# Copyright 2012-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. import os import sys import mock import time import random import shutil import contextlib import tempfile import binascii import platform import select import datetime from io import BytesIO from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from dateutil.tz import tzlocal # The unittest module got a significant overhaul # in 2.7, so if we're in 2.6 we can use the backported # version unittest2. if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): import unittest2 as unittest else: import unittest from nose.tools import assert_equal import botocore.loaders import botocore.session from botocore.awsrequest import AWSResponse from botocore.compat import six from botocore.compat import urlparse from botocore.compat import parse_qs from botocore import utils from botocore import credentials from botocore.stub import Stubber _LOADER = botocore.loaders.Loader() def skip_unless_has_memory_collection(cls): """Class decorator to skip tests that require memory collection. Any test that uses memory collection (such as the resource leak tests) can decorate their class with skip_unless_has_memory_collection to indicate that if the platform does not support memory collection the tests should be skipped. """ if platform.system() not in ['Darwin', 'Linux']: return unittest.skip('Memory tests only supported on mac/linux.')(cls) return cls def skip_if_windows(reason): """Decorator to skip tests that should not be run on windows. Example usage: @skip_if_windows("Not valid") def test_some_non_windows_stuff(self): self.assertEqual(...) """ def decorator(func): return unittest.skipIf( platform.system() not in ['Darwin', 'Linux'], reason)(func) return decorator def random_chars(num_chars): """Returns random hex characters. Useful for creating resources with random names. """ return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(int(num_chars / 2))).decode('ascii') def create_session(**kwargs): # Create a Session object. By default, # the _LOADER object is used as the loader # so that we reused the same models across tests. session = botocore.session.Session(**kwargs) session.register_component('data_loader', _LOADER) session.set_config_variable('credentials_file', 'noexist/foo/botocore') return session @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_file(mode): """This is a cross platform temporary file creation. tempfile.NamedTemporary file on windows creates a secure temp file that can't be read by other processes and can't be opened a second time. For tests, we generally *want* them to be read multiple times. The test fixture writes the temp file contents, the test reads the temp file. """ temporary_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() basename = 'tmpfile-%s-%s' % (int(time.time()), random.randint(1, 1000)) full_filename = os.path.join(temporary_directory, basename) open(full_filename, 'w').close() try: with open(full_filename, mode) as f: yield f finally: shutil.rmtree(temporary_directory) class BaseEnvVar(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Automatically patches out os.environ for you # and gives you a self.environ attribute that simulates # the environment. Also will automatically restore state # for you in tearDown() self.environ = {} self.environ_patch = mock.patch('os.environ', self.environ) self.environ_patch.start() def tearDown(self): self.environ_patch.stop() class BaseSessionTest(BaseEnvVar): """Base class used to provide credentials. This class can be used as a base class that want to use a real session class but want to be completely isolated from the external environment (including environment variables). This class will also set credential vars so you can make fake requests to services. """ def setUp(self, **environ): super(BaseSessionTest, self).setUp() self.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = 'access_key' self.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'secret_key' self.environ['AWS_CONFIG_FILE'] = 'no-exist-foo' self.environ.update(environ) self.session = create_session() self.session.config_filename = 'no-exist-foo' @skip_unless_has_memory_collection class BaseClientDriverTest(unittest.TestCase): INJECT_DUMMY_CREDS = False def setUp(self): self.driver = ClientDriver() env = None if self.INJECT_DUMMY_CREDS: env = {'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': 'foo', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY': 'bar'} self.driver.start(env=env) def cmd(self, *args): self.driver.cmd(*args) def send_cmd(self, *args): self.driver.send_cmd(*args) def record_memory(self): self.driver.record_memory() @property def memory_samples(self): return