Successfully completed createEnvironment activity. 2010-11-17T20:25:35.191Z New Version bb01fa74-f287-11df-8a78-9f77047e0d0c SampleApp SampleAppVersion INFO Launching a new EC2 instance: i-04a8c569 2010-11-17T20:21:30Z New Version SampleApp SampleAppVersion DEBUG At least one EC2 instance has entered the InService lifecycle state. 2010-11-17T20:20:32.008Z New Version bb01fa74-f287-11df-8a78-9f77047e0d0c SampleApp SampleAppVersion INFO Elastic Load Balancer elasticbeanstalk-SampleAppVersion has failed 0 healthy instances - Environment may not be available. 2010-11-17T20:19:28Z New Version SampleApp SampleAppVersion WARN f10d02dd-f288-11df-8a78-9f77047e0d0c