{ "version": "1.0", "examples": { "CompareFaces": [ { "input": { "SimilarityThreshold": 90, "SourceImage": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "mybucket", "Name": "mysourceimage" } }, "TargetImage": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "mybucket", "Name": "mytargetimage" } } }, "output": { "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.33481481671333313, "Left": 0.31888890266418457, "Top": 0.4933333396911621, "Width": 0.25 }, "Confidence": 99.9991226196289 }, "Similarity": 100 } ], "SourceImageFace": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.33481481671333313, "Left": 0.31888890266418457, "Top": 0.4933333396911621, "Width": 0.25 }, "Confidence": 99.9991226196289 } }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation compares the largest face detected in the source image with each face detected in the target image.", "id": "to-compare-two-images-1482181985581", "title": "To compare two images" } ], "CreateCollection": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos" }, "output": { "CollectionArn": "aws:rekognition:us-west-2:123456789012:collection/myphotos", "StatusCode": 200 }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation creates a Rekognition collection for storing image data.", "id": "to-create-a-collection-1481833313674", "title": "To create a collection" } ], "DeleteCollection": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos" }, "output": { "StatusCode": 200 }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation deletes a Rekognition collection.", "id": "to-delete-a-collection-1481838179973", "title": "To delete a collection" } ], "DeleteFaces": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos", "FaceIds": [ "ff43d742-0c13-5d16-a3e8-03d3f58e980b" ] }, "output": { "DeletedFaces": [ "ff43d742-0c13-5d16-a3e8-03d3f58e980b" ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation deletes one or more faces from a Rekognition collection.", "id": "to-delete-a-face-1482182799377", "title": "To delete a face" } ], "DetectFaces": [ { "input": { "Image": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "mybucket", "Name": "myphoto" } } }, "output": { "FaceDetails": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.18000000715255737, "Left": 0.5555555820465088, "Top": 0.33666667342185974, "Width": 0.23999999463558197 }, "Confidence": 100, "Landmarks": [ { "Type": "EYE_LEFT", "X": 0.6394737362861633, "Y": 0.40819624066352844 }, { "Type": "EYE_RIGHT", "X": 0.7266660928726196, "Y": 0.41039225459098816 }, { "Type": "NOSE_LEFT", "X": 0.6912462115287781, "Y": 0.44240960478782654 }, { "Type": "MOUTH_DOWN", "X": 0.6306198239326477, "Y": 0.46700039505958557 }, { "Type": "MOUTH_UP", "X": 0.7215608954429626, "Y": 0.47114261984825134 } ], "Pose": { "Pitch": 4.050806522369385, "Roll": 0.9950747489929199, "Yaw": 13.693790435791016 }, "Quality": { "Brightness": 37.60169982910156, "Sharpness": 80 } } ], "OrientationCorrection": "ROTATE_0" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation detects faces in an image stored in an AWS S3 bucket.", "id": "to-detect-faces-in-an-image-1481841782793", "title": "To detect faces in an image" } ], "DetectLabels": [ { "input": { "Image": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "mybucket", "Name": "myphoto" } }, "MaxLabels": 123, "MinConfidence": 70 }, "output": { "Labels": [ { "Confidence": 99.25072479248047, "Name": "People" }, { "Confidence": 99.25074005126953, "Name": "Person" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation detects labels in the supplied image", "id": "to-detect-labels-1481834255770", "title": "To detect labels" } ], "IndexFaces": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos", "DetectionAttributes": [ ], "ExternalImageId": "myphotoid", "Image": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "mybucket", "Name": "myphoto" } } }, "output": { "FaceRecords": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.33481481671333313, "Left": 0.31888890266418457, "Top": 0.4933333396911621, "Width": 0.25 }, "Confidence": 99.9991226196289, "FaceId": "ff43d742-0c13-5d16-a3e8-03d3f58e980b", "ImageId": "465f4e93-763e-51d0-b030-b9667a2d94b1" }, "FaceDetail": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.33481481671333313, "Left": 