import platform import time import pytest import click._termui_impl from click._compat import WIN class FakeClock: def __init__(self): = time.time() def advance_time(self, seconds=1): += seconds def time(self): return def _create_progress(length=10, **kwargs): progress = click.progressbar(tuple(range(length))) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(progress, key, value) return progress def test_progressbar_strip_regression(runner, monkeypatch): label = " padded line" @click.command() def cli(): with _create_progress(label=label) as progress: for _ in progress: pass monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: True) assert ( label in runner.invoke(cli, [], standalone_mode=False, catch_exceptions=False).output ) def test_progressbar_length_hint(runner, monkeypatch): class Hinted: def __init__(self, n): self.items = list(range(n)) def __length_hint__(self): return len(self.items) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.items: return self.items.pop() else: raise StopIteration next = __next__ @click.command() def cli(): with click.progressbar(Hinted(10), label="test") as progress: for _ in progress: pass monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: True) result = runner.invoke(cli, []) assert result.exception is None def test_progressbar_hidden(runner, monkeypatch): @click.command() def cli(): with _create_progress(label="working") as progress: for _ in progress: pass monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: False) assert runner.invoke(cli, []).output == "working\n" @pytest.mark.parametrize("avg, expected", [([], 0.0), ([1, 4], 2.5)]) def test_progressbar_time_per_iteration(runner, avg, expected): with _create_progress(2, avg=avg) as progress: assert progress.time_per_iteration == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("finished, expected", [(False, 5), (True, 0)]) def test_progressbar_eta(runner, finished, expected): with _create_progress(2, finished=finished, avg=[1, 4]) as progress: assert progress.eta == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "eta, expected", [ (0, "00:00:00"), (30, "00:00:30"), (90, "00:01:30"), (900, "00:15:00"), (9000, "02:30:00"), (99999999999, "1157407d 09:46:39"), (None, ""), ], ) def test_progressbar_format_eta(runner, eta, expected): with _create_progress(1, eta_known=eta is not None, avg=[eta]) as progress: assert progress.format_eta() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("pos, length", [(0, 5), (-1, 1), (5, 5), (6, 5), (4, 0)]) def test_progressbar_format_pos(runner, pos, length): with _create_progress(length, pos=pos) as progress: result = progress.format_pos() assert result == f"{pos}/{length}" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "length, finished, pos, avg, expected", [ (8, False, 7, 0, "#######-"), (0, True, 8, 0, "########"), ], ) def test_progressbar_format_bar(runner, length, finished, pos, avg, expected): with _create_progress( length, width=8, pos=pos, finished=finished, avg=[avg] ) as progress: assert progress.format_bar() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "length, show_percent, show_pos, pos, expected", [ (0, True, True, 0, " [--------] 0/0 0%"), (0, False, True, 0, " [--------] 0/0"), (0, False, False, 0, " [--------]"), (0, False, False, 0, " [--------]"), (8, True, True, 8, " [########] 8/8 100%"), ], ) def test_progressbar_format_progress_line( runner, length, show_percent, show_pos, pos, expected ): with _create_progress( length, width=8, show_percent=show_percent, pos=pos, show_pos=show_pos, ) as progress: assert progress.format_progress_line() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_item", ["test", None]) def test_progressbar_format_progress_line_with_show_func(runner, test_item): def item_show_func(item): return item with _create_progress( item_show_func=item_show_func, current_item=test_item ) as progress: if test_item: assert progress.format_progress_line().endswith(test_item) else: assert progress.format_progress_line().endswith(progress.format_pct()) def test_progressbar_init_exceptions(runner): with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="iterable or length is required"): click.progressbar() def test_progressbar_iter_outside_with_exceptions(runner): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="with block"): progress = click.progressbar(length=2) iter(progress) def test_progressbar_is_iterator(runner, monkeypatch): @click.command() def cli(): with click.progressbar(range(10), label="test") as progress: while True: try: next(progress) except StopIteration: break monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: True) result = runner.invoke(cli, []) assert result.exception is None def test_choices_list_in_prompt(runner, monkeypatch): @click.command() @click.option( "-g", type=click.Choice(["none", "day", "week", "month"]), prompt=True ) def cli_with_choices(g): pass @click.command() @click.option( "-g", type=click.Choice(["none", "day", "week", "month"]), prompt=True, show_choices=False, ) def cli_without_choices(g): pass result = runner.invoke(cli_with_choices, [], input="none") assert "(none, day, week, month)" in result.output result = runner.invoke(cli_without_choices, [], input="none") assert "(none, day, week, month)" not in result.output @pytest.mark.parametrize( "file_kwargs", [{"mode": "rt"}, {"mode": "rb"}, {"lazy": True}] ) def test_file_prompt_default_format(runner, file_kwargs): @click.command() @click.option("-f", default=__file__, prompt="file", type=click.File(**file_kwargs)) def cli(f): click.echo( result = runner.invoke(cli) assert result.output == f"file [{__file__}]: \n{__file__}\n" def test_secho(runner): with runner.isolation() as outstreams: click.secho(None, nl=False) bytes = outstreams[0].getvalue() assert bytes == b"" @pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() == "Windows", reason="No style on Windows.") