#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """Test runner for the JSON models compliance tests This is a test runner for all the JSON tests defined in ``tests/unit/protocols/``, including both the input/output tests. You can use the normal ``nosetests tests/unit/test_protocols.py`` to run this test. In addition, there are several env vars you can use during development. Tests are broken down by filename, test suite, testcase. When a test fails you'll see the protocol (filename), test suite, and test case number of the failed test. :: Description : Scalar members (0:0) <--- (suite_id:test_id) Protocol: : ec2 <--- test file (ec2.json) Given : ... Response : ... Expected serialization: ... Actual serialization : ... Assertion message : ... To run tests from only a single file, you can set the BOTOCORE_TEST env var:: BOTOCORE_TEST=tests/unit/compliance/input/json.json nosetests tests/unit/test_protocols.py To run a single test suite you can set the BOTOCORE_TEST_ID env var: BOTOCORE_TEST=tests/unit/compliance/input/json.json BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=5 \ nosetests tests/unit/test_protocols.py To run a single test case in a suite (useful when debugging a single test), you can set the BOTOCORE_TEST_ID env var with the ``suite_id:test_id`` syntax. BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=5:1 nosetests test/unit/test_protocols.py """ import os import copy from base64 import b64decode from dateutil.tz import tzutc from botocore.compat import json, OrderedDict, urlsplit from botocore.eventstream import EventStream from botocore.model import ServiceModel, OperationModel from botocore.serialize import EC2Serializer, QuerySerializer, \ JSONSerializer, RestJSONSerializer, RestXMLSerializer from botocore.parsers import QueryParser, JSONParser, \ RestJSONParser, RestXMLParser from botocore.utils import parse_timestamp, percent_encode_sequence from botocore.awsrequest import prepare_request_dict from calendar import timegm from nose.tools import assert_equal as _assert_equal TEST_DIR = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'protocols') NOT_SPECIFIED = object() PROTOCOL_SERIALIZERS = { 'ec2': EC2Serializer, 'query': QuerySerializer, 'json': JSONSerializer, 'rest-json': RestJSONSerializer, 'rest-xml': RestXMLSerializer, } PROTOCOL_PARSERS = { # ec2/query have the same response parsing logic. 'ec2': QueryParser, 'query': QueryParser, 'json': JSONParser, 'rest-json': RestJSONParser, 'rest-xml': RestXMLParser, } PROTOCOL_TEST_BLACKLIST = [ 'Idempotency token auto fill' ] def test_compliance(): for full_path in _walk_files(): if full_path.endswith('.json'): for model, case, basename in _load_cases(full_path): if model.get('description') in PROTOCOL_TEST_BLACKLIST: continue if 'params' in case: yield _test_input, model, case, basename elif 'response' in case: yield _test_output, model, case, basename def _test_input(json_description, case, basename): service_description = copy.deepcopy(json_description) service_description['operations'] = { case.get('name', 'OperationName'): case, } model = ServiceModel(service_description) protocol_type = model.metadata['protocol'] try: protocol_serializer = PROTOCOL_SERIALIZERS[protocol_type] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Unknown protocol: %s" % protocol_type) serializer = protocol_serializer() serializer.MAP_TYPE = OrderedDict operation_model = OperationModel(case['given'], model) request = serializer.serialize_to_request(case['params'], operation_model) _serialize_request_description(request) client_endpoint = service_description.get('clientEndpoint') try: _assert_request_body_is_bytes(request['body']) _assert_requests_equal(request, case['serialized']) _assert_endpoints_equal(request, case['serialized'], client_endpoint) except AssertionError as e: _input_failure_message(protocol_type, case, request, e) def _assert_request_body_is_bytes(body): if not isinstance(body, bytes): raise AssertionError("Expected body to be serialized as type " "bytes(), instead got: %s" % type(body)) def _assert_endpoints_equal(actual, expected, endpoint): if 'host' not in expected: return prepare_request_dict(actual, endpoint) actual_host = urlsplit(actual['url']).netloc assert_equal(actual_host, expected['host'], 'Host') class MockRawResponse(object): def __init__(self, data): self._data = b64decode(data) def stream(self): yield self._data def _test_output(json_description, case, basename): service_description = copy.deepcopy(json_description) operation_name = case.get('name', 'OperationName') service_description['operations'] = { operation_name: case, } case['response']['context'] = {'operation_name': operation_name} try: model = ServiceModel(service_description) operation_model = OperationModel(case['given'], model) parser = PROTOCOL_PARSERS[model.metadata['protocol']]( timestamp_parser=_compliance_timestamp_parser) # We load the json as utf-8, but the response parser is at the # botocore boundary, so it expects to work with bytes. body_bytes = case['response']['body'].encode('utf-8') case['response']['body'] = body_bytes # If this is an event stream fake the raw streamed response if operation_model.has_event_stream_output: case['response']['body'] = MockRawResponse(body_bytes) parsed = parser.parse(case['response'], operation_model.output_shape) parsed = _fixup_parsed_result(parsed) except Exception as e: msg = ( "\nFailed to run test : %s\n" "Protocol : %s\n" "Description : %s (%s:%s)\n" % ( e, model.metadata['protocol'], case['description'], case['suite_id'], case['test_id'])) raise AssertionError(msg) try: assert_equal(parsed, case['result'], "Body") except Exception as e: _output_failure_message(model.metadata['protocol'], case, parsed, e) def _fixup_parsed_result(parsed): # This function contains all the transformation we need # to do from the response _our_ response parsers give # vs. the expected responses in