# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import click from click._bashcomplete import get_choices def choices_without_help(cli, args, incomplete): completions = get_choices(cli, 'dummy', args, incomplete) return [c[0] for c in completions] def choices_with_help(cli, args, incomplete): return list(get_choices(cli, 'dummy', args, incomplete)) def test_single_command(): @click.command() @click.option('--local-opt') def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--local-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == [] def test_boolean_flag(): @click.command() @click.option('--shout/--no-shout', default=False) def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--shout', '--no-shout'] def test_multi_value_option(): @click.group() @click.option('--pos', nargs=2, type=float) def cli(local_opt): pass @cli.command() @click.option('--local-opt') def sub(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--pos'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos'], '') == [] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos', '1.0'], '') == [] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos', '1.0', '1.0'], '') == ['sub'] def test_multi_option(): @click.command() @click.option('--message', '-m', multiple=True) def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--message', '-m'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['-m'], '') == [] def test_small_chain(): @click.group() @click.option('--global-opt') def cli(global_opt): pass @cli.command() @click.option('--local-opt') def sub(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['sub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--global-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub'], '') == [] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub'], '-') == ['--local-opt'] def test_long_chain(): @click.group('cli') @click.option('--cli-opt') def cli(cli_opt): pass @cli.group('asub') @click.option('--asub-opt') def asub(asub_opt): pass @asub.group('bsub') @click.option('--bsub-opt') def bsub(bsub_opt): pass COLORS = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] def get_colors(ctx, args, incomplete): for c in COLORS: if c.startswith(incomplete): yield c def search_colors(ctx, args, incomplete): for c in COLORS: if incomplete in c: yield c CSUB_OPT_CHOICES = ['foo', 'bar'] CSUB_CHOICES = ['bar', 'baz'] @bsub.command('csub') @click.option('--csub-opt', type=click.Choice(CSUB_OPT_CHOICES)) @click.option('--csub', type=click.Choice(CSUB_CHOICES)) @click.option('--search-color', autocompletion=search_colors) @click.argument('color', autocompletion=get_colors) def csub(csub_opt, color): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--cli-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['asub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub'], '-') == ['--asub-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub'], '') == ['bsub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub'], '-') == ['--bsub-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub'], '') == ['csub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub'], '-') == ['--csub-opt', '--csub', '--search-color'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub', '--csub-opt'], '') == CSUB_OPT_CHOICES assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub'], '--csub') == ['--csub-opt', '--csub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub', '--csub'], '') == CSUB_CHOICES assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub', '--csub-opt'], 'f') == ['foo'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub'], '') == COLORS assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub'], 'b') == ['blue'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['asub', 'bsub', 'csub', '--search-color'], 'een') == ['green'] def test_chaining(): @click.group('cli', chain=True) @click.option('--cli-opt') @click.argument('arg', type=click.Choice(['cliarg1', 'cliarg2'])) def cli(cli_opt, arg): pass @cli.command() @click.option('--asub-opt') def asub(asub_opt): pass @cli.command(help='bsub help') @click.option('--bsub-opt') @click.argument('arg', type=click.Choice(['arg1', 'arg2'])) def bsub(bsub_opt, arg): pass @cli.command() @click.option('--csub-opt') @click.argument('arg', type=click.Choice(['carg1', 'carg2']), default='carg1') def csub(csub_opt, arg): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--cli-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['cliarg1', 'cliarg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub'], '-') == ['--asub-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub'], '') == ['bsub', 'csub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'bsub'], '') == ['arg1', 