# Copyright 2015 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. from botocore.compat import OrderedDict from tests.unit.docs import BaseDocsTest from botocore.docs.sharedexample import SharedExampleDocumenter, \ document_shared_examples class TestDocumentSharedExamples(BaseDocsTest): def setUp(self): super(TestDocumentSharedExamples, self).setUp() self.add_shape({ "foo": { "type": "string" } }) self.add_shape({ "nested": {"type": "string"} }) self.add_shape({ "other": { "type": "structure", "members": {"nested": {"shape": "nested"}} } }) self.add_shape({ "aloha": { "type": "list", "member": {"shape": "other"} } }) self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'foo') self.add_shape_to_params('aloha', 'aloha') self._examples = [{ "id": "sample-id", "title": "sample-title", "description": "Sample Description.", "input": OrderedDict([ ("aloha", [ "other", { "nested": "fun!" } ]), ("foo", "bar"), ]), "output": OrderedDict([ ("foo", "baz"), ]), "comments": { "input": { "aloha": "mahalo" }, "output": { "foo": "Sample Comment" } } } ] def test_default(self): document_shared_examples( self.doc_structure, self.operation_model, 'response = client.foo', self._examples) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "**Examples**", "Sample Description.", "::", " response = client.foo(", " # mahalo", " aloha=[", " 'other',", " {", " 'nested': 'fun!',", " },", " ],", " foo='bar',", " )", " print(response)", "Expected Output:", "::", " {", " # Sample Comment", " 'foo': 'baz',", " 'ResponseMetadata': {", " '...': '...',", " },", " }", ]) class TestSharedExampleDocumenter(BaseDocsTest): def setUp(self): super(TestSharedExampleDocumenter, self).setUp() self.documenter = SharedExampleDocumenter() def test_is_input(self): self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'String') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': 'bar' } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " foo='bar'", ")" ]) def test_dict_example(self): self.add_shape({ 'bar': { "type": "structure", "members": { "bar": {"shape": "String"} } } }) self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'bar') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': {'bar': 'baz'} } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " foo={", " 'bar': 'baz',", " },", ")" ]) def test_list_example(self): self.add_shape({ "foo": { "type": "list", "member": {"shape": "String"} } }) self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'foo') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': ['bar'] } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " foo=[", " 'bar',", " ],", ")" ]) def test_can_handle_no_input_key(self): self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'String') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={}, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", ")" ]) def test_unicode_string_example(self): self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'String') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': u'bar' } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " foo='bar'", ")" ]) def test_timestamp_example(self): self.add_shape({ 'foo': {'type': 'timestamp'} }) self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'foo') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': 'Fri, 20 Nov 2015 21:13:12 GMT' } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " foo=datetime(2015, 11, 20, 21, 13, 12, 4, 324, 0)", ")" ]) def test_map_example(self): self.add_shape({ "baz": {"type": "string"} }) self.add_shape({ 'bar': { "type": "map", "key": {"shape": "baz"}, "value": {"shape": "baz"} } }) self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'bar') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': {'bar': 'baz'} } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " foo={", " 'bar': 'baz',", " },", ")" ]) def test_add_comment(self): self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'String') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'comments': { 'input': { 'foo': 'baz' } } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ "foo.bar(", " # baz", " foo='bar',", ")" ]) def test_unicode_exammple(self): self.add_shape_to_params('foo', 'String') self.documenter.document_shared_example( example={ 'input': { 'foo': u'\u2713' } }, prefix='foo.bar', section=self.doc_structure, operation_model=self.operation_model ) self.assert_contains_lines_in_order([ u"foo.bar(", u" foo='\u2713'", u")" ])