# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright 2012-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. import os import re import logging __version__ = '0.81.0' class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass # Configure default logger to do nothing log = logging.getLogger('botocore') log.addHandler(NullHandler()) _first_cap_regex = re.compile('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)') _number_cap_regex = re.compile('([a-z])([0-9]+)') _end_cap_regex = re.compile('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])') # Prepopulate the cache with special cases that don't match # our regular transformation. _xform_cache = { ('SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs', '_'): 'swap_environment_cnames', ('SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs', '-'): 'swap-environment-cnames', ('CreateCachediSCSIVolume', '_'): 'create_cached_iscsi_volume', ('CreateCachediSCSIVolume', '-'): 'create-cached-iscsi-volume', ('DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes', '_'): 'describe_cached_iscsi_volumes', ('DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes', '-'): 'describe-cached-iscsi-volumes', ('DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes', '_'): 'describe_stored_iscsi_volumes', ('DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes', '-'): 'describe-stored-iscsi-volumes', ('CreateStorediSCSIVolume', '_'): 'create_stored_iscsi_volume', ('CreateStorediSCSIVolume', '-'): 'create-stored-iscsi-volume', ('NotificationARNs', '_'): 'notification_arns', ('NotificationARNs', '-'): 'notification-arns', } ScalarTypes = ('string', 'integer', 'boolean', 'timestamp', 'float', 'double') BOTOCORE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def xform_name(name, sep='_', _xform_cache=_xform_cache): """Convert camel case to a "pythonic" name. If the name contains the ``sep`` character, then it is returned unchanged. """ if sep in name: # If the sep is in the name, assume that it's already # transformed and return the string unchanged. return name key = (name, sep) if key not in _xform_cache: s1 = _first_cap_regex.sub(r'\1' + sep + r'\2', name) s2 = _number_cap_regex.sub(r'\1' + sep + r'\2', s1) transformed = _end_cap_regex.sub(r'\1' + sep + r'\2', s2).lower() _xform_cache[key] = transformed return _xform_cache[key] class BotoCoreObject(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.name = '' self.py_name = None self.cli_name = None self.type = None self.members = [] self.documentation = '' self.__dict__.update(kwargs) if self.py_name is None: self.py_name = xform_name(self.name, '_') if self.cli_name is None: self.cli_name = xform_name(self.name, '-') def __repr__(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.type, self.name)