can have open.

" } }, "documentation":"

The case creation limit for the account has been exceeded.

", "exception":true }, "CaseDetails":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "caseId":{ "shape":"CaseId", "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

" }, "displayId":{ "shape":"DisplayId", "documentation":"

The ID displayed for the case in the AWS Support Center. This is a numeric string.

" }, "subject":{ "shape":"Subject", "documentation":"

The subject line for the case in the AWS Support Center.

" }, "status":{ "shape":"Status", "documentation":"

The status of the case.

Valid values:

" }, "serviceCode":{ "shape":"ServiceCode", "documentation":"

The code for the AWS service. You can get a list of codes and the corresponding service names by calling DescribeServices.

" }, "categoryCode":{ "shape":"CategoryCode", "documentation":"

The category of problem for the AWS Support case.

" }, "severityCode":{ "shape":"SeverityCode", "documentation":"

The code for the severity level returned by the call to DescribeSeverityLevels.

" }, "submittedBy":{ "shape":"SubmittedBy", "documentation":"

The email address of the account that submitted the case.

" }, "timeCreated":{ "shape":"TimeCreated", "documentation":"

The time that the case was case created in the AWS Support Center.

" }, "recentCommunications":{ "shape":"RecentCaseCommunications", "documentation":"

The five most recent communications between you and AWS Support Center, including the IDs of any attachments to the communications. Also includes a nextToken that you can use to retrieve earlier communications.

" }, "ccEmailAddresses":{ "shape":"CcEmailAddressList", "documentation":"

The email addresses that receive copies of communication about the case.

" }, "language":{ "shape":"Language", "documentation":"

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

" } }, "documentation":"

A JSON-formatted object that contains the metadata for a support case. It is contained the response from a DescribeCases request. CaseDetails contains the following fields:

" }, "CaseId":{"type":"string"}, "CaseIdList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CaseId"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "CaseIdNotFound":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

The requested CaseId could not be located.

" } }, "documentation":"

The requested caseId could not be located.

", "exception":true }, "CaseList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CaseDetails"} }, "CaseStatus":{"type":"string"}, "Category":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "code":{ "shape":"CategoryCode", "documentation":"

The category code for the support case.

" }, "name":{ "shape":"CategoryName", "documentation":"

The category name for the support case.

" } }, "documentation":"

A JSON-formatted name/value pair that represents the category name and category code of the problem, selected from the DescribeServices response for each AWS service.

" }, "CategoryCode":{"type":"string"}, "CategoryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Category"} }, "CategoryName":{"type":"string"}, "CcEmailAddress":{"type":"string"}, "CcEmailAddressList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"CcEmailAddress"}, "max":10, "min":0 }, "Communication":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "caseId":{ "shape":"CaseId", "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

" }, "body":{ "shape":"CommunicationBody", "documentation":"

The text of the communication between the customer and AWS Support.

" }, "submittedBy":{ "shape":"SubmittedBy", "documentation":"

The identity of the account that submitted, or responded to, the support case. Customer entries include the role or IAM user as well as the email address. For example, \"AdminRole (Role) <someone@example.com>. Entries from the AWS Support team display \"Amazon Web Services,\" and do not show an email address.

" }, "timeCreated":{ "shape":"TimeCreated", "documentation":"

The time the communication was created.

" }, "attachmentSet":{ "shape":"AttachmentSet", "documentation":"

Information about the attachments to the case communication.

" } }, "documentation":"

A communication associated with an AWS Support case. The communication consists of the case ID, the message body, attachment information, the submitter of the communication, and the date and time of the communication.

" }, "CommunicationBody":{ "type":"string", "max":8000, "min":1 }, "CommunicationList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Communication"} }, "CreateCaseRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "subject", "communicationBody" ], "members":{ "subject":{ "shape":"Subject", "documentation":"

The title of the AWS Support case. The title appears in the Subject field on the AWS Support Center Create Case page.

" }, "serviceCode":{ "shape":"ServiceCode", "documentation":"

The code for the AWS service. You can use the DescribeServices operation to get the possible serviceCode values.

