{ "version":"2.0", "metadata":{ "apiVersion":"2017-10-26", "endpointPrefix":"transcribe", "jsonVersion":"1.1", "protocol":"json", "serviceFullName":"Amazon Transcribe Service", "signatureVersion":"v4", "signingName":"transcribe", "targetPrefix":"Transcribe", "uid":"transcribe-2017-10-26" }, "operations":{ "GetTranscriptionJob":{ "name":"GetTranscriptionJob", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"GetTranscriptionJobRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"GetTranscriptionJobResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"NotFoundException"} ], "documentation":"

Returns information about a transcription job. To see the status of the job, check the Status field. If the status is COMPLETE, the job is finished and you can find the results at the location specified in the TranscriptionFileUri field.

" }, "ListTranscriptionJobs":{ "name":"ListTranscriptionJobs", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"ListTranscriptionJobsRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"ListTranscriptionJobsResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"} ], "documentation":"

Lists transcription jobs with the specified status.

" }, "StartTranscriptionJob":{ "name":"StartTranscriptionJob", "http":{ "method":"POST", "requestUri":"/" }, "input":{"shape":"StartTranscriptionJobRequest"}, "output":{"shape":"StartTranscriptionJobResponse"}, "errors":[ {"shape":"BadRequestException"}, {"shape":"LimitExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalFailureException"}, {"shape":"ConflictException"} ], "documentation":"

Starts an asynchronous job to transcribe speech to text.

" } }, "shapes":{ "BadRequestException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"FailureReason"} }, "documentation":"

There is a problem with one of the input fields. Check the S3 bucket name, make sure that the job name is not a duplicate, and confirm that you are using the correct file format. Then resend your request.

", "exception":true }, "ConflictException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

The JobName field is a duplicate of a previously entered job name. Resend your request with a different name.

", "exception":true }, "DateTime":{"type":"timestamp"}, "FailureReason":{"type":"string"}, "GetTranscriptionJobRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["TranscriptionJobName"], "members":{ "TranscriptionJobName":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobName", "documentation":"

The name of the job.

" } } }, "GetTranscriptionJobResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TranscriptionJob":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJob", "documentation":"

An object that contains the results of the transcription job.

" } } }, "InternalFailureException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

There was an internal error. Check the error message and try your request again.

", "exception":true, "fault":true }, "LanguageCode":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "en-US", "es-US" ] }, "LimitExceededException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

Either you have sent too many requests or your input file is longer than 2 hours. Wait before you resend your request, or use a smaller file and resend the request.

", "exception":true }, "ListTranscriptionJobsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["Status"], "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobStatus", "documentation":"

When specified, returns only transcription jobs with the specified status.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

If the result of the previous request to ListTranscriptionJobs was truncated, include the NextToken to fetch the next set of jobs.

" }, "MaxResults":{ "shape":"MaxResults", "documentation":"

The maximum number of jobs to return in the response.

" } } }, "ListTranscriptionJobsResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Status":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobStatus", "documentation":"

The requested status of the jobs returned.

" }, "NextToken":{ "shape":"NextToken", "documentation":"

The ListTranscriptionJobs operation returns a page of jobs at a time. The size of the page is set by the MaxResults parameter. If there are more jobs in the list than the page size, Amazon Transcribe returns the NextPage token. Include the token in the next request to the ListTranscriptionJobs operation to return in the next page of jobs.

" }, "TranscriptionJobSummaries":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobSummaries", "documentation":"

A list of objects containing summary information for a transcription job.

" } } }, "MaxResults":{ "type":"integer", "max":100, "min":1 }, "Media":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "MediaFileUri":{ "shape":"Uri", "documentation":"

The S3 location of the input media file. The general form is:


For example:



" } }, "documentation":"

Describes the input media file in a transcription request.

" }, "MediaFormat":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "mp3", "mp4", "wav", "flac" ] }, "MediaSampleRateHertz":{ "type":"integer", "max":48000, "min":8000 }, "NextToken":{ "type":"string", "max":8192 }, "NotFoundException":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "Message":{"shape":"String"} }, "documentation":"

We can't find the requested job. Check the job name and try your request again.

