import os import sys import click import click._termui_impl def test_echo(runner): with runner.isolation() as out: click.echo(u'\N{SNOWMAN}') click.echo(b'\x44\x44') click.echo(42, nl=False) click.echo(b'a', nl=False) click.echo('\x1b[31mx\x1b[39m', nl=False) bytes = out.getvalue() assert bytes == b'\xe2\x98\x83\nDD\n42ax' # If we are in Python 2, we expect that writing bytes into a string io # does not do anything crazy. In Python 3 if sys.version_info[0] == 2: import StringIO sys.stdout = x = StringIO.StringIO() try: click.echo('\xf6') finally: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ assert x.getvalue() == '\xf6\n' # And in any case, if wrapped, we expect bytes to survive. @click.command() def cli(): click.echo(b'\xf6') result = runner.invoke(cli, []) assert result.output_bytes == b'\xf6\n' # Ensure we do not strip for bytes. with runner.isolation() as out: click.echo(bytearray(b'\x1b[31mx\x1b[39m'), nl=False) assert out.getvalue() == b'\x1b[31mx\x1b[39m' def test_styling(): examples = [ ('x', dict(fg='black'), '\x1b[30mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='red'), '\x1b[31mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='green'), '\x1b[32mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='yellow'), '\x1b[33mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='blue'), '\x1b[34mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='magenta'), '\x1b[35mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='cyan'), '\x1b[36mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(fg='white'), '\x1b[37mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='black'), '\x1b[40mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='red'), '\x1b[41mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='green'), '\x1b[42mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='yellow'), '\x1b[43mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='blue'), '\x1b[44mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='magenta'), '\x1b[45mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='cyan'), '\x1b[46mx\x1b[0m'), ('x', dict(bg='white'), '\x1b[47mx\x1b[0m'), ('foo bar', dict(blink=True), '\x1b[5mfoo bar\x1b[0m'), ('foo bar', dict(underline=True), '\x1b[4mfoo bar\x1b[0m'), ('foo bar', dict(bold=True), '\x1b[1mfoo bar\x1b[0m'), ('foo bar', dict(dim=True), '\x1b[2mfoo bar\x1b[0m'), ] for text, styles, ref in examples: assert, **styles) == ref assert click.unstyle(ref) == text def test_filename_formatting(): assert click.format_filename(b'foo.txt') == 'foo.txt' assert click.format_filename(b'/x/foo.txt') == '/x/foo.txt' assert click.format_filename(u'/x/foo.txt') == '/x/foo.txt' assert click.format_filename(u'/x/foo.txt', shorten=True) == 'foo.txt' assert click.format_filename(b'/x/foo\xff.txt', shorten=True) \ == u'foo\ufffd.txt' def test_prompts(runner): @click.command() def test(): if click.confirm('Foo'): click.echo('yes!') else: click.echo('no :(') result = runner.invoke(test, input='y\n') assert not result.exception assert result.output == 'Foo [y/N]: y\nyes!\n' result = runner.invoke(test, input='\n') assert not result.exception assert result.output == 'Foo [y/N]: \nno :(\n' result = runner.invoke(test, input='n\n') assert not result.exception assert result.output == 'Foo [y/N]: n\nno :(\n' @click.command() def test_no(): if click.confirm('Foo', default=True): click.echo('yes!') else: click.echo('no :(') result = runner.invoke(test_no, input='y\n') assert not result.exception assert result.output == 'Foo [Y/n]: y\nyes!\n' result = runner.invoke(test_no, input='\n') assert not result.exception assert result.output == 'Foo [Y/n]: \nyes!\n' result = runner.invoke(test_no, input='n\n') assert not result.exception assert result.output == 'Foo [Y/n]: n\nno :(\n' def test_echo_via_pager(monkeypatch, capfd): monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'PAGER', 'cat') monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, 'isatty', lambda x: True) click.echo_via_pager('haha') out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == 'haha\n' def test_open_file(runner): with runner.isolated_filesystem(): with open('hello.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('Cool stuff') @click.command() @click.argument('filename') def cli(filename): with click.open_file(filename) as f: click.echo( click.echo('meep') result = runner.invoke(cli, ['hello.txt']) assert result.exception is None assert result.output == 'Cool stuff\nmeep\n' result = runner.invoke(cli, ['-'], input='foobar') assert result.exception is None assert result.output == 'foobar\nmeep\n'