self.driver.memory_samples def tearDown(self): self.driver.stop() class ClientDriver(object): CLIENT_SERVER = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'cmd-runner' ) def __init__(self): self._popen = None self.memory_samples = [] def _get_memory_with_ps(self, pid): # It would be better to eventually switch to psutil, # which should allow us to test on windows, but for now # we'll just use ps and run on POSIX platforms. command_list = ['ps', '-p', str(pid), '-o', 'rss'] p = Popen(command_list, stdout=PIPE) stdout = p.communicate()[0] if not p.returncode == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not retrieve memory") else: # Get the RSS from output that looks like this: # RSS # 4496 return int(stdout.splitlines()[1].split()[0]) * 1024 def record_memory(self): mem = self._get_memory_with_ps(self._popen.pid) self.memory_samples.append(mem) def start(self, env=None): """Start up the command runner process.""" self._popen = Popen([sys.executable, self.CLIENT_SERVER], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, env=env) def stop(self): """Shutdown the command runner process.""" self.cmd('exit') self._popen.wait() def send_cmd(self, *cmd): """Send a command and return immediately. This is a lower level method than cmd(). This method will instruct the cmd-runner process to execute a command, but this method will immediately return. You will need to use ``is_cmd_finished()`` to check that the command is finished. This method is useful if you want to record attributes about the process while an operation is occurring. For example, if you want to instruct the cmd-runner process to upload a 1GB file to S3 and you'd like to record the memory during the upload process, you can use send_cmd() instead of cmd(). """ cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) + '\n' cmd_bytes = cmd_str.encode('utf-8') self._popen.stdin.write(cmd_bytes) self._popen.stdin.flush() def is_cmd_finished(self): rlist = [self._popen.stdout.fileno()] result = select.select(rlist, [], [], 0.01) if result[0]: return True return False def cmd(self, *cmd): """Send a command and block until it finishes. This method will send a command to the cmd-runner process to run. It will block until the cmd-runner process is finished executing the command and sends back a status response. """ self.send_cmd(*cmd) result = self._popen.stdout.readline().strip() if result != b'OK': raise RuntimeError( "Error from command '%s': %s" % (cmd, result)) # This is added to this file because it's used in both # the functional and unit tests for cred refresh. class IntegerRefresher(credentials.RefreshableCredentials): """Refreshable credentials to help with testing. This class makes testing refreshable credentials easier. It has the following functionality: * A counter, self.refresh_counter, to indicate how many times refresh was called. * A way to specify how many seconds to make credentials valid. * Configurable advisory/mandatory refresh. * An easy way to check consistency. Each time creds are refreshed, all the cred values are set to the next incrementing integer. Frozen credentials should always have this value. """ _advisory_refresh_timeout = 2 _mandatory_refresh_timeout = 1 _credentials_expire = 3 def __init__(self, creds_last_for=_credentials_expire, advisory_refresh=_advisory_refresh_timeout, mandatory_refresh=_mandatory_refresh_timeout, refresh_function=None): expires_in = ( self._current_datetime() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=creds_last_for)) if refresh_function is None: refresh_function = self._do_refresh super(IntegerRefresher, self).__init__( '0', '0', '0', expires_in, refresh_function, 'INTREFRESH') self.creds_last_for = creds_last_for self.refresh_counter = 0 self._advisory_refresh_timeout = advisory_refresh self._mandatory_refresh_timeout = mandatory_refresh def _do_refresh(self): self.refresh_counter += 1 current = int(self._access_key) next_id = str(current + 1) return { 'access_key': next_id, 'secret_key': next_id, 'token': next_id, 'expiry_time': self._seconds_later(self.creds_last_for), } def _seconds_later(self, num_seconds): # We need to guarantee at *least* num_seconds. # Because this doesn't handle subsecond precision # we'll round up to the next second. num_seconds += 1 t = self._current_datetime() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=num_seconds) return self._to_timestamp(t) def _to_timestamp(self, datetime_obj): obj = utils.parse_to_aware_datetime(datetime_obj) return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') def _current_timestamp(self): return self._to_timestamp(self._current_datetime()) def _current_datetime(self): return datetime.datetime.now(tzlocal()) def _urlparse(url): if