import random import time import threading from tests import unittest from botocore.retries import bucket class InstrumentedTokenBucket(bucket.TokenBucket): def _acquire(self, amount, block): rval = super(InstrumentedTokenBucket, self)._acquire(amount, block) assert self._current_capacity >= 0 return rval class TestTokenBucketThreading(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.shutdown_threads = False self.caught_exceptions = [] self.acquisitions_by_thread = {} def run_in_thread(self): while not self.shutdown_threads: capacity = random.randint(1, self.max_capacity) self.retry_quota.acquire(capacity) self.seen_capacities.append(self.retry_quota.available_capacity) self.retry_quota.release(capacity) self.seen_capacities.append(self.retry_quota.available_capacity) def create_clock(self): return bucket.Clock() def test_can_change_max_rate_while_blocking(self): # This isn't a stress test, we just want to verify we can change # the rate at which we acquire a token. min_rate = 0.1 max_rate = 1 token_bucket = bucket.TokenBucket( min_rate=min_rate, max_rate=max_rate, clock=self.create_clock(), ) # First we'll set the max_rate to 0.1 (min_rate). This means that # it will take 10 seconds to accumulate a single token. We'll start # a thread and have it acquire() a token. # Then in the main thread we'll change the max_rate to something # really quick (e.g 100). We should immediately get a token back. # This is going to be timing sensitive, but we can verify that # as long as it doesn't take 10 seconds to get a token, we were # able to update the rate as needed. thread = threading.Thread(target=token_bucket.acquire) token_bucket.max_rate = min_rate start_time = time.time() thread.start() # This shouldn't block the main thread. token_bucket.max_rate = 100 thread.join() end_time = time.time() self.assertLessEqual(end_time - start_time, 1.0 / min_rate) def acquire_in_loop(self, token_bucket): while not self.shutdown_threads: try: self.assertTrue(token_bucket.acquire()) thread_name = threading.current_thread().name self.acquisitions_by_thread[thread_name] += 1 except Exception as e: self.caught_exceptions.append(e) def randomly_set_max_rate(self, token_bucket, min_val, max_val): while not self.shutdown_threads: new_rate = random.randint(min_val, max_val) token_bucket.max_rate = new_rate time.sleep(0.01) def test_stress_test_token_bucket(self): token_bucket = InstrumentedTokenBucket( max_rate=10, clock=self.create_clock(), ) all_threads = [] for _ in range(2): all_threads.append( threading.Thread(target=self.randomly_set_max_rate, args=(token_bucket, 30, 200)) ) for _ in range(10): t = threading.Thread(target=self.acquire_in_loop, args=(token_bucket,)) self.acquisitions_by_thread[] = 0 all_threads.append(t) for thread in all_threads: thread.start() try: # If you're working on this code you can bump this number way # up to stress test it more locally. time.sleep(3) finally: self.shutdown_threads = True for thread in all_threads: thread.join() self.assertEqual(self.caught_exceptions, []) distribution = self.acquisitions_by_thread.values() mean = sum(distribution) / float(len(distribution)) # We can't really rely on any guarantees about evenly distributing # thread acquisition(), e.g. must be with a 2 stddev range, but we # can sanity check that our implementation isn't drastically # starving a thread. So we'll arbitrarily say that a thread # can't have less than 20% of the mean allocations per thread. self.assertTrue(not any(x < (0.2 * mean) for x in distribution))