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("value", "expect"), [(123, b"\x1b[45m123\x1b[0m"), (b"test", b"test")] ) def test_secho_non_text(runner, value, expect): with runner.isolation() as (out, _): click.secho(value, nl=False, color=True, bg="magenta") result = out.getvalue() assert result == expect def test_progressbar_yields_all_items(runner): with click.progressbar(range(3)) as progress: assert len(list(progress)) == 3 def test_progressbar_update(runner, monkeypatch): fake_clock = FakeClock() @click.command() def cli(): with click.progressbar(range(4)) as progress: for _ in progress: fake_clock.advance_time() print("") monkeypatch.setattr(time, "time", fake_clock.time) monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: True) output = runner.invoke(cli, []).output lines = [line for line in output.split("\n") if "[" in line] assert " 0%" in lines[0] assert " 25% 00:00:03" in lines[1] assert " 50% 00:00:02" in lines[2] assert " 75% 00:00:01" in lines[3] assert "100% " in lines[4] def test_progressbar_item_show_func(runner, monkeypatch): """item_show_func should show the current item being yielded.""" @click.command() def cli(): with click.progressbar(range(3), item_show_func=lambda x: str(x)) as progress: for item in progress: click.echo(f" item {item}") monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: True) lines = runner.invoke(cli).output.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(x for x in lines if "item" in x): assert f"{i} item {i}" in line def test_progressbar_update_with_item_show_func(runner, monkeypatch): @click.command() def cli(): with click.progressbar( length=6, item_show_func=lambda x: f"Custom {x}" ) as progress: while not progress.finished: progress.update(2, progress.pos) click.echo() monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, "isatty", lambda _: True) output = runner.invoke(cli, []).output lines = [line for line in output.split("\n") if "[" in line] assert "Custom 0" in lines[0] assert "Custom 2" in lines[1] assert "Custom 4" in lines[2] def test_progress_bar_update_min_steps(runner): bar = _create_progress(update_min_steps=5) bar.update(3) assert bar._completed_intervals == 3 assert bar.pos == 0 bar.update(2) assert bar._completed_intervals == 0 assert bar.pos == 5 @pytest.mark.parametrize("key_char", ("h", "H", "é", "À", " ", "字", "àH", "àR")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("echo", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.skipif(not WIN, reason="Tests user-input using the msvcrt module.") def test_getchar_windows(runner, monkeypatch, key_char, echo): monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl.msvcrt, "getwche", lambda: key_char) monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl.msvcrt, "getwch", lambda: key_char) monkeypatch.setattr(click.termui, "_getchar", None) assert click.getchar(echo) == key_char @pytest.mark.parametrize( "special_key_char, key_char", [("\x00", "a"), ("\x00", "b"), ("\xe0", "c")] ) @pytest.mark.skipif( not WIN, reason="Tests special character inputs using the msvcrt module." ) def test_getchar_special_key_windows(runner, monkeypatch, special_key_char, key_char): ordered_inputs = [key_char, special_key_char] monkeypatch.setattr( click._termui_impl.msvcrt, "getwch", lambda: ordered_inputs.pop() ) monkeypatch.setattr(click.termui, "_getchar", None) assert click.getchar() == f"{special_key_char}{key_char}" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("key_char", "exc"), [("\x03", KeyboardInterrupt), ("\x1a", EOFError)] ) @pytest.mark.skipif(not WIN, reason="Tests user-input using the msvcrt module.") def test_getchar_windows_exceptions(runner, monkeypatch, key_char, exc): monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl.msvcrt, "getwch", lambda: key_char) monkeypatch.setattr(click.termui, "_getchar", None) with pytest.raises(exc): click.getchar() @pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() == "Windows", reason="No sed on Windows.") def test_fast_edit(runner): result = click.edit("a\nb", editor="sed -i~ 's/$/Test/'") assert result == "aTest\nbTest\n" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("prompt_required", "required", "args", "expect"), [ (True, False, None, "prompt"), (True, False, ["-v"], "Option '-v' requires an argument."), (False, True, None, "prompt"), (False, True, ["-v"], "prompt"), ], ) def test_prompt_required_with_required(runner, prompt_required, required, args, expect): @click.command() @click.option("-v", prompt=True, prompt_required=prompt_required, required=required) def cli(v): click.echo(str(v)) result = runner.invoke(cli, args, input="prompt") assert expect in result.output @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("args", "expect"), [ # Flag not passed, don't prompt. pytest.param(None, None, id="no flag"), # Flag and value passed, don't prompt. pytest.param(["-v", "value"], "value", id="short sep value"), pytest.param(["--value", "value"], "value", id="long sep value"), pytest.param(["-vvalue"], "value", id="short join value"), pytest.param(["--value=value"], "value", id="long join value"), # Flag without value passed, prompt. pytest.param(["-v"], "prompt", id="short no value"), pytest.param(["--value"], "prompt", id="long no value"), # Don't use next option flag as value. pytest.param(["-v", "-o", "42"], ("prompt", "42"), id="no value opt"), ], ) def test_prompt_required_false(runner, args, expect): @click.command() @click.option("-v", "--value", prompt=True, prompt_required=False) @click.option("-o") def cli(value, o): if o is not None: return value, o return value result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args, input="prompt", standalone_mode=False) assert result.exception is None assert result.return_value == expect @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("prompt", "input", "expect"), [ (True, "password\npassword", "password"), ("Confirm Password", "password\npassword\n", "password"), (False, None, None), ], ) def test_confirmation_prompt(runner, prompt, input, expect): @click.command() @click.option( "--password", prompt=prompt, hide_input=True, confirmation_prompt=prompt ) def cli(password): return password result = runner.invoke(cli, input=input, standalone_mode=False) assert result.exception is None assert result.return_value == expect if prompt == "Confirm Password": assert "Confirm Password: " in result.output