", "exception":true }, "StartTranscriptionJobRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ "TranscriptionJobName", "LanguageCode", "MediaFormat", "Media" ], "members":{ "TranscriptionJobName":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobName", "documentation":"

The name of the job. The name must be unique within an AWS account.

" }, "LanguageCode":{ "shape":"LanguageCode", "documentation":"

The language code for the language used in the input media file.

" }, "MediaSampleRateHertz":{ "shape":"MediaSampleRateHertz", "documentation":"

The sample rate, in Hertz, of the audio track in the input media file.

" }, "MediaFormat":{ "shape":"MediaFormat", "documentation":"

The format of the input media file.

" }, "Media":{ "shape":"Media", "documentation":"

An object that describes the input media for a transcription job.

" } } }, "StartTranscriptionJobResponse":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TranscriptionJob":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJob", "documentation":"

An object containing details of the asynchronous transcription job.

" } } }, "String":{"type":"string"}, "Transcript":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TranscriptFileUri":{ "shape":"Uri", "documentation":"

The S3 location where the transcription result is stored. The general form of this Uri is:


For example:



" } }, "documentation":"

Describes the output of a transcription job.

" }, "TranscriptionJob":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TranscriptionJobName":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobName", "documentation":"

A name to identify the transcription job.

" }, "TranscriptionJobStatus":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobStatus", "documentation":"

The identifier assigned to the job when it was created.

" }, "LanguageCode":{ "shape":"LanguageCode", "documentation":"

The language code for the input speech.

" }, "MediaSampleRateHertz":{ "shape":"MediaSampleRateHertz", "documentation":"

The sample rate, in Hertz, of the audio track in the input media file.

" }, "MediaFormat":{ "shape":"MediaFormat", "documentation":"

The format of the input media file.

" }, "Media":{ "shape":"Media", "documentation":"

An object that describes the input media for a transcription job.

" }, "Transcript":{ "shape":"Transcript", "documentation":"

An object that describes the output of the transcription job.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"DateTime", "documentation":"

Timestamp of the date and time that the job was created.

" }, "CompletionTime":{ "shape":"DateTime", "documentation":"

Timestamp of the date and time that the job completed.

" }, "FailureReason":{ "shape":"FailureReason", "documentation":"

If the TranscriptionJobStatus field is FAILED, this field contains information about why the job failed.

" } }, "documentation":"

Describes an asynchronous transcription job that was created with the StartTranscriptionJob operation.

" }, "TranscriptionJobName":{ "type":"string", "max":200, "min":1, "pattern":"^[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+" }, "TranscriptionJobStatus":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ "IN_PROGRESS", "FAILED", "COMPLETED" ] }, "TranscriptionJobSummaries":{ "type":"list", "member":{"shape":"TranscriptionJobSummary"} }, "TranscriptionJobSummary":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ "TranscriptionJobName":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobName", "documentation":"

The name assigned to the transcription job when it was created.

" }, "CreationTime":{ "shape":"DateTime", "documentation":"

Timestamp of the date and time that the job was created.

" }, "CompletionTime":{ "shape":"DateTime", "documentation":"

Timestamp of the date and time that the job completed.

" }, "LanguageCode":{ "shape":"LanguageCode", "documentation":"

The language code for the input speech.

" }, "TranscriptionJobStatus":{ "shape":"TranscriptionJobStatus", "documentation":"

The status of the transcription job. When the status is COMPLETED, use the GetTranscriptionJob operation to get the results of the transcription.

" }, "FailureReason":{ "shape":"FailureReason", "documentation":"

If the TranscriptionJobStatus field is FAILED, this field contains a description of the error.

" } }, "documentation":"

Provides a summary of information about a transcription job.

" }, "Uri":{ "type":"string", "max":2000, "min":1 } }, "documentation":"

Operations and objects for transcribing speech to text.

" }