2019-08-03 14:08:36 +09:00

293 lines
12 KiB

"""Smoke tests to verify basic communication to all AWS services.
If you want to control what services/regions are used you can
also provide two separate env vars:
* AWS_SMOKE_TEST_REGION - The region used to create clients.
* AWS_SMOKE_TEST_SERVICES - A CSV list of service names to test.
Otherwise, the ``REGION`` variable specifies the default region
to use and all the services in SMOKE_TESTS/ERROR_TESTS will be tested.
import os
import mock
from pprint import pformat
import warnings
from import assert_equal, assert_true
from tests import ClientHTTPStubber
from botocore import xform_name
import botocore.session
from botocore.client import ClientError
from botocore.endpoint import Endpoint
from botocore.exceptions import ConnectionClosedError
# Mapping of service -> api calls to try.
# Each api call is a dict of OperationName->params.
# Empty params means that the operation will be called with no params. This is
# used as a quick verification that we can successfully make calls to services.
'acm': {'ListCertificates': {}},
'apigateway': {'GetRestApis': {}},
'application-autoscaling': {
'DescribeScalableTargets': {
'ServiceNamespace': 'ecs'
'autoscaling': {'DescribeAccountLimits': {},
'DescribeAdjustmentTypes': {}},
'cloudformation': {'DescribeStacks': {},
'ListStacks': {}},
'cloudfront': {'ListDistributions': {},
'ListStreamingDistributions': {}},
'cloudhsmv2': {'DescribeBackups': {}},
'cloudsearch': {'DescribeDomains': {},
'ListDomainNames': {}},
'cloudtrail': {'DescribeTrails': {}},
'cloudwatch': {'ListMetrics': {}},
'codecommit': {'ListRepositories': {}},
'codedeploy': {'ListApplications': {}},
'codepipeline': {'ListActionTypes': {}},
'cognito-identity': {'ListIdentityPools': {'MaxResults': 1}},
'cognito-sync': {'ListIdentityPoolUsage': {}},
'config': {'DescribeDeliveryChannels': {}},
'datapipeline': {'ListPipelines': {}},
'devicefarm': {'ListProjects': {}},
'directconnect': {'DescribeConnections': {}},
'ds': {'DescribeDirectories': {}},
'dynamodb': {'ListTables': {}},
'dynamodbstreams': {'ListStreams': {}},
'ec2': {'DescribeRegions': {},
'DescribeInstances': {}},
'ecr': {'DescribeRepositories': {}},
'ecs': {'DescribeClusters': {}},
'elasticache': {'DescribeCacheClusters': {}},
'elasticbeanstalk': {'DescribeApplications': {}},
'elastictranscoder': {'ListPipelines': {}},
'elb': {'DescribeLoadBalancers': {}},
'emr': {'ListClusters': {}},
'es': {'ListDomainNames': {}},
'events': {'ListRules': {}},
'firehose': {'ListDeliveryStreams': {}},
'gamelift': {'ListBuilds': {}},
'glacier': {'ListVaults': {}},
'iam': {'ListUsers': {}},
# Does not work with session credentials so
# importexport tests are not run.
#'importexport': {'ListJobs': {}},
'importexport': {},
'inspector': {'DescribeCrossAccountAccessRole': {}},
'iot': {'DescribeEndpoint': {}},
'kinesis': {'ListStreams': {}},
'kms': {'ListKeys': {}},
'lambda': {'ListFunctions': {}},
'logs': {'DescribeLogGroups': {}},
'opsworks': {'DescribeStacks': {}},
'rds': {'DescribeDBInstances': {}},
'redshift': {'DescribeClusters': {}},
'route53': {'ListHostedZones': {}},
'route53domains': {'ListDomains': {}},
's3': {'ListBuckets': {}},
'sdb': {'ListDomains': {}},
'ses': {'ListIdentities': {}},
'shield': {'GetSubscriptionState': {}},
'sns': {'ListTopics': {}},
'sqs': {'ListQueues': {}},
'ssm': {'ListDocuments': {}},
'storagegateway': {'ListGateways': {}},
# sts tests would normally go here, but
# there aren't any calls you can make when
# using session credentials so we don't run any
# sts tests.
'sts': {},