isinstance(url, six.binary_type): # Not really necessary, but it helps to reduce noise on Python 2.x url = url.decode('utf8') return urlparse(url) def assert_url_equal(url1, url2): parts1 = _urlparse(url1) parts2 = _urlparse(url2) # Because the query string ordering isn't relevant, we have to parse # every single part manually and then handle the query string. assert_equal(parts1.scheme, parts2.scheme) assert_equal(parts1.netloc, parts2.netloc) assert_equal(parts1.path, parts2.path) assert_equal(parts1.params, parts2.params) assert_equal(parts1.fragment, parts2.fragment) assert_equal(parts1.username, parts2.username) assert_equal(parts1.password, parts2.password) assert_equal(parts1.hostname, parts2.hostname) assert_equal(parts1.port, parts2.port) assert_equal(parse_qs(parts1.query), parse_qs(parts2.query)) class HTTPStubberException(Exception): pass class RawResponse(BytesIO): # TODO: There's a few objects similar to this in various tests, let's # try and consolidate to this one in a future commit. def stream(self, **kwargs): contents = self.read() while contents: yield contents contents = self.read() class ClientHTTPStubber(object): def __init__(self, client, strict=True): self.reset() self._strict = strict self._client = client def reset(self): self.requests = [] self.responses = [] def add_response(self, url='https://example.com', status=200, headers=None, body=b''): if headers is None: headers = {} raw = RawResponse(body) response = AWSResponse(url, status, headers, raw) self.responses.append(response) def start(self): self._client.meta.events.register('before-send', self) def stop(self): self._client.meta.events.unregister('before-send', self) def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.stop() def __call__(self, request, **kwargs): self.requests.append(request) if self.responses: response = self.responses.pop(0) if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response else: return response elif self._strict: raise HTTPStubberException('Insufficient responses') else: return None class ConsistencyWaiterException(Exception): pass class ConsistencyWaiter(object): """ A waiter class for some check to reach a consistent state. :type min_successes: int :param min_successes: The minimum number of successful check calls to treat the check as stable. Default of 1 success. :type max_attempts: int :param min_successes: The maximum number of times to attempt calling the check. Default of 20 attempts. :type delay: int :param delay: The number of seconds to delay the next API call after a failed check call. Default of 5 seconds. """ def __init__(self, min_successes=1, max_attempts=20, delay=5, delay_initial_poll=False): self.min_successes = min_successes self.max_attempts = max_attempts self.delay = delay self.delay_initial_poll = delay_initial_poll def wait(self, check, *args, **kwargs): """ Wait until the check succeeds the configured number of times :type check: callable :param check: A callable that returns True or False to indicate if the check succeeded or failed. :type args: list :param args: Any ordered arguments to be passed to the check. :type kwargs: dict :param kwargs: Any keyword arguments to be passed to the check. """ attempts = 0 successes = 0 if self.delay_initial_poll: time.sleep(self.delay) while attempts < self.max_attempts: attempts += 1 if check(*args, **kwargs): successes += 1 if successes >= self.min_successes: return else: time.sleep(self.delay) fail_msg = self._fail_message(attempts, successes) raise ConsistencyWaiterException(fail_msg) def _fail_message(self, attempts, successes): format_args = (attempts, successes) return 'Failed after %s attempts, only had %s successes' % format_args class StubbedSession(botocore.session.Session): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StubbedSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cached_clients = {} self._client_stubs = {} def create_client(self, service_name, *args, **kwargs): if service_name not in self._cached_clients: client = self._create_stubbed_client(service_name, *args, **kwargs) self._cached_clients[service_name] = client return self._cached_clients[service_name] def _create_stubbed_client(self, service_name, *args, **kwargs): client = super(StubbedSession, self).create_client( service_name, *args, **kwargs) stubber = Stubber(client) self._client_stubs[service_name] = stubber return client def stub(self, service_name): if service_name not in self._client_stubs: self.create_client(service_name) return self._client_stubs[service_name] def activate_stubs(self): for stub in self._client_stubs.values(): stub.activate() def verify_stubs(self): for stub in self._client_stubs.values(): stub.assert_no_pending_responses()