the protocol tests. # These are implementation specific changes, not any # "we're not following the spec"-type changes. # 1. RequestMetadata. We parse this onto the returned dict, but compliance # tests don't have any specs for how to deal with request metadata. if 'ResponseMetadata' in parsed: del parsed['ResponseMetadata'] # 2. Binary blob types. In the protocol test, blob types, when base64 # decoded, always decode to something that can be expressed via utf-8. # This is not always the case. In python3, the blob type is designed to # return a bytes (not str) object. However, for these tests we'll work for # any bytes type, and decode it as utf-8 because we know that's safe for # the compliance tests. parsed = _convert_bytes_to_str(parsed) # 3. We need to expand the event stream object into the list of events for key, value in parsed.items(): if isinstance(value, EventStream): parsed[key] = _convert_bytes_to_str(list(value)) break return parsed def _convert_bytes_to_str(parsed): if isinstance(parsed, dict): new_dict = {} for key, value in parsed.items(): new_dict[key] = _convert_bytes_to_str(value) return new_dict elif isinstance(parsed, bytes): return parsed.decode('utf-8') elif isinstance(parsed, list): new_list = [] for item in parsed: new_list.append(_convert_bytes_to_str(item)) return new_list else: return parsed def _compliance_timestamp_parser(value): datetime = parse_timestamp(value) # Convert from our time zone to UTC datetime = datetime.astimezone(tzutc()) # Convert to epoch. return int(timegm(datetime.timetuple())) def _output_failure_message(protocol_type, case, actual_parsed, error): j = _try_json_dump error_message = ( "\nDescription : %s (%s:%s)\n" "Protocol: : %s\n" "Given : %s\n" "Response : %s\n" "Expected serialization: %s\n" "Actual serialization : %s\n" "Assertion message : %s\n" % ( case['description'], case['suite_id'], case['test_id'], protocol_type, j(case['given']), j(case['response']), j(case['result']), j(actual_parsed), error)) raise AssertionError(error_message) def _input_failure_message(protocol_type, case, actual_request, error): j = _try_json_dump error_message = ( "\nDescription : %s (%s:%s)\n" "Protocol: : %s\n" "Given : %s\n" "Params : %s\n" "Expected serialization: %s\n" "Actual serialization : %s\n" "Assertion message : %s\n" % ( case['description'], case['suite_id'], case['test_id'], protocol_type, j(case['given']), j(case['params']), j(case['serialized']), j(actual_request), error)) raise AssertionError(error_message) def _try_json_dump(obj): try: return json.dumps(obj) except (ValueError, TypeError): return str(obj) def assert_equal(first, second, prefix): # A better assert equals. It allows you to just provide # prefix instead of the entire message. try: _assert_equal(first, second) except Exception: try: better = "%s (actual != expected)\n%s !=\n%s" % ( prefix, json.dumps(first, indent=2), json.dumps(second, indent=2)) except (ValueError, TypeError): better = "%s (actual != expected)\n%s !=\n%s" % ( prefix, first, second) raise AssertionError(better) def _serialize_request_description(request_dict): if isinstance(request_dict.get('body'), dict): # urlencode the request body. encoded = percent_encode_sequence(request_dict['body']).encode('utf-8') request_dict['body'] = encoded if isinstance(request_dict.get('query_string'), dict): encoded = percent_encode_sequence(request_dict.get('query_string')) if encoded: # 'requests' automatically handle this, but we in the # test runner we need to handle the case where the url_path # already has query params. if '?' not in request_dict['url_path']: request_dict['url_path'] += '?%s' % encoded else: request_dict['url_path'] += '&%s' % encoded def _assert_requests_equal(actual, expected): assert_equal(actual['body'], expected.get('body', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Body value') actual_headers = dict(actual['headers']) expected_headers = expected.get('headers', {}) assert_equal(actual_headers, expected_headers, "Header values") assert_equal(actual['url_path'], expected.get('uri', ''), "URI") if 'method' in expected: assert_equal(actual['method'], expected['method'], "Method") def _walk_files(): # Check for a shortcut when running the tests interactively. # If a BOTOCORE_TEST env var is defined, that file is used as the # only test to run. Useful when doing feature development. single_file = os.environ.get('BOTOCORE_TEST') if single_file is not None: yield os.path.abspath(single_file) else: for root, _, filenames in os.walk(TEST_DIR): for filename in filenames: yield os.path.join(root, filename) def _load_cases(full_path): # During developement, you can set the BOTOCORE_TEST_ID # to run a specific test suite or even a specific test case. # The format is BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=suite_id:test_id or # BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=suite_id suite_id, test_id = _get_suite_test_id() all_test_data = json.load(open(full_path), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) basename = os.path.basename(full_path) for i, test_data in enumerate(all_test_data): if suite_id is not None and i != suite_id: continue cases = test_data.pop('cases') description = test_data['description'] for j, case in enumerate(cases): if test_id is not None and j != test_id: continue case['description'] = description case['suite_id'] = i case['test_id'] = j yield (test_data, case, basename) def _get_suite_test_id(): if 'BOTOCORE_TEST_ID' not in os.environ: return None, None test_id = None suite_id = None split = os.environ['BOTOCORE_TEST_ID'].split(':') try: if len(split) == 2: suite_id, test_id = int(split[0]), int(split[1]) else: suite_id = int(split([0])) except TypeError: # Same exception, just give a better error message. raise TypeError("Invalid format for BOTOCORE_TEST_ID, should be " "suite_id[:test_id], and both values should be " "integers.") return suite_id, test_id