#'sts': {'GetSessionToken': {}},
# Subscription needed for support API calls.
'support': {},
'swf': {'ListDomains': {'registrationStatus': 'REGISTERED'}},
'waf': {'ListWebACLs': {'Limit': 1}},
'workspaces': {'DescribeWorkspaces': {}},
# Same thing as the SMOKE_TESTS hash above, except these verify
# that we get an error response back from the server because
# we've sent invalid params.
'apigateway': {'GetRestApi': {'restApiId': 'fake-id'}},
'application-autoscaling': {
'DescribeScalableTargets': {
'ServiceNamespace': 'fake-service-namespace'
'autoscaling': {'CreateLaunchConfiguration': {
'LaunchConfigurationName': 'foo',
'ImageId': 'ami-12345678',
'InstanceType': 'm1.small',
'cloudformation': {'CreateStack': {
'StackName': 'fake',
'TemplateURL': '',
'cloudfront': {'GetDistribution': {'Id': 'fake-id'}},
'cloudhsmv2': {'ListTags': {'ResourceId': 'fake-id'}},
'cloudsearch': {'DescribeIndexFields': {'DomainName': 'fakedomain'}},
'cloudtrail': {'DeleteTrail': {'Name': 'fake-trail'}},
'cloudwatch': {'SetAlarmState': {
'AlarmName': 'abc',
'StateValue': 'mno',
'StateReason': 'xyz',
'logs': {'GetLogEvents': {'logGroupName': 'a', 'logStreamName': 'b'}},
'codecommit': {'ListBranches': {'repositoryName': 'fake-repo'}},
'codedeploy': {'GetDeployment': {'deploymentId': 'fake-id'}},
'codepipeline': {'GetPipeline': {'name': 'fake-pipeline'}},
'cognito-identity': {'DescribeIdentityPool': {'IdentityPoolId': 'fake'}},
'cognito-sync': {'DescribeIdentityPoolUsage': {'IdentityPoolId': 'fake'}},
'config': {
'GetResourceConfigHistory': {'resourceType': '', 'resourceId': 'fake'},
'datapipeline': {'GetPipelineDefinition': {'pipelineId': 'fake'}},
'devicefarm': {'GetDevice': {'arn': 'arn:aws:devicefarm:REGION::device:f'}},
'directconnect': {'DescribeConnections': {'connectionId': 'fake'}},
'ds': {'CreateDirectory': {'Name': 'n', 'Password': 'p', 'Size': '1'}},
'dynamodb': {'DescribeTable': {'TableName': 'fake'}},
'dynamodbstreams': {'DescribeStream': {'StreamArn': 'x'*37}},
'ec2': {'DescribeInstances': {'InstanceIds': ['i-12345678']}},
'ecs': {'StopTask': {'task': 'fake'}},
'efs': {'DeleteFileSystem': {'FileSystemId': 'fake'}},
'elasticache': {'DescribeCacheClusters': {'CacheClusterId': 'fake'}},
'elasticbeanstalk': {
'DescribeEnvironmentResources': {'EnvironmentId': 'x'},
'elb': {'DescribeLoadBalancers': {'LoadBalancerNames': ['fake']}},
'elastictranscoder': {'ReadJob': {'Id': 'fake'}},
'emr': {'DescribeCluster': {'ClusterId': 'fake'}},
'es': {'DescribeElasticsearchDomain': {'DomainName': 'not-a-domain'}},
'gamelift': {'DescribeBuild': {'BuildId': 'fake-build-id'}},
'glacier': {'ListVaults': {'accountId': 'fake'}},
'iam': {'GetUser': {'UserName': 'fake'}},
'kinesis': {'DescribeStream': {'StreamName': 'fake'}},
'kms': {'GetKeyPolicy': {'KeyId': 'fake', 'PolicyName': 'fake'}},
'lambda': {'Invoke': {'FunctionName': 'fake'}},
'opsworks': {'DescribeLayers': {'StackId': 'fake'}},
'rds': {'DescribeDBInstances': {'DBInstanceIdentifier': 'fake'}},
'redshift': {'DescribeClusters': {'ClusterIdentifier': 'fake'}},
'route53': {'GetHostedZone': {'Id': 'fake'}},
'route53domains': {'GetDomainDetail': {'DomainName': 'fake'}},
's3': {'ListObjects': {'Bucket': 'thisbucketdoesnotexistasdf'}},
'ses': {'VerifyEmailIdentity': {'EmailAddress': 'fake'}},
'sdb': {'CreateDomain': {'DomainName': ''}},
'sns': {
'ConfirmSubscription': {'TopicArn': 'a', 'Token': 'b'},
'Publish': {'Message': 'hello', 'TopicArn': 'fake'},
'sqs': {'GetQueueUrl': {'QueueName': 'fake'}},
'ssm': {'GetDocument': {'Name': 'fake'}},
