# Copyright 2012-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """Signature Version 4 test suite. AWS provides a test suite for signature version 4: https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-auth/tree/v0.3.15/tests/aws-sig-v4-test-suite This module contains logic to run these tests. The test files were placed in ./aws4_testsuite, and we're using nose's test generators to dynamically generate testcases based on these files. """ import os import logging import io import datetime import re from botocore.compat import six, urlsplit, parse_qsl, HAS_CRT import mock import botocore.auth from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest from botocore.credentials import Credentials SECRET_KEY = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" ACCESS_KEY = 'AKIDEXAMPLE' DATE = datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 30, 12, 36, 0) SERVICE = 'service' REGION = 'us-east-1' TESTSUITE_DIR = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'aws4_testsuite') # The following tests are not run. Each test has a comment as # to why the test is being ignored. TESTS_TO_IGNORE = [ # Bad request-line syntax, python's HTTP parser chokes on this. 'normalize-path/get-space', # Multiple query params of the same key not supported by the SDKs. 'get-vanilla-query-order-key-case', 'get-vanilla-query-order-key', 'get-vanilla-query-order-value', ] if not six.PY3: TESTS_TO_IGNORE += [ # NO support 'get-header-key-duplicate', 'get-header-value-order', ] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RawHTTPRequest(six.moves.BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, raw_request): if isinstance(raw_request, six.text_type): raw_request = raw_request.encode('utf-8') self.rfile = six.BytesIO(raw_request) self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline() self.error_code = None self.error_message = None self.parse_request() def send_error(self, code, message): self.error_code = code self.error_message = message def test_generator(): datetime_patcher = mock.patch.object( botocore.auth.datetime, 'datetime', mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime) ) mocked_datetime = datetime_patcher.start() mocked_datetime.utcnow.return_value = DATE for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(TESTSUITE_DIR): if not any(f.endswith('.req') for f in filenames): continue test_case = os.path.relpath(dirpath, TESTSUITE_DIR) if test_case in TESTS_TO_IGNORE: log.debug("Skipping test: %s", test_case) continue if HAS_CRT: yield (_test_crt_signature_version_4, test_case) else: yield (_test_signature_version_4, test_case) datetime_patcher.stop() def create_request_from_raw_request(raw_request): request = AWSRequest() raw = RawHTTPRequest(raw_request) if raw.error_code is not None: raise Exception(raw.error_message) request.method = raw.command datetime_now = DATE request.context['timestamp'] = datetime_now.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') for key, val in raw.headers.items(): request.headers[key] = val request.data = raw.rfile.read() host = raw.headers.get('host', '') # For whatever reason, the BaseHTTPRequestHandler encodes # the first line of the response as 'iso-8859-1', # so we need decode this into utf-8. if isinstance(raw.path, six.text_type): raw.path = raw.path.encode('iso-8859-1').decode('utf-8') url = 'https://%s%s' % (host, raw.path) if '?' in url: split_url = urlsplit(url) params = dict(parse_qsl(split_url.query)) request.url = split_url.path request.params = params else: request.url = url return request def _test_signature_version_4(test_case): test_case = _SignatureTestCase(test_case) request = create_request_from_raw_request(test_case.raw_request) auth = botocore.auth.SigV4Auth(test_case.credentials, SERVICE, REGION) actual_canonical_request = auth.canonical_request(request) actual_string_to_sign = auth.string_to_sign(request, actual_canonical_request) auth.add_auth(request) actual_auth_header = request.headers['Authorization'] # Some stuff only works right when you go through auth.add_auth() # So don't assert the interim steps unless the end result was wrong. if actual_auth_header != test_case.authorization_header: assert_equal(actual_canonical_request, test_case.canonical_request, test_case.raw_request, 'canonical_request') assert_equal(actual_string_to_sign, test_case.string_to_sign, test_case.raw_request, 'string_to_sign') assert_equal(actual_auth_header, test_case.authorization_header, test_case.raw_request, 'authheader') def _test_crt_signature_version_4(test_case): test_case = _SignatureTestCase(test_case) request = create_request_from_raw_request(test_case.raw_request) # Use CRT logging to diagnose interim steps (canonical request, etc) # import awscrt.io # awscrt.io.init_logging(awscrt.io.LogLevel.Trace, 'stdout') auth = botocore.crt.auth.CrtSigV4Auth(test_case.credentials, SERVICE, REGION) auth.add_auth(request) actual_auth_header = request.headers['Authorization'] assert_equal(actual_auth_header, test_case.authorization_header, test_case.raw_request, 'authheader') def assert_equal(actual, expected, raw_request, part): if actual != expected: message = "The %s did not match" % part message += "\nACTUAL:%r !=\nEXPECT:%r" % (actual, expected) message += '\nThe raw request was:\n%s' % raw_request raise AssertionError(message) class _SignatureTestCase(object): def __init__(self, test_case): filepath = os.path.join(TESTSUITE_DIR, test_case, os.path.basename(test_case)) # We're using io.open() because we need to open these files with # a specific encoding, and in 2.x io.open is the best way to do this. self.raw_request = io.open(filepath + '.req', encoding='utf-8').read() self.canonical_request = io.open( filepath + '.creq', encoding='utf-8').read().replace('\r', '') self.string_to_sign = io.open( filepath + '.sts', encoding='utf-8').read().replace('\r', '') self.authorization_header = io.open( filepath + '.authz', encoding='utf-8').read().replace('\r', '') self.signed_request = io.open(filepath + '.sreq', encoding='utf-8').read() token_pattern = r'^x-amz-security-token:(.*)$' token_match = re.search(token_pattern, self.canonical_request, re.MULTILINE) token = token_match.group(1) if token_match else None self.credentials = Credentials(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, token)