" }, "severityCode":{ "shape":"SeverityCode", "documentation":"

A value that indicates the urgency of the case. This value determines the response time according to your service level agreement with AWS Support. You can use the DescribeSeverityLevels operation to get the possible values for severityCode.

For more information, see SeverityLevel and Choosing a Severity in the AWS Support User Guide.

The availability of severity levels depends on the support plan for the AWS account.

" }, "categoryCode":{ "shape":"CategoryCode", "documentation":"

The category of problem for the AWS Support case. You also use the DescribeServices operation to get the category code for a service. Each AWS service defines its own set of category codes.

" }, "communicationBody":{ "shape":"CommunicationBody", "documentation":"

The communication body text that describes the issue. This text appears in the Description field on the AWS Support Center Create Case page.

" }, "ccEmailAddresses":{ "shape":"CcEmailAddressList", "documentation":"

A list of email addresses that AWS Support copies on case correspondence. AWS Support identifies the account that creates the case when you specify your AWS credentials in an HTTP POST method or use the AWS SDKs.

" }, "language":{ "shape":"Language", "documentation":"

The language in which AWS Support handles the case. You must specify the ISO 639-1 code for the language parameter if you want support in that language. Currently, English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\") are supported.

" }, "issueType":{ "shape":"IssueType", "documentation":"

The type of issue for the case. You can specify customer-service or technical. If you don't specify a value, the default is technical.

" }, "attachmentSetId":{ "shape":"AttachmentSetId", "documentation":"

The ID of a set of one or more attachments for the case. Create the set by using the AddAttachmentsToSet operation.

" } } }, "CreateCaseResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "caseId":{ "shape":"CaseId", "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string in the following format: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

" } }, "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID returned by a successful completion of the CreateCase operation.

" }, "Data":{"type":"blob"}, "DescribeAttachmentLimitExceeded":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

The limit for the number of DescribeAttachment requests in a short period of time has been exceeded.

" } }, "documentation":"

The limit for the number of DescribeAttachment requests in a short period of time has been exceeded.

", "exception":true }, "DescribeAttachmentRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["attachmentId"], "members":{ "attachmentId":{ "shape":"AttachmentId", "documentation":"

The ID of the attachment to return. Attachment IDs are returned by the DescribeCommunications operation.

" } } }, "DescribeAttachmentResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "attachment":{ "shape":"Attachment", "documentation":"

This object includes the attachment content and file name.

In the previous response syntax, the value for the data parameter appears as blob, which is represented as a base64-encoded string. The value for fileName is the name of the attachment, such as troubleshoot-screenshot.png.

" } }, "documentation":"

The content and file name of the attachment returned by the DescribeAttachment operation.

" }, "DescribeCasesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "caseIdList":{ "shape":"CaseIdList", "documentation":"

A list of ID numbers of the support cases you want returned. The maximum number of cases is 100.

" }, "displayId":{ "shape":"DisplayId", "documentation":"

The ID displayed for a case in the AWS Support Center user interface.

" }, "afterTime":{ "shape":"AfterTime", "documentation":"

The start date for a filtered date search on support case communications. Case communications are available for 12 months after creation.

" }, "beforeTime":{ "shape":"BeforeTime", "documentation":"

The end date for a filtered date search on support case communications. Case communications are available for 12 months after creation.

" }, "includeResolvedCases":{ "shape":"IncludeResolvedCases", "documentation":"

Specifies whether resolved support cases should be included in the DescribeCases results. The default is false.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A resumption point for pagination.

" }, "maxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return before paginating.

" }, "language":{ "shape":"Language", "documentation":"

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

" }, "includeCommunications":{ "shape":"IncludeCommunications", "documentation":"

Specifies whether communications should be included in the DescribeCases results. The default is true.

" } } }, "DescribeCasesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "cases":{ "shape":"CaseList", "documentation":"

The details for the cases that match the request.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A resumption point for pagination.

" } }, "documentation":"

Returns an array of CaseDetails objects and a nextToken that defines a point for pagination in the result set.

" }, "DescribeCommunicationsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["caseId"], "members":{ "caseId":{ "shape":"CaseId", "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

" }, "beforeTime":{ "shape":"BeforeTime", "documentation":"

The end date for a filtered date search on support case communications. Case communications are available for 12 months after creation.