'arg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub', '--asub-opt'], '') == [] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub', '--asub-opt', '5', 'bsub'], '-') == ['--bsub-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub', 'bsub'], '-') == ['--bsub-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub', 'csub'], '') == ['carg1', 'carg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'bsub', 'arg1', 'csub'], '') == ['carg1', 'carg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub', 'csub'], '-') == ['--csub-opt'] assert choices_with_help(cli, ['cliarg1', 'asub'], 'b') == [('bsub', 'bsub help')] def test_argument_choice(): @click.command() @click.argument('arg1', required=True, type=click.Choice(['arg11', 'arg12'])) @click.argument('arg2', type=click.Choice(['arg21', 'arg22']), default='arg21') @click.argument('arg3', type=click.Choice(['arg', 'argument']), default='arg') def cli(): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['arg11', 'arg12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], 'arg') == ['arg11', 'arg12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['arg11'], '') == ['arg21', 'arg22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['arg12', 'arg21'], '') == ['arg', 'argument'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['arg12', 'arg21'], 'argu') == ['argument'] def test_option_choice(): @click.command() @click.option('--opt1', type=click.Choice(['opt11', 'opt12']), help='opt1 help') @click.option('--opt2', type=click.Choice(['opt21', 'opt22']), default='opt21') @click.option('--opt3', type=click.Choice(['opt', 'option'])) def cli(): pass assert choices_with_help(cli, [], '-') == [('--opt1', 'opt1 help'), ('--opt2', None), ('--opt3', None)] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '--opt') == ['--opt1', '--opt2', '--opt3'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '--opt1=') == ['opt11', 'opt12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '--opt2=') == ['opt21', 'opt22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt2'], '=') == ['opt21', 'opt22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt2', '='], 'opt') == ['opt21', 'opt22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt1'], '') == ['opt11', 'opt12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt2'], '') == ['opt21', 'opt22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt1', 'opt11', '--opt2'], '') == ['opt21', 'opt22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt2', 'opt21'], '-') == ['--opt1', '--opt3'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt1', 'opt11'], '-') == ['--opt2', '--opt3'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt1'], 'opt') == ['opt11', 'opt12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt3'], 'opti') == ['option'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt1', 'invalid_opt'], '-') == ['--opt2', '--opt3'] def test_option_and_arg_choice(): @click.command() @click.option('--opt1', type=click.Choice(['opt11', 'opt12'])) @click.argument('arg1', required=False, type=click.Choice(['arg11', 'arg12'])) @click.option('--opt2', type=click.Choice(['opt21', 'opt22'])) def cli(): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt1'], '') == ['opt11', 'opt12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [''], '--opt1=') == ['opt11', 'opt12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['arg11', 'arg12'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--opt2'], '') == ['opt21', 'opt22'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['arg11'], '--opt') == ['--opt1', '--opt2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '--opt') == ['--opt1', '--opt2'] def test_boolean_flag_choice(): @click.command() @click.option('--shout/--no-shout', default=False) @click.argument('arg', required=False, type=click.Choice(['arg1', 'arg2'])) def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '-') == ['--shout', '--no-shout'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--shout'], '') == ['arg1', 'arg2'] def test_multi_value_option_choice(): @click.command() @click.option('--pos', nargs=2, type=click.Choice(['pos1', 'pos2'])) @click.argument('arg', required=False, type=click.Choice(['arg1', 'arg2'])) def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos'], '') == ['pos1', 'pos2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos', 'pos1'], '') == ['pos1', 'pos2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos', 'pos1', 'pos2'], '') == ['arg1', 'arg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--pos', 'pos1', 'pos2', 'arg1'], '') == [] def test_multi_option_choice(): @click.command() @click.option('--message', '-m', multiple=True, type=click.Choice(['m1', 'm2'])) @click.argument('arg', required=False, type=click.Choice(['arg1', 