0.31888890266418457, "Top": 0.4933333396911621, "Width": 0.25 }, "Confidence": 99.9991226196289, "Landmarks": [ { "Type": "EYE_LEFT", "X": 0.3976764678955078, "Y": 0.6248345971107483 }, { "Type": "EYE_RIGHT", "X": 0.4810936450958252, "Y": 0.6317117214202881 }, { "Type": "NOSE_LEFT", "X": 0.41986238956451416, "Y": 0.7111940383911133 }, { "Type": "MOUTH_DOWN", "X": 0.40525302290916443, "Y": 0.7497701048851013 }, { "Type": "MOUTH_UP", "X": 0.4753248989582062, "Y": 0.7558549642562866 } ], "Pose": { "Pitch": -9.713645935058594, "Roll": 4.707281112670898, "Yaw": -24.438663482666016 }, "Quality": { "Brightness": 29.23358917236328, "Sharpness": 80 } } }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.32592591643333435, "Left": 0.5144444704055786, "Top": 0.15111111104488373, "Width": 0.24444444477558136 }, "Confidence": 99.99950408935547, "FaceId": "8be04dba-4e58-520d-850e-9eae4af70eb2", "ImageId": "465f4e93-763e-51d0-b030-b9667a2d94b1" }, "FaceDetail": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.32592591643333435, "Left": 0.5144444704055786, "Top": 0.15111111104488373, "Width": 0.24444444477558136 }, "Confidence": 99.99950408935547, "Landmarks": [ { "Type": "EYE_LEFT", "X": 0.6006892323493958, "Y": 0.290842205286026 }, { "Type": "EYE_RIGHT", "X": 0.6808141469955444, "Y": 0.29609042406082153 }, { "Type": "NOSE_LEFT", "X": 0.6395332217216492, "Y": 0.3522595763206482 }, { "Type": "MOUTH_DOWN", "X": 0.5892083048820496, "Y": 0.38689887523651123 }, { "Type": "MOUTH_UP", "X": 0.674560010433197, "Y": 0.394125759601593 } ], "Pose": { "Pitch": -4.683138370513916, "Roll": 2.1029529571533203, "Yaw": 6.716655254364014 }, "Quality": { "Brightness": 34.951698303222656, "Sharpness": 160 } } } ], "OrientationCorrection": "ROTATE_0" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation detects faces in an image and adds them to the specified Rekognition collection.", "id": "to-add-a-face-to-a-collection-1482179542923", "title": "To add a face to a collection" } ], "ListCollections": [ { "input": { }, "output": { "CollectionIds": [ "myphotos" ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation returns a list of Rekognition collections.", "id": "to-list-the-collections-1482179199088", "title": "To list the collections" } ], "ListFaces": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos", "MaxResults": 20 }, "output": { "Faces": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.18000000715255737, "Left": 0.5555559992790222, "Top": 0.336667001247406, "Width": 0.23999999463558197 }, "Confidence": 100, "FaceId": "1c62e8b5-69a7-5b7d-b3cd-db4338a8a7e7", "ImageId": "147fdf82-7a71-52cf-819b-e786c7b9746e" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.16555599868297577, "Left": 0.30963000655174255, "Top": 0.7066670060157776, "Width": 0.22074100375175476 }, "Confidence": 100, "FaceId": "29a75abe-397b-5101-ba4f-706783b2246c", "ImageId": "147fdf82-7a71-52cf-819b-e786c7b9746e" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.3234420120716095, "Left": 0.3233329951763153, "Top": 0.5, "Width": 0.24222199618816376 }, "Confidence": 99.99829864501953, "FaceId": "38271d79-7bc2-5efb-b752-398a8d575b85", "ImageId": "d5631190-d039-54e4-b267-abd22c8647c5" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.03555560111999512, "Left": 0.37388700246810913, "Top": 0.2477779984474182, "Width": 0.04747769981622696 }, "Confidence": 99.99210357666016, "FaceId": "3b01bef0-c883-5654-ba42-d5ad28b720b3", "ImageId": "812d9f04-86f9-54fc-9275-8d0dcbcb6784" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.05333330109715462, "Left": 0.2937690019607544, "Top": 0.35666701197624207, "Width": 0.07121659815311432 }, "Confidence": 99.99919891357422, "FaceId": "4839a608-49d0-566c-8301-509d71b534d1", "ImageId": "812d9f04-86f9-54fc-9275-8d0dcbcb6784" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.3249259889125824, "Left": 0.5155559778213501, "Top": 0.1513350009918213, "Width": 0.24333299696445465 }, "Confidence": 99.99949645996094, "FaceId": "70008e50-75e4-55d0-8e80-363fb73b3a14", "ImageId": "d5631190-d039-54e4-b267-abd22c8647c5" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.03777780011296272, "Left": 