========================== How to contribute to Click ========================== Thanks for considering contributing to Click. Support questions ================= Please, don't use the issue tracker for this. Check whether the `Pocoo IRC channel `_ can help with your issue. If your problem is not strictly Click-specific, ``#python`` on Freenode is generally more active. `StackOverflow `_ is also worth considering. Reporting issues ================ - Under which versions of Python does this happen? This is even more important if your issue is encoding related. - Under which versions of Click does this happen? Check if this issue is fixed in the repository. Submitting patches ================== - Include tests if your patch is supposed to solve a bug, and explain clearly under which circumstances the bug happens. Make sure the test fails without your patch. - Try to follow `PEP8 `_, but you may ignore the line-length-limit if following it would make the code uglier. - For features: Consider whether your feature would be a better fit for an `external package `_ - For bugfixes: Submit against the latest maintenance branch instead of master! Running the testsuite --------------------- You probably want to set up a `virtualenv `_. The minimal requirement for running the testsuite is ``py.test``. You can install it with:: pip install pytest Then you can run the testsuite with:: py.test For a more isolated test environment, you can also install ``tox`` instead of ``pytest``. You can install it with:: pip install tox The ``tox`` command will then run all tests against multiple combinations of Python versions and dependency versions.