2022-12-12 08:14:19 -08:00

925 lines
27 KiB

"serviceFullName":"AWS Backup Storage",
"documentation":"Delete Object from the incremental base Backup."
"documentation":"Gets the specified object's chunk."
"documentation":"Get metadata associated with an Object."
"documentation":"List chunks in a given Object"
"documentation":"List all Objects in a given Backup."
"documentation":"Complete upload",
"documentation":"Upload chunk.",
"documentation":"Upload object that can store object metadata String and data blob in single API call using inline chunk field.",
"documentation":"Start upload containing one or many chunks."
"documentation":"Object name"
"documentation":"Number of chunks in object"
"documentation":"Metadata string associated with the Object"
"documentation":"Object checksum"
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm"
"documentation":"Object token"
"documentation":"Chunk index"
"documentation":"Chunk length"
"documentation":"Chunk checksum"
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm"
"documentation":"Chunk token"
"documentation":"Data checksum used"
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm used"
"documentation":"Non-retryable exception. Attempted to create already existing object or chunk. This message contains a checksum of already presented data.",
"documentation":"Backup job Id for the in-progress backup.",
"documentation":"The name of the Object.",
"documentation":"Storage job id",
"documentation":"Chunk token",
"documentation":"Chunk data"
"documentation":"Data length",
"documentation":"Data checksum",
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm",
"documentation":"Backup job id for the in-progress backup.",
"documentation":"Object token.",
"documentation":"Metadata string.",
"documentation":"Metadata blob."
"documentation":"The size of MetadataBlob.",
"documentation":"MetadataBlob checksum.",
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm.",
"documentation":"Non-retryable exception, indicates client error (wrong argument passed to API). See exception message for details.",
"documentation":"Non-retryable exception. Indicates the KMS key usage is incorrect. See exception message for details.",
"documentation":"Storage job id",
"documentation":"Object token",
"documentation":"Maximum number of chunks",
"documentation":"Pagination token",
"documentation":"List of chunks"
"documentation":"Pagination token"
"documentation":"Storage job id",
"documentation":"Optional, specifies the starting Object name to list from. Ignored if NextToken is not NULL",
"documentation":"Optional, specifies the starting Object prefix to list from. Ignored if NextToken is not NULL",
"documentation":"Maximum objects count",
"documentation":"Pagination token",
"documentation":"(Optional) Created before filter",
"documentation":"(Optional) Created after filter",
"documentation":"Object list"
"documentation":"Pagination token"
"documentation":"Retryalble exception. Indicated issues while reading an input stream due to the networking issues or connection drop on the client side.",
"documentation":"Backup job Id for the in-progress backup",
"documentation":"Upload Id for the in-progress upload",
"documentation":"Object checksum",
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm",
"documentation":"Optional metadata associated with an Object. Maximum string length is 256 bytes.",
"documentation":"Optional metadata associated with an Object. Maximum length is 4MB."
"documentation":"The size of MetadataBlob.",
"documentation":"Checksum of MetadataBlob.",
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm.",
"documentation":"Object checksum"
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm"
"documentation":"Backup job Id for the in-progress backup.",
"documentation":"Upload Id for the in-progress upload.",
"documentation":"Describes this chunk's position relative to the other chunks",
"documentation":"Data to be uploaded"
"documentation":"Data length",
"documentation":"Data checksum",
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm",
"documentation":"Chunk checksum"
"documentation":"Checksum algorithm"
"documentation":"Backup job Id for the in-progress backup.",
"documentation":"The name of the Object to be uploaded.",
"documentation":"Store user defined metadata like backup checksum, disk ids, restore metadata etc.",
"documentation":"Inline chunk data to be uploaded."
"documentation":"Length of the inline chunk data.",
"documentation":"Inline chunk checksum",
"documentation":"Inline chunk checksum algorithm",
"documentation":"object checksum",
"documentation":"object checksum algorithm",
"documentation":"Throw an exception if Object name is already exist.",
"documentation":"Inline chunk checksum"
"documentation":"Inline chunk checksum algorithm"
"documentation":"object checksum"
"documentation":"object checksum algorithm"
"documentation":"Non-retryable exception. Attempted to make an operation on non-existing or expired resource.",
"documentation":"Retryable exception. In general indicates internal failure that can be fixed by retry.",
"documentation":"Deprecated. To be removed from the model.",
"documentation":"Retryable exception, indicates internal server error.",
"documentation":"Backup job Id for the in-progress backup",
"documentation":"Name for the object.",
"documentation":"Throw an exception if Object name is already exist."
"documentation":"Upload Id for a given upload."
"documentation":"Increased rate over throttling limits. Can be retried with exponential backoff.",
"documentation":"The frontend service for Cryo Storage."