import pytest import click_threading from click_threading._compat import PY2 import click from click.testing import CliRunner @pytest.fixture def runner(): return CliRunner() def test_context_pushing_thread(runner): @click.command() @click.pass_context def cli(ctx): contexts = [] def check_ctx(): contexts.append(click.get_current_context()) t = click_threading.Thread(target=check_ctx) t.start() t.join() assert contexts == [ctx] runner.invoke(cli, catch_exceptions=False) def test_ui_worker_basic(runner): @click.command() def cli(): ui = click_threading.UiWorker() def target(): click.prompt('two') ui.shutdown() click.prompt('one') with ui.patch_click(): t = click_threading.Thread(target=target) t.start() click.prompt('three') t.join() result = runner.invoke(cli, catch_exceptions=False, input='y\n' * 3) assert result.output.splitlines() == ['one: y', 'two: y', 'three: y'] def test_monkey_patch(capsys): old_echo = click.echo if PY2: old_code = old_echo.func_code else: old_code = old_echo.__code__ def wrapper(f, info): def new_f(*a, **kw): assert old_echo is not f if PY2: assert f.func_code is old_code else: assert f.__code__ is old_code print("LOL") rv = f(*a, **kw) print("LOL") return rv return new_f with click_threading.monkey.patch_ui_functions(wrapper): assert click.echo is old_echo click.echo('Hello world') assert click.echo is old_echo click.echo('Hello second world') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out.splitlines() == [ 'LOL', 'Hello world', 'LOL', 'Hello second world' ]