0.7002969980239868, "Top": 0.18777799606323242, "Width": 0.05044509842991829 }, "Confidence": 99.92639923095703, "FaceId": "7f5f88ed-d684-5a88-b0df-01e4a521552b", "ImageId": "812d9f04-86f9-54fc-9275-8d0dcbcb6784" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.05555560067296028, "Left": 0.13946600258350372, "Top": 0.46333301067352295, "Width": 0.07270029932260513 }, "Confidence": 99.99469757080078, "FaceId": "895b4e2c-81de-5902-a4bd-d1792bda00b2", "ImageId": "812d9f04-86f9-54fc-9275-8d0dcbcb6784" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.3259260058403015, "Left": 0.5144439935684204, "Top": 0.15111100673675537, "Width": 0.24444399774074554 }, "Confidence": 99.99949645996094, "FaceId": "8be04dba-4e58-520d-850e-9eae4af70eb2", "ImageId": "465f4e93-763e-51d0-b030-b9667a2d94b1" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.18888899683952332, "Left": 0.3783380091190338, "Top": 0.2355560064315796, "Width": 0.25222599506378174 }, "Confidence": 99.9999008178711, "FaceId": "908544ad-edc3-59df-8faf-6a87cc256cf5", "ImageId": "3c731605-d772-541a-a5e7-0375dbc68a07" }, { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.33481499552726746, "Left": 0.31888899207115173, "Top": 0.49333301186561584, "Width": 0.25 }, "Confidence": 99.99909973144531, "FaceId": "ff43d742-0c13-5d16-a3e8-03d3f58e980b", "ImageId": "465f4e93-763e-51d0-b030-b9667a2d94b1" } ] }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation lists the faces in a Rekognition collection.", "id": "to-list-the-faces-in-a-collection-1482181416530", "title": "To list the faces in a collection" } ], "SearchFaces": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos", "FaceId": "70008e50-75e4-55d0-8e80-363fb73b3a14", "FaceMatchThreshold": 90, "MaxFaces": 10 }, "output": { "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.3259260058403015, "Left": 0.5144439935684204, "Top": 0.15111100673675537, "Width": 0.24444399774074554 }, "Confidence": 99.99949645996094, "FaceId": "8be04dba-4e58-520d-850e-9eae4af70eb2", "ImageId": "465f4e93-763e-51d0-b030-b9667a2d94b1" }, "Similarity": 99.97222137451172 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.16555599868297577, "Left": 0.30963000655174255, "Top": 0.7066670060157776, "Width": 0.22074100375175476 }, "Confidence": 100, "FaceId": "29a75abe-397b-5101-ba4f-706783b2246c", "ImageId": "147fdf82-7a71-52cf-819b-e786c7b9746e" }, "Similarity": 97.04154968261719 }, { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.18888899683952332, "Left": 0.3783380091190338, "Top": 0.2355560064315796, "Width": 0.25222599506378174 }, "Confidence": 99.9999008178711, "FaceId": "908544ad-edc3-59df-8faf-6a87cc256cf5", "ImageId": "3c731605-d772-541a-a5e7-0375dbc68a07" }, "Similarity": 95.94520568847656 } ], "SearchedFaceId": "70008e50-75e4-55d0-8e80-363fb73b3a14" }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation searches for matching faces in the collection the supplied face belongs to.", "id": "to-delete-a-face-1482182799377", "title": "To delete a face" } ], "SearchFacesByImage": [ { "input": { "CollectionId": "myphotos", "FaceMatchThreshold": 95, "Image": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "mybucket", "Name": "myphoto" } }, "MaxFaces": 5 }, "output": { "FaceMatches": [ { "Face": { "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.3234420120716095, "Left": 0.3233329951763153, "Top": 0.5, "Width": 0.24222199618816376 }, "Confidence": 99.99829864501953, "FaceId": "38271d79-7bc2-5efb-b752-398a8d575b85", "ImageId": "d5631190-d039-54e4-b267-abd22c8647c5" }, "Similarity": 99.97036743164062 } ], "SearchedFaceBoundingBox": { "Height": 0.33481481671333313, "Left": 0.31888890266418457, "Top": 0.4933333396911621, "Width": 0.25 }, "SearchedFaceConfidence": 99.9991226196289 }, "comments": { "input": { }, "output": { } }, "description": "This operation searches for faces in a Rekognition collection that match the largest face in an S3 bucket stored image.", "id": "to-search-for-faces-matching-a-supplied-image-1482175994491", "title": "To search for faces matching a supplied image" } ] } }