'storagegateway': {'ListVolumes': {'GatewayARN': 'x'*50}},
'sts': {'GetFederationToken': {'Name': 'fake', 'Policy': 'fake'}},
'support': {'CreateCase': {
'subject': 'x',
'communicationBody': 'x',
'categoryCode': 'x',
'serviceCode': 'x',
'severityCode': 'low',
'swf': {'DescribeDomain': {'name': 'fake'}},
'waf': {'GetWebACL': {'WebACLId': 'fake'}},
'workspaces': {'DescribeWorkspaces': {'DirectoryId': 'fake'}},
REGION = 'us-east-1'
'devicefarm': 'us-west-2',
'efs': 'us-west-2',
'inspector': 'us-west-2',
def _get_client(session, service):
if os.environ.get('AWS_SMOKE_TEST_REGION', ''):
region_name = os.environ['AWS_SMOKE_TEST_REGION']
region_name = REGION_OVERRIDES.get(service, REGION)
return session.create_client(service, region_name=region_name)
def _list_services(dict_entries):
# List all services in the provided dict_entry.
# If the AWS_SMOKE_TEST_SERVICES is provided,
# it's a comma separated list of services you can provide
# if you only want to run the smoke tests for certain services.
if 'AWS_SMOKE_TEST_SERVICES' not in os.environ:
return dict_entries.keys()
wanted_services = os.environ.get(
'AWS_SMOKE_TEST_SERVICES', '').split(',')
return [key for key in dict_entries if key in wanted_services]
def test_can_make_request_with_client():
# Same as test_can_make_request, but with Client objects
# instead of service/operations.
session = botocore.session.get_session()
for service_name in _list_services(SMOKE_TESTS):
client = _get_client(session, service_name)
for operation_name in SMOKE_TESTS[service_name]:
kwargs = SMOKE_TESTS[service_name][operation_name]
method_name = xform_name(operation_name)
yield _make_client_call, client, method_name, kwargs
def _make_client_call(client, operation_name, kwargs):
method = getattr(client, operation_name)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings:
response = method(**kwargs)
assert_equal(len(caught_warnings), 0,
"Warnings were emitted during smoke test: %s"
% caught_warnings)
assert_true('Errors' not in response)
def test_can_make_request_and_understand_errors_with_client():
session = botocore.session.get_session()
for service_name in _list_services(ERROR_TESTS):
client = _get_client(session, service_name)
for operation_name in ERROR_TESTS[service_name]:
kwargs = ERROR_TESTS[service_name][operation_name]
method_name = xform_name(operation_name)
yield _make_error_client_call, client, method_name, kwargs
def _make_error_client_call(client, operation_name, kwargs):
method = getattr(client, operation_name)
response = method(**kwargs)
except ClientError as e:
raise AssertionError("Expected client error was not raised "
"for %s.%s" % (client, operation_name))
def test_client_can_retry_request_properly():
session = botocore.session.get_session()
for service_name in _list_services(SMOKE_TESTS):
client = _get_client(session, service_name)
for operation_name in SMOKE_TESTS[service_name]:
kwargs = SMOKE_TESTS[service_name][operation_name]
yield (_make_client_call_with_errors, client,
operation_name, kwargs)
def _make_client_call_with_errors(client, operation_name, kwargs):
operation = getattr(client, xform_name(operation_name))
exception = ConnectionClosedError(endpoint_url='https://mock.eror')
with ClientHTTPStubber(client, strict=False) as http_stubber:
response = operation(**kwargs)
except ClientError as e:
assert False, ('Request was not retried properly, '
'received error:\n%s' % pformat(e))
# Ensure we used the stubber as we're not using it in strict mode
assert len(http_stubber.responses) == 0, 'Stubber was not used!'