" }, "afterTime":{ "shape":"AfterTime", "documentation":"

The start date for a filtered date search on support case communications. Case communications are available for 12 months after creation.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A resumption point for pagination.

" }, "maxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return before paginating.

" } } }, "DescribeCommunicationsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "communications":{ "shape":"CommunicationList", "documentation":"

The communications for the case.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A resumption point for pagination.

" } }, "documentation":"

The communications returned by the DescribeCommunications operation.

" }, "DescribeServicesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "serviceCodeList":{ "shape":"ServiceCodeList", "documentation":"

A JSON-formatted list of service codes available for AWS services.

" }, "language":{ "shape":"Language", "documentation":"

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

" } } }, "DescribeServicesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "services":{ "shape":"ServiceList", "documentation":"

A JSON-formatted list of AWS services.

" } }, "documentation":"

The list of AWS services returned by the DescribeServices operation.

" }, "DescribeSeverityLevelsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "language":{ "shape":"Language", "documentation":"

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

" } } }, "DescribeSeverityLevelsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "severityLevels":{ "shape":"SeverityLevelsList", "documentation":"

The available severity levels for the support case. Available severity levels are defined by your service level agreement with AWS.

" } }, "documentation":"

The list of severity levels returned by the DescribeSeverityLevels operation.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["checkIds"], "members":{ "checkIds":{ "shape":"StringList", "documentation":"

The IDs of the Trusted Advisor checks to get the status of. Note: Specifying the check ID of a check that is automatically refreshed causes an InvalidParameterValue error.

" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "required":["statuses"], "members":{ "statuses":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusList", "documentation":"

The refresh status of the specified Trusted Advisor checks.

" } }, "documentation":"

The statuses of the Trusted Advisor checks returned by the DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatuses operation.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["checkId"], "members":{ "checkId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "language":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResultResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "result":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckResult", "documentation":"

The detailed results of the Trusted Advisor check.

" } }, "documentation":"

The result of the Trusted Advisor check returned by the DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult operation.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummariesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["checkIds"], "members":{ "checkIds":{ "shape":"StringList", "documentation":"

The IDs of the Trusted Advisor checks.

" } } }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummariesResponse":{ "type":"structure", "required":["summaries"], "members":{ "summaries":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckSummaryList", "documentation":"

The summary information for the requested Trusted Advisor checks.

" } }, "documentation":"

The summaries of the Trusted Advisor checks returned by the DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries operation.

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["language"], "members":{ "language":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The ISO 639-1 code for the language in which AWS provides support. AWS Support currently supports English (\"en\") and Japanese (\"ja\"). Language parameters must be passed explicitly for operations that take them.

" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecksResponse":{ "type":"structure", "required":["checks"], "members":{ "checks":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckList", "documentation":"

Information about all available Trusted Advisor checks.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about the Trusted Advisor checks returned by the DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks operation.

" }, "DisplayId":{"type":"string"}, "Double":{"type":"double"}, "ErrorMessage":{"type":"string"}, "ExpiryTime":{"type":"string"}, "FileName":{"type":"string"}, "IncludeCommunications":{"type":"boolean"}, "IncludeResolvedCases":{"type":"boolean"}, "InternalServerError":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "message":{ "shape":"ErrorMessage", "documentation":"

An internal server error occurred.

" } }, "documentation":"

An internal server error occurred.

", "exception":true, "fault":true }, "IssueType":{"type":"string"}, "Language":{"type":"string"}, "Long":{"type":"long"}, "MaxResults":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":10 }, "NextToken":{"type":"string"}, "RecentCaseCommunications":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "communications":{ "shape":"CommunicationList", "documentation":"

The five most recent communications associated with the case.

" }, "nextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

A resumption point for pagination.

" } }, "documentation":"

The five most recent communications associated with the case.

" }, "RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheckRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["checkId"], "members":{ "checkId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check to refresh. Note: Specifying the check ID of a check that is automatically refreshed causes an InvalidParameterValue error.

