import os import botocore.session SESSION = botocore.session.get_session() KNOWN_SERVICES = SESSION.get_available_services() # For the services where the tag name doesn't match # the name we use to create_client(), we need to maintain # a map until we can get these changes pushed upstream. TAG_TO_ENDPOINT_PREFIX = { 'cognitoidentity': 'cognito-identity', 'cognitosync': 'cognito-sync', 'elasticloadbalancing': 'elb', 'elasticfilesystem': 'efs', } REGION = 'us-east-1' REGION_OVERRIDES = { 'devicefarm': 'us-west-2', 'efs': 'us-west-2', } SKIP_SERVICES = set([ # efs/support require subscriptions and may not work on every machine. 'efs', 'support', # sts and importexport are skipped because they do not # work when using temporary credentials. 'sts', 'importexport', ]) def before_feature(context, feature): for tag in feature.tags: if tag in TAG_TO_ENDPOINT_PREFIX: service_name = TAG_TO_ENDPOINT_PREFIX[tag] break elif tag in KNOWN_SERVICES: service_name = tag break else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to create a client for " "feature: %s" % feature) if service_name in SKIP_SERVICES: feature.mark_skipped() return region_name = _get_region_for_service(service_name) context.client = SESSION.create_client(service_name, region_name) def _get_region_for_service(service_name): if os.environ.get('AWS_SMOKE_TEST_REGION', ''): region_name = os.environ['AWS_SMOKE_TEST_REGION'] else: region_name = REGION_OVERRIDES.get(service_name, REGION) return region_name