import pytest import click.types # Common (obj, expect) pairs used to construct multiple tests. STRING_PARAM_TYPE = (click.STRING, {"param_type": "String", "name": "text"}) INT_PARAM_TYPE = (click.INT, {"param_type": "Int", "name": "integer"}) BOOL_PARAM_TYPE = (click.BOOL, {"param_type": "Bool", "name": "boolean"}) HELP_OPTION = ( None, { "name": "help", "param_type_name": "option", "opts": ["--help"], "secondary_opts": [], "type": BOOL_PARAM_TYPE[1], "required": False, "nargs": 1, "multiple": False, "default": False, "envvar": None, "help": "Show this message and exit.", "prompt": None, "is_flag": True, "flag_value": True, "count": False, "hidden": False, }, ) NAME_ARGUMENT = ( click.Argument(["name"]), { "name": "name", "param_type_name": "argument", "opts": ["name"], "secondary_opts": [], "type": STRING_PARAM_TYPE[1], "required": True, "nargs": 1, "multiple": False, "default": None, "envvar": None, }, ) NUMBER_OPTION = ( click.Option(["-c", "--count", "number"], default=1), { "name": "number", "param_type_name": "option", "opts": ["-c", "--count"], "secondary_opts": [], "type": INT_PARAM_TYPE[1], "required": False, "nargs": 1, "multiple": False, "default": 1, "envvar": None, "help": None, "prompt": None, "is_flag": False, "flag_value": False, "count": False, "hidden": False, }, ) HELLO_COMMAND = ( click.Command("hello", params=[NUMBER_OPTION[0]]), { "name": "hello", "params": [NUMBER_OPTION[1], HELP_OPTION[1]], "help": None, "epilog": None, "short_help": None, "hidden": False, "deprecated": False, }, ) HELLO_GROUP = ( click.Group("cli", [HELLO_COMMAND[0]]), { "name": "cli", "params": [HELP_OPTION[1]], "help": None, "epilog": None, "short_help": None, "hidden": False, "deprecated": False, "commands": {"hello": HELLO_COMMAND[1]}, "chain": False, }, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("obj", "expect"), [ pytest.param( click.types.FuncParamType(range), {"param_type": "Func", "name": "range", "func": range}, id="Func ParamType", ), pytest.param( click.UNPROCESSED, {"param_type": "Unprocessed", "name": "text"}, id="UNPROCESSED ParamType", ), pytest.param(*STRING_PARAM_TYPE, id="STRING ParamType"), pytest.param( click.Choice(["a", "b"]), { "param_type": "Choice", "name": "choice", "choices": ["a", "b"], "case_sensitive": True, }, id="Choice ParamType", ), pytest.param( click.DateTime(["%Y-%m-%d"]), {"param_type": "DateTime", "name": "datetime", "formats": ["%Y-%m-%d"]}, id="DateTime ParamType", ), pytest.param(*INT_PARAM_TYPE, id="INT ParamType"), pytest.param( click.IntRange(0, 10, clamp=True), { "param_type": "IntRange", "name": "integer range", "min": 0, "max": 10, "min_open": False, "max_open": False, "clamp": True, }, id="IntRange ParamType", ), pytest.param( click.FLOAT, {"param_type": "Float", "name": "float"}, id="FLOAT ParamType" ), pytest.param( click.FloatRange(-0.5, 0.5), { "param_type": "FloatRange", "name": "float range", "min": -0.5, "max": 0.5, "min_open": False, "max_open": False, "clamp": False, }, id="FloatRange ParamType", ), pytest.param(*BOOL_PARAM_TYPE, id="Bool ParamType"), pytest.param( click.UUID, {"param_type": "UUID", "name": "uuid"}, id="UUID ParamType" ), pytest.param( click.File(), {"param_type": "File", "name": "filename", "mode": "r", "encoding": None}, id="File ParamType", ), pytest.param( click.Path(), { "param_type": "Path", "name": "path", "exists": False, "file_okay": True, "dir_okay": True, "writable": False, "readable": True, "allow_dash": False, }, id="Path ParamType", ), pytest.param( click.Tuple((click.STRING, click.INT)), { "param_type": "Tuple", "name": "", "types": [STRING_PARAM_TYPE[1], INT_PARAM_TYPE[1]], }, id="Tuple ParamType", ), pytest.param(*NUMBER_OPTION, id="Option"), pytest.param( click.Option(["--cache/--no-cache", "-c/-u"]), { "name": "cache", "param_type_name": "option", "opts": ["--cache", "-c"], "secondary_opts": ["--no-cache", "-u"], "type": BOOL_PARAM_TYPE[1], "required": False, "nargs": 1, "multiple": False, "default": False, "envvar": None, "help": None, "prompt": None, "is_flag": True, "flag_value": True, "count": False, "hidden": False, }, id="Flag Option", ), pytest.param(*NAME_ARGUMENT, id="Argument"), ], ) def test_parameter(obj, expect): out = obj.to_info_dict() assert out == expect @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("obj", "expect"), [ pytest.param(*HELLO_COMMAND, id="Command"), pytest.param(*HELLO_GROUP, id="Group"), pytest.param( click.Group( "base", [click.Command("test", params=[NAME_ARGUMENT[0]]), HELLO_GROUP[0]], ), { "name": "base", "params": [HELP_OPTION[1]], "help": None, "epilog": None, "short_help": None, "hidden": False, "deprecated": False, "commands": { "cli": HELLO_GROUP[1], "test": { "name": "test", "params": [NAME_ARGUMENT[1], HELP_OPTION[1]], "help": None, "epilog": None, "short_help": None, "hidden": False, "deprecated": False, }, }, "chain": False, }, id="Nested Group", ), ], ) def test_command(obj, expect): ctx = click.Context(obj) out = obj.to_info_dict(ctx) assert out == expect def test_context(): ctx = click.Context(HELLO_COMMAND[0]) out = ctx.to_info_dict() assert out == { "command": HELLO_COMMAND[1], "info_name": None, "allow_extra_args": False, "allow_interspersed_args": True, "ignore_unknown_options": False, "auto_envvar_prefix": None, } def test_paramtype_no_name(): class TestType(click.ParamType): pass assert TestType().to_info_dict()["name"] == "TestType"