" } }, "documentation":"

" }, "RefreshTrustedAdvisorCheckResponse":{ "type":"structure", "required":["status"], "members":{ "status":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus", "documentation":"

The current refresh status for a check, including the amount of time until the check is eligible for refresh.

" } }, "documentation":"

The current refresh status of a Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "ResolveCaseRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "caseId":{ "shape":"CaseId", "documentation":"

The AWS Support case ID requested or returned in the call. The case ID is an alphanumeric string formatted as shown in this example: case-12345678910-2013-c4c1d2bf33c5cf47

" } } }, "ResolveCaseResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "initialCaseStatus":{ "shape":"CaseStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the case when the ResolveCase request was sent.

" }, "finalCaseStatus":{ "shape":"CaseStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the case after the ResolveCase request was processed.

" } }, "documentation":"

The status of the case returned by the ResolveCase operation.

" }, "Result":{"type":"boolean"}, "Service":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "code":{ "shape":"ServiceCode", "documentation":"

The code for an AWS service returned by the DescribeServices response. The name element contains the corresponding friendly name.

" }, "name":{ "shape":"ServiceName", "documentation":"

The friendly name for an AWS service. The code element contains the corresponding code.

" }, "categories":{ "shape":"CategoryList", "documentation":"

A list of categories that describe the type of support issue a case describes. Categories consist of a category name and a category code. Category names and codes are passed to AWS Support when you call CreateCase.

" } }, "documentation":"

Information about an AWS service returned by the DescribeServices operation.

" }, "ServiceCode":{"type":"string"}, "ServiceCodeList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"ServiceCode"}, "max":100, "min":0 }, "ServiceList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"Service"} }, "ServiceName":{"type":"string"}, "SeverityCode":{"type":"string"}, "SeverityLevel":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "code":{ "shape":"SeverityLevelCode", "documentation":"

The code for case severity level.

Valid values: low | normal | high | urgent | critical

" }, "name":{ "shape":"SeverityLevelName", "documentation":"

The name of the severity level that corresponds to the severity level code.

The values returned by the API differ from the values that are displayed in the AWS Support Center. For example, for the code \"low\", the API name is \"Low\", but the name in the Support Center is \"General guidance\". These are the Support Center code/name mappings:

For more information, see Choosing a Severity

" } }, "documentation":"

A code and name pair that represents the severity level of a support case. The available values depend on the support plan for the account. For more information, see Choosing a Severity.

" }, "SeverityLevelCode":{"type":"string"}, "SeverityLevelName":{"type":"string"}, "SeverityLevelsList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"SeverityLevel"} }, "Status":{"type":"string"}, "String":{"type":"string"}, "StringList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"String"} }, "Subject":{"type":"string"}, "SubmittedBy":{"type":"string"}, "TimeCreated":{"type":"string"}, "TrustedAdvisorCategorySpecificSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "costOptimizing":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCostOptimizingSummary", "documentation":"

The summary information about cost savings for a Trusted Advisor check that is in the Cost Optimizing category.

" } }, "documentation":"

The container for summary information that relates to the category of the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "id", "name", "description", "category", "metadata" ], "members":{ "id":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "name":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The display name for the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "description":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The description of the Trusted Advisor check, which includes the alert criteria and recommended operations (contains HTML markup).

" }, "category":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The category of the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "metadata":{ "shape":"StringList", "documentation":"

The column headings for the data returned by the Trusted Advisor check. The order of the headings corresponds to the order of the data in the Metadata element of the TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail for the check. Metadata contains all the data that is shown in the Excel download, even in those cases where the UI shows just summary data.

" } }, "documentation":"

The description and metadata for a Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription"} }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "checkId", "status", "millisUntilNextRefreshable" ], "members":{ "checkId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "status":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The status of the Trusted Advisor check for which a refresh has been requested:

" }, "millisUntilNextRefreshable":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The amount of time, in milliseconds, until the Trusted Advisor check is eligible for refresh.

" } }, "documentation":"

The refresh status of a Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatusList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckRefreshStatus"} }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckResult":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "checkId", "timestamp", "status", "resourcesSummary", "categorySpecificSummary", "flaggedResources" ], "members":{ "checkId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "timestamp":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The time of the last refresh of the check.