'arg2'])) def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, ['-m'], '') == ['m1', 'm2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['-m', 'm1', '-m'], '') == ['m1', 'm2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['-m', 'm1'], '') == ['arg1', 'arg2'] def test_variadic_argument_choice(): @click.command() @click.option('--opt', type=click.Choice(['opt1', 'opt2'])) @click.argument('src', nargs=-1, type=click.Choice(['src1', 'src2'])) def cli(local_opt): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, ['src1', 'src2'], '') == ['src1', 'src2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['src1', 'src2'], '--o') == ['--opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['src1', 'src2', '--opt'], '') == ['opt1', 'opt2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['src1', 'src2'], '') == ['src1', 'src2'] def test_variadic_argument_complete(): def _complete(ctx, args, incomplete): return ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl', 'mno', 'pqr', 'stu', 'vwx', 'yz'] @click.group() def entrypoint(): pass @click.command() @click.option('--opt', autocompletion=_complete) @click.argument('arg', nargs=-1) def subcommand(opt, arg): pass entrypoint.add_command(subcommand) assert choices_without_help(entrypoint, ['subcommand', '--opt'], '') == _complete(0,0,0) assert choices_without_help(entrypoint, ['subcommand', 'whatever', '--opt'], '') == _complete(0,0,0) assert choices_without_help(entrypoint, ['subcommand', 'whatever', '--opt', 'abc'], '') == [] def test_long_chain_choice(): @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.group() @click.option('--sub-opt', type=click.Choice(['subopt1', 'subopt2'])) @click.argument('sub-arg', required=False, type=click.Choice(['subarg1', 'subarg2'])) def sub(sub_opt, sub_arg): pass @sub.command(short_help='bsub help') @click.option('--bsub-opt', type=click.Choice(['bsubopt1', 'bsubopt2'])) @click.argument('bsub-arg1', required=False, type=click.Choice(['bsubarg1', 'bsubarg2'])) @click.argument('bbsub-arg2', required=False, type=click.Choice(['bbsubarg1', 'bbsubarg2'])) def bsub(bsub_opt): pass @sub.group('csub') def csub(): pass @csub.command() def dsub(): pass assert choices_with_help(cli, ['sub', 'subarg1'], '') == [('bsub', 'bsub help'), ('csub', '')] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub'], '') == ['subarg1', 'subarg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt'], '') == ['subopt1', 'subopt2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt', 'subopt1'], '') == \ ['subarg1', 'subarg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt', 'subopt1', 'subarg1', 'bsub'], '-') == ['--bsub-opt'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt', 'subopt1', 'subarg1', 'bsub'], '') == ['bsubarg1', 'bsubarg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt', 'subopt1', 'subarg1', 'bsub', '--bsub-opt'], '') == \ ['bsubopt1', 'bsubopt2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt', 'subopt1', 'subarg1', 'bsub', '--bsub-opt', 'bsubopt1', 'bsubarg1'], '') == ['bbsubarg1', 'bbsubarg2'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', '--sub-opt', 'subopt1', 'subarg1', 'csub'], '') == ['dsub'] def test_chained_multi(): @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.group() def sub(): pass @sub.group() def bsub(): pass @sub.group(chain=True) def csub(): pass @csub.command() def dsub(): pass @csub.command() def esub(): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub'], '') == ['bsub', 'csub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub'], 'c') == ['csub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', 'csub'], '') == ['dsub', 'esub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['sub', 'csub', 'dsub'], '') == ['esub'] def test_hidden(): @click.group() @click.option('--name', hidden=True) @click.option('--choices', type=click.Choice([1, 2]), hidden=True) def cli(name): pass @cli.group(hidden=True) def hgroup(): pass @hgroup.group() def hgroupsub(): pass @cli.command() def asub(): pass @cli.command(hidden=True) @click.option('--hname') def hsub(): pass assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '--n') == [] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '--c') == [] # If the user exactly types out the hidden param, complete its options. assert choices_without_help(cli, ['--choices'], '') == [1, 2] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['asub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], '') == ['asub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, [], 'h') == [] # If the user exactly types out the hidden command, complete its subcommands. assert choices_without_help(cli, ['hgroup'], '') == ['hgroupsub'] assert choices_without_help(cli, ['hsub'], '--h') == ['--hname']