" }, "status":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The alert status of the check: \"ok\" (green), \"warning\" (yellow), \"error\" (red), or \"not_available\".

" }, "resourcesSummary":{"shape":"TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary"}, "categorySpecificSummary":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCategorySpecificSummary", "documentation":"

Summary information that relates to the category of the check. Cost Optimizing is the only category that is currently supported.

" }, "flaggedResources":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorResourceDetailList", "documentation":"

The details about each resource listed in the check result.

" } }, "documentation":"

The results of a Trusted Advisor check returned by DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "checkId", "timestamp", "status", "resourcesSummary", "categorySpecificSummary" ], "members":{ "checkId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "timestamp":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The time of the last refresh of the check.

" }, "status":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The alert status of the check: \"ok\" (green), \"warning\" (yellow), \"error\" (red), or \"not_available\".

" }, "hasFlaggedResources":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Specifies whether the Trusted Advisor check has flagged resources.

" }, "resourcesSummary":{"shape":"TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary"}, "categorySpecificSummary":{ "shape":"TrustedAdvisorCategorySpecificSummary", "documentation":"

Summary information that relates to the category of the check. Cost Optimizing is the only category that is currently supported.

" } }, "documentation":"

A summary of a Trusted Advisor check result, including the alert status, last refresh, and number of resources examined.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorCheckSummaryList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TrustedAdvisorCheckSummary"} }, "TrustedAdvisorCostOptimizingSummary":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "estimatedMonthlySavings", "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings" ], "members":{ "estimatedMonthlySavings":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The estimated monthly savings that might be realized if the recommended operations are taken.

" }, "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings":{ "shape":"Double", "documentation":"

The estimated percentage of savings that might be realized if the recommended operations are taken.

" } }, "documentation":"

The estimated cost savings that might be realized if the recommended operations are taken.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "status", "resourceId", "metadata" ], "members":{ "status":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The status code for the resource identified in the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "region":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The AWS region in which the identified resource is located.

" }, "resourceId":{ "shape":"String", "documentation":"

The unique identifier for the identified resource.

" }, "isSuppressed":{ "shape":"Boolean", "documentation":"

Specifies whether the AWS resource was ignored by Trusted Advisor because it was marked as suppressed by the user.

" }, "metadata":{ "shape":"StringList", "documentation":"

Additional information about the identified resource. The exact metadata and its order can be obtained by inspecting the TrustedAdvisorCheckDescription object returned by the call to DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks. Metadata contains all the data that is shown in the Excel download, even in those cases where the UI shows just summary data.

" } }, "documentation":"

Contains information about a resource identified by a Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "TrustedAdvisorResourceDetailList":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TrustedAdvisorResourceDetail"} }, "TrustedAdvisorResourcesSummary":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "resourcesProcessed", "resourcesFlagged", "resourcesIgnored", "resourcesSuppressed" ], "members":{ "resourcesProcessed":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The number of AWS resources that were analyzed by the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "resourcesFlagged":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The number of AWS resources that were flagged (listed) by the Trusted Advisor check.

" }, "resourcesIgnored":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The number of AWS resources ignored by Trusted Advisor because information was unavailable.

" }, "resourcesSuppressed":{ "shape":"Long", "documentation":"

The number of AWS resources ignored by Trusted Advisor because they were marked as suppressed by the user.

" } }, "documentation":"

Details about AWS resources that were analyzed in a call to Trusted Advisor DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries.

" } }, "documentation":"AWS Support

The AWS Support API reference is intended for programmers who need detailed information about the AWS Support operations and data types. This service enables you to manage your AWS Support cases programmatically. It uses HTTP methods that return results in JSON format.

The AWS Support service also exposes a set of Trusted Advisor features. You can retrieve a list of checks and their descriptions, get check results, specify checks to refresh, and get the refresh status of checks.

The following list describes the AWS Support case management operations:

The following list describes the operations available from the AWS Support service for Trusted Advisor:

For authentication of requests, AWS Support uses Signature Version 4 Signing Process.

See About the AWS Support API in the AWS Support User Guide for information about how to use this service to create and manage your support cases, and how to call Trusted Advisor for